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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    The halls leading into the Pokémon League are beautiful…but also frightening. It was almost as if Omega and his team were descending into the underworld in their quest to show their true power. After the last of the Elite Four, Drake, king of Dragons, was defeated, one final hallway opened and led to a doorway emanating heavenly light, beyond which waited…Steven?
    Omega was a bit surprised to discover that Steven was the Champion. Looking back, however, it did explain a lot. Now meeting as equals, Omega and Steven sent their Pokémon into battle, willing to give their all. Steven’s Pokémon were much stronger than those of the Elite Four, making the fight incredibly grueling. However, Omega and his Pokémon fought on, knocking out Steven’s team one at a time, somehow avoiding any casualties of their own. Metagross made sure to enter the fight, showing Steven how far they had come with Omega. In the end, Steven sent out his own Mega Metagross, and Omega sent Primal Groudon to meet it head-on. The opponent attacked with its full force, but at the moment of truth, Groudon unleashed one decisive Precipice Blade…and Steven’s final Pokémon was defeated.
    With much excitement, Omega and his team were led into the Hall of Fame and officially named Champions of the Hoenn Region. They headed back to Littleroot Town with May, fighting her again at her request. Upon defeating her, they parted ways, and Omega went home for some well-deserved rest.
    Our heroes have reached their goals. The world is safe, and they have proven their might. Something ominous looms on the horizon, but for now, let us leave them to their peaceful sleep…
    TEAM PROFILE: Omega the Human
    TITLES: The Player Character, Wielder of Mega Evolution, Tamer of Groudon, Master of Gyms, Champion of the Hoenn Region
    A boy from Litteroot Town who went on to save the world. Omega has found a firm sense of self in his travels and trials with his Pokémon, and now knows exactly who he is. He loves Pokémon, loves battling, and will always do whatever he can, whatever is right, whatever his Pokémon will follow him into. Luckily, his Pokémon trust him as much as he trusts them, so they will continue to inspire each other to greater and greater heights. The sky is the limit…and they will surpass even that!
    TEAM PROFILE: Gadunka the Mega Swampert
    TITLES: The Starter, The Meme, Gym Slayer, The Kaiju, Braver of the Core, Elite Slayer, Champion Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    Omega’s very first Pokémon, she has been right by his side through thick and thin. Her Mega Evolution might put a focus on raw power, but Gadunka is actually very intelligent and sociable, able to make friends with anyone and find just the right way to take down her enemies. She is a truly fearless Pokémon…though, after that business in Hoenn’s Core, she does have a slight aversion to hot climates.
    TEAM PROFILE: Mega Metagross
    TITLES: The Shiny Psuedo-Legend, The Other Starter, Chief Recruiting Officer, Gym Slayer, The Superweapon, Elite Slayer, The Champion’s Gift, Champion Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    An extremely rare Pokémon Steven gave to Omega. Metagross may have been a bit wary at first, but they quickly warmed up to the Trainer and his team and now think of them as younger siblings. Metagross is always watching over their friends, and always ready to recruit new friends, helping ease their worries by telling of their own history with Omega. They still have the utmost respect for Steven, but in Metagross’s mind, it is clear that Omega is their trainer.
    TEAM PROFILE: Falzar the Shiftry
    TITLES: The Dreamer, Gym Slayer, The Tengu, Elite Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    A Pokémon with a bashful nature that hides fierce determination and near limitless energy. Since becoming a Shiftry, Falzar seems to have embraced her Dark type a little more, and has been playing tricks and holding grudges more lately. However, her passion is still friendly sparring matches with the other members of her team, learning how they fight so that she can know how to compliment them should they enter battle together. Falzar has calmed down a bit and sits back a bit more, but she is always ready to jump in at a moment’s notice.
    TEAM PROFILE: Armstrong the Hariyama
    TITLE: The Muscle, Gym Slayer, Wall Armstrong, Elite Slayer, Champion Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    An enthusiastic Pokémon whose fighting technique has been passed down his family for GENERATIONS…maybe. Armstrong charges on relentlessly, shrugging off even the worst of hits to deliver crushing blows to his enemies. He is willing to lead the way for his team, because he knows that they will always be watching his back.
    TEAM PROFILE: Cygnus the Mega Altaria
    TITLE: The Successor of Icarus, Gym Slayer, The Shining Star Cloud, Elite Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    A Pokémon who loves to dance even more than she loves to fight. She’ll occasionally join in sparring matches with the team, but she prefers to give them dance lessons, and has become a very important calming voice amongst the team. She always has a way to soothe the other’s fears, and always encourages them to embrace their creativity without fear.
    TEAM PROFILE: Primal Groudon
    TITLE: The Legend, The Kaiju, Gym Slayer, Elite Slayer, Avatar of the Land, Champion Slayer, Hall of Fame Member
    A super-ancient Pokémon imbued with the power of the land. Through intensive training in Victory Road, Groudon has learned to control their Primal Regression with the help of Omega and the team. They may not have been a member of the team for very long, but they have quickly formed a strong bond of trust with the trainer and Pokémon who were willing to forgive their berserk actions. Groudon will not hesitate to use every last ounce of its legendary power to help its friends.
    TEAM PROFILE: Icarus the Swellow
    TITLE: The Doomed, The Retired
    A Tailow who encountered Omega early in his journey. He was with the team for a short time, during which he more than proved his worth, but still ended up retiring to give Cygnus his spot on the active team. Icarus has taken to keeping the PC in order, watching over the other boxed Pokémon like they were his own family. When he meets with his previous comrades, it’s like no time has passed—they remain great friends, and his efforts have never been forgotten.
    TEAM PROFILE: Latios
    TITLES: The Legend, The Supersonic
    A Legendary Pokémon who joined with Omega but didn’t fight in that many battles. He tended to stay back and watch the team’s efforts, though was essential in Diving into the Seafloor Cavern and Sootopolis City. These days, he pokes around in the PC and flies Omega around the region whenever he hears the Eon Flute, and just generally finds ways to enjoy himself.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    This obviously contains huge spoilers, since it covers the part of the game that wasn’t in the original Ruby and Sapphire. You have been warned.
    These updates might start getting more sparse now. However, once I get my Secret Base looking presentable, I'll post the QR code so you can all visit.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've spent a lot of time playing since my last update, but it was mainly just a bunch of miscellaneous smallish things. Really I was trying to hold off making another entry until I had caught that Pokemon, but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon so I'm moving on.
    At this point, Omega and his team have beaten the Pokemon League seven times. The first few rematches were to get the rest of the starters (Snivy and Turtwig), and after that I just wanted experience and money. Ultra Balls ain't cheap when you need to buy them in bulk. Cygnus, my Mega Altaria, is well beyond the rest of the team--she reached Level 100 a while ago, while most everyone else is around the high eighties. Mega Metagross is 95 since they've been the one catching all the Legendaries (and anything else), and man are they great at that! For this, I grant Cygnus the title of "Early Bird", and Mega Metagross the title of "Subduer of Legends". I also made it so that each Pokemon on my team has knocked out at least one of Steven's Pokemon, getting them all the Champion Slayer title.
    I tried out the Battle Resort, but I don't really have the patience to do everything to get to Wally's rematch. I've also done some Mega Stone hunting so that, between Omega Ruby, X, and Y, I have at least one copy of every single Mega Stone! I might not use all of them, but I want to have the option. I love Mega Evolution. A lot.
    Right, the legendaries! Well, as of now I have caught every legendary Pokemon available in Omega Ruby except for Cresselia. I even bought another year of Pokemon Bank so that I could bring some necessary Pokemon over to catch the trio masters. As I said, Mega Metagross handled all of these, barring Giratina who is immune to Hold Back. Originally I wasn't even going to try catching Giratina, but then I decided to just go for it, and the team of Gadunka, Falzar, and Armstrong was able to weaken and stall until I could catch the ghostly dragon! They have all been given the title "Braver of Distortion" for this achievement. I was also lucky enough to get the Eon Ticket, thank God, so if you visit the desolate cornfield known as Ohio keep your StreetPass on.
    I've been soaring around trying to get Crescent Isle, but it hasn't appeared yet. Still, I've been able to catch a lot of Pokemon on the Mirage Spots that have appeared, and I've finally caught all the Pokemon who appear as flocks of birds while soaring (took FOREVER to get Murkrow, I was beginning to think it was Alpha Sapphire exclusive). So now I'm just checking in each day, running my lotto numbers, investigating whatever Mirage Spot shows up, and just enjoying my bird's eye view of Hoenn. I've been considering trying to catch Spiritomb since you can easily trigger its appearance in a legendary-like fashion, but I've already trained one, and Hold Back won't work, so...I dunno. Maybe if I get lucky in the lotto and get a Master Ball.
    I wanted to do profiles for the other starters and the legendaries I've caught, but...that's a lot. Eh, it doesn't really matter at this point. Omega Ruby is so much fun though you should definitely buy it if you're on the fence.
    NEW TITLE ACQUISITIONS: For Omega, “Seven-Time Champion of the Hoenn Region”; For Metagross, “Subduer of Legends”; For Falzar, “Braver of Distortion”, “Champion Slayer”; For Gadunka, “Braver of Distortion”; For Armstrong, “Braver of Distortion”; For Cygnus, “The Early Bird”, “Champion Slayer”
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    "Yeah, I wasn't really impressed with the last episode of Samurai Jack--I was really hoping they'd take that relationship in a different direction. But, still, it's not like I'm going to just stop watching the show, that would be overreacting."
    *Dragon Ball Super rumors that Buu will be kicked from the Universe 7 team in favor of Frieza fly across the screen*
    "I'm going to lie down, wake me when this blasted arc is over."
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    So I’m weak and had some extra money and I bought Alpha Sapphire. I don’t plan on updating as much as a did when I played Omega Ruby, but I do want to try to develop some characters and mythology and such. Since I’ve done a lot of transferring via Poke Bank this time around, I’ve decided that Poke Bank is the Void that connects worlds from Final Fantasy, which is why the player characters are named after legendary creatures of the Void (Omega and Shinryu). I have some other ideas, but I don’t know that any of them really fit, so I’m just going to see what comes up naturally. I already discovered my starter is a vampire, so that’s cool, and feels fitting after the unfortunate events unfolding in Twitch Plays Pokémon. Anyway, current profiles!
    TEAM PROFILE: Shinryu the Human
    TITLES: The Player Character, Bearer of the Stone Badge, Bearer of the Knuckle Badge, Bearer of the Dynamo Badge
    Named after an otherworldly dragon, the counterpart to a superweapon named Omega. Shinryu is a True Neutral, and really doesn’t care about other people or the world around him. He only does things that benefit him. In his boredom, he decided to take up the Pokémon League Challenge. His relationship with his Pokémon is…developing. They tend to keep him on his toes, and he does seem to care about them, he’s just not particularly affectionate.
    TEAM PROFILE: Garland the Grovyle
    TITLES: The Starter, Count Garland, Gym Slayer
    A sassy vampire lizard plant who is somewhat of a clown. Garland was Shinryu’s starter, and is constantly poking fun at him and anyone else, sarcastic bordering on malicious. He is best known for healing himself with the energy of his opponents, first through Absorb and now through Mega Drain, revealing his true nature as a vampire. He only feeds on his opponents, though. Actually, it’s questionable if he really needs to feed, he might just do it for fun…
    TEAM PROFILE: Lily the Lombre
    TITLES: The Doomed, The Bystander, The Strategist
    Shinryu caught a Lotad because he knew he was going to need a Surfer before catching Kyogre, and doesn’t use her in battle. At all. With her impish nature, she gets flustered by this and argues with him and the rest of the team constantly. She is thoroughly cunning, and has offered some advice to the others in times of need, showing that she still feels like part of the team.
    TEAM PROFILE: Bladebird the Skarmory
    TITLES: The Jetsword
    A Skarmory just as sassy as Garland. The two get along famously. She likes to run…despite the fact that she has wings, which Shinryu finds quite odd. Currently the slowest leveler of the team, so she is frequently sent out first in random encounters.
    TEAM PROFILE: Hyouhana the Froslass
    TITLES: The Blizzard Angel, The Youkai
    Hyouhana tragically died as an infant Snorunt, but what her body lacked in strength was made up by her perseverance of spirit, allowing her to live on as a Froslass. This has given her a great respect for all life, leading to her being very careful. She tends to hang back most often but can always jump in with precision in any situation. Sometimes she disappears, and, unbeknownst to her teammates, seeks out travelers lost in blizzards—but rather than leading them to their death as legends state, she actually leads them to warmth and safety, causing her to be revered in cold regions as a guardian.
    TEAM PROFILE: Usagi the Lunatone
    TITLES: Gym Slayer, Champion of Love and Justice, The Lunar Guardian
    Though Usagi likes to fight, they are actually quite careful most of the time. They do, however, have a habit of delivering long introductions and dramatic attack names, much to Shinryu’s frustration. Garland and Bladebird will occasionally poke fun, but aside from a few incidents it’s all in good fun.
    TEAM PROFILE: Trapinch
    TITLES: The Bulldozer, Gym Slayer
    A lax Pokémon capable of taking hits. Due to her laid-back nature, she is the one Shinryu is most comfortable around, since he doesn’t need to invest any extra effort in keeping up with her. She has a background in construction and has a habit of bulldozing her opponents. She’s already developed a rather fearsome reputation, actually…
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    I wanted to do at least a few more short things fleshing out certain ideas relevant to the Olkir project, and one of the first things that came to mind was Kardata. Since the martial arts style is basically the Fire Tribe’s sole claim to fame, it’s going to turn up a lot even if it isn’t strictly plot relevant, so I definitely should hammer out basics before I get much deeper. I was originally going to post it here in this blog, but then I thought putting it in short stories and then continuing to advertise here would help give Olkir some more exposure, so…
    The Principles of Flame can be read over in short stories! It’s roughly 1000 words long, and shows a Kardata Master explaining some of the basics to a new group of students, plus gives an idea of Kardata uniforms and ranks. (Still figuring out how exactly to word the description of the robe to get the image I have in my head, so the one presented here might seem a bit vague.)
    I have another idea in mind too. I’ve got a concept I think you’ll find very interesting, involving masks, some 06 characters, and an excuse to show more elemental weapons in use. Stay tuned!
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    Christina is mad about Steins;Gate 0 taking place in a worldline where she is dead, so she went to the Sinnoh region and used a growth serum to make a Giga Turtwig.

    She is now training it. When it evolves into a kaiju-sized Torterra, then she’ll make them pay.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don't care, I'm leaving that title just the way it is.
    It turns out that yes, you actually can get Secret Report 21 by defeating Panthera Cantus on Easy rather than needing to do it on Hard! If I had known that, I might have been able to get it in the DS version a while ago...I'll probably take a shot at that soon.
    But yeah, I got all 22 reports in TWEWY Solo Remix, watched the secret ending, and got to see Hype-chan! It's so much cooler when you earn it yourself!
    Not that that will stop me from watching future secret videos and whatnot before I actually earn them, I'm really not that talented so this is a rare occurrence.
    The scenes before and after the Panthera Cantus battle, as well as the secret ending, make me wonder what it is they had/have in store. I never noticed it before, but it does seem like these might be hinting at something...
    Well, if they decided to rerelease Solo Remix on Android nearly two years after the iOS version, maybe they could be getting us ready for a big announcement. Or...maybe not. TWEWY definitely has the ability to stand alone as its own game, but you don't add secret artwork with a brand new character and "NEW 7 DAYS" to a port unless you've got some sort of idea in the works, right...?
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    About five months after the first one ended, I’m finally ready to start Shooting Star Sonia 2: Tribe!
    This might’ve been out a little sooner if not for computer troubles (which seem to be doing much better, thank God) and standard-issue distractions…and Kingdom Hearts Unchained X…but anyway, I got a bit of a headstart before deciding to post the first chapter, so hopefully updates will be regular for at least a little while. For now the schedule is every other week, so expect Chapter 2 on the 18th!
    I’m already taking some more liberties this time around, since the general consensus is that Star Force 2 was Very Bad. For starters, rather than a gap of 2-3 months between games, SSS2 takes place two years after the end of the first, and in the duration Sonia has been working alongside NAZA to maintain relations with Planet FM in addition to restarting her singing career. (It bugged me that the entire trilogy takes place in under a year.) The other changes will be revealed steadily, but hopefully I’ve been able to smooth over some of the more glaring issues the game had.
    So there you have it! It’s time for Sonia’s second battle to begin!
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, my computer got infected. I believe I've taken care of it, but in the process I lost every single document I had ever made.
    So I'm going to have to re-type those Bioni-Lords posts.
    And anything I had for Technic Coliseum/Warzone.
    And the fanfiction I was working on.
    So this may delay some things.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    A brand new Pokemon has been revealed!!

    "Magiana" is said to be a Pokemon created by humans 500 years ago, and is set to debut alongside Volcanion in this year's movie! We've yet to be given any information on its type or ability or anything like that, but still, this is huge! (My money's on Bug/Steel)
    It's looking like Gen VII might begin as soon as next year! Which also means that Pokemon Z is almost definitely releasing this year! And might mean Sinnoh remakes as early as 2018!!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    Recently Famitsu did a survey in honor of Kingdom Hearts' 15th anniversary, asking things like favorite characters, favorite scenes, what Final Fantasy characters you want to see (Bartz placed fifth!!), etc. More recently, Nomura responded to these results, and there were two things that really stood out to me.
    One: he is disappointed that Riku didn't place higher in the popularity poll and wants to fix that. I wholeheartedly agree.
    And two:

    (screenshot from KHInsider)
    Nomura has called American fans out on their impatient, entitled attitude, and it gives me life.
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    "Why Pahrak. Why do you still have these. Why did you waste this much of your parents money and then still cling onto these things for 13 years."
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue was just announced for a release in 2016! Man, that's soon!
    Now of course the fandom is rioting "ughugh dat means longer kh3 wait they hates usss" (no part of which is correct) but you know I am not going to let those idiots get me down because let's look at what II.8 includes:
    1. An HD remaster of KH3D! It doesn't seem there will be any other new features, which is kind of disappointing I'll admit, but I absolutely love this game and this should enable more people to play it and I bet it'll look great.
    2. Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover, a movie similar to the previous collections' summaries of Days and Re:coded that will show the story of the Foretellers from X. It's not entirely clear what this will entail at the moment, but if they're including it in a collection like this I can only imagine it will be the most important information from the entire Keyblade War! The only footage shown was of the Awakening platform with the Union symbols, so I have to wonder what it'll look like...maybe it'll look more like the other games than X itself? (To be honest X's style has always been a little "eh" for me but either way it should be good.)
    And 3. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-. If the name suspiciously similar to the fabled Birth by Sleep Vol. 2 isn't enough indication, this is a brand new segment where you will play as Aqua in the Realm of Darkness. After five years Aqua is once again playable, in KHIII-level graphics. Since this was only just announced and is releasing next year, I'm wondering if it might be on the shorter side, but I am not deterred at all because it's Master freaking Aqua conquering the Realm of Darkness in the most advanced graphics we can currently produce. Delay Kingdom Hearts III all you want just give me this.
    Something else interesting: recently there was a leak of sorts where a Square employee mentioned a "Kingdom Hearts 2.9" on a profile somewhere. It seems the title was changed to 2.8 (although maybe 2.9 will be something different?), but if this is the same thing, it's interesting to note that this profile mentions Attraction Flow. So either 3D is getting one very noticeable new feature, or Master Aqua is going to charge through the Realm of Darkness on a roller coaster.
    Literally the only thing bad about this is that I don't have a PS4.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    So when I went to download Fire Emblem Heroes the other day it wasn’t available yet and the store recommended the new Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links app, and I figured “pssh okay sure I guess I’m curious.”
    It turns out it’s…actually fun? Like, way more fun than children’s card games should be? I'm having difficult putting it down and I'm not sure I feel comfortable with this development.
    Part of it’s definitely nostalgia, of course. You unlock the ability to play as several characters from the original anime, you see, so you get to hear them constantly shouting out stock phrases and taunts. Basically everything Kaiba says is gold. Brooklyn Joey is there (even on some of his cards). Honestly my only complaint on that front is no Tristan, but more characters are already set to be added so who knows.
    I probably only played the actual card game less than five times when I was a kid so I don’t remember much (and certainly never had any skill), but Duel Links presents a streamlined version that’s extremely easy to pick up, so it took a while before I really felt like an amateur with a poor card selection. And, a few of those losses can be chalked up to bad starting hands…and being too tired/unfocused to do what I actually intended to do…anyway, what I mean is it feels pretty fair even to newcomers, except for when you fight that guy who looks like Red from Pokémon who cheats.
    I’d rate it 5/7 Millennium Items would recommend to nostalgia-prone friends.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    For some reason I got to thinking "If the Seven Guardians of Light for Kingdom Hearts III were Star Wars movies, who would be which movie?" The answer may shock you!
    -Ventus would be Episode I, because they tried to recapture something classic but the result kinda just sucked
    -Lea would be Episode II, because of his half-baked romance subplot
    -Aqua would be Episode III, because while not universally loved it is generally accepted this is the best thing that came out of the prequel
    -Mickey would be Episode IV, because iconic
    -Sora would be Episode V, because also iconic
    -Kairi would be Episode VI, because while classic it can also be a little divisive
    -Riku would be Episode VII, because you’re not sure at first but then you start thinking this might actually be the best one
    I run a quality blog.
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    Slizer Dome just wrapped up, naming Jamie (El-P) the Champion of the Millennium. I feel like the scenes quickly became very basic, so I want to apologize for that, and for pushing some deadlines back way too far. Overall I had fun! Thanks for playing!
    If anyone has any comments, I’d be more than happy to hear them! I’d like to run a sequel if I can make it work, since the Slizer line actually had two years of story (well…two set-ups), but I’d like to refine the basic system before I make the big changes that would be necessary for Slizer Dome 2000. Maybe I’ll run one in between that uses the multiple planets version of the story so I can tinker with the system without it being in the same storyline as the first…Slizer Dome US: The More Convoluted Version?
    The only thing really on my mind right now if that I wonder if I should provide more ways to overcome elemental advantage, or maybe make it the second deciding factor while weapon advantage is first. There’s no guarantee the players’ elements will be balanced, and I feel like this time around they weren’t, and I worry it might’ve ended up a bit unfair. I don’t know—I want elements to matter, but I don’t necessarily want them to unbalance everything. Then again, my basic ideas for Slizer Dome 2000 sort of make elements a moot point, so…maybe I should just ditch them? (Though they could still be useful in Slizer Dome US…)
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    It’s decided: Slizer Dome US will be posted in G&T on Wednesday, August 10th!
    Come by next week and you can throw yourself into the Throwbot Slizer world! Choose any of the eight planets to live on, work to enhance your abilities, and battle fierce Elemental Monsters to prove that you are worthy of being named the Champion of the Galaxy! Signups will remain open for only 48 hours after posting, so don’t miss it!
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    Er, put more eloquently, Slizer Mafia 2: Okotans’ Revenge.
    It’s up now in G&T! We need 25 players; when that’s reached, I’ll keep signups open for about 12 hours before getting underway.
    Last time the Judge Slizer was able to return to the year 2000, but what happened after that? Even if they were able to build a better future for the Slizer line, I have a feeling Bionicle isn’t going to take kindly to being shut down like that…
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    School is back at full power, so I have a lot more work piled on me that requires my attention. Because of this, I've had less time to work on my stories.
    The last chapter in Sekai seemed like a good "season finale," so I've decided to take a break until I have a few more chapters written. I don't know how often I'll have the opportunity, and having one long break between arcs seemed better than multiple long(ish) breaks between chapters. I'm currently writing Chapter 123. My first thought is to complete all of the Draco-Isle Medallion battles before typing and posting again, but...we'll see.
    (Unfortunately, this means it'll be virtually impossible for me to be where I wanted by the second anniversary...well, hopefully the story will be done before summer gets here...)
    Some updates for the Orb Index should be coming soon. I have a handful of Orbs ready to be added, so I just need to find the time.
    As for Forgotten Bond...well, that hasn't seen much if any progress in some time. I'm right in the middle of chapter 18, but a bit stuck on how to proceed, and with the whole time issue...
    I have composed an outline for the rest of the story, though. I still don't know how many more chapters it'll take, but the end is more or less in sight. Can't wait to share it with you guys!
    Also...I've been doing a bit of planning and brainstorming on Kako. This mostly involves the Element-Lords--names, numbers, and Spirits. Quite a few familiar faces will be returning, but their rosters of Spirits have been changed.
    The other topic I've been thinking about is the new group of Spirits that will be featured in Kako. Book 1 introduced Les Quatre Freres des Lames, Book 2 introduced the Twilight Guardians, and Book 3...well, you'll just have to wait and see. Les Quatre Freres des Lames will have a big part, however--as Vinxeng said at the end of Book 1, there was a Gathering right before the 10th Level Bioni-Lord rose to power, which is the exact time frame where Kako takes place. The Twilight Guardians may not be featured all that much, but odds are they'll make an appearance or two.
    The Technic Coliseum tournament is at its final match, so we'll get our new recruits soon!
    And for those of you who remember the old Bioni-Lords game and/or would like to see it return...upon becoming a Premier Member, I considered the idea, but I thought that Bioni-Lords would be better as an RPG than a game. So, I modified the concept a bit and produced Bioni-Lords Kaizen, which completely failed in the RPG contest. Since then, however, I've been continuing "Project Kaizen" and trying to create a Bioni-Lords-inspired RPG capable of winning the contest. Kaizen Mk II seemed like it may have stood a chance, but in truth I just didn't like it, so it never saw the light of day. However, about the time of the last contest I got a new idea, and though I didn't finish it in time to enter I took it and ran with it. Project Kaizen Mk III will be entered into the next RPG contest (providing it doesn't have a theme), and I dearly hope it will win some support...
    Even on this 'break' I'm still working and planning things for the future. Hopefully, you'll get to see the results soon.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    Okay forget my previous vaguely sad post because I just got the mail and

    My excited flailing is irritating Christina, I don't know why because she's about to become an awesome Mii Fighter, anyway goodbye I'll see you all in November
  22. Pahrak Model ZX
    Dragon Ball Super started. Honestly, not a lot happened in the first episode, and it looks like the next episode will be about the same, but! I’ve discovered that we have finally been given some official word on the near-future plot! It appears that Super is first going to do an arc retelling Battle of Gods, then follow with an arc retelling Revival of F, and this news is…well, I’m wondering if they’re going to change events (and if so, how), but it kind of means that we’ll need to wait through two whole arcs that could take who knows how long before getting to the completely new stuff. So, I’m unsure about that.
    (If nothing else, it currently looks like Beerus is up and at 'em rather than sleeping for decades at a time, so that gives him more plot flexibility and I do think that's a good change.)
    After that, though, it’s been confirmed that the third arc will have the main characters going to an alternate universe! This, I’m psyched for. When Beerus mentioned the alternate universes at the end of Battle of Gods, I was sure it was set-up for something, and I’m so excited to see what comes of it. Apparently they’ll be hunting “giant Super Dragon Balls” in this new universe, which I feel like I shouldn’t be surprised to hear. If they’re calling them “giant,” though, then that probably means they’re even bigger than the Namek Dragon Balls, so…like, Dragon Balls the size of people maybe? Also a new dragon! It’ll be interesting to see what the dragon’s design ends up being.
    In short I’m a little put off by these first two arcs, but I’m really looking forward to what happens after that and maybe even being proved wrong before then. All I need now is some kind of comeback for Cell and I will have all the things I wanted most from Super.
    (I mean come on, Buu sticks around and gets reincarnated, Frieza gets to come back and go Super Saiyan, Cell’s the last of the major saga villains and he’s the best he deserves to be involved in Super too.)
    (Alright I guess I’d also really like an arc that takes the concept of the Shadow Dragons and gives it a better execution, I just really, really like the concept of the Shadow Dragons.)
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