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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    Though you probably already guessed, since I said I would give the release date last week.
    Due to some Technic-al difficulties...
    ...Well, actually, I have a certain deadline approaching and figure I shouldn't start up something that will distract me from meeting it. Plus there are a few other things I'd like to kick myself into doing, so it may be just a little longer before an opening presents itself. I will try to start the tournament soon, though!
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    (Well, technically, Technic Tournament is the spin-off and this is trying to unspin it a little...)
    Even if it did die out, I still feel like Technic Coliseum was a bit more popular than Technic Tournament. However, I feel far less able now to keep up with a game that big, and I really do want to continue the Tournament-style games. But I am exploring some options.
    I’m thinking that part of what made Coliseum so well-liked (in its day) was the level of customization it offered. So, in an attempt to make that work in a smaller game, I ended up with the following idea, tentatively called “Technic Coliseum: Limited League”.
    A set of fighters will be selected, of course, and then either players will choose them (first come first serve) or be assigned them randomly. You will then have a set amount of Widgets to use to prepare your fighter for a match. You can choose from the available trainers and equipment however you see fit, but you have to keep it within budget. Fighters will then be paired up and fight. Then their slates will be wiped clean and they’ll be rerandomized, or put up for grabs again with whoever sponsored them last round being forced to choose someone else. Your budget is reset, and you now have to prepare that fighter for their match.
    A big concern I have is what to give the winner of each match. If I give them more Widgets, then they’re going to have an advantage that will quickly leave other players in the dust, and start another arms race like the one that killed activity back in Coliseum. Now, since this game will only go on for a few weeks, this might not be as big a deal, but I still want to try something else. Right now I’m thinking that if you win, you get to keep your fighter for the next round, though I might still put some restrictions on trainers and equipment so that you can’t have the exact same set each time—that would be boring.
    There’s also the matter of settling matches. Fights like these need to be run like they were in Coliseum: you each post a strategy, I compare them, and I give a judgment on who I think would win. I worry about such subjective criteria. Also it’ll take a lot more of my time and focus that way and I’m not sure I’m up for that. I don’t know, maybe I could have the other players vote? But that’ll require a lot of participation on everyone’s part, and if we don’t hear from people it’ll really, really hurt us. Hmmm.
    And of course, whoever sponsors the most winning fights by the end of the whole thing wins the game. That part’s probably obvious.
    I don’t know, I still need to work out the kinks and there’d be a lot of work to do trying to balance everything. If anyone has any comments I’m happy to hear them—this is just a rough idea right now, so I make no promises of it ever going up. I just want to gauge interest before I go through all that work.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Still holding off just a bit on starting the game, but I was thinking and I had a new idea.
    Once per round, after a promotional attempt fails, a player can reroll. As for how exactly that works, I’m still deciding. Maybe the player needs to add a few more Widgets to activate it (10% of what they tried using in the promotion?), or maybe just use the same amount of Widgets. The Widgets received would definitely be lower. The reroll might even guarantee success, but at the cost of very low Widget payout (100 W x result of reroll?).
    Any thoughts on this? Or anything else? I’ll probably be starting this soon (I'm gonna say mid-November at the absolute latest), so be on the lookout.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! I think I’ve decided which changes I’m going to make for the next game.
    -The 500 W bonus to fighters going against who made the most last round has been removed.
    -Rerolls are free, they will calculate using half of the original Widget value put in.
    -Round 1 will be one week, the remaining rounds will be 4 days each. I may also have a blog entry for early sign-ups. The exact release date hasn’t been determined, but there probably won’t be as much time between 2 and 3 as there was between 1 and 2. Probably January or February.
    -Title Match will have only one promotion opportunity with guaranteed success followed by a chance for a second multiplier. No rerolls.
    -Promotion use limits will be left as is, stat points will remain at 13, starting Widget count will be raised to 5000.
    -Once a fighter has been promoted by several players in the same round they become harder to promote—all further rolls will have 1 deducted from their talent and rerolls will not be offered. This resets next round, of course. The Championship Match will offer rerolls in this circumstance but will only use 25% of the original input, and the Title Match still guarantees success but applies the deduction to the second roll. A lot of the specifics of this mechanic are still being refined.
    -You only receive a cut of a fighter’s money if you succeeded in promoted them that round. Even if you fail every attempt in a round you can still use a reroll so this shouldn’t be an issue.
    -The bonuses on promotion have been split, higher success for corresponding method and higher payout for non-corresponding methods.
    As for the fighters, based on input I’ve decided to use 8 lines with 2 fighters each, the lines being Bionicle G1, Bionicle G2, Slizers, RoboRiders, Hero Factory, Galidor, Knights Kingdom II, and Exo-Force. Rather than coming up with new promotion methods I’ll have each method correspond to two lines:
    -TV Commercial: G1, G2
    -Magazine Ad: Slizers, Galidor
    -Radio Ad: Hero Factory, Knights Kingdom
    -Internet Campaign: RoboRiders, Exo-Force
    The exact roster will be determined through a poll, which I plan to begin on Thursday. Please stop by and vote!
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    (No, that’s not the new title of the game.)
    I know I said the next tournament would be up a few months ago, but stuff came up and I just wasn’t feeling up to running it. Sorry about that.
    But, I think I’m ready again, plus now I can say I’m doing it to celebrate BZP’s anniversary.
    So, Technic Tournament 4 in 3D will begin on Wednesday, July 20th! As usual, you can join whenever you want, but joining in the first round gives you the best chance at success—and this time, each round only lasts 48 hours! Don’t miss it!
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    Credit to Ninja. When contacting another player to arrange a match, you can also decide what arena you want your characters to fight in. Feel free to suggest arenas either through post or PM. Tournaments will use randomized arenas.

    Non-Specific Arenas:
    -Coliseum Arena: The default arena, automatically used if no arena is specified. A simple, wide-open space with solid floors and walls. Always used in tournaments unless otherwise noted.
    -BZPower Forums: You’ll start on the Index, but by no means does the fight have to stay there! Using the available warps you can jump to any Forum and hide in a crowd of members, opening topics to spill their contents in an avalanche of spam that may disrupt your opponent. If you clutter the Forums with too much spam or badly hurt too many members, Hapori Tohu will blast you with laser vision, so be wary!
    -Seismic Showdown: A circular pit webbed with faults and tectonic masses that shift constantly, providing earthquakes of varying scales, geysers and magma explosions that sometimes occur on the borders. Ash and dust lightly rain down on the battlefield, but can collect into clouds and storms, sometimes blinding the duelists. When eruptions occur, flaming embers spew from the underworld, becoming hazardous to the surrounding area. There are small ponds and lakes that plume with steam from the heat, both from the pounding sun and the lava beneath. (Credit to Bulik)

    Slizer Arenas:
    -Storm Sector: A sector of the Slizer planet blanketed by a constant thunderstorm.
    -Glacial Sector: A sector of the Slizer planet covered in snow and ice.
    -Slizer Dome: Home of the Judge/Jet Slizer, at the north pole of the Slizer planet. Battles take place atop a tall building that you definitely don’t want to fall off of. Several computer terminals line the arena, and if you can find a working one you can program the tower’s defenses to treat the opponent as hostile…until the terminal runs out of power, of course.(Credit to Ninja)

    RoboRiders Arenas:
    -City-Realm: A RoboRider realm filled with dilapidated skyscrapers, abandoned highways, and swinging wrecking balls.
    -Rock-Realm: A RoboRider realm made up of uneven terrain and plenty of rock formations to climb and hide behind.
    -Swamp-Realm: Home of the Swamp RoboRider, in this cramped forest there are many vines hanging around and murky waters. There are also tales of a creature lurking in the mud, but those are just rumors…right? [spoiler alert: they're not] (Credit to Ninja)
    -Core Matrix: The heart of the RoboRider world, a large, brightly-lit space with featureless floors and walls. Beware: traces of The Virus remain in the form of three-clawed tendrils that will sprout and attack you!
    -Ice Realm: Similar to the Glacial sector, the Ice Realm is covered with ice and snow. Frequent blizzards batter the realm making visibility hard to see. (Credit to Snake)

    Bionicle Arenas:
    -Naho Bay: A body of water on Mata-Nui. If fighters fall off the lily pads, they will plunge into the water where Tarakavas and Takea sharks wait.
    -Stalactite Village: The top of a stalactite planted in the ground of Karda Nui. You can hop to another nearby stalactite, but don’t fall—it’s a long way down.
    -Charred Forest: A dark arena filled with dead trees. Not all of the Matoran traps have been disabled, and though they may not be able to hold you for long, they can cost you a crucial second. (Credit to Flaredrick)
    -Atero Arena: Similar to the Coliseum Arena, but covered in sand and many pieces of jagged metal- old armor. You can use the metal to fight, potentially. (Credit to Ninja)
    -Mangai Volcano: A platform of molten rock is suspended inside the volcano, which will erupt periodically. When it does, we recommend hiding in the tunnels within the walls of the volcano until the platform recreates itself. (Credit to Worldsoul)
    -Mangaia: Makuta Teridax’s most well-known lair, a place of perpetual darkness. Manas can be heard scuttling around in the shadows, and the only light comes from the pools of Energized Protodermis in the center. If you fall in, you’ll slowly be burned alive, so I wouldn’t recommend trying to transform. You can hide behind some pillars, but if the foe destroys them they may unleash a Rahkshi.
    -Mahri Nui: The match starts out in an air bubble in the sea below Voya Nui, but too much fighting will cause the bubble to pop, letting in the Pit Mutagen to turn you into water-breathers (but that’s the only effect). Being underwater weakens all attacks based off the Mind Stat, even if they wouldn't be weakened in real life. Fighters can swim, jump, and make use of the fact that they are underwater, raising their agility. (Credit to Canis)
    -Iron Canyon: A canyon on Bara Magna with sheer rock walls. Rock falls can be triggered, a Skopio sleeps beneath the sand, and we have reports of Bone Hunters roaming in every now and again. (Credit to Vox)
    -The Zone of Darkness: A pocket-dimension completely devoid of light, lacking all features besides a flat stone floor and occasional patches of Visorak webbing. Fighters must tread carefully and rely on their senses. The Kahgarak come and go, and they may be attracted to the sounds of a fight. Combatants are free to use their powers to produce light, but be careful not to draw the attention of the Zivon. (Credit to Keizah)

    Hero Factory Arenas:
    -Tanker Station 22: A Hero Factory fuel station in poor repair. Jets of flame and steam may erupt without warning, and shooting the fuel pods lying around will have explosive results.
    -Quatros: A lush jungle planet populated by a variety of dangerous creatures.
    -The Valiant: This Hero Factory ship has been infected by the brains! Due to it being in space, gravity is lower and it is cold, but watch out for the tubes- if you break them, you've unleashed a Brain and the fight gets a bit more complex for both sides! (Credit to Ninja)
    -Training Sphere: This round battle ground is a giant sphere, able to resemble other arenas that you can use to your benifit. That is, if you find the controls first. Each fighter may change the arena the Sphere resembles once. Be wary of the HeroBall when a match begins, the arena splits in half and you've got to keep it in the air. Whichever side it hits the ground on is in for a nasty surprise, the likes of which depends upon the arena the Sphere is copying. (Credit to Zakaro)
    -Hero Factory Villain Containment: This large, open area may not seem much at first, but that's only if you don't take into account the many cells lining the walls stacked on top of each other. Fighters will have to be careful to not damage the place too much, or villains will be roaming the arena as well, the amount depending on how much damage has been done to the cells in general. In addition, in the centre of the northern wall is Von Nebula's black hole staff. Be careful, fighting around it too much might unleash all of the villains, creating instant chaos for all fighters in the arena! An unfortunate fighter that gets too close during this might even get sucked into a black hole temporarily, where gravity is much lower than normal.
    -Tansari VI: A power plant filled with electric generators. Fog obscures the arena, and lightning will strike randomly. (Credit to Flaredrick)
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    I believe the equipment rules were explain in the main post. This is to serve more as a shop.

    Kanohi: (Can be used by Toa, Skakdi, and Barraki)
    -Kanohi Hau: creates a shield 1 time in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kakama: temporarily raises agility +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Pakari: temporarily raises strength +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Akaku: temporarily raises mind +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Miru: dodge 1 attack in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kaukau: temporarily raises resistance to mind-based damage in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Huna: become invisible for a short time; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Komau: lowers opponent's mind -1 in battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Ruru: temporarily blind opponent; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Matatu: deal a small to medium amount of damage; 8,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Mahiki: create an illusion for defense, 1 time per battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kadin: enable flight; 7,000 W; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Crast: keeps the opponent at a distance; 7,000 W; available in Nuva

    For Glatorian:
    -Book of Certavus: raises mind +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Thornax Cloak: raises toughness +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Exsidian Edge: raises strength +1 in battle; for Glatorian; 5,000 W
    -Lightweight Armor: raises agility +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Training Weights: prevent foe from flying; for Glatorian, 7,000 W
    -Champion Shield: block 1 attack once per battle; for Glatorian, 7,000 W
    -Imported Jetpack: allow fight; for Glatorian, 7,000 W (Credit to Wraith)

    Items for Slizers:
    -Disk: a throwing weapon with 20 uses; for Slizers; 8,000 W
    -Power Fuel: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Energy Herbs: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Ice Crystals: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Solar Radiation: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Lava Stone: significantly lowers the agility of flying opponents (-3); for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Air Pearl: temporarily raises resistance to special powers in battle; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Liquid Plasma: block one attack; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Electric Atoms: temporarily paralyze the opponent once; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Flying Disk: allows your fighter to fly on disk, they can fall off, cannot be used if Lava Stone is brought into battle, for Slizers; 13,000 W. (Credit to Canis)

    Items for RoboRiders:
    -Wheel Talisman: a launching weapon with 20 uses; for RoboRiders; 8,000 W
    -Aggressive Programming: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Layered Code: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Handling Patch: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Data Refine: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Firewall: block one attack; for RoboRiders; 7,000 W
    -CreateRoads.EXE: allows a RoboRider to create platforms beneath their wheels, essentially allowing them to drive on air; for RoboRiders; 7,000 W
    -Code Scramble: lower the opponent’s mind -1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W (Credit to Wraith)

    Items for Hero Factory characters:
    -Matrix Upgrade: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Aegis Program: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Zephyr Boosters: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Titan Gauntlets: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Multi-Tool Ice Shield: assists in defense, especially against heat-based attacks; for 2.0 heroes who kept their old weapon; 5,000 W
    -Wing Boosters: allow flight; 7,000 W
    -Breakout Weapon: gain the weapon your Hero used in the Breakout story; for Heroes; 5,000 W
    -Brain Attack Weapon: gain the weapon your Hero used in the Brain Attack story (shields included without taking up an additional in-battle item slot); for Heroes; 5,000 W (7,000 W with shield)

    For All Fighters:

    -Camouflage Badge: boost evasiveness temporarily; 5,000 W
    -Vahki Staff: temporarily disorient an opponent and lower their mind -1; 7,000 W
    -Hero Cuffs: temporarily paralyze the target and reduce their mind -1; 7,000 W
    -Plasma Shooter: deals a medium amount of damage, may burn opponent and deal slow but continuous damage to weaken them; 9,000 W
    -Hex Shield: assists in defense (especially against Mind-based attacks), can be used to cause a small amount of damage; 7,000 W
    -Arachnix Drone: a small drone that aids your fighter in battle; after 3 battles will need to sit one battle out; 10,000 W
    -Bohrok Shield: an enlarged version of the weapons carried by Bohrok, primarily used for defense but can also shoot weak blasts of their corresponding Element; comes in Fire Shield, Stone Shield, Earth Shield, Ice Shield, Acid Shield, Water Shield, Lightning Shield, Plasma Shield, Gravity Shield, Sonic Shield, Vacuum Shield, and Magnetism Shield; 9,000 W
    -Hagah Spear: a melee weapon that can deal a medium amount of Mind damage once per battle; comes in Lava Spear, Avalanche Spear, Seismic Spear, Sub-Zero Spear, Cyclone Spear, and Tidal Spear; 9,000 W
    -Skakdi Spine: grants your fighter a vision power; comes in Laser Vision, Heat Vision, and Impact Vision; 8,000 W
    -Thornax Launcher: projectile launcher, requires ammunition; 8,000 W
    -Thornax: deals a medium amount of damage but can be reused; after five uses it will become explosive, dealing more damage but being erased from your inventory; 1,000
    -Axonn’s Axe: a melee weapon that can fire energy blasts, coat its blade in energy, and return to the user when thrown; 9,000 W
    -Brutaka’s Sword: a melee weapon that can be charged with and fire electricity; 9,000 W
    -Rhotuka Launcher: A backpack that can flip open to fire Rhotuka, requires ammunition; 8,000 W (Credit to Keizah)
    -Burn Spinner: Causes a burning sensation on contact, might distract the target; 5 for 2,000 W
    -Numbing Spinner: Numbs the target temporarily; 5 for 2,000 W
    -Disruptor Spinner: Can negate one elemental attack or slightly lower the target's mind stat if it makes contact; 5 for 4,000 W
    -Shock Spinner: Briefly traps the target in an electric field, 5 for 4,000 W
    -Dark Field Spinner: Temporarily changes the arena to the Zone of Darkness; 5 for 5,000 W
    -Cordak Blaster: projectile launcher that causes medium to large amounts of damage, requires ammunition; 8,000 W
    -Cordak Rockets: ammunition for Cordak Blaster; 2,000 for 2-Pack, 4,000 for 5-Pack, 7,000 for 10-Pack
    -Power Lance: amplifies Elemental Powers, but only when shot in a straight-forward beam; 8,000 W
    -Midak Skyblaster: deals a medium amount of damage and may temporarily blind the target; 9,000 W
    -Nynrah Ghost Blaster: deals a medium amount of damage and may temporarily paralyze the target; 9,000 W

    Rahkshi Staffs:
    (These are melee weapons that any fighter can use, and each one also has a special ability.)
    -Slow: lower opponent’s agility -1 temporarily; 5,000 W
    -Illusion: create an illusion once; 7,000 W
    -Darkness: lower opponent’s accuracy by blinding them temporarily; 7,000 W
    -Density Control: fighter defends self once by either turning intangible or making armor impenetrable; 7,000 W
    -Accuracy: increase accuracy temporarily; 7,000 W
    -Sleep: opponent blacks out for a second or two; 7,000 W
    -Insect Control: summon a swarm of insects to do a small to medium amount of damage or distract the opponent; 8,000 W
    -Elasticity: increase the range of your strength-based attacks; 8,000 W
    -Poison: deal slow but continuous damage to wear the opponent down; 8,000 W
    -Hunger: if the opponent tries to raise any of their stats using an in-battle item, you receive the boost instead of them; 9,000 W
    -Shattering: deal a large amount of damage once; 10,000 W
    -Molecular Disruption: destroy foe’s item (until the end of battle); 10,000 W
    -Weather Control: create a storm once to deal a medium to large amount of damage and distract the foe; 10,000 W

    Rare Items: When you win a tournament, you can get any item for free. However, the following items can only be obtained as Tournament prizes. Some are also only available to a specific type of fighter.

    -Kanohi Suletu: add your fighter’s mind stat and the opponent’s mind stat, divide the result by two (round down), the resulting value will be used as the mind stat for both fighters; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Calix: significantly boosts evasion and accuracy, but your fighter will not be able to bring any other item into battle; banned in tournaments, must win three battles before being able to use it again
    -Mask of Emulation: allows your fighter to copy the opponent’s Elemental Powers; copied powers are not as strong, user is more vulnerable while copying; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Felnas: the opponent takes damage (amount decided by the relation of their Mind stat to their Toughness stat) and is unable to use their Elemental Powers for a brief time (they will return before the fight is over); your fighter will not be able to take any other item into battle when using this mask
    -Feral Circuit: used in-battle to alter your fighter’s stats to resemble an animal, cannot bring other stat-boosting items into battle with this item; for Heroes
    -Evil Brain: Used to turn the environment against the opponent, EX. In the Default Arena, random spikes come out of the sand. Countered by the Brain Visor; for Villians
    -Brain Visor: Allows your fighter to detect and protect against arena traps and special features (Credit to ninja and Canis)
    -Repellers: reflect one attack back at the opponent
    -Exo-Toa: significantly increase strength and toughness (+3) but disable Elemental Powers, features an electro-rocket for mind-based damage
    -Nui Stone: must be used by a non-upgraded fighter against an upgraded fighter, targets stats the opponent has an edge in, adds the opponent's value in that stat with yours and divides by two, that value is used in this stat for both of you (Credit to Canis)
    -Golden Armor: prevents both fighters from using Rahkshi Staffs; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Gravity: allows you to use Gravity powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Electricity: allows you to use Electricity powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Sonics: allows you to use Sonic powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Plasma: allows you to use Plasma powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Magnetism: allows you to use Magnetic powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Plant Control: allows you to use Plant Control powers; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Silence: opponent cannot use Elemental attacks or other Mind-based abilities, does not affect items that deal mind-based damage, you must mention when you are arranging the fight that you intend to use this item, after use you must win 2 battles before using it again, cannot use with Zamor Sphere or Spear of Fusion; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Zamor Sphere: Fuses a target to the ground, preventing them from moving. You must say you are using it outside of spoiler tags if you use it, and must win two battles without using it before using it again. You cannot use it if you are using a Staff of Silence or Spear of Fusion; requires 2 Championships to obtain (Credit to Canis)
    -Spear of Fusion: cut one of the opponent’s stats in half, you must state outside of spoiler tags that you will be using this, you must win two battles before being able to use it again, cannot be used with the Zamor Sphere or the staff of Silence; requires 2 Championships to obtain
    -Adaptive Armor: prevents stat reductions and effects such as blindness, illusions, etc; requires 3 championships to obtain
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Master Ackar
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Sword, Skakdi Spine (Impact), Training Weights (shared)
    Sponsor: Ricardo Mason
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental Stone powers, Saw Blade Shield, Tribal Blade
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Flame Claws
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Elemental Ice powers, Ice Cleaver
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Elemental Air powers, Shield
    Strength: start 3, current 14
    Agility: start 4, current 10
    Toughness: start 3, current 14
    Mind: start 2, current 10
    Powers and Items: Elemental Water powers, Water Blades
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Elemental Water powers, Vapor Trident
    -Legendary Mata Nui
    Strength: start 3, current 7
    Agility: start 3, current 6
    Toughness: start 3, current 6
    Mind: start 3, current 6
    Powers and Items: Elemental Light powers, Scarab Shield, Sword, Skakdi Spine (Impact), Training Weights (shared)
    Sponsor: Ricardo Mason
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Elemental Ice powers, Ice Slicer
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Elemental Ice powers, Sword
    Strength: start 3, current 6
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 3, current 5
    Mind: start 2, current 5
    Powers and Items: Elemental Iron powers, Sword/axe/shield combo, Rhotuka Launcher (shared), Dark Field Spinner (10) (shared)
    Sponsor: ToaDraconixMahvi
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental Sand powers, Spear
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Torch (Fire Slizer)
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, Elemental Fire powers, Vent Hand works without using elemental energy
    -Scuba (Sub Slizer)
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, Elemental Water powers, Harpoon Gun
    -Ski (Ice Slizer)
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, can shoot energy blasts from Ski Pole, Elemental Ice powers
    -Turbo (City Slizer)
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 7, current 7
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, Elemental powers of choice, weapon of choice
    -Jet (Judge Slizer)
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, can fly, can shoot energy beams from hands, disks cause target to black out for a brief moment, Elemental powers of choice
    -Amazon (Jungle Slizer)
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, disks cause plants to attack target, machete, Toa-level power over Plant Life
    -Granite (Mountain Slizer)
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 6, current 6
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk throwing, can shoot plasma bolts, can generate plasma shield, pickaxes, Elemental Stone powers
    -Electro (Energy Slizer)
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk throwing, Elemental Lightning powers, can shoot electric bursts without using elemental energy, can fly
    -Millennia (Millennium Slizer)
    Strength: start 3, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 4
    Toughness: start 4, current 6
    Mind: start 4, current 7
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk-throwing, can shoot energy beams, Solar Axe, Elemental Light powers, Hex Shield (shared)
    Sponsor: Canis Lyacon
    -Blaster (Slizer)
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 1, current 7
    Toughness: start 5, current 7
    Mind: start 4, current 10
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk throwing, has a blast shield that can fire energy blasts, Elemental Shadow powers, Brutaka's Sword (shared), Exo-Toa (shared)
    Sponsor: Makuta Luroka
    -Cosmic Flare (Slizer) Tournaments 1 and 3 Champion
    Strength: start 1, current 4
    Agility: start 7, current 9
    Toughness: start 1, current 5
    Mind: start 3, current 9
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk throwing, can fly, Elemental Fire powers, Flame Nunchaku, Electric Atoms, Ice Crystals, Staff of Illusion (shared), Repellers (shared), Staff of Weather Control (shared), Staff of Plasma (shared)
    Sponsor: Pulse
    -Spark (Slizer)
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Expert in disk throwing, has an 'energy zapper' that can drain energy and use it to make a shield, Elemental Lightning powers
    -Luna (Space Slizer)
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 8, current 8
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Weapon of choice, able to shoot star-shaped energy blasts, Elemental power of choice
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, Elemental Fire powers, axes
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, lasers, Elemental Earth powers
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, Plasma Cannons, Elemental powers of choice
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, ice lances, Elemental Ice powers
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers: Can use Wheel Talismans, machetes, Elemental Plant Life powers
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers: Can use Wheel Talismans, spears, Elemental Sand powers
    -Boss RoboRider
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, energy cannons, Elemental power of choice
    -Virus Rider
    Strength: start 1, current 2
    Agility: start 3, current 7
    Toughness: start 1, current 5
    Mind: start 7, current 8
    Powers and Items: Can use Wheel Talismans, extendable clawed tendrils, can shoot energy blasts and shockwaves, Elemental Lightning powers, CreateRoads.EXE, Hex Shield (shared)
    Sponsor: Canis Lyacon
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 8, current 8
    Powers and Items: Buzzsaws that can shoot cutting energy blasts, Elemental Psionic powers
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Poison/Acid Gun, Elemental powers of choice
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 6, current 6
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Bow, can use Wheel Talismans, can fly using focused wind bursts, Elemental Air powers
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Harpoon Gun, can use Wheel Talismans, can float on the surface of water, Elemental Water powers
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Wields maces, can use Wheel Talismans, can create spikes on wheels to cling to surfaces, Elemental Iron powers
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can throw bolts of solid lightning without using Elemental energy, can use Wheel Talismans, Elemental Lightning powers
    Strength: start 3, current 12
    Agility: start 3, current 12
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Twin hammers, can use Wheel Talismans, can manipulate own gravity to fly, Elemental Gravity powers
    Hero Factory:
    -Preston Stormer
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Toa-level power over Ice, Multifunctional Ice Weapon
    Sponsor: ]
    -Jimi Stringer
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 6, current 6
    Powers and Items: Sonic Boom Weapon, Elemental Sonic powers
    -Duncan Bulk
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Sphere Shooter, Elemental Iron powers
    -William Furno
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Dual Fire Shooter
    -Natalie Breez
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Boomerangs, Elemental Air powers
    -Mark Surge
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Lightning Shooters, Elemental Lightning powers
    -Nathan Evo
    Strength: start 6, current 7
    Agility: start 1, current 6
    Toughness: start 4, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 4
    Powers and Items: Tomahawks, Elemental Psionic powers, Wing Boosters, Vortex Staff
    Sponsor: Keizah
    -Julius Nex
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 9, current 9
    Powers and Items: Weapon of choice, Elemental power of choice
    -Daniel Rocka
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Weapon of choice, Elemental power of choice
    -Von Nebula
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 7, current 7
    Toughness: start 1, current 7
    Mind: start 3, current 6
    Powers and Items: Black Hole Orb Staff, Elemental Gravity powers, Aegis Program, Rhoutka Launcher (shared), Dark Field Spinner (10) (shared)
    Sponsor: ToaDraconixMahvi
    -Toxic Reapa
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 6, current 6
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Toxic Jets, Elemental powers of choice
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 7, current 7
    Powers and Items: Shoots bullets of corrosive mist, Elemental Water powers
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 7, current 7
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Has sharp claws and a horn, can spit acid, Elemental power of choice
    -Dragon Bolt
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Capable of flight, spits electric fireballs without using Elemental energy, Elemental Lightning powers
    -Core Hunter
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Hero Core Removal Tool, Elemental power of choice
    -Black Phantom
    Strength: start 3, current 6
    Agility: start 1, current 5
    Toughness: start 3, current 7
    Mind: start 5, current 6
    Powers and Items: Elemental Gravity powers, Sabre Strikers, mace, Axonn's Axe (shared), Wing Boosters, Staff of Molecular Disruption (shared), Cordak Blaster (shared), Cordak Rockets (9) (shared), Brutaka's Sword (shared), Power Lance (shared)
    Sponsor: The ShadowVezon
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items:Crusher Claw, Elemental power of choice
    -Fire Lord
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Lava Blaster, Elemental Fire powers
    Strength: start 5, current 7
    Agility: start 1, current 6
    Toughness: start 3, current 6
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Mass Driver Launchers, Elemental Magnetism powers, Staff of Illusion (shared), Repellers (shared), Staff of Weather Control (shared), Staff of Plasma (shared)
    Sponsor: Trijhak
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've started formatting the blog posts I'll be using for reference and easy data storage. Most are done, but the fighter lists are going to take a little longer. I sort of forgot that I still needed to re-adjust their stats, plus there's a lot of text that needs to be deleted, and apparently the Bionicle fighters list was too long so it's been divided up into three...
    Anyway, I'm going to do what I can, but I do have work today and tomorrow. I'll do my best to start Warzone tomorrow as planned, but it might be later in the day. Worst case scenario, it might get pushed to Monday.
    Sorry about that.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Like the title says, here's a list of people playing Technic Warzone. Listed is your name, your Widget count, and which fighter(s) you sponsor.
    -Snubby, sponsoring Nidhiki and Onua, 51,000 W; Inventory: Kanohi Kadin (shared), Vahki Staff (shared), Kanohi Mahiki (shared)
    -The ShadowVezon, sponsoring Vezon and Black Phantom, 36,300 W; Inventory: Axonn's Axe (shared), Wing Boosters, Staff of Molecular Disruption (shared), Cordak Blaster (shared), Cordak Rockets (9) (shared), Brutaka's Sword (shared), Power Lance (shared)
    -Canis Lyacon, sponsoring Millennia and Virus Rider, 18,000 W; Inventory: CreateRoads.EXE, Hex Shield
    -Trijhak, sponsoring Cosmic Flare, Ehlek, and Thresher, 25,700 W; Inventory: Electric Atoms, Ice Crystals, Kanohi Huna, Staff of Illusion (shared), Repellers (shared), Staff of Weather Control (shared), Staff of Plasma (shared)
    -Vox, sponsoring Kopaka and Nocturn, 24,000 W; Inventory: Kanohi Kadin (shared), Axonn's Axe (shared), Hero Cuffs (shared)
    -Captain Caboose, sponsoring Legendary Mata Nui, Tahu, and Master Ackar, 41,900 W; Inventory: Skakdi Spine (Impact), Kanohi Hau, Training Weights (shared)
    -Makuta Luroka, sponsoring Pridak and Blaster, 38,000 W; Inventory: Brutaka's Sword (shared), Pakari, Exo-Toa (shared)
    -ToaDraconixMahvi, sponsoring Telluris and Von Nebula, 10,000 W; Inventory: Rhotuka Launcher, Dark Field Spinner (10), Aegis Program
    -Keizah the Kaleidoscope, sponsoring Nathan Evo, 5,000 W; Inventory: Wing Boosters, Vortex Staff
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental power of choice, claws
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Elemental Stone powers, Seismic Pickaxe
    Strength: start 3, current 8
    Agility: start 4, current 9
    Toughness: start 2, current 5
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can shoot lightning bolts from back spines without using Elemental Energy, Elemental Lightning powers, claws, Kanohi Huna, Staff of Illusion (shared), Repellers (shared), Staff of Weather Control (shared), Staff of Plasma (shared)
    Sponsor: Pulse
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Ice Gun, Elemental Ice powers
    -Pridak Tournament 2 Champion
    Strength: start 3, current 12
    Agility: start 4, current 10
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Elemental Water powers, blades, Brutaka's Sword (shared), Pakari, Exo-Toa (shared)
    Sponsor: Makuta Luroka
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Toa-level power over Water, Crescent Scythe
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Lava Launcher
    Strength: start 1, current 6
    Agility: start 1, current 5
    Toughness: start 5, current 6
    Mind: start 5, current 7
    Powers and Items: Spear, Elemental Shadow powers, Axonn's Axe (shared), Staff of Molecular Disruption (shared), Cordak Blaster (shared), Cordak Rockets (9) (shared), Brutaka's Sword (shared), Power Lance (shared)
    Sponsor: The ShadowVezon
    Strength: start 5, current 11
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 4, current 8
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental Plant Life powers, blades, Kanohi Kadin (shared), Axonn's Axe (shared), Hero Cuffs (shared)
    Sponsor: Vox
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Toa of Fire, Fire Sword, Skakdi Spine (Impact), Kanohi Hau
    Sponsor: Ricardo Mason
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Toa of Stone, weapon of choice
    Strength: start 3, current 4
    Agility: start 2, current 6
    Toughness: start 3, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 6
    Powers and Items: Toa of Earth, claws, Kadin (shared), Vahki Staff (shared), Kanohi Mahiki (shared)
    Sponsor: Mairanui
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 8
    Toughness: start 3, current 6
    Mind: start 5, current 8
    Powers and Items: Toa of Ice, Ice Blade, Ice Shield, Kanohi Kadin (shared), Axonn's Axe (shared), Hero Cuffs (shared)
    Sponsor: Voxumo
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Toa of Air, Air Axe
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 4, current 4
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Toa of Water, hooks
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Toa of Fire, Fire Greatswords
    Strength: start 1, current 5
    Agility: start 6, current 6
    Toughness: start 1, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 6
    Powers and Items: Toa of Air, Air Scythe, Kanohi Kadin (shared), Vahki Staff (shared), Kanohi Mahiki (shared)
    Sponsor: Mairanui
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Toa of Stone, Laser Axe, Electric Chain
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Toa of Water, mace, shield
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 9, current 9
    Powers and Items: Toa of Ice, Ice Sword
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 7, current 7
    Powers and Items: Crystal Spikes, Toa of Ice
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 7, current 7
    Mind: start 1. current 1
    Powers and Items: Air Sword, Toa of Air
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Magnetic Bolt Launcher, Toa of Magnetism
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Toa of Lightning, weapon of choice
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Kohlii Staff of Light, Toa of Light
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Spear, Rhotuka Launching Shield, Toa of Fire
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Toa of Water, Laser Harpoon
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Toa of Fire, Energized Flame Sword
    Strength: start 6, current 6
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Proto Pitons, Toa of Stone
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 5, current 5
    Toughness: start 2, current 2
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Toa of Sonics, Sonic Vibration Sword
    Class A
    Strength: start 1, current 1
    Agility: start 3, current 3
    Toughness: start 1, current 1
    Mind: start 7, current 7
    Powers and Items: Toa of Psionics, elbow blades, Rhotuka Launching Shield
    Strength: start 4, current 4
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Toa of Iron, weapon of choice
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don't spend a whole lot of time poking around at all the features on the text editor, so I was wondering if there was some equivalent of the spoiler tags that aren't called "spoiler tags"?
    Because the ability to collapse/hide text is actually very handy for condensing long posts out of consideration to others scrolling by, or having an extra buffer to hide my soul-crushing insecurity behind.
    But, spoiler tags are for spoilers, and I should probably stick to breaking the rules only once a week.
    So, anyone?
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was given Pokemon X for Christmas, so I've been playing that. Since I'm not distracted by school and have had some time off work, I'm at Victory Road already! Here's my team:
    -Xerneas, Lv 64
    -Ghido the Mega Blastoise, Lv 65
    -Lariska the Drapion, Lv 66
    -Ruka the Delphox, Lv 66
    -Mega Gardevoir, Lv 67
    -Neku the Noivern, Lv 70
    Gardevoir was traded over from Y (it's the one that Diantha gives you), as was Neku (caught in Friend Safari). Lariska was sent over as an Egg. You win a cookie if you can get all four nickname references.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    Obligatory comment about officially being here nine years: woohoo
    Moving on.
    On Monday my next semester of classes starts, and it looks like I may have a bit more work this time around considering my science fiction class has asked me to buy nine different novels. In addition, I’ve got a part-time job now, so that’ll also take up some of my time. I’m not complaining, just saying I’ll have less free time over the next few months.
    Even less once I get my hands on Pokémon Y heheheh…
    This is obviously going to mean less BZP time. The only things I’m really working on here are Technic Coliseum, which has slowed to a crawl anyway, and Bioni-Lords, which only a handful of people read. I should be able to stay up-to-date with the Coliseum. As for Bioni-Lords, I’ll work on it when I can, but the frequency of new chapters may drop even lower than it has been lately. Sorry about that.
    To be honest, though, I’m getting really frustrated with Bioni-Lords. I decided when I started this flashback book that I wasn’t going to contradict canon outside of what had already been explained away by “the Retcon.” Seemed like a good idea. Now that I’m actually writing the darn thing, I keep bumping into restrictions that are a real pain, primarily in regard to Tahra and Zempyst. Unless I do some rearranging, they’ve got some nasty fates in store, which is something I really don’t want to follow through on; not just because I like the characters, but because their respective presences provide things that Bioni-Lords sorely needs. Tahra is probably the closest thing I have to a great female character (though I feel like there are still some problems with how I’m handling her), and Zempyst’s relationship with Aile is one of the first times the story has stepped towards any form of diversity. Upon realizing this, I came to the conclusion that I was a close-minded cool dude when I developed this canon, and I will not make any excuses. I’m deeply sorry and I promise to do my best to improve.
    I don’t mean to overstate the importance of Bioni-Lords, of course. It’s an obscure fanfiction that can’t be anything more than practice for when I try to write other stories. But that’s just it: it’s practice for me. I need to home in on what I need to change and try to actually change it. Still, when the characters I think I can actually use in this process already have tragic ends, it doesn’t feel like I’m really making a whole lot of progress. With the first two Books being offline, though, this could give me a chance to just go ahead and retcon. I don’t know…maybe there’s still a way I can twist things to get the practice I need while not entirely contradicting canon.
    I guess I’ll try to figure that out, then. Hoping I get it down soon, because I think Vitirus is going to fall into this category too…
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    As promised, A Mind in Darkness is now complete! The whole thing comes in at over 11,000 words. I’m glad I followed through on the idea—maybe there’s something else from that booklet I can use as inspiration…
    Anyway, on to the main point of this entry. When I announced A Mind in Darkness, I mentioned that I was working on another new project. In the past, I worked on some stories about humans who could use the power of Bionicle (and other) characters by turning “spirits” into armor—that series is pretty dead, but I still want to do something with the basic idea. Nothing like humans turning up in the MU, of course. That would just be ridiculous. What I wanted was a new world where both humans and Toa existed, and after kicking that around for a while, I got a new idea that I thought had some potential.
    But, I’m not so sure there’s an audience for this sort of thing. Not much point in putting a bunch of work into a story if it’s just going to rot in some forgotten corner of the Library, right? Simply asking if there was an audience didn’t seem like the best way to go, plus I really wanted to at least experiment with this idea a little, so I decided to jump in…if a bit tentatively.
    The result is the short story The Blade of Valor. Think of this as a pilot episode. Presented here is a rough working concept of a world where Toa are Elemental Spirits who watch over the humans, but when an evil force arises, a priestess is selected to bear a legendary weapon and set things right. I did a solid amount of world-building and prepared some backstory, but I don’t want to go much farther unless I see reason to. If I get a good reaction from The Blade of Valor, I’ll continue working and put together an entire story based on this concept. If no one seems interested, then I guess it just remains a one-shot.
    Please read if you have the time, but a few warnings. First, the length: it’s between 4000-5000 words. Interpret that as you will. Second, I tried to make the monster in this story rather disturbing, and while I don’t know if I really succeeded in that, I figured I should at least provide a heads-up.
    If you like the story, please let me know. Also, since the material presented is very tentative, suggestions are most welcome—if I do end up pursuing this, then I want it to be as great as possible. If nothing else, thank you for at least reading this entry!
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    Sun and Moon are legit, and on 3DS (thank God!)! And judging by how the video was only citing games which began a new Generation when it was leading up to the announcement, it sounds like it really is Gen VII! This adds new questions, but hey, new Pokemon! This year! On a system I have!!
    Not only that, but the Virtual Console games will be compatible with Pokemon Bank! It only mentioned moving the Pokemon from the VC games into Sun and Moon, so I don't think they'll be able to get to your Gen VI games, but that's still really good news! I think I'm actually going to play one now!
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    At the launch event for Kingdom Hearts II.5, new footage of Kingdom Hearts III was shown. No recording was allowed, and the trailer will be put online at some point soon (at which point I'll probably post it here), but news sources are giving us some key points.
    We're right behind you, Star Wars.
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    The Kingdom Hearts II manga reached the point where Kairi gets her Keyblade.
    She then proceeds to power dive from the balcony in the Hall of Empty Melodies down to the platform Sora is on, and, upon landing, unleashes a radial light shockwave that one-shots a horde of Heartless.
    Square Enix, you need to get Shiro Amano on the writing staff for KHIII, Amano Kairi is best Kairi.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    Bioni-Lords may have started as a game, but the game has been closed for so long that the story is now the sole component. But, I HAVE been thinking...
    My main concern is that there might not be much of an audience. If there's one thing I learned from entering Ihu's Blessing into the RPG Contest, it's that most people don't approve of humans and Bionicles being in contact. But it could be worth a try, and could get more people to read the story...
    Other concerns are some system flaws. The accuracy system began with a coin flip for every attack, but I have since found out that due to the weight of coins the chance isn't actually 50-50, so I changed it to me simply deciding if attacks hit or not. That's not a very good system...I've been thinking about rolling a 6-sided die instead--numbers 1-3 are hits, 4-6 are misses, and if techniques that raise or lower accuracy or evasion are involved I can put more numbers on one side. (An attack that has enhanced accuracy would hit on 1-4 and miss on 5-6, for example.)
    There's also the issue of starting Orbs. I could use the original three starters, or I could come up with a new set, or...well, in the last version of the game, I let players choose which island they started from, and then gave them three starter choices that varied depending on the island. The issue with that is that we've since added Jungle and Psionics, so I'd have to pick new starters for them...both Elements are still fairly rare, and a lot of the Orbs that do have those Elements are a little too powerful to be starters. I could always cook up some new Spirits specifically for the position...
    Another thing...Element-Lords. Back in the day we just had one set of Element-Lords, but the roster has been changed in Book 2, and will be changed again for Book 3, plus we have some characters in Book 2 who we know are going to be future Element-Lords...hm. I could just leave them as nameless NPCs--Fire-Lord, Ice-Lord, what we called them in the early days of Book 1 before I thought they deserved names. The other options involve a type of informal voting: either for sets of Element-Lords, or for the Element-Lords individually. The first option would be a poll between Book 1 Element-Lords, Book 2 Element-Lords, Book 3 Element-Lords, and Future Element-Lords; the second option involves a series of polls--a Fire-Lord poll (Vakahu vs Nk vs Lhikahu vs Dranes, etc), an Ice-Lord poll (Mataka vs Zagrin, etc), and so on--but there are some Elements that only have one Element-Lord throughout the saga (Steel, Dragon, Psionics, Jungle).
    I'm sure there are a few other things that need to be worked out. But the question is, do you guys think a new version of the Bioni-Lords game would go well? Would you like to see it?
  22. Pahrak Model ZX
    "Huh, you made it past the Elite Four after all? That's actually rather impressive. But your challenge ends here. As Champion of the Akihabara Region, I, Makise Kurisu, shall show you what true power is!"

    ...I don't know, I just wanted to take a picture of some of my new Pokemon figs (plus some old ones) and still like the idea of Pokemon Trainer Christina.
    BTW the Elite Four would totally be Kyouma, Suzuha, Ruka, and Mayushii, feel free to give them whatever Pokemon you like.
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