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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    Kay, loooovin' the blue~ <3
    Does this mean...
    *looks around at blog and sig and av*
    Do I have to get rid of all the green now?
  2. Nikira
    Under parental instruction, I cannot buy anything.
    Abosolutely nothing (that isn't essential) until January 1st.
    Considering that my 17th birthday (3 weeks from Wednesday yay ) and Christmas are between now and then, I can understand why.
    Ah well.
    Maybe after my b-day and Christmas, I'll have enough money to order something nice.
    Like a tablet. A tablet would be something nice. :3
  3. Nikira
    We finally got snow! Ohio finally got snow!

    ...Ok, so maybe only a centimeter stayed on the ground, and it melted by mid-afternoon... That's all Indiana's fault, by the way. They stole all the lovely snow last week, and we only got rain, and *grumblegrumble*
    But still! Ohio FINALLY got SNOW!
    Working on a Photo Studio thing. I must admit, background are much easier to make if you have a good photo-editing program, but I still wish I had a tablet. Drawing jungle vegetation with a mouse takes really, really long. >.<
    So...Yay for snow?
  4. Nikira
    WIP of Genis Sage (from Tales of Symphonia © Namco.)

    NOT an AC entry, mind you. This was a sketch done during my leisure time last week which I'm currently working on lineart for. It has nothing to do with Bionicle as far as I am concerned (or maybe it does, or he's some alternate-dimension version of Kopeke or something, but I wouldn't know anyways, hahahrm *cough*). I killed the perspective on every single limb, which makes me want to cry. D:
    But the game is chopped full of awesome. Took me 32 hours of gameplay and three months of my life to pass just the main storyline.
    So yes.
    ^That's^ what I'm up to. Besides frantically brainstorming for AC15.
  5. Nikira
    Does anyone else (besides me) think that Krika would look even more uberultraawesome if his four legs and his head glowed in the dark like Nocturn?
    *has set and is liking it*
    *is not liking its hard-to-draw-in-Niki-style factor, but will figure it out eventually* @_<
  6. Nikira
    Just finished the Death Star for my bro's Star Wars room (see yesterday's entry). I couldn't find the wall paint I was supposed to use, so I had to use acrylic... I've been working on it for about 2 and a half hours now, and I'm actually very content with what I've done so far. (I've gotten to make little tiny X-Wings and TIE fighters everywhere - it's so much fun. ^^)
    And now I've finally made myself some lunch. Turkey 'n Cheese Bagel with a big ol' cup of Caramel Chocomint coffee. It's yumtastic! =D
  7. Nikira
    Some little scout must have found something yummy in our kitchen, because we now have hundreds of ants swarming through all of our front windows both upstairs and downstairs.
    EEEEEW. >.<
    They're kinda cool to watch, though~ I can't really decide whether to be disgusted or just curious... XD
  8. Nikira
    Before you read this entry, if you weren't around the last time I did this trip and have no idea what in the world World Changers is, I suggest you read at least this first section of this blog entry, please and thank you.
    Well, hi again, all. Sorry I scared you, TMD. The South was so much fun.
    Georgia went very well. The drive last Friday/Saturday was really, really long and hot and humid, but it was awesome to look out the window when we drove through South Carolina and Georgia and see alligators in the rivers. =D
    Lots and lots o'kids showed up at World Changers this year - I think about 350 or so. The highschool we were at was pretty packed with people all week.
    So yeah, Brunswick was mainly a roof project city. This year wasn't as insanely exciting as last year - not as many people tried to die or stuff like that. We did have several people fall through their roofs because of rotting boards, one girl who passed out from partial dehydration, one girl who had a heat stroke and had to be brought to the hospital, and myself and a diabetic friend both had sugar crashes on the same exact day and were totally exhausted and stuff when we came home. Go figure.
    BTW, a sugar crash happens to mainly diabetics, hyperglycemics, or hypoglycemics, which occurs when said person's insulin eats up their blood sugar too fast - in this case, I had been given one of those nummy ice popsicles in the plastic sleeves, and stupid me, I forgot to eat some sort of protien with it, as protien would help keep me from crashing. Yeah... got dizzy up on the roof, started seeing weird colors, then my head hurt really, really bad...
    It was weird.
    Then I had to sit for five hours, cause my chief wouldn't let me get back on the roof, so I doodled Bionicle stuff with a Sharpie on a styrofoam lunch tray and my work jeans.
    *cough* ANYWAYS.
    The roofing itself was pretty hectic all week, cause it rained so much, so we always had to make sure our major-giganto tarps were nearby so we could cover the roof if it started to drizzle. Luckily, my crew was farther south than anybody else, so we only got rained on, like, once at our site.
    Georgia Heat + Georgia Humidity + 3 in the afternoon + on the roof = DEATH WITHOUT DYING. ARG. D8
    But hey, we got it done. We got all 26 houses done. And we got in the newspaper. It was amazingly awesome.
    And I made friends. New friends. You can't beat new friends.
    And I got cool Bionicle-Sharpied pants. Muahahahaha.
    And I drew stuff. (Duh.) Stuff = Mahri Sketches. And more that is in my art topic.
    If anyone from here in Ohio knows where to find those Toa, I'd really, really like to know. ;;
    SC = Carowinds = Awesome Blue Roller Coaster Whose Name Escapes Me. Yayz.
  9. Nikira
    1st project/3 projects completed.
    18 hours, 23 visible layers. Full-view for best quality.
    NOW I can work on that other thing, Smeag me boy gal (project #2). : D
    *also finally has an idea for AC15 after scrapping over 20 different sketches* (Project #3)

  10. Nikira
    I am in a penguin funk now, after watching that movie five times in a row.
    I don't care about the political confusing whadeewhats, either. Singing. Dancing. Catchy tunes. It's a good movie.
    And I also have the strangest urge to go learn to tap dance. Hum.
  11. Nikira
    VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 4 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Stable, but Groggy.
    Hi again. I'm still alive! 8D
    My friend didn't die, of course. All the kids were like, "OMG teacher, were you scared?" XD
    We had a minorly major incident today with a couple of the boys beating each other up. O_o We shall now keep them seperated. Or threaten to put them with the girls when they misbehave. Both work fairly well.
    So tonight's the big 'ol family night, where the kids bring their parents and show them all the rooms and what they've been doing and stuff like that. And we get hot dogs. Which is nice, consdiering that that rain over UK's house a couple days ago decided NOT to come over here, so yay. =D
    Oh and:
    Blood work got in today.
    I am now officially a hypoglycemic anemic. I get to take iron.

    My guy friend (the one that's not a boyfriend, cause we ain't dating) is gonna laugh at me, because he asked if I had anemia when I told him I was all tired and stuff. (He had severe anemia about a year ago - a blood count of 4 really does horrible things to a person.) My blood count isn't as low as his was, I'm sure. I don't really know what mine is, anyways, so I could be wrong.
    At least now I have something interesting to put on medical forms, for once in my life. XD
    I'll try to put up an entry tomorrow morning before I leave. I won't get a chance afterwards - I'm headed for Georgia right after VBS cleanup.
  12. Nikira
    'Allo all.
    I shall be leaving today for Brunswick, Georgia today, for a work project on assorted houses there. I shall be gone from today until very late on the 21st/very early on the 22nd.
    I will also have no Internet access whatsoever, so if something important comes up and I need to be PMed or something like that, please remember that I will not be able to respond until next Saturday, at the least.
    And don't be surprised if I start typing in a Southern accent and sound like Lady K when I come back. I tend to pick it up down South.
  13. Nikira
    Answered the phone. A lot. Followed a little non-English-speaking girl (about 3 or 4 years old), who was having a jolly good time taking butterfly stickers and flinging them into the air. My time was spent peeling these stickers off the floor, shelves, merchandise, etc. I never did find her parents. Got to remind a person that, no, we no longer carry the Bohrok sets. They were rather upset. Got to meet a Lego employee who stocks our shelves once a week. She was very nice. ^____^ Heard Bakugan pronounced at least ten different ways; nine of them wrong, four of them painful. Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of ZhuZhu. Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of Mindflex. Rejoiced in the fact that we are no longer out of HexBugs. Finally got to see a GloDome (once) before they were wiped off the shelves. Almost got run over by a herd of carts. o___o; Got very sad when she saw the price of the Glatorian Legends jump from $12.99 to $15.99. Got really weirded out to see all the Agori wiped off the shelf from the $4 sale this weekend. Rescued a Slinkie. Chased another 4-year-old girl who ran all the way across the store with a doll stroller. Finally found the Sea Monkeys. Finally found the ViewMasters. Finally found the ZeroGravity RC Car thing Finally found the ukeleles! Loved KFC for their proximity. Realized that she can find all these obscure things, but always forgets what aisles Barbie, Transformers, and Hot Wheels are on. Got really sick of people asking for Rose Petal stuff (we've been out for days). Somehow managed to carry (note: carry) a snowboard, three boxes, two rolls of wrapping paper and several assorted small items from one corner of the store to the other, in one trip, without dropping anything. Getting stopped four times on the way over didn't help, though. "NO WE DON'T SELL WEAPONRY TO CHILDREN" Loathed the DVD section. Wondered why people leave empty Starbucks cups all over the store. Wondered why people leave half-eaten fruit in the store. Really? Hid in a corner when the power went out for five seconds and all the registers konked out for fifteen minutes. Realized that she really wants to be a kid again, cause man a lot of these TRU toys are so freakin' cool. :,D -Nikira
  14. Nikira
    Emergency just came up.
    I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for Minnesota, first thing.
    I have no idea when I'll be back. Probably around next Tuesday or so. And i don't think I will have computer access at all during that time.
    SOOOO, in the meantime...
    Enjoy this messily-made LEGO cake.

    See you all next week.
  15. Nikira
    2 weeks (and one day) until my 18th.
    ...I'm too young to be an AFOL already! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN. D:
    *feels kinda old*
    I have a science exam on my b-day, so maybe that will dull out the sheer absurdness of it all. xD
  16. Nikira
    I just got to read the script that my homeschool group is doing for the fall. It's a hilarious parody of the tale of Noah's Ark, written by one of our directors over the spring term. Animal personification knows no comedic limits in this script. The peacocks are prissy and proper. The lion's allergic to himself. The racoons are spies. And the hippo hates the over-ecstatic penguin.
    It took them a while, but the directors also sent out the casting list.
    And guess what?
    I get to be the penguin. 8D
  17. Nikira
    VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 1 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Whole.
    Ah, VBS. That awesome time of insanity and excitement that drains all the adult and youth workers who participate in it.
    But hey, it went well for its first day. We have around 230 kids enrolled so far, with more coming tomorrow. To save time and frustration, we had to merge the Worship/Teach-the-songs-and-motions section with the Opening, and it worked fairly well, as the motions this year are much easier to remember.
    And Drama went well. *collapses with relief*
    I'm the bad guy-who-eventually-turns-into-a-good guy. And I got a T-Shirt with "Nikira" painted on the back.
    It's a secret. Shh. <<
    I teach 2nd-grade this year with two other gals. A great big class of 20+ and whoo-hoo, I only have one overly-annoying child to get after this year! =D
    But yeah... 4 hours of constant action and moving and what-not went pretty smoothly.
    Then I came home, collapsed onto my bed, and slept peacefully for 5 hours. Curse my iron levels. >> I actually didn't wake up until my cat jumped up onto my blankets and screamed into my ear. Not suprisingly, I had locked myself and my feline into my room, and my cat was extremely hungry. ;;
    So yeah, I got it worked out with my folks, so I'm going off to the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon to get some blood work done (I can't take an iron supplement without doctoral permission - an overdose on unnecessary iron could kill me.).
    I haven't had to have blood work done since I was 5. Yay for me.
  18. Nikira
    *just got her first English rough of the year critiqued by the class*
    Look look, the paper is in unity and flows and everyone understood it, but loooook at all the markings for Niki's awful grammar mistakes, incorrect subject-based contraction usage in formal writing (my fault, I'm lazy), usage of conjunctions to start sentences (again, I'm lazy ><) and incoherent placement of the thesis statement in the second-to-last paragraph rather than the first ("it ruined the whole narrative feel if I tried to do it like that, Professor, I swear!").
    Bah, I though I caught all my mistakes when I printed it up. =(
    Oh well.
    At least it's only the rough. Final draft is due on Thursday, and English Composition is my only class on Thursday so I have SO MUCH TIME to fix it. =D
    Not to mention I also got to pick other papers apart, something that I secretly have come to enjoy. I got stuck with a nice descriptive one and a really bland one that had a problem with misusage of commas, dangling modifiers and a total lack of semicolons in the proper places. Guess which one got more comments.
    Oh the joys of English class. Bwahaha.
    And yes, my intentionally misspelled blog title is burning my eye sockets out right now. MUST RESIST URGE TO FIX. D8<
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