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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’ve loved JRPGs for a while now, but Fire Emblem was something I never really considered playing. At first, I think it was because I didn’t hear about it all that often, but once I did hear about it, I quickly learned that one of its defining features is that if a character dies in battle, they do not come back. As someone who essentially takes a Leeroy Jenkins approach in most games, I knew that I would never be able to clear a game that featured permadeath. But, a week or two ago I was informed that Fire Emblem Awakening gives you an option of playing the game without permadeath. So I did a little research, then downloaded the demo, and then decided to cash in some of my GameStop points to pick up Awakening. This was a very good decision.
    For starters, yes, I definitely needed Casual Mode—I lost my first unit in my third battle, I’m pretty sure every unit in my army has died at least once, and I know of a particular unit whose death count I lost track of around 5. (She did go on to become one of my best units, though.) I do want to follow the series as it goes forward, but if Casual Mode disappears then I know I’m not going to be able to. So I really, really hope it’s here to stay.
    With each weapon having a limited number of uses…I am not a fan of this mechanic, but it is unique, and it isn’t that much of a pain. I guess I really only care because I’m a bit of a hoarder. I was initially disappointed that we couldn’t replay previous chapters, but then I realized there are equivalents to random battles, so it’s no great loss. The Pair Up feature is something I didn’t use a whole lot for a while. I now realize this was a bad idea and I need to use it a lot more, not just for the advantage, but because I really want to see more Support conversations. The few I have seen are delightful. I really like that units gain EXP for acting rather than just for defeating the enemy. It makes it a lot easier to power up units, especially weaker ones. The slow level progression confused me before I realized the full extent of how the Class system works. I have several upgraded classes and a few units who have maxed out an upgraded class, so now I need to get a feel for re-classing with the Second Seal, which is…something I’m wary about. I feel like what these units are doing now works so well that I don’t want to change it. Of course, I do realize their stats are frozen unless I do this, so I’m going to have to change my mind.
    But what really draws me into something is simply how it feels, and while the super-over-worried part of me did rear its ugly head, I realize that those concerns are silly and, in and of itself, Fire Emblem is just plain fun. It’s a big fantastical world of swords and magic on par with Final Fantasy, with interesting mythology and abilities, plus a potentially enormous cast of characters who are all legitimately fascinating to get to know. The story is grand and epic, but there remains a vital stream of humor at the same time—not to the degree of Final Fantasy V (Awakening limiting its light tones to early chapters and the Support conversations rather than being full-on self-parody like FFV), but this is certainly not a bad thing. It strikes an excellent balance, in my opinion, and once you earn the humor it, along with the enduring hope throughout the story, keeps you and your characters strong in even the darkest moments of the plot. I had so much trouble putting this game down. I bought it on the 12th and beat it on the 19th.
    One thing that kind of bothers me is that so many of the characters are only important during their introduction. I realize that this is most likely the case so that the story can continue on no matter who gets killed off, and it makes a lot of sense with the whole permadeath thing. For me, though, there were times when I felt like this giant herd was a little more faceless than I wanted it to be, and now I want to search all the Support conversations I haven’t gotten to so I can feel like they all matter. Also when you get to those few scenes where they get a statement from everyone in the army, it runs a little long. The final roster went by so slowly that the credits actually finished before it did. And I didn’t even recruit everyone. I also have a few unanswered questions/things I wanted to see in more detail, and I feel like the “find the Gemstones” part of the plot was sort of rushed. Every game has its flaws.
    The dating sim element is also fun. Since I was focused mainly on the story and didn’t utilize Pair Up as much as I should’ve, there are only two couples in my army right now: Chrom and Sumia (she was clearly in love with him so I wanted it to work out), and the Avatar (Zadakh) and Anna. (At first I was just going to fight on and see if Zadakh ended up with anyone. Then I recruited Anna, and, well…she’s cute…and since then I’ve learned she’s the FE equivalent of Cid so that’s cool.) As for the children, I’ve been keeping Lucina around (though I haven’t used her quite as much as I’d like to), I recruited Cynthia but haven’t really used her at all, and I also recruited Morgan, but she’s been having trouble even after Class Changing to an Assassin. I have a lot more to explore in this area…
    So basically, Fire Emblem is very engrossing, I really like it and will continue to follow it as long as they keep Casual Mode so I can actually play it. You done good, Nintendo.
    Now to play Earthbound.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    So much for accelerating my posting process...I've had writer's block on Sekai, and I've been busy with other things so I haven't gotten to typing the next chapter yet. I'll try to get it up today or tomorrow, and hopefully I can smash through this writer's block and get some more chapters out soon...
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    To be more accurate, I reset the entire computer. Took about seven hours in all, so I'm glad I didn't have anything to do today!
    But I backed everything up on a USB and things seems to be running faster now, so hopefully this is all over, thank you God. Only things I've lost are my saved passwords (most of which I remember), my bookmarks (eh), my save data for Steins;Gate (I still have the physical copy so I can just replay it), a few fonts (like anybody could read my Matoran documents anyway), and, the one that really sucks, Microsoft Office. Hopefully we still have a disk lying around somewhere, but if not, buying a new Office is far cheaper than buying a whole new computer.
    Hopefully this won't affect anything, but who knows what else could go wrong. The only foreseeable issue is that I'm afraid to try editing my documents, it says it might not save correctly, but I'm sure I can work around this and finish up Technic Tournament 3.
    Fingers crossed.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Almost forgot again...
    Hm, I want to say that I made some edits to at least one of the sites in the past week, but, to be honest...I can't remember.
    Might be able to get a new chapter up today, but I'm not sure. This afternoon I will be attempting something extremely dangerous...
    If I don't make it back, an e-mail will be sent to all Kako readers with steps to an elaborate quest to locate my outline for the rest of the Bioni-Lords series so you can have closure.
    ...But anyway, the next chapter will be up soon, as will a few new Spirits. As far as the writing goes, I just need to wrap up the current chapter and we can move on to Ko-Isle! And this time I'll be doing the smart thing and giving the characters winter clothing. Although I'm thinking Tahra will just have a jacket, since she can use her BURNING RELENTLESS WILLPOWER to keep herself warm. Or something like that.
    Theatrhythm Final Fantasy came out this past week, but don't worry--it probably won't distract me that much, since it's a rhythm game, and I have no rhythm...
    On the other hand...I started playing the Sims 3. So that could take some of my time.
    Well, off I go. *marches off into sunset*
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, I just beat Kingdom Hearts II, and since I did entries for the other pieces of II.5 I figured I’d do one for this too. This is my fifth time playing the game, so I don’t really have that many new feelings, there were just a few miscellaneous things I thought of.
    (Contains spoilers for II, coded, and 3D)
    And now I want to replay 3D. I really shouldn’t, though, with school starting, and wanting to do all the extra stuff in II and BBS, and new games coming out in the coming months, and that game from months ago I bought but haven’t finished, and that new copy of Mega Man Star Force I bought because it was $7 and I am weak, and… *sigh*
    Anyway, II.5 is great, I recommend it. I have a feeling it’s going to influence my next name change again…
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    The second part of Beyond Ruin has been posted, this one focusing on the Queen of Nature!
    Prior to this, all I had really said about Nature was that she wanted her queendom, Arbolana, to be as independent as possible, and that she brought her pet bird wherever she went. I figured I should try to come up with reasons for these traits as a starting place for developing her. I’d say her character’s starting to come together now, though I’d like to do a little more work. (Even though she might not appear in the novel as much…)
    This is also the first time I’ve written a description of one of the Ruinous. I might change it around a bit, but I think I do want to keep to the basic idea of them being bizarre amalgams. Gosh, I hope I don’t cross the line into ridiculous.
    I believe I want to try a chapter focusing on the Queen of War next. She already got a close look in the piece Goddess of Evolution, but I feel she would be finding herself in a very difficult position at this point in time, and it’s something I’m eager to explore a bit. Stay tuned for that.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    No, I couldn't think of a more creative title.
    Anywho, I beat the final boss of TWEWY Solo Remix! Took just over 20 hours, since I didn't spend as much time grinding as I did when I played the DS version. Back then, whenever I entered a new area, I cleared out all the Noise before moving on--course, I was on vacation when that came out, and now I have a job. Curiously, they removed the reception icon. In the DS version, the number of bars you had would tell you how much Noise was in the area. Now you have to look around for it. Eh, not a big deal. I also had a lot of trouble with Pig Noise, but hopefully I'll be able to wipe them out easier now that I'm near Level 70.
    Well, the final day was a lot more irritating in this version. Granted, I had a strategy guide telling me what I needed to do in the DS version, so maybe it was still confusing and frustrating then and I just didn't encounter that. But the changes made to the fight with Konishi (and, to a lesser extent, Draco Cantus) didn't make much sense and very nearly spelled the end of me. There was no indication I was supposed to do that! Thank God for Google.
    When I was replaying Week 2, I realized that I had never picked up on the...implications of what it seemed like Joshua was saying. He's in the UG because he wants to be? Well after THE TWIST, that almost sounds like...
    Don't worry it's not that but the real answer is another twist so I can't say
    Yeah. Don't know why I never picked up on that before. But it looks like Neku didn't pick up on it either, so...
    Ovis Cantus seemed tougher, too. Then again, I was at a lower level due to the whole "not grinding so much" thing, which is especially true of Week 1. It also seems like I get Fusions a lot more quickly, but that's probably just because I never quite mastered the DS battle system, eheheh...
    And I wasn't cheating Shutdown PP this time. Not sure if I can, but...I might look into it, since I really want those Pins. I was able to get Healing Whale, though, and I'm definitely making due with my current set. Especially now that I have the newly-buffed Lightning Rook, mwa-ha-ha-ha...
    Wow there are a lot of ...s in this post guess that's nothing new for me though anywho
    And heck I cried like a baby all throughout this. I'm not ashamed to admit it. TWEWY feels are a potent poison, my friend. And so is all the sass in this game, like holy Kanohi, for real, man.
    I'll be starting the Secret Reports sub-quests shortly. After this, maybe I'll have a better idea of how to compare the versions, but as is I'd say they both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Solo Remix is legit.
    Hm, perhaps I'll be able to see Hype-chan in person after all...
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    If you have Pokemon Bank, you can get free fully-evolved Johto starters with their Hidden Abilities right now!
    Also, if you haven't gotten the Eon Ticket yet and live in America or Europe, you can get it via code, 2015LATIOSLATIAS in North America or POKEMON380381 in Europe. I was lucky enough to StreetPass someone with one a while back, which was pretty cool.
    More on a personal level, I finally got the Mirage Cave with Unown, and after a long hunting session I have all 28! Hahaha! I've been waiting to do this for a while--it was the last thing I really wanted to do, now that I've caught all the Legendaries, my team is all Level 100, and I made sure that between all my Gen VI games I have at least one of every Mega Stone.
    I really love Omega Ruby. I think it might actually be the best Pokemon game thus far. (Not to say it's necessarily my favorite, that's a bit tricky and will probably go to a Sinnoh remake if we ever get that. )
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    So Clannad is a pretty good anime. You know, if you like crying your eyes out.
    Also, I ended up seeing the last half of Syfy's Sharnado since there was nothing else on. It was exactly what you'd expect. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard.
    There's been a ton of Pokemon news lately, plus the new movie is out in Japan! I'm already getting a tentative team together. I'm thinking Froakie, Yveltal, Honedge, and Noivern for now...going to need a Ground type to cover the Electric weakness of Yveltal, though.
    In other news, Kingdom Hearts X [chi] is now holding an open beta! It's free to play, but you'll need a Japan Yahoo ID to access it. I don't really feel like making one.
    I've posted a new short story: Programming Disconnect. With all the talk about how shipping is non-canon in the MU, I decided it would be interesting to write something about an Agori falling in love with a Matoran who is incapable of understanding (let alone returning) those feelings. Being an author, I enjoy finding new ways to torment readers.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    The Time of the Mask Makers, The Final Swing, is live! It’s essentially a retake on The Legend animation, and finishes the tale of Makuta and Ekimu while creating the sparks that ignite the 2015 story. So I guess you already know what happens.
    I had a lot of fun with this story, and I’m eager to get feedback on the ending! (Maybe a little nervous too, ahaha…) At first I thought I shouldn’t write G2 fanfiction until we had more canon material to work with, but it was actually nice to take the springboard we’ve been given and see what I could do with it without knowing how close or far it would be from canon. So…I’d kind of like to do it again.
    Mask Makers has been pretty well-received, I think (my best-received epic in maybe forever), and I want to do more with this version of Okoto. Since there might be some life-related things coming up in the near future, I don’t want to necessarily commit to anything, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to keep writing short epics or short stories with each new wave of G2, probably after the material has been officially revealed but before the story has really gotten to it. I’m sure it’ll only grow more and more distant from the canon, but I want to do that before realizing just how far I’m straying. And this way I’ll keep myself writing a little more frequently.
    So I’ve been brainstorming for what I could write on the summer wave. I think I want another flashback story, explaining where all these skull people came from, though this one will be going even farther back to justify the place they live in being termed the “Ancient” City. LoSS will also appear, since I want to justify him being the guardian of the City. I also want to give the skull people names, and I’m thinking I’ll just take names from G1 that currently aren’t in G2 and see who gets angry with me.
    After that, I sort of also want to make a short story where Ekimu is awakened and goes to battle Skull Grinder for the Mask of Creation, just to give some closure and tie the two epics together. I wonder if I’ll ever get to writing about the Masters, haha…
    I’ll put some more thought into the skull story and let you know if it gets anywhere. In the meantime, I’ll try to write some other stuff. I just did a short story for my Young Adult Literature class (we were allowed to do this instead of writing a paper!), but it was rushed and is stupid. I’ll probably post it eventually, but I might try to see if I can clean it up a bit first. And I’ll have another Fiction Writing story due at the beginning of April, so there’ll be that, too, if anyone’s interested.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    The next chapter of Beyond Ruin is finished!
    As I said previously, I wanted this one to focus on the Queen of Fire. In the end, the Queen of Ice also showed up. I think there are going to be more multi-Queen pieces than I originally anticipated, but I’m also going to try to change up the pairs they appear in (and maybe try showing more than two at once?), and this means there will definitely be more than just one chapter per Queen. Actually, I’m considering trying to come up with an arc if I can, but we’ll see where that goes.
    Next is probably going to be the Queens of the Sea and Light. After that, the only one left will be the Queen of Knowledge, and I’m thinking she’ll be getting a visit from the Queen of the Sky in her first piece. Where it goes from there I really have no idea!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    Managed to whip up a comedy for the monster contest: AQUA MAGNA ATTACK ON MARENDAR 10.1010 THIS IS (NOT) COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Figured it was worth a try.
    Hm, with the Archives closing down, I guess I should do something about Bioni-Lords Books 1 and 2. It would take way too long to repost them, and they're really not that good anyway--if I were to redo it, I'd like to wipe all the canon and start with a fresh slate, but that'll take way, WAY too long.
    So here's what I'm thinking: I'll make a series of blog posts summarizing Books 1 and 2 arc by arc, along with a Bioni-Lords Master Post to hold all those links, plus the websites, plus the Kako link. Also might put up a few important battles as blog posts, like Khadaz vs Union, Khadaz vs the 10th, and the Terminal Trial chapters. Final Stretch is still on these Forums, so I may just skip the summary of Sekai Final arc.
    Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Suggestions and whatnot?
    In related news, I put a few more Spirits online--another Mega Man Star Force Spirit and some based on characters from a new anime I've started watching/the game it's based on.
    The next Kako is fully written, I just need to type it up! I hoped to get it done tonight, but it looks like I'll be busy for a little while, and after that there's an...important event I wish to view (read: Doctor Who special). But I'm off work tomorrow, so it shouldn't be a long wait!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Circumstances prevented me from getting this blog post up on Friday like I usually do. But meh.
    Anyway, I updated the Spirit Index--it goes to 1500 now! How the karzahni did that happen?! Also the Elemental Rarity on Exo's Desk has been updated as well.
    Will try to type the next chapter of Kako tomorrow.
    I decided to join the Library Summer Olympics, both in the Epics and Completely Off-Topic portions. In both, I'm on Team Two and had to start the whole thing off...there was no pressure at all. *eye twitch* These will need to take priority over Bioni-Lords when my turns come around, but it shouldn't be that bad...I'll definitely try to get you guys through Onu-Isle before the end of the month. (Since that's when the new Kingdom Hearts game is coming out, and, well...I'll disappear for a while.)
    As you may know, there was a TON of new Korra info released at Comic-Con! Looks like we'll be getting 4 Books total, with Book 2 having 14 chapters and Books 3 and 4 each having 13. Plus, it looks like Book 2 is going to be called "Spirits" and will deal with the Spirit World and the creation of the Avatar! Sounds like it'll be awesome!
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    For a while I’ve been trying to think of a weekly or biweekly writing prompt system cause I wanted to get back to writing on a regular schedule. I’m not so sure about the regular part right now, but I’m at least testing it so here’s the run-down.
    Right now I’m calling it Reference Roulette. I go onto BS01 and hit the Random Page button. Whatever it lands on, I have to write a short story about that. (If it’s something I’ve already written about, I keep trying until I get something new.) These don’t necessarily need to be Bionicle-related; some of the pages (like the various Elements for example) are vague enough that I might try to get an OTC story out of them, just to see if I can flex my writing muscles outside of Bionicle a little more as well.
    I might try doing this as a weekly thing in the future, but today I was just in a state of “I don’t really feel like writing but I want to make myself write maybe if I just get a prompt from here that’ll make me do something.” So, I went and did the thing, I got Lurker’s page and wrote Taking Home a Stray. Not great, but I wrote something! Maybe this will get me up to writing other stuff soon too.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    Just got to see the new DBZ movie, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! Still looking forward to when Super goes beyond it, though. It also made me realize one of the things I love most about Beerus and Whis: in this movie they flat-out admit that the only reason they don’t destroy Earth is because they like the food. Not for any reasons involving human beings themselves, just their food. It’s great.
    The reason I find this so refreshing is because it’s always bugged me that sci-fi or fantasy or pretty much anything with multiple species always has some bit about how “Special” humans are. Higher races will always spare/become attached to humans and say something about the species having unique ingenuity, or possessing great capacity for change, or being inherently kind, or some such nonsense. And I can’t help but feel that it’s, well…kind of pathetic, honestly.
    It’s like, somewhere along the process of coming up with these mystical races, we become aware of the limitations of our own human existence, yet we still want to put humans in the story so that we can have a self-insert easily-relatable species/main character. So we add in this hastily-written cliché line about how humans are special, to console ourselves and justify our inclusion in the work. As someone who hates himself I understand the desire and the benefits derived. But it’s been going on for so long that I feel it’s become very transparent.
    Why should a god of destruction from deep space take interest in a species who has probably never produced a (pure-blooded) fighter with a power level of even 100,000? (Or, on a related matter, why should a 2,000 year old time-travelling alien be invested in the self-worth of every individual human being?) Sure, we want to say they would, because we’re human, but looking at things objectively, it just makes no sense.
    I guess Beerus and Whis’s interest in human food still counts as “something unique to humans”, but it’s very different—this is a skill, something that can be learned rather than something we’re told is intrinsic and not able to be imitated by any other species out there. These two maybe could learn to make Earth food themselves, if they put in the necessary effort, but they’re lazy and figure it’d be more convenient for them to just leave the humans alive to keep cooking for them.
    And I love it.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    Oh yeah, it’s been quite a while since I last ran a Technic Tournament. Maybe I should do that. I mean, I’m doing Slizer Dome right now, and my next priority should probably be to wrap up the Slizer Mafia trilogy, but…
    Would anyone be interested in playing Technic Tournament 5? And if you have any suggestions for how the game system can be improved, I’m all ears.
    (The title would be “Technic Tournament 5 Ocarina of Majora’s Twilight” by the way.)
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    Since all the cool kids make blog posts relating to their special weapons, I figured I would too. I've already decided on two special weapons, but I'm having trouble picking a third. I'm trying to think of the most awesome weapon ever...below are some other ideas I have, and some feedback would be greatly appreciated. (Of course, they haven't been given stats yet--I want to wait until I pick one before giving it stats.)
    Reflect Coating: A magical armor polish Zadakh uses to give himself that extra sparkle when he’s disemboweling and eviscerating. If someone attacks Zadakh while he has this polish on, they take the same amount of damage they dealt to him. It’s water-proof, can’t be removed, and can’t be dodged. The only way to avoid its effect is to not hit Zadakh in the first place.
    Indestructible Sweater Vest: You know this one, thinking about bringing it back with some modifications. Since Zadakh's new powers allow him to achieve flight naturally, I'll be taking that ability away from the Sweater Vest, and since he doesn't have Nerd powers anymore...perhaps the Sweater Vest would re-enable them. Also considering making the Reflect Coating part of an upgraded form of this (probably Lv. 4)...
    Inmacula Shard: A tiny red stained glass shard that was ‘shed’ by a transdimensional robot. If Zadakh throws it into the air, it will float there and begin to grow into a huge stained glass window. Feel free to attack it—it’s indestructible, but you might slow it down. Why would we want to create a giant stained glass window, you may ask? Well, once it’s complete, it begins to draw in energy, both solar and otherwise, until finally releasing this energy as one or more uber-powered beams…that could, possibly, also damage Zadakh. We call it the “Window to the Afterlife”!
    Arm-Mounted Food Cannons: Borrowed from some kid with a big head who kept talking about aliens. They look like rotund, light brown forearm armor with gold fingers and small openings on the palms. Obviously, they launch food…might not be the most powerful weapon, but as soon as the first shot is fired, an apocalyptic food fight begins! All sorts of stuff begins flying all over the place—meat, vegetables, that unidentifiable mush they give you in cafeterias, even Thornax (but not the exploding kind)—it’s real tough to keep track of, and if you get hit with the food it might stun you, or get in your eyes and render you temporarily blind. And the hits do cause SOME damage…don’t underestimate it!
    Star Saber: A sword with a blade coated in cyan-colored energy that is quite literally capable of cutting through anything. Well, this version is modified for fairness: any armor, shield, or weapon that it cuts will regenerate shortly afterwards. Unless you make fun of Zadakh for liking Transformers Armada. No regen for you, you inconsiderate…person.
    Eternal Dragon: A Keyblade with a handle styled after a Chinese dragon, a blade resembling seven orange orbs, and key teeth that look like spiky blond hair. As Zadakh fights, stars begin to appear on the orbs, and when stars are on all seven, his overall power doubles...maybe? Not entirely sure on the effect when all seven orbs are active, could to something different...
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    (New name btw this is Pahrak if you can’t tell.)
    --Gehenna’s Stigma: Now this is an entertaining villain!
    --Vega and Altair: I have some mixed feelings about this but dang if it doesn’t feel epic as heck.
    --Twin Automata: Oh my gosh…I like Moeka now!!
    --Recursive Mother Goose: BUT DID YOU NEED TO MAKE IT THAT SAD?!
    --Promised Rinascimento: Since this is spoiler-free all I can think to say is “I dig it.”
    --Milky-Way Crossing: Not quite what I was hoping for, but definitely cool.
    The way 0’s plot is structured was a bit confusing at first, but I really do love how they did the endings this time around. In the first game, the alternate ends were all “What If” scenarios (except for the Kurisu End, which is just the True End minus the actual ending), and while that was really interesting, the endings of 0 flesh out different characters and ideas, and one of the endings even discusses this concept a little. I imagine choosing what to animate and what to leave out must be difficult, so the wait for the anime seems more justifiable now.
    On a related note, I’m so glad every Lab Member got to do stuff. I had mixed feelings about Moeka and felt that Ruka and Faris were sort of underused, and I think 0 did a better job on those fronts.
    Anything else I could say would be spoilery, so I’ll save it and probably do another entry with those.
    EDIT: Also I just found out that the English dub of the Steins;Gate movie is apparently being released on March 28th! Good, I've been thinking I should rewatch it and this will be a good reason to do that.
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    So a Steins;Gate sequel was announced.
    I mean there have been novels and spin-offs and drama CDs, all of which I want to read/play/listen to at some point, but this is, like, a full-on sequel.
    And not only are they making a new visual novel, they are also going to go right ahead and make a new anime based on it.
    So this could be really cool.
    There are a lot of questions, I need to try not to get too worked up just yet. Regardless, I’m hoping they go a bit more into why Kyouma has Reading Steiner—the exact mechanics of that are something I’ve been theorizing on for a while.
    I’m glad this is happening! Especially since they cancelled the novel showing them as adults in the Steins;Gate worldline. This isn’t the same content of course, but it’s still a nice replacement, I guess. Anime subs are easier to find than novel translations!
    El Psy Kongroo
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    Still no news on when the anime starts, but we might not need to dodge spoilers that much longer!
    Steins;Gate 0 will be released in America and Europe this year, on both PS4 and Vita! I'm very glad I didn't sell my Vita now.
    Apparently, the company selling the localization is advertising it at an event this weekend, and whoever comes to their booth can get a free poster if they say "El Psy Kongroo". I like that.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    I love the avatar system in KHUX.
    There's so much going on here:
    -The so-called "Disco Suit"
    -An enormous afro with a galaxy inside of it
    -The afro covers your eyes, but not your glasses??
    -Those headphones are just kinda...emerging...from within the afro galaxy...
    -A jetpack
    -Gauntlets and shield meant to evoke ancient gladiators
    -And, you know, the giant cartoon key used to slay evil
    I guess I had to look this good in order to slay 2016.
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