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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't gotten much work done lately. I'm trying to milk this summer break thing while I can...and it might not be getting better particularly soon.
    E3 is next week, so I'll probably be spending a lot of time watching the live coverage. Then again, I probably won't be super involved in much of it, since my video game tastes are extremely narrow. But they will have something on the new Kingdom Hearts, so...I'll definitely be watching for that.
    Also, you likely won't hear much if anything from me next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I'll try moving my blog entry to that next Monday...which is about when I'll try to post VRHS.
    I'm working on updating Exo's Desk with more Book 3 character files, which now have their own page. I'll also try to type as much Kako as I can before next Friday, plus I want to get feedback on another piece of Creation for Creation's Sake soon (not immediately after the last part, but soon after).
    Well, on to Korra thoughts, may contain spoilers and soy products:
    -Korra, I missed you last week! D:
    -I fully expected Asami to roll out the Batmobile.
    -Speaking of rolling out, that truck that pulled out in front of them looked an awful lot like an old-time version of Optimus Prime...
    -Car chases are officially better with Earthbending.
    -Uh...I thought lightning was fatal?
    -So are ALL council meeting just going to be Tarlokk being a troll, Tenzin arguing logically, and then the mute council members raising their hands...?
    -Curfew for non-benders? Sounds like Asami needs an alter-ego!
    -Korra. Punch. Tarlokk. In. The face. DO IT.
    -Conveniently placed waterfall? There must be a fight on the way.
    -Yep, a fight. Hm, this could be spun as Korra attacking a council member, she'd better be careful about--ah who cares, beat that piraka to a pulp!!
    -...Uh...what? Bloodbending without a full moon?! I call cheap!
    -Hm, I think I have an idea of how the rest of the series will go. Next episode will probably be Korra in some sort of prison, maybe going on a Spirit World journey or something, then the episode after she'll break out, and the rest of Book 1 will be devoted mainly to taking down Tarlokk, maybe with a few attacks from Amon here and there. Sounds awesome.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    For my Bravely Second post on the topic--*shot*
    ...Actually, that's relevant because the new Job uses guns! The new Job is "Tomahawk", a gun-specialist that apparently will have a lot of support abilities and attacks that can hit all enemies. Sounds neat!
    They also announced the Asterisk-holder for this Job: "Amy Matchlock", who comes from a small tribe and can talk to spirits. She also has a really cool spear-axe-gun-bow...thing.
    Aside from that, it's been confirmed that Agnes will provide the party with guidance from the lower screen over the course of their quest. I'm taking this to mean she'll do what Airy did on Menus in Bravely Default. Looking less likely that she'll be an actual party member, but...more Agnes, so that'll be nice.
    Well, I guess they are hoping to release the game sort of soon, so perhaps this is the beginning of a steady reveal of content leading up to the release, sort of like what's happening with ORAS. We can certainly hope!
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    My team has been completed!
    Hana the Venusaur, currently Lv 42
    Scorch the Growlithe, currently Lv 41
    Gahlok the Vaporeon, currently Lv 41
    Sentinel the Marowak, currently Lv 42
    Aeroga the Aerodactyl, currently Lv 41
    Articuno, currently Lv 50
    I haven't actually used Articuno yet since I want everyone else to catch up, but I think they'll really come in handy. Pokedex just hit 50 so I picked up the EXP All, hoping that will prove useful; I managed to beat Sabrina so I'm now exploring the Pokemon Mansion, which I might mess around in for a bit even after I need to in order to get some more levels. Although between Gahlok and Sentinel, I don't think Blaine's going to be much trouble.
    But Scorch, though. Poor, poor Scorch. Bad movepool, low stats, the only way to fix the former is by coping with the latter until Level 50...it's a bit frustrating. But, I'm gonna hang in there. We can do this, Scorch!
    Also why can Aerodactyl, a Rock type Pokemon, not learn any Rock type moves in this Generation? Kind of disappoint. (Aeroga's still freaking awesome though.)
    On another note, thinking about the team I had planned for Pokemon Z has made me think about restarting Y with said team, Zygarde included. I figure I'll decide after I finish Virtual Red and transfer my Living Dex to Omega Ruby.
    EDIT: ALSO, starting March 4 you can get the Regi trio with Hidden Abilities through Pokemon Bank! Sorry, can't believe I forgot that...
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Have I mentioned that Steven Universe: Attack the Light is a great game? Because it is.
    I went back to it to try shooting for 100% completion, and I'm very nearly there. The Gems' levels are all maxed (though I didn't maximize all their abilities, turns out those upgrades are missable and that's a bit of a flaw), Steven's level is almost there (I think he just needs two more levels, but he levels really slowly and I think his only remaining bonuses are upgrades to Escape, which I don't use or need at this point). I also found all the badges! I have 100% on four of the five worlds, but I've encountered a problem with World 3.
    See, each World has two secret levels that you access by using rare Gemstones to unlock doors in the normal levels, and to unlock the last secret level in World 3, I need a Red Gemstone. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any more Red Gemstones. I haven't been able to find a good online resource for this game so I've been going back through the levels and checking the shops scattered around, but unless I missed a shop (I don't think the secret levels have shops so I didn't check), Worlds 3, 4, and 5 are fresh out of Red Gemstones, and I remember a character very clearly saying we won't find them in World 1.
    I'll have to investigate World 2 next, and then maybe double check World 1 and the secret levels, but I'm starting to worry this level might be missable. I don't suppose anyone plays the game and has any idea where I could find the Gemstone I need?
    Also since I haven't been able to say this anywhere else, I love the final boss of this game so much, I think it might honestly be my favorite final boss of any game I've played and I really hope it somehow turns up in the show (though it probably won't).
    EDIT: Okay I found it, there's a shop in a secret room in World 2 that had that last Red Gemstone, bought it and cleaned out the last zone. 100% completion ranking on all 5 Worlds!
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, when I finished Shooting Star Sonia 2, I said I had a few other projects I wanted to get off the ground in the near future. I’ve now officially given up on both of them. Just to pad my blog with content, here’s an overview of what could have been but probably won’t.
    -The bigger one was an attempt at a new Comedy, “Synica and the Jade Mask”. A villager from the Region of Stone finds a Jade Mask that won’t let go of her face and amplifies her already negative personality (she’s jaded!), so she has to go on a journey to figure out how to break its hold. Along the way she would have encountered villagers wearing other such Masks of Emotion and come to learn of/face off against their creator, and would have been accompanied by Asuno, the armadillo-like Creature of Exposition! It wasn’t all for laughs—I was trying the approach of “write a story, and then also make it funny” since I don’t perform well with “toss in as many jokes as I can think of”. So I was actually going to try to come up with a mix of obvious puns and no fourth wall and general humor versus an actual plot and character development and maybe some thoughts on emotional/mental health. I know, right? Totally out of my league! Ah well, kicking it around in my head helped kill some time at work.
    -The other one was OTC—a small Kingdom Hearts story adapting Final Fantasy V as a world in KH3D. It was just an excuse to get Sora and Riku to interact with the Warriors of Light and fight Gilgamesh and Exdeath, and I thought using the separated worlds from FFV as the different sides of the Realm of Sleep world would work well. Plus since it’s a dream, I could bring Galuf in and stab readers in the heart. And, well…Sora interacted with Bartz and Lenna pretty well, but I was really struggling with getting him to talk to Faris and having Riku engage Galuf and Krile. I dunno, I guess this has a better chance of coming together than the above comedy, but it’s seeming 99% unlikely right now. I might be better off trying a simpler idea, like an oneshot where Sora bumps into a few of them in a specific world. Faris would fit into Port Royal really well…
    It feels like I’ve been dropping a lot of story ideas over the past few years. Of course, I’ve always had a problem with finishing ideas, and even what I do get out has execution issues more often than not, but…ugh. No, I should try to end on a positive note, so I’m gonna remind myself of what I have accomplished since ending SSS2.
    -Glimpse of Horizons. The broader idea is going nowhere fast, but I really enjoyed writing this trial version, and I definitely want to use the powers I gave the protagonist in the future even if the rest of it doesn’t work out. It was nice to realize there is a plausible way to revisit one of the oldest concepts I’ve worked with, so that definitely makes this worth it.
    -Mafia XXIX: Hotel of Okoto. I mean…the Chorus System, the only unique thing about this game, was an absolute flop, and I could only come up with short scenes, but still. Hosting a Mafia game with a theme that had plenty of jokes built in gave me some breathing room and I think it was fun overall.
    -Second Star. I worry that I’m beginning to get burnt out on Bionicle stories, but The Legend Continues really lit a fire in me. Coming up with G2 Inika and how to present them was an awesome time, and it’s nice to know that I still have some passion left for this series tucked away somewhere. But, you know…I invested brainpower into naming all their weapons, and in the end I couldn’t find a good way to slip them in without it feeling obtrusive! I know I don’t have the focus/time/motivation to do a full story, but…well, does anyone want to collaborate?
    Huh. Looking it over, that’s an accomplishment per month! Not so bad after all. Plus, I have something else that just needs a little revision and should be up in a matter of days…
    Anyway, I’ve started on Shooting Star Sonia 3, though I’m not particularly far into it. I’ve also pinned down most of the ideas I’ll need for Wall of History, I just need to write up the history I’ll be handing out each round. With luck, I might actually be looking productive in late 2017!
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    History. Myth. And the Truth that binds them together.


    These are the virtues upon which Stoeia-Nui was founded, created by the gods to be a font of knowledge for all who live in the mortal world. For a time, its inhabitants fulfilled this duty well, dedicating themselves to expanding their own minds as well as the minds of all who came to their shores.


    But this prosperity was not to last.


    Makuta, a demon born of deceit and falsehood, descended upon the island one day, wishing to rob mortals of their knowledge and leave them powerless against him. His army of horrors seemed endless, but eventually, a team of brave Toa were able to slay Makuta. The shadow of lies receded, the demon’s threat vanquished.


    And yet, he was in part victorious.


    The inhabitants of Stoeia-Nui gave their all to defend their home. Unfortunately, when the battle was over, they could not get it back. They taught themselves to fight, devoted themselves wholly to repelling Makuta, embraced the ways of war…and forgot the ways of knowledge. Stoeia-Nui became simply another island.


    Ten thousand years have passed. Makuta has now returned.


    The island’s denizens have done their best to repel the demon’s forces, but they are failing, bewildered by the demon’s tactics. None can understand the fiend’s approach, and the only account of his previous assault, carved into the Wall of History by the last Chronicler, is written in an ancient script that is illegible to everyone now living on the island. The village leaders each selected a champion: new Chroniclers, the first in ten thousand years, and sent them in search of the Spirit of Knowledge, the patron of Stoeia-Nui. The Chroniclers were able to find this deity, but though she agreed to give them the power to translate the history, the young Chroniclers will be required to earn that power. They will demonstrate their knowledge of stories by crafting their own, and those whose skill she deems sufficient will be granted the right to her knowledge.


    Let us hope these new Chroniclers are up to the task. For if they fail, the shadow of lies shall consume all of Stoeia-Nui…forever.

  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    Since one of the reasons I’m writing Divine Strength (or anything really) is to play around in a fantasy world, I feel like I should try to do more with that fantasy element than I already am. For example, the only magical beings who currently exist in the story are the Queens and the Ruinous. Only having two categories both with very finite rosters seems weird.
    So I thought maybe I’d expand upon the backstory I had for the Ruinous: that they were born from the forces of magic in response to the state of the world. Perhaps in this universe, the Magic of the World constantly reacts to the emotions and beliefs that fill the world—so people are constantly channeling and shaping magic without even realizing it.
    This could also relate to the Queens. They originally existed in an ethereal realm, but then were pulled into the material realm. Maybe the eons of war began before this, and people felt desperately that they needed guidance. So the Magic of the World responded by pulling the Goddesses into the material realm, and people were given the leaders they asked for.
    I think this has a lot of potential—new magical beings can essentially just pop up whenever, so I could introduce new things while still being consistent. Though, I worry this might feel…cheap, I guess, like I’m cheating and saying “Yeah new stuff just poofs into existence all the time how convenient is that!”
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    Here's to even more years!
    A giant monster contest? Must force self to enter.
    In regards to the Technic Coliseum voting, eleven fighters have 3 or more votes, so they'll be added soon. It may take a while before I'm done.
    Other news? Well, Kingdom Hearts X is officially released in Japan. There's also Comic-Con, which has given some news on the new Adventure Time and Regular Show games, which I must admit I'm looking forward to. They also talked about Korra Book 2, airing in September! As good as the whole series has been thus far, truth is I'm more interested in learning about the first Avatar than anything else. I just wished they had thought of something more creative than "Wan". (Wan? One? Hrm.) There could be some other news, but I haven't seen it yet. Back to looking!
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    I went to a midnight event to pick up Ruby and Smash, though I needed to sleep afterwards. This morning I started Ruby, and Trainer Omega started on his journey! He soon found that Professor Birch was in trouble, and to save him, Omega teamed up with his very first Pokémon.
    TEAM PROFILE: Gadunka the Mudkip
    TITLES: The Starter, The Meme
    Omega’s very first Pokémon! The two have already formed a close bond, and they are ready to take on the world! When Omega walks around towns, Gadunka will walk behind him and play with the local folks. She is well-liked.
    After that, Omega met May and battled and caught a few more Pokémon, learning how to use the very nifty DexNav that he probably won’t rely on a whole lot but still admits is super, super cool. He also used Pokémon Link to get a ton of extra Poke Balls. Turns out that Linking things from the demo only works once a day, which is kind of a bummer, but not really a big deal. As Omega was on his way out, someone stopped him at the Pokémon Center, giving him a new Pokémon.
    TEAM PROFILE: Beldum
    TITLES: The Shiny Psuedo-Legend, The Other Starter, Chief Recruiting Officer
    An extremely rare Pokémon that someone named Steven Stone had delivered to Omega very early on in his journey. Beldum hasn’t completely warmed up to Omega yet, but they are exceedingly curious and can often be seen hovering over the shoulder of Omega or their teammates.
    The Shiny Metagrossite-holding Beldum can be obtained over the Internet via Mystery Gift until mid-January, and it actually knows useful moves (including Hold Back) rather than just Take Down! Hold Back has proved immensely useful in catching Pokémon, with two other important team members being brought on board thanks to it.
    TEAM PROFILE: Falzar the Nuzleaf
    TITLES: The Dreamer, Gym Slayer
    A young Pokémon Omega met and captured as a Seedot near the beginning of his journey. She has a bashful nature, but despite this, Falzar hides a limitless determination, which is why Omega decided to name her after a ferocious creature of legend. Falzar likes to spar with the rest of the team—her record wasn’t looking so good at first, but now that she’s evolved and learned Razor Leaf, she can usually get the upper hand on Gadunka.
    TEAM PROFILE: Icarus the Tailow
    TITLE: The Doomed
    A Tailow who encountered Omega early in his journey. Omega knew a Flying type would be useful, but feared that he would not keep a Pokémon like Tailow or Wingull on his team for very long, and so was reluctant to catch one. In battle, Bledum expressed this to Icarus, who decided that, even if he might end up in a PC before too long, he wanted to help Omega and the team for as long as he could. Even if he may not get much time with the team, he is determined to enjoy what time he does have.
    Icarus had some training in the Petalburg Woods, and is at a decent level. Beldum’s level is a little low, but that’s because they won’t obey me if they go over Level 20 and I want to use them against Brawly, so…they’re holding back for now. It was difficult to train Falzar at first, since she had no usable moves (Bide, Harden, Growth), but that all changed in Rustboro City. By this point, Omega had received the EXP Share, so the whole team was benefitting while Gadunka was sweeping the Rustboro Gym Trainers and their Geodudes. When the last trainer was defeated, Falzar evolved, learning Razor Leaf in the process, so it was decided that she would lead the battle against Roxanne to prove how much she had grown.
    She took the Gym Leader down all on her own. She needed a Potion or two, but she absolutely obliterated Roxanne’s Pokémon, earning her the title of Gym Slayer (subject to change). We celebrated as a team, but it seems that shady organization calling themselves Team Magma is up to something, so I should look into that before too long. But…maybe after taking a break to watch Korra and play Smash.
    NEW TITLE ACQUISITION: For Omega, "Bearer of the Stone Badge"
    When thinking about Omega’s character in all this, I thought that he might wonder if he was going on a Pokémon journey just to follow in his father’s footsteps, and question whether or not this is really want to do. But then, he’d look over at Gadunka and Falzar sparring with each other, with Beldum floating nearby and Icarus perched on Beldum’s back, and the happy feelings that would fill him would be too genuine to deny. He’s on this journey because it’s what he wants. And there you go, the first piece of his identity falls into place.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    Asterisk Holder: Barras Lehr

    Origin: Final Fantasy
    Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes
    Overview: An agile, armorless physical attacker who specializes in Knuckles. If your Monk stays light on their feet, they can cause some serious damage even with just their standard attacks. They have some useful techniques as well, the most powerful being Phoenix Flight, which takes advantage of their high HP in a high risk high reward assault! If you want raw speed and high HP, Monk is your Job.
    Personal Thoughts: Monk is fun. Honestly, though, I’ve always put more stock in defense than agility, so I quickly abandoned Monk until I needed it. (It works great in a final boss strategy.) Their HP boosting ability is very useful, but with an actual Monk, their defenses tend to be so low that all that HP doesn’t always help a whole lot, so it might be better as an ability farm Job. It is one of the first Jobs you get, so maybe that was the intent?
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    I got an itch to start up a new game, and after discarding a bunch of half-ideas, I realized this could actually be a great chance to get more people interested in Olkir.
    Hence, Olkir Tournament! Not a very creative name, I know. You’ll use the mechanics detailed in the topic to create your own weapon and ability, and then I’ll start randomly matching you up with other players to fight. You have to PM me a strategy each round, similar to the old Technic Coliseum, and see if you can outwit your opponent. Whoever accumulates a certain number of wins is named the champion!
    Come play if you want! These are the same mechanics I’m planning to use in the eventual epic, subject some minor alterations of course, so this would be a great chance to see what you’ll be in for if you were considering guest starring. Sort of an open beta for guest stars, if you will. I plan to open the actual submissions for the epic around the time this game finishes, so please look forward to that!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    Technic Coliseum just finished its final tournament. Again, I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated! When I first came up with the idea back in 2010, I never imagined I’d still be putting so much effort into it years later. It’s sad to see the Coliseum go, but worry not: Technic Warzone is on its way! To celebrate the success of Coliseum and get you excited for Warzone, I decided to type up a little something to put a bit of story into this thing (though not too much, since we aren’t in the RPG Forum ).
    A lone Pahrak was working on the edge of the street, making some sort of sign. He sat in front of a large, arena-like tower built in the style of Metru-Nui’s Coliseum, which took up an entire block on its own. How rich do you have to be to afford something like that?
    Anyway, Pahrak finished his work, stood up, and attached the sign to the tower’s doors. It read: “TECHNIC COLISEUM CLOSED FOR RENOVATION.” It was written in Matoran, obviously, but we have translated it for your convenience. We’re so helpful, aren’t we?
    “Okay, everyone’s cleared out and the building is locked down,” Pahrak said to himself. “Now I just need to call the family in so we can get to work! Ah, this brings back memories of the last renovation, though hopefully this one won’t take nearly as long…”
    Pahrak pulled out a flip phone and—really? A flip phone? It’s 2014, why don’t you have an iPhone or something, you loser? We know you’re not short on cash if you can run this giant interdimensional fighting league. Whatever.
    But before he could make the call, he heard a noise. Turning around, he saw a giant blue frog with a tongue so long it was wrapped around its head like a scarf...it’s a lot cooler than it sounds.
    “Are you Pahrak #0579, zam?” the frog asked.
    “I am Greninja #0579. No relation, zam. I have come to this world because I have something urgent to tell you, zam!”
    “Okay but cut it out with the ‘zam’. I seriously doubt anyone’s going to get that reference, and it’s really unnecessary.”
    “Fine. I come from a parallel world, one where a terrible fate has befallen the Technic Coliseum. After you completed these renovations, dark forces seized control and orchestrated a multi-world war that quickly descended into total anarchy.”
    Pahrak nodded. “Mm-hm. Question: were these dark anarchy forces carrying around a shell-shaped fossil?”
    “…Possibly. That’s not the point. Everyone got their hands on death rays and turned on each other—it became an every set for themselves bloodbath, with no survivors. Then someone went and started retconning things, and now everyone’s back to life.”
    “Ah yes, the retcon. I’m well familiar with it.”
    “My world is now trapped in a never ending cycle of death ray wars and spontaneous revivals. You were corrupted by the anarchy and started placing bets on who would live and who would die.”
    “Wow, I became a real—“
    “I’m gonna cut you off there. Look: I came to this world in order to prevent the same thing from happening again. I’ll take care of the dark forces when they arrive, but I wanted to warn you so that you would be alert to any signs.”
    “Okay, thanks for the heads-up.”
    Greninja leapt onto a ledge and stared off dramatically. “This world must not become like mine…it must not become a Technic Warzone…”
    “Hah, title drop!”
    Ignoring Pahrak’s comment, Greninja disappeared in a puff of smoke. But…will he truly be able to stop the Warzone?!
    “It doesn’t matter,” Pahrak said, “there isn’t any canon for this to stick to anyway.”
    Oh yeah. Well, Technic Warzone opens June 22nd, everybody! Feel free to join in on the fun!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    A month ago I said I wanted to use this blog more, but I've been almost exclusively doing Right of Law adverts since then. Huh. At least it means I'm making good progress on Right of Law!
    Section V is out now! Despite her companions' warnings, Antroz heads back to Xia and meets with Angonce, and the negotiations don't exactly go the way either hoped they would. Things won't be able to return to normal after this...
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    For a while now I’ve had an urge to try developing my comedy-writing skills, and after starting and stopping a few things, I finally decided to just roll with a short idea, put it out there, and see how it goes.
    So I wrote The Yesterday Jest to poke some fun at some of that serial’s key things. Well, the Toa, mainly. Honestly the main driving force was my disdain for Orde, but I tried to balance things at least a little more fairly. It’s under 1000 words so it’s a quick read, hopefully good for one or two laughs.
    Maybe I’ll use this as a starting point to work on some more comedies, I dunno, we’ll see if I can get any ideas/decent jokes.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    I got to thinking more about the world I was implicitly building back in Towards No End, and now I’m considering writing a full epic set in it. We’re gonna need a Toa team, though, so I’m trying to write some shorter stories to feel out their characters in the hopes that that will help me write them better.
    So, I wrote Malleable to start experimenting with Dreynarn, who will be joining Sukahu on his eventual quest. It’s over 800 words and I’m not too sure about the quality, but, eh, at least I wrote something. I also want to try to write a story introducing the Toa who will lead these two, and then maybe one more trying to figure out how they function as a team. Maybe once that’s done I’ll have a decent place to start for the epic?
    Before that, though, I should probably get back to the projects I’ve already started on that I haven’t updated in a while, eheheheh…
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Sandslash ("Slasher")
    -Donphan ("Phanphare")
    -Torterra ("Sprout")
    -Garchomp ("Chomper", "Takea")
    -Nidoking ("Arthur")
    -Golurk ("Ralph")
    I think Ground is a smart type to have on your team, what with it being the only weakness of pure Electric Pokemon. Not only that, it has a lot of other useful advantages, and a lot of Ground Pokemon are just plain cool. How cool, you ask? The Nidoking and Golurk listed above were given the task of taking down Dragon Pokemon (Avalanche and Ice Punch, respectively), and they both excelled in that task. Also, both Garchomps were capable of demolishing Flint's team by spamming Earthquakes before the enemy could even take their first turn. I love them all so much...
    Well, going by rarity of types, Fire and Poison are tied. Fire will be next, Poison will be after that.
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    Dragon Ball Super started. Honestly, not a lot happened in the first episode, and it looks like the next episode will be about the same, but! I’ve discovered that we have finally been given some official word on the near-future plot! It appears that Super is first going to do an arc retelling Battle of Gods, then follow with an arc retelling Revival of F, and this news is…well, I’m wondering if they’re going to change events (and if so, how), but it kind of means that we’ll need to wait through two whole arcs that could take who knows how long before getting to the completely new stuff. So, I’m unsure about that.
    (If nothing else, it currently looks like Beerus is up and at 'em rather than sleeping for decades at a time, so that gives him more plot flexibility and I do think that's a good change.)
    After that, though, it’s been confirmed that the third arc will have the main characters going to an alternate universe! This, I’m psyched for. When Beerus mentioned the alternate universes at the end of Battle of Gods, I was sure it was set-up for something, and I’m so excited to see what comes of it. Apparently they’ll be hunting “giant Super Dragon Balls” in this new universe, which I feel like I shouldn’t be surprised to hear. If they’re calling them “giant,” though, then that probably means they’re even bigger than the Namek Dragon Balls, so…like, Dragon Balls the size of people maybe? Also a new dragon! It’ll be interesting to see what the dragon’s design ends up being.
    In short I’m a little put off by these first two arcs, but I’m really looking forward to what happens after that and maybe even being proved wrong before then. All I need now is some kind of comeback for Cell and I will have all the things I wanted most from Super.
    (I mean come on, Buu sticks around and gets reincarnated, Frieza gets to come back and go Super Saiyan, Cell’s the last of the major saga villains and he’s the best he deserves to be involved in Super too.)
    (Alright I guess I’d also really like an arc that takes the concept of the Shadow Dragons and gives it a better execution, I just really, really like the concept of the Shadow Dragons.)
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    I actually have something to show for all that downtime! Chapter 3 of Shooting Star Sonia is now live!
    This one is much shorter than Chapter 2 (about the same length as Chapter 1); part of me worries that it’ll feel a bit anticlimactic after such a big chapter, but I think Sonia could use an easy win right now and I’m going to use that as justification.
    I’ve actually also gotten a decent start on Chapter 4 as well, so hopefully I’ll be able to present that soon. Since Chapters 4 and 5 will be more heavily linked, I’m hoping I’ll be able to slide right into Chapter 5 and get that out soonish as well, but maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. Okay, back to work!
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    So I don’t know if you noticed when you started reading The Distortion Anthology, but I’m one of the lucky few writing for it! My turn has come around, though we’ll have to see if I can serve as a decent follow-up to what Lucina and fishers have already provided you with, eheheh…
    Reflection Part 1 is up now, with Part 2 scheduled for around this time next week. This story takes place about two years before Isolation in case you’re wondering about timeline placement. I only ended up using a handful of characters, but hopefully I did a good job with the ones that did get involved. And, yes, using the Technic Coliseum in it is part shameless self-promotion, but since it was actually mentioned in passing during Extermination I can also say that I’m expanding upon a minor plot point!
    I don’t want to say too much about it here, but I hope you’ll enjoy Reflection!
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was given Pokemon X for Christmas, so I've been playing that. Since I'm not distracted by school and have had some time off work, I'm at Victory Road already! Here's my team:
    -Xerneas, Lv 64
    -Ghido the Mega Blastoise, Lv 65
    -Lariska the Drapion, Lv 66
    -Ruka the Delphox, Lv 66
    -Mega Gardevoir, Lv 67
    -Neku the Noivern, Lv 70
    Gardevoir was traded over from Y (it's the one that Diantha gives you), as was Neku (caught in Friend Safari). Lariska was sent over as an Egg. You win a cookie if you can get all four nickname references.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    When I went to Japanese class today, I discovered that one of my classmates had made some (delicious) curry bread to share with us, which led to another classmate deciding that we should all take turns bringing in Japanese dishes for the remainder of the semester. I have about a month to figure out what to bring.
    To be clear, my Cooking skill is currently set to level 0 with maybe 10 EXP invested in it.
    I think this should be enough time, though, and I really do want to learn how to make stuff. This should be a good motivator. Now I just need to figure out what it is I am going to attempt...I think it should be on the simpler side, since I'm new to this, and hopefully not too expensive. My teacher gave us a website with a lot of Japanese recipes, and I ended up looking through the bento box recipes because I thought those might be easy-ish.
    Well, to be more specific, I looked at the charaben, which are boxes where the food is arranged to resemble characters. There were like five different Pikachu boxes and they all look fantastic.
    ...But, I mean, that's probably a little too complicated, I should start with something easier.
    ...But, that Eevee box looks really cute, and I could put a different food in each box corresponding to a different evolution method...
    Of course I'm really getting ahead of myself considering I still don't know where to even buy seaweed.
    Ah, if only I could have one of those "Character X learns to cook!" episodes, even if lots of things go wrong I would end up with something great in the end, and senpai would finally notice me...
  22. Pahrak Model ZX
    Today my teacher was telling us about how the Japanese eat sea cucumbers. It came up because a sea cucumber dish was used on a worksheet we were doing, you see we were practicing a new grammar where yadda yadda never mind.
    One of my classmates (surprisingly it was not me) said that sea cucumbers just made her think of Spongebob, particularly the one episode with a sea cucumber who was a jerk.
    I'm probably paraphrasing a bit, but my teacher's response to hearing about this jerk of a sea cucumber was "Well, we can eat him."
    I feel like things escalated very quickly there but I'm okay with it.
  23. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've spent a lot of time playing since my last update, but it was mainly just a bunch of miscellaneous smallish things. Really I was trying to hold off making another entry until I had caught that Pokemon, but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon so I'm moving on.
    At this point, Omega and his team have beaten the Pokemon League seven times. The first few rematches were to get the rest of the starters (Snivy and Turtwig), and after that I just wanted experience and money. Ultra Balls ain't cheap when you need to buy them in bulk. Cygnus, my Mega Altaria, is well beyond the rest of the team--she reached Level 100 a while ago, while most everyone else is around the high eighties. Mega Metagross is 95 since they've been the one catching all the Legendaries (and anything else), and man are they great at that! For this, I grant Cygnus the title of "Early Bird", and Mega Metagross the title of "Subduer of Legends". I also made it so that each Pokemon on my team has knocked out at least one of Steven's Pokemon, getting them all the Champion Slayer title.
    I tried out the Battle Resort, but I don't really have the patience to do everything to get to Wally's rematch. I've also done some Mega Stone hunting so that, between Omega Ruby, X, and Y, I have at least one copy of every single Mega Stone! I might not use all of them, but I want to have the option. I love Mega Evolution. A lot.
    Right, the legendaries! Well, as of now I have caught every legendary Pokemon available in Omega Ruby except for Cresselia. I even bought another year of Pokemon Bank so that I could bring some necessary Pokemon over to catch the trio masters. As I said, Mega Metagross handled all of these, barring Giratina who is immune to Hold Back. Originally I wasn't even going to try catching Giratina, but then I decided to just go for it, and the team of Gadunka, Falzar, and Armstrong was able to weaken and stall until I could catch the ghostly dragon! They have all been given the title "Braver of Distortion" for this achievement. I was also lucky enough to get the Eon Ticket, thank God, so if you visit the desolate cornfield known as Ohio keep your StreetPass on.
    I've been soaring around trying to get Crescent Isle, but it hasn't appeared yet. Still, I've been able to catch a lot of Pokemon on the Mirage Spots that have appeared, and I've finally caught all the Pokemon who appear as flocks of birds while soaring (took FOREVER to get Murkrow, I was beginning to think it was Alpha Sapphire exclusive). So now I'm just checking in each day, running my lotto numbers, investigating whatever Mirage Spot shows up, and just enjoying my bird's eye view of Hoenn. I've been considering trying to catch Spiritomb since you can easily trigger its appearance in a legendary-like fashion, but I've already trained one, and Hold Back won't work, so...I dunno. Maybe if I get lucky in the lotto and get a Master Ball.
    I wanted to do profiles for the other starters and the legendaries I've caught, but...that's a lot. Eh, it doesn't really matter at this point. Omega Ruby is so much fun though you should definitely buy it if you're on the fence.
    NEW TITLE ACQUISITIONS: For Omega, “Seven-Time Champion of the Hoenn Region”; For Metagross, “Subduer of Legends”; For Falzar, “Braver of Distortion”, “Champion Slayer”; For Gadunka, “Braver of Distortion”; For Armstrong, “Braver of Distortion”; For Cygnus, “The Early Bird”, “Champion Slayer”
  24. Pahrak Model ZX
    (No, that’s not the new title of the game.)
    I know I said the next tournament would be up a few months ago, but stuff came up and I just wasn’t feeling up to running it. Sorry about that.
    But, I think I’m ready again, plus now I can say I’m doing it to celebrate BZP’s anniversary.
    So, Technic Tournament 4 in 3D will begin on Wednesday, July 20th! As usual, you can join whenever you want, but joining in the first round gives you the best chance at success—and this time, each round only lasts 48 hours! Don’t miss it!
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