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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    You might remember The Blade of Valor, a short story I wrote a while back testing out an idea about a world where humans and Bionicle characters co-existed. I’ll admit it didn’t get the response I was hoping for, but I just ended up liking the idea too much. So, now I’m working on turning it into a full-length fanfiction.
    However, while the Sword of Akamai and its bearer will be in the story (though all names are tentative), I will also be including a second protagonist to carry the Shield of Wairuha, so “The Blade of Valor” probably wouldn’t work as well as a title any more. For now, the working title for this story will be “The Kaita Legacy”.
    Bionicle characters in this world take the role of spirits, and the humans follow and look up to them as protectors. When a new threat arises to put the world in jeopardy, a priestess is given the power of three of the Great Spirits of the Elements and tasked with saving the world.
    Now, work schedule. I can’t really come up with a proper schedule, with school, work, and the other projects I want to work on, so I can’t guarantee when this story will be done. I’d like to finish it before posting it so that I can go over the whole thing and make edits, but I also like to have people look at my work as I go along. What I’m thinking is that I will post the chapters to Tumblr as I finish them, so whoever’s got an account over there can keep up with it. When I finish the story and make my edits, I will post the improved version here on BZP over the span of a few weeks.
    I don’t plan on it being a very long piece, though each chapter might seem rather lengthy on its own. Chapter 1 is currently about 14 pages long in Word, and I’m currently planning on eight chapters. I guess it’s like a special mini-series or something.
    The first chapter is on Tumblr now if you want to read it, but I won’t make a post here every time I finish a chapter. I’ll try to finish this in the near-ish future, which should get easier as the ball gets rolling, though with all the distractions I’d say expect the BZP version sometime in 2015 (hopefully early 2015). For now, I’ll leave you with this tiny snippet to try to draw you in!


    The creatures had reached the entryway. A few stepped into the temple while a few remained in the tunnel, and then they abruptly came to a halt. After a few seconds of eerie silence, they all spoke…all in unison.
    “We are Rahkshi.”
    Dozens of coarse voices spoke the same words, all with the same timing, the same inflection. The experience was too unsettling for Tahra to put into words.
    “We claim this temple in the name of Nothingness. Tahu shall fall. Fire shall be gone from this world, but that shall be only the beginning. All will end. All will become Nothing. Those who stand in our way will be the first to embrace Nothing.”
    “Nothing,” Vakahu said under his breath. “Do they mean to destroy us?”
    “…No,” Tahra said. She took a step forward. “This is not Destruction. Destruction is a part of balance, but these creatures seek to do away with balance. They do not come in the name of Makuta. They come in the name of Nothing.”
    She held the sword out and looked at it once more. “My name is Tahra. I am a Priestess of Tahu…and it is my Duty to protect this temple!”
    Gripping the hilt with both hands, she pointed the sword upward and thrust. Mustering all her strength, she screamed, “Spirits of Valor, I Will You to Blaze!”
    At her words, a golden aura burst out from the blade, forming a dome around Tahra. Plates of metal appeared out of thin air along the edge of the aura, orbiting around her for a moment, and then, one by one, they all flew onto her body. Gold armor placed itself on her forearms, chest, knees, and the front of her feet, while her heels, legs, and torso became adorned by red armor. Last was a curved plate made to resemble Tahu’s mask, which attached firmly to Tahra’s left shoulder. Power unimaginable rushed into her, but she paused, took a deep breath, and steadied herself.
    The aura faded away and Tahra looked at the Rahkshi. They showed no reaction whatsoever.
    “We come in the name of Nothing,” the Rahkshi repeated, still speaking all in unison. “If you stand in our way, you shall be the first to embrace Nothing.”
    “You have defiled this temple!” Tahra said. “That alone is unforgivable, and I expect your sins go well beyond even that! The Great Spirits have granted me their Power…so, in their stead, I will condemn your blasphemy myself!”
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wow look how simple and not at all complicated this policy actually is
    Hey Admins you have my permission to use this handy flowchart if you're sick of reposting the same reminder over and over and over again
    Ah who am I kidding you're still going to have to keep posting it
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    The Kingdom Hearts II manga reached the point where Kairi gets her Keyblade.
    She then proceeds to power dive from the balcony in the Hall of Empty Melodies down to the platform Sora is on, and, upon landing, unleashes a radial light shockwave that one-shots a horde of Heartless.
    Square Enix, you need to get Shiro Amano on the writing staff for KHIII, Amano Kairi is best Kairi.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    The entire point of all this multimedia storytelling is to sell toys to 8 year olds.
    As I understand it, not many 8 year olds want to research something that started before they were born and ended when they were 3 in order to enjoy their brand new toy.
    More toys will be sold if Lego takes the old continuity and gives it the reboot.
    (And let’s hope they use a healthy dose of reboot polish to give it that extra shine.)
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Mega Man Star Force, or a sequel series
    -The World Ends With You
    -Interesting episodes/chapters of Bleach
    -Danny Phantom
    -Older Pokemon in the form of more Mega Evolutions. We do not have enough.
    -Final Fantasy V, preferably in remake form
    -Simplicity in life, no responsibilities, free time to actually play with Bionicle, and the like
    If I don't get all these things then I will be very disappointed I mean if we're opening the portal to the past we need to make the most of it.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    There's a demo of the game at TGS! I won't go into everything, but it looks like we will be using (at least initially) a party of four new characters (including Magnolia). Not sure what this means for Tiz, but this could be a good thing.
    Also, confirmed that Swordmaster will return! They also revealed a Bravely Second new Job: Wizard, which allows characters to mix and match elements and attack types to create a variety of special spells.
    So, our list of currently confirmed Jobs is:
    -Red Mage
    -Time Mage
    Jobs new to Bravely Second in bold, newly revealed Jobs italicized. Thinking I'll continue to update this list as we go forward.
    And presumably, White Mage and Black Mage, but you know, no technical confirmation so I won't put them on the list yet.
    It looks like we will be getting a steady stream of news. This pleases me.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    MEGA GALLADE HAS A CAPE IT'S SO MAJESTIC! Though, the green helmet looks sort of out of place now, methinks. But bigger badder armblades with flames of esper power streaming out is totally awesome.
    Mega Sharpedo. Now none of our battleships are safe. This isn't a Pokemon I've trained or really wanted to train, so not much to say.
    My views on Mega Camerupt are similar, it--wait...is that the Team Magma emblem on its face?! That's...wow. Aside from this, it appears to be a very angry footstool. Though maybe it's supposed to look more like a volcanic island. *shrug*
    Primal Mascots have named abilities now: Sea of Beginnings and Land of Endings. Guess who has which. We've been told they'll activate "Strong Rain" and "Strong Sunlight" (I thought it was already called that?), which have not been defined, but are probably just the same thing that Rain and Sunlight were before Gen VI.
    Also, it was confirmed a short time ago that the moves the Primals are using in trailers are actually new moves, so yay, signature moves for more legendaries! We don't have a name for Primal Kyogre's move yet, but the translation given for Primal Groudon's move is "Cliff's Blade". Sounds pretty cool.
    Two months left, eh? They'll probably reveal new stuff via CoroCoro right up to the release.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    In the end, going with "Mahou Shoujo Mega Man" would have messed up my current naming pattern, so I went with a different Star Force-inspired name instead.
    I love Mega Man Star Force. I love it so much.
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    The other day I saw a surprisingly, well…surprised reaction to seeing Megaman Star Force classified in the genre of “Magical Boy.” (I mean we all know the official name of the genre is “Magical Girl” but that’s not the point.)
    Granted I missed it during my childhood as well, but looking back, Geo Stelar is without a doubt the mahou shoujo Mega Man, I mean look at the facts:
    -Young main character meets a non-human entity who gives them the power to transform (with a transformation sequence every single time)
    -Follows a Monster of the Week format like 80% of the time
    -True power comes from The Power of Friendship
    Was I listing aspects of the mahou shoujo genre or Mega Man Star Force? Trick question because they’re the same!!
    And now that I’m finally watching Sailor Moon, I kind of want to write a crossover fanfic where Usagi and Geo team up or something and I feel like someone should stop me but it would work
    Mahou Shoujo Mega Man dang now I feel like that would make a good screen name
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    I'm probably getting booed off stage for that title huh
    Bravely Second is releasing in Japan this winter! I haven’t really said anything about the information we’ve gotten thus far, so this seems like a good time to catch up. Oh, yeah, this probably will have Bravely Default spoilers.
    World! So we’ll be back in Luxendarc, but there will be new areas. Sounds good—should provide a nice blend between familiar and new. It’ll be interesting to see how all the countries have progressed. Ancheim did have its king killed, so I’m wondering if they got a new one, or if they reworked their government, or…what. I’m also hoping that all that lava around Hartschild got cleared out so that we’ll be able to walk into the Fire Temple without trekking through mines and secret tunnels every single time. As for new areas, since Magnolia is apparently from the moon, I should hope we get to visit and see rabbits everywhere, though I guess we’ll have to wait to hear about that.
    Characters! Well, we don’t really know a whole lot about Magnolia yet, so I don’t know if I can really form an opinion. She seems like she’ll be an interesting character, though. Speaking of which, if we’re bringing Tiz back, I seriously hope he gets some more development. I can kind of understand why he’s presented in such a generic fashion after making sense of the ending, but it’s still sort of disappointing. (Course, since Bravely Default has the same writer as Steins;Gate I’m probably comparing him to Kyouma and that’s not even fair.) Agnes! Agnes is the pope! Pope Agnes, everybody! She’s reformed the Orthodoxy and led the world and…got…captured…? What? What about the 24 Jobs she mastered and used to defeat the ultimate evil and save every world? With that much power, shouldn’t she be able to beat up anyone who tries to capture her?? This makes me nervous about what else this new writer might put in, but eh, we’ll see…hopefully she’ll join the party again and kick some more butt. They’re the only ones who are confirmed, I guess; I really hope we get to see Edea again, and that she’s in charge of Eternia and is even more awesome and everything. As for Ringabel…well, I’m curious to know what exactly happens to him, since the ending didn’t make it clear, but unless he gets those annoying traits under control I don’t exactly want him to be major. Party of Magnolia, Agnes, Edea, and (more interesting) Tiz, please!
    Jobs! We’ve been told the game will have both new and returning Jobs, and we’ve seen some of Magnolia’s outfits. What have we got confirmed…Red Mage, Time Mage, Performer, and Valkyrie. If Red Mage is here, I can only imagine that White and Black Mage will come back as well, and obviously Freelancer will be here. I believe somebody counted the number of dots on the Job Select screen in the trailer and said we’ll have 30 Jobs? Assuming all of the old Jobs are returning (which they might not), that means we’ll be getting at least 6 new Jobs! Maybe more, if some of the old Jobs are removed. I got sort of attached to most if not all of the old Jobs, so I sort of want to see them all back. Probably too soon to start guessing new Jobs, but I did see Magnolia using guns in one of the trailers, and apparently Gunner is a Job in the (Japan-exclusive) Bravely Default social game…hmhmhmhm. Turns out that social game also has Mystic and Sage (and Warrior, but that’s too basic to really pay attention to IMO); I don’t really know what to say about Mystic, but if Sage is the same as it is in most Final Fantasy titles, I definitely want that in Bravely Second. It could very easily be used as a Red Mage-augmenting Job, similar to how Spiritmaster and Arcanist work for White Mage and Black Mage. Then again…that means we’ll have to fight a Sage…oh. Which reminds me, I think it was said that the Asterisk holders would be returning? But…most of them died? So unless there’s some new kind of time-wimey nonsense or we’re pulling characters from other worlds, they probably mean we’ll be getting new Asterisk holders, just that the idea of fighting the holders to get Jobs will be returning, right? Because there are several of those original Asterisk holders who I was very glad to kill off. I mean, some were cool, yeah, but some of those fiends need to just stay dead. Oh, and Summons! Will the old Summons return? If so, will they have different animations/effects? Will there be new Summons?! I really like the style of Bravely Default’s Summons, so I’d like to see them make some new cool ones too.
    I wonder if we’ll get something similar to Rebuilding Norende? Or if Airy’s sister will be explained? Or if Bravely Second (the gameplay mechanic, that is) will be better explained/more related to the plot since this game is named after it? There’s a lot we won’t know until it’s released, I guess. Must resist spoilers and await the NA release…!! Maybe late 2015? Dang, it’s not even September and the Games to Buy in 2015 (and Beyond) list is already starting. (Well, if “Beyond” is included, then I guess that already started last summer…)
    Well, here’s hoping it’s good. While dropping Bravely from my Series to Buy list would certainly free up some more cash, it’d be very sad after how much I enjoyed Bravely Default…
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wait…have I really been here ten years?
    I was hoping to do some sort of special story thing for my 10th, but I couldn’t get a decent idea together. Ah well.
    Hm, what have I accomplished in these ten years…? Well, I’m not an especially prominent member. I can’t say that I’ve participated in any momentous events, and both my proto and post count are less than what you’d probably expect from a ten-year member. Doesn’t seem like I’ve done a whole lot.
    But, my member title is “Bionicle Writer of the Month.”
    I know it’s seriously not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but the simple fact that one of my stories (heck, more than one!) was considered good enough to win a contest and be featured on the front page just…feels like a wonderful accomplishment. It implies that my writing has improved over these ten years, and that alone makes the whole stay worth it, I think.
    So thanks for putting up with me for a whole decade, BZP! I hope we can continue to coexist.
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was going to go with "ORAS ORAS ORAS" for the title, but it seemed too general and I haven't actually watched that anime so anyway
    Mega Slowbro is the Magic Conch. Rather than it obeying your commands in battle, you must obey whatever it says. All hail the Magic Conch!
    Mega Audino...for some reason, I get the feeling it wants to make a contract with me...
    What surprises me is that several of the most recent reveals are for Pokemon who were not introduced in Generation III. I guess I just sort of assumed that all new Mega Evolutions would be for Gen III Pokemon since these are Gen III remakes, and that assumption went unchallenged for some time--barring Mega Diancie, but since she's the newest Mythical Pokemon I figured that was a logical exception. Seems I was wrong! Well, that's not a bad thing, more Mega Evolutions is good news!
    I don't really have much to say on Mega Lopunny, other than "Wow, a new Gen IV Mega Evolution, now there are 4 of them! And we're all going to die because 4 is death!" and "But...why Lopunny??" Mega Slowbro raises the possibility of Mega Slowking, but then again, Mega Gardevoir is in a similar situation in regards to Mega Gallade, and nothing has come of that yet either. Very surprised to see Mega Audino, not so much because I don't see a whole lot of love for that particular Pokemon (although...), but because this is the first Gen V Mega Evolution. Since Forme Changes were in full swing in Gen V, I wasn't expecting to see any Gen V Mega Evolutions, at least not during Gen VI. This opens up a lot of possibility--Gen V is now open for Mega Evolving, which means we could see awesome transformations for Pokemon like Gigalith and Chandelure and Golurk. It's very exciting.
    So...three more months. What a coincidence.
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    As should be evident, this blog post will contain MASSIVE spoilers. Seriously, if you keep reading you’ll spoil a super important and surprising thing that happens in a video game, so do so at your own risk.
    At first this was going to be a post opening discussion about what games people felt had effective player character deaths, but then I decided to stop playing around and just openly gush about Final Fantasy V. Well, one aspect of it, at least. The title probably tipped you off, but around the middle (or maybe a little later) of the game, one of the four playable characters you’ve had up to that point actually dies as part of the story. And it’s actually pretty great.
    So basically, go play Final Fantasy V. It’s on smartphones now so you really don’t have an excuse.
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    My first thought was to use “densha” instead of train but that would just be showing off
    I can never recall all the anime I’ve seen at once, but I suppose I could at least make a post about what anime and manga I’m following at the moment. I feel like I haven’t been using my blog as much lately, so this will liven things up.
    -Naruto: Yes, I know, shut up. I’m following it more out of a sense of obligation than anything else—it was one of the first series I got into when I started to really dive into anime and it…might…be over soon, so I’d like to see it through to the end. I’m a bit torn on its current state: while a lot of what’s happening is kinda cool, I wonder if it’s a bit too cliché. Then again, I think everything’s a cliché. The word cliché is cliché. The world is cliché. …I digress.
    -Bleach: Again, obligation. Much more so than Naruto, even. Bleach was actually my absolute favorite anime through the end of the Soul Society arc, after which my interest continued to slip until the point where we got over 20 chapters with the exact same title, at which point I flipped a table and only kept reading to fulfill my contract. The ending of that arc and the arc afterward were alright, though I did have some complaints, but this new arc (explicitly said to be the FINAL arc) is…well, I don’t think terrible is the right word, just…the villains don’t interest me that much (though it feels like the concept could have), and the template for abilities for their species (established in the very first arc) has been completely and totally thrown out the window to make them little more than Arrancar clones. I’m going to cut myself off there—I could easily rant for an entire entry about Bleach. Lost love and all that.
    -Attack on Titan: Yeah, I know, took me a while. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t see the appeal of this series and mostly ignored it. Well…as best I could. When it was announced that the dub would be airing on Toonami (and in a reasonable timeslot, to boot), I figured I would check it out. I will say this: now that it has my interest, it’s certainly keeping it. My opinions of it haven’t entirely formed and probably will repeat what’s been said in a billion other places on the internet (it’s really, really popular), so I’ll just leave it at that.
    -I do watch a few other things on Toonami—I try to at least stay conscious through One Piece, since I’ve been trying for years to get into that. Between AoT and One Piece there’s a few others: Naruto (meh), Bleach (I think Bleach is something that’s really better when it’s watched rather than read…too bad the anime ended before the final arc lol), and…Space Dandy. Space Dandy is weird, just weird, man. I honestly don’t know how to feel about it, but it does make me laugh.
    -Sword Art Online II: Watching the subs as it airs in Japan. I never have understood why this series is as popular as it is either, even after watching the first season. But I think I’m starting to understand. My working theory is: rather than coming for great execution of the (admittedly interesting) plot concepts or well-made characters, you come to see things that look cool. And considering that the opening alone for this season gives us bishounen Kirito running around a desert wasteland deflecting bullets with a lightsaber, well…it looks like it’s probably going to deliver on that. Though even in that department, I would still much rather prefer a second season of Accel World. No word on that yet.
    -Sailor Moon: Freaking finally. I know, I know, if I call myself an anime fan I really should have watched a series with this much cultural impact a lot sooner. In my defense, I have terrible motivation problems and 200 episodes is intimidating. Neon Alley is putting up two episodes a week and I can watch them there for free, and this pace makes it easier to keep up with while minimizing the feeling of “man I’m SO far behind!!” Anyway. It took me a while to get into the swing of it, but I’m really enjoying it now. The characters and how they interact with each other really sell it, the miscellaneous powers make for interesting fights, and the plot is really beginning to thicken, so I’m excited to see what happens next. Granted, I’ve seen spoilers. This is Sailor Moon we’re talking about. But still, it’s a fun watch; I’m tempted to just marathon the series elsewhere, but considering how far I still have to go, I’ll probably just be patient and keep up with Neon Alley’s pace.
    -Sailor Moon Crystal: It just started airing, and it’s obviously a reason why I’m starting to watch the original as well. I think I’m still getting used to it, but I felt the same way about the original at this point in the plot, so I’m not worried.
    -I know it’s not anime, but I’m going to mention it anyway. Legend of Korra Book 3: Change! I think I’ve successfully dumped all my negativity from Book 2 in favor of positivity, so I’m really enjoying the series again. I’m glad we’re learning more about the villains, but the remaining unanswered questions still leave a nice hook, and the Red Lotus make for pretty darn good antagonists (not sure you can really use the term “villains” now that we know more about their motives). As for Nickelodeon completely giving up on it, well…the positive spin my sister put on this was that now, we can just say “Nickelodeon is terrible” without putting on an asterisk to make note of Korra being the exception! A little concerned about how this may affect Book 4, but it’s probably nothing to worry about, and I am getting ahead of myself. Though while I’m at it, I do hope that Books 3 and 4 will be more connected, or that Book 4 will connect back to any (or all) of the previous Books a little more. I can sort of understand each Book being a separate story, but I kind of miss the feel of all the Books being tied together in one big plot like in Avatar.
    That’s about it for now, and with school about to start back up and more video games being released I probably won’t be picking up a new series anytime soon. But! My local theater is showing Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods tonight, so we’re going to try to see that. We’re a little confused right now, there may have been some mix-up with our tickets…hopefully that’ll work out. If not, I’ll probably make a whiny status update or something. Or maybe I’ll get so ticked that I’ll turn into a Super Saiyan!
    …No, wait, my power level isn’t high enough. Darn.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    I use the term "epic" loosely.
    I don't know if anyone remembers, but a while back I found an old Bionicle lore booklet and posted some of the interesting stuff that had been dropped from the canon. One such point was a mention of a mask missing from the Ga-Suva. I got really invested in this idea, so, after some tweaking, I wrote a brief story about it.
    A Mind in Darkness follows Vhisola and Macku on their quest to reclaim Turaga Nokama's Kanohi Matatu. It will have four parts, and since I'm impatient in honor of BZP's anniversary, I'll post a new one every day until we're done! So, by Thursday it'll be complete. I'd be honored if you read it!
    Also, I'm working on another project, but I don't want to say much about it just yet. Expect to see it in the Short Stories forum either late this week or next week. I'll make another blog post about it, so check back here if you want to see what it is.
    And, of course, Happy Birthday BZPower!
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