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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've posted a new story in Off-Topic Culture!
    She Understood is a short (under 2000 words) Kingdom Hearts story examining Kairi's thought process as she is about to begin her Keyblade training. Essentially, it's her reaction to being shoved outside of the plot constantly over the past ten years or so of the franchise, and only now being (sort of) brought back in because they need to fill a quota.
    Yeah, I'm...displeased with said developments. Preparations are certainly in place for things to turn around, but after seeing Dragon Ball Super heavily advertise Buu as part of the U7 Team only to replace him with Frieza of all people at the last second has renewed my worries.
    Come to think of it, this might actually be the first piece of actual fanfiction I've written about Kairi. Huh. Maybe I need to re-evaluate my actions as well...
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    Admittedly, I have fallen behind on Bioni-Lords work, but that's mainly because I've been trying not to fall behind on school work (or Final Fantasy...). I did finish a new Spirit the other day, though--I have a handful prepared that I just need to put online when I get the time. The King of Tahnok is one of them, but he isn't quite finished, so...I think I'll just put a placeholder on the list, despite how much I try to avoid doing that.
    Related to that, a while ago Keizah suggested that I put together a glossary of terms used in the Bioni-Spirit files to make them easier to understand, and when I get the time I fully intend to do that, and while I do have a few ideas of what should be better defined, I thought I should ask you all what you think should be included? What have you seen on the Spirit Index that confuses you? Please share these with me so that I can fully explain them in the upcoming glossary.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    All the spells in Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Bravely Default follow the same pattern: the first tier has a normal name, the second tier ends in -ra, and the third ends in -ga. Except for Bravely Default's Cure spells. Those go Cure, Cura, Curada, Curaga.
    I certainly have nothing against a fourth tier Cure spell--I'm sure it'll be very helpful, and a precedent for that was set way back in the original Final Fantasy. Of course, the spells in that game went Cure, Cura, Curaga, Curaja. You know, consistent with the third tier spell ending in -ga.
    But...literally every other spell family in Bravely Default uses -ga for the third tier. This one stands out, and it's weird, because the first two follow the pattern, then they change, then they use the name that should be third tier for the fourth tier, and...
    It bugs me. Like, is Curada supposed to be a "second and a half tier" or something? What even is that?
    Also I think this game's equivalent of Blue Magic does involve some fourth tier spells ending in -ja, so it's even more inconsistent and arrrrrgh
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Lucario ("Aki", "Akamai")
    -Bronzong ("Bronz")
    -Dialga ("Vahi")
    -Empoleon ("Kowalski")
    -Bisharp ("Muramasa")
    -Aegislash ("Ultima")
    I've had mixed experience with Steel. Sometimes, despite its many resistances, one of my Steel Pokemon just won't have a talent for lasting very long in battle. But other times they're just plain awesome. I like Steel as a type overall, and I definitely hope to use more of it--especially now that it has a type advantage over Fairy to add to its usefulness. Picking a favorite is rather difficult, but I am absolutely loving my Aegislash right now...
    Next up is Dragon.
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    I actually managed to do it! Right of Law Section VI is up now!
    Krika visits Ga-Koro and finds his people in good health, but that might not be the case for long. Things are getting a bit tense at Bitil's outpost as well, though things aren't all serious, with the introduction of some new Rahkshi I think everyone will appreciate.
    I also updated SSS3 today, so I met my goal of getting both updated by the end of this week. Going forward...who knows. But since both stories are heading into major battles, I'll do my best to keep the wait from going too long.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    A little more information has come in on Bravely Second, mainly confirmation that Edea has been rebuilding Eternia and working with Agnes to create peace. It looks like "judging" the Asterisk Holders means meeting them, hearing their problems, and deciding who to help.
    We also have some more info (and better images!) of some of the new Jobs, so I'll update the Asterisk Guides later today.
    Also, the Pokken Tournament stream was this morning, and the game is looking great! Three new Pokemon were announced as playable: Pikachu, Gardevoir, and Suicune. A fighter select screen showed these three along with the previously confirmed Lucario and Machamp, and while this presumably is not the full roster, it is curious to not see Blaziken, who was featured with Lucario in the teaser clip so long ago.
    Pokken Tournament will, despite being an arcade game, use a console-style controller with L and R and B and X and Y and A and all that, so maybe they will bring it to a console in the future! The game also features Support Pokemon you can call into battle to aid you (Emolga, Snivy, Lapras, and Fennekin have been shown), and there's more information (and footage) regarding the specific systems. It looks like each fighter has a gauge that, when full, can be used to enter a super mode, which is Mega Evolution for those Pokemon capable of it.
    Late January and mid February, people will be able to test out the game in certain arcades, so I'm looking forward to hearing what people's impressions are. I'm actually really psyched for this game and dearly hope it makes it out of Japan.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    In Our Bones, The Final Break, is live!
    (And it is now more apparent than ever how far off from canon this story is.)
    Every Skull Villain is here for at least a little while, though the two “timeless spirits” are more like cameos; it shows a culmination of the Skull Grinder’s efforts to achieve immortality, as well as a clash of the differing opinions that have been brewing amongst the Generals. Because this is a prequel, and also because of the name I chose for Skull Grinder, you can probably guess how this ends up. But, speaking of the ending, it brings in something that may seem a little strange right now, but I will explain more in future Okoto 579 stories; I hope the mystery intrigues you! After that we jump to the present, and I admit that section might seem a little choppy if you didn’t read the final scene of Mask Makers, so I apologize in advance.
    With Bones complete, there’s still one more story I want to write for my adaptation of 2015. With this next story I hope to briefly summarize the Masters’ journey, and then tie Mask Makers and Bones together with a battle inspired by a certain summer set. I don’t know what 2016 will give me to adapt (I am brainstorming off those probably false rumors though), but I have a good, open place to lead this next story, and some ideas for an overall myth arc that can be adjusted as needed.
    Please look forward to The Failure’s Claim, coming to BZPower in late 2015!
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, after getting the short ending and setting the game aside for a few days, I picked Bravely Default back up again and trudged my way through Chapter 6’s sub-quests and everything in Chapter 7. When I got to Chapter 8 I cleared one of the sub-quests, but…good gosh, that was difficult, there were going to be so many more, and I’ve been told that after clearing the True End I’ll be sent back to Chapter 8, so I’ll just do that later.
    So, I made it to The End! The Chapter entitled The End, that is. Progress has been…well, it’s had its ups and downs. As soon as you arrive in this chapter, you have to fight the two-stage final boss of the short end, which wasn’t too tough (seemed tougher than it did in Finale…might’ve been my Job setup), then unlocked Dimension’s Hasp and ventured in to fight powerful foes and gain powerful weapons. That all went pretty well, barring those darn Guzzlers that I have yet to successfully defeat. After that I headed back to the Dark Aurora and fought that one character’s final form…and lost miserably. Rearranged my Jobs and fought a few more battles before trying again, used Bravely Second to help out and I was able to win! Barely. Now I have a break before fighting the true final boss, which apparently has, oh…five stages?
    While that doesn’t sound quite as obnoxious to the 10+ stages of killing Ansem back in Kingdom Hearts, it doesn’t sound like something I’m ready to face right now. I’m thinking I’ll select a place to grind, get the hang of some advanced tactics, and build up as much SP as I can before giving that a try. In the meantime, I decided to go ahead and unlock the Special Movie the quick way (using the Konami Code, bless you Square-Enix), which didn’t really spoil anything unless you count it a spoiler that one of the characters is confirmed to survive. It uses the gyroscope and requires you to swing the 3DS around a lot, so my sister was kind of weirded out by my behavior, but eh. Worth it. I love secret movies.
    Party’s current set up and Mastered Jobs, all Lv 81:
    -Tiz, currently Dark Knight Lv 10 with Hunting; Mastered Ranger, Summoner, Valkyrie, Performer, Ninja
    -Agnes, currently Red Mage Lv 11 with White Magic; Mastered White Mage, Salve-Maker, Swordmaster, Spiritmaster, Templar, Conjurer
    -Ringabel, currently Conjurer Lv 12 with Black Magic; Mastered Black Mage, Thief, Vampire
    -Edea, currently Knight Lv 12 with Sword Magic; Mastered Spell Fencer, Pirate, Swordmaster, Dark Knight, Conjurer
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, it was fun being Lexaeus, but I've decided it's time to check back in with Pahrak. Looks like he got kicked out of Shibuya and wound up on Cybertron. Now he transforms into an ankylosaurus!
    On to Bioni-Lords. After I posted Kako 30 earlier this week, I contacted the Epic Critics Club to ask for another review. I just felt like I should get some new opinions, especially since I sort of wanted Kako to be a good place for newcomers to jump in. Since I don't want to create more work for the critic, I won't be posting any new chapters until the review is in, but then again, I haven't finished writing Kako 31 anyway.
    I will tell you, though, that we're getting into the action of the Ko-Isle arc starting in 31. Not sure how many chapters it'll run, but there are a number of things I want to make sure I cover, so it probably won't be the briefest scenario.
    Also this week, I realized that I haven't really worked out the appearances of Aile and Zempyst all that well, so I started brainstorming on that. Aile is more or less done, but I'm having a bit of difficulty finding an appearance to suit Zempyst's personality. The first idea I had seemed too rough, and when I tried to fix it she ended up feeling too stuffy, so I'm trying to find a way to balance that. Since so few females characters in Bioni-Lords wear dresses, I considered having Zempyst wear one, but then I got this image in my mind of her raging "There's no way I'm wearing this in public!!" with Aile hanging off of her saying something to the effect of "But you look so kawaii~!"
    ...I don't have a probelm.
    Then I got side-tracked and played out a scenario where Aile forces Zempyst to wear a dress for some fancy event, and Zempyst feels awkward because she's never really thought of herself as beautiful, leading Aile to start constantly calling her beautiful because she cares about her and asfkheogiubs;ibv
    ...I don't have a problem.
    Ugh, I can't stand that I have to wait until just about the end of Kako before I can write scenes with these two, and there'll be nothing after that because Zempyst dies right after where Kako ends, I can't believe I shot myself in the foot like that I want to write more about them it's not fair that she has to--
    *shot with silence Rhotuka*
    ...But I digress. The point is, it made me consider writing a mini-series type thing detailing Aile and Zempyst's history. My original thought was that I would publish it here in the blog during a hiatus I'm planning later on (so that I can focus on getting somewhere with VRHS and let you guys process a terrible plot point), but now I'm thinking that might not be the best idea. Besides, best title I can think of is "Storm Beneath My Wings," and that's just a lame but elaborate pun...
    Also, I'll try to update Exo's Desk soon!
    On a different note, there have been a few minor updates on that Vita port of Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Apparently there will be a new downloadable scenario, which I have mixed feelings about. I like that the idea of a new scenario, but I have never been a fan of DLC. Also, I heard that they were adding four new playable characters to the game, but since this sounds pretty extreme I'm not holding my breath. Still, if there are more playable characters, it would probably inspire the programmers to put more differences between them...Kisuke and Momohime were, more or less, exactly the same, after all. Well, I guess we'll find out later.
    Yes I realize I've overused strikethroughs in this post.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    To further expand upon the world of Olkir, I’ve posted The Twins of Justice in short stories!
    It’s about the same length as the last one, and centers around an idea that…might not make an appearance in the final story, but I think it’s a neat concept with potential so I wanted to do at least one small thing with it. It also shows two elemental weapons in action: the Sun Gun I’ve mentioned a few times before, and a Jungle weapon named the Viridian Bow, which is actually something that’s been sitting in the back of my mind for years now. (The one here doesn’t do everything I had planned, though, so expect to see this again.) There’s also brief mention of the special abilities the people of Olkir can develop, but more detailed information on that is going to have to wait.
    You know, I think I’m just about ready to ask for guest stars. If you’re interested, keep an eye out!
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, I have to go back to school on Monday. Oh well, I'm sure the day won't be completely ruined. If nothing else, it'll get me close to GameStop, who will be distributing Keldeo to Pokemon Black and White players. And, hm...I think there was something else...
    ...I'm just...really excited. I even made a The World Ends With You topic so I'd have other BZPers to be excited with (and also to see how many people actually knew about it...it's kind of obscure).
    Sure, there was that thing about the rerelease of the soundtrack and the iOS remake, but I'm still going to hope that there's more to it that that. If not...
    *puts on Minamimoto hat*
    Factoring hectopascals! What a zetta waste of my time. Whatever yoctogram thought this was a good idea is garbage--CRUNCH!! I'll add them to the heap!
    *takes off Minamimoto hat*
    I added a few new Spirits to the Index, and I have one more that I'm working on that should be up soonish. I'll also get back to work on Kako, which actually occassionally works better when I'm at school.
    So, yeah, I think that about covers it. Back to listening to the teaser's Day 0 Mix!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    Asterisk Holder: Braev Lee

    Origin: Final Fantasy Tactics
    Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes
    Overview: Templars are masters of offense as well as defense. Their armor can take the harshest punishment, and their swords can deal it back tenfold. They have access to several attacks using the rare Light element, and can store up to 4 BP rather than the default 3. Templars like to focus on critical hits, and have abilities that enable critical hits on magic and even items, in addition to a guaranteed critical hit attack and an ability for raising the damage (or healing for some magic and items) of critical hits. If you’ve got luck on your side, this Job is unstoppable!
    Personal Thoughts: Honestly I haven’t tinkered with the crit abilities yet, but it’s a powerful and cool-looking Job so I like it. No matter what, you should definitely get BP Limit Up for everyone, since more BP is never a bad thing. The Light attacks also help against Gigas Lich, who can be a real pain, though they might not see a whole lot of other use. The mandatory Council Jobs you get right before the Earth Crystal are mostly upgraded version of the Sky Knight classes, and this is a vast improvement over Knight, so I am glad to see this return. There are also story implications to wonder about…
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Earlier this year I ran Slizer Dome, a game where the players assumed the role of Slizers and battled each other in a tournament to decide who was the very best. After having set it aside for a while, I think I’d like to start up a sequel sometime during the next month or two.
    “Sequel” might not be the most accurate—I do hope to eventually do a game in this series inspired by the Slizers 2000 story, but this next game will actually be based on the multiple planets version of the Slizers story. So it will either be called “Slizer Dome US”, or “Throwbot Dome”. (Take your pick!) I think I’m also going to ditch the tournament aspect, meaning a winner won’t be decided by number of fights won anymore. I think this game will instead use a point system and proceed as follows.
    Each of the seven rounds will still be divided into two parts, and the first part will stay the same: players choose to Train their physical ability, Forge a disk, or Gather a resource. I’ll RNG a number 1-8, and the resulting weapon will be added to their inventory (Disk 3, Physical 7, etc). This time, if you pursue a weapon you already have at least one of, numbers lower than the level you already have will be removed from the list. So, if you have Physical Level 5 and elect to train, I’ll RNG a number 5-8 rather than 1-8. This should increase your chances of actually increasing your weapon level rather than being stuck with what you’ve already got. You will then receive points based on what level of weapon you received! If you get a Level 1 weapon, you get 100 points. Level 2, 200 points, and so on. If you fail to increase the level of your weapon, you will receive only 100 points regardless of level. When you receive a Level 8 weapon, you will receive a point bonus based on how early in the game you got it: in round 1, a 700 point bonus; in round 2, a 600 point bonus; and so on. There will probably also be a point bonus for reaching Level 8 in all three areas, though I’m not quite sure how much.
    The second part of each round will then be a battle against the Elemental Monster of the planet you’ve chosen. You pick one of your weapons, and I’ll RNG an affinity for the monster, and then we see how they match up rock-paper-scissors style. I’m not sure yet if I’ll also RNG levels for the monster, or if you’ll get a tie from both having the same weapon (in which case weapon levels are really only a concern of points). Obviously you’ll get points for defeating these, though I haven’t decided how many, and if a tie is a possible result you’ll probably get half that amount as a reward for not losing.
    I’d like to do something special for the final round again, but now that the second part of every round basically functions the same as Slizer Dome’s Millennia battle, I feel like I should try to think up something even more different. We’ll see how that goes.
    So would anyone be interested in playing this? I’d love any suggestions you might have!
    EDIT: After thinking about it a little, I think I’ve actually already got things together. I never was good at pacing myself.
    -Elemental Monsters will have randomly generated levels as well as affinities.
    -Defeating an Elemental Monsters gives 1000 points. If you both have the same affinity and level, you will tie and receive 500 points. If you tie at Level 8, it is considered a victory.
    -There will not be a bonus for getting Level 8 in all three areas, you’ll already have gotten three bonuses and have a very good chance of succeeding in all battles.
    -Round seven part two will have an alternate opponent you can choose to fight instead of the elemental monster. I won’t spoil who it is, but the foe will be guaranteed to be Level 8, and victory will double your score, but defeat will halve it.
    Not sure when the game will go up (and still need to decide on title), but keep an eye out for news once Technic Tournament 4 in 3D wraps up!
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Since the time travel mechanics introduced in KH3D are too timey-wimey to understand, it has been decided that Xehanort will just use a Kanohi Mohtrek to gather the XIII Darknesses in one place. What this means for further inclusion of Bionicle has yet to be addressed.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    After 35 hours of patient and meticulous work, I, the great mad scientist Greninja #0579, have opened Steins Gate wide and raided its treasure for all it is worth! The way was long and filled with hardship, but these many spoils have made the pain worth it! Now, using the results of this operation, I can return to my true goal: destroying the System which the Organization uses to rule the world from the shadows, ushering the world into a new age of chaos! Those foolish mortals have no idea what comes for them. MUAHAHAHAHA!!
    tl;dr I got 100% completion on the Steins;Gate visual novel
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    (I got it done sooner than expected and got really excited and didn’t want to wait so here we go)
    When 2015 began, there was a lot of criticism of Generation 2 saying that it did not have as much apparent depth as Generation 1. (Then again, there’s probably still a lot of that now.) While that’s not exactly a fair comparison, this got me thinking about how I could expand upon the story presented thus far, the world of Okoto, and the characters we were just getting to know, particularly Makuta. A popular theory is that G2 Makuta is not truly evil, perhaps in part to further differentiate him from G1 Teridax; I liked this idea, so I took it and ran with it. The result was The Time of the Mask Makers, which received a fair amount of interest and generally positive feedback, and I would say it is the most successful story I’ve posted on BZPower. Needless to say, I was elated, so I decided I wanted to hang on to this vision of Okoto.
    And so, I am proud to present my new epic, In Our Bones. As the previous story sought to explore the backstory of Ekimu and Makuta, this story is meant to look into the past of the Skull villains and the Ancient City, as well as provide a little more background for the Lord of Skull Spiders after his cameo in Mask Makers and begin tying points together to lay groundwork for a potential myth arc. While these two stories are connected, I did my best to write Bones so that it can be read without having read Mask Makers, so please don’t feel as if you need to read one to read the other! (Of course, I’d be honored if you did read them both, but I don’t want you to feel pressured. ) The story is completely written, so I can say with sureness that the chapters will be released every Wednesday until it reaches the climax on 7/1. (Barring any unforeseen events or complications, that is.) I hope you will take a look at it and let me know what you think!
    In the future, I do hope to keep writing more stories connected to these two. Ideally I want to write at least one story per wave of G2 sets for the line’s duration, but we’ll have to see if that works out. Right now I am definitely committed to a short story (or it might become a two or three parter) tying Mask Makers and Bones together and summarizing/closing up the 2015 story, but I don’t plan to do a whole lot on that until I finish serializing Bones so that I can better utilize any feedback I may get in that time. And, since I have a compulsive need to come up with names for things like this, I am currently referring to this series of connected G2 stories as “Okoto 579”, or just “O579” for short. The reason is probably obvious. I’ll be tagging the stories with “O579”, and I will also give them an icon in my library and (after posting the third story) make a blog post collecting them to link in the My Writing block.
    I believe that is everything! I’ll make new blog posts each week advertising the new chapter, so check back if you want to keep up with the tale of the Ancient City!
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    For a while I’ve been trying to think of a weekly or biweekly writing prompt system cause I wanted to get back to writing on a regular schedule. I’m not so sure about the regular part right now, but I’m at least testing it so here’s the run-down.
    Right now I’m calling it Reference Roulette. I go onto BS01 and hit the Random Page button. Whatever it lands on, I have to write a short story about that. (If it’s something I’ve already written about, I keep trying until I get something new.) These don’t necessarily need to be Bionicle-related; some of the pages (like the various Elements for example) are vague enough that I might try to get an OTC story out of them, just to see if I can flex my writing muscles outside of Bionicle a little more as well.
    I might try doing this as a weekly thing in the future, but today I was just in a state of “I don’t really feel like writing but I want to make myself write maybe if I just get a prompt from here that’ll make me do something.” So, I went and did the thing, I got Lurker’s page and wrote Taking Home a Stray. Not great, but I wrote something! Maybe this will get me up to writing other stuff soon too.
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    No, I couldn't think of a more creative title.
    Anywho, I beat the final boss of TWEWY Solo Remix! Took just over 20 hours, since I didn't spend as much time grinding as I did when I played the DS version. Back then, whenever I entered a new area, I cleared out all the Noise before moving on--course, I was on vacation when that came out, and now I have a job. Curiously, they removed the reception icon. In the DS version, the number of bars you had would tell you how much Noise was in the area. Now you have to look around for it. Eh, not a big deal. I also had a lot of trouble with Pig Noise, but hopefully I'll be able to wipe them out easier now that I'm near Level 70.
    Well, the final day was a lot more irritating in this version. Granted, I had a strategy guide telling me what I needed to do in the DS version, so maybe it was still confusing and frustrating then and I just didn't encounter that. But the changes made to the fight with Konishi (and, to a lesser extent, Draco Cantus) didn't make much sense and very nearly spelled the end of me. There was no indication I was supposed to do that! Thank God for Google.
    When I was replaying Week 2, I realized that I had never picked up on the...implications of what it seemed like Joshua was saying. He's in the UG because he wants to be? Well after THE TWIST, that almost sounds like...
    Don't worry it's not that but the real answer is another twist so I can't say
    Yeah. Don't know why I never picked up on that before. But it looks like Neku didn't pick up on it either, so...
    Ovis Cantus seemed tougher, too. Then again, I was at a lower level due to the whole "not grinding so much" thing, which is especially true of Week 1. It also seems like I get Fusions a lot more quickly, but that's probably just because I never quite mastered the DS battle system, eheheh...
    And I wasn't cheating Shutdown PP this time. Not sure if I can, but...I might look into it, since I really want those Pins. I was able to get Healing Whale, though, and I'm definitely making due with my current set. Especially now that I have the newly-buffed Lightning Rook, mwa-ha-ha-ha...
    Wow there are a lot of ...s in this post guess that's nothing new for me though anywho
    And heck I cried like a baby all throughout this. I'm not ashamed to admit it. TWEWY feels are a potent poison, my friend. And so is all the sass in this game, like holy Kanohi, for real, man.
    I'll be starting the Secret Reports sub-quests shortly. After this, maybe I'll have a better idea of how to compare the versions, but as is I'd say they both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Solo Remix is legit.
    Hm, perhaps I'll be able to see Hype-chan in person after all...
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    My first class was cancelled, which would be good if it weren't Japanese.
    When I entered my second (though technically first?) class, someone came up and hugged me as I was entering the doorway, which honestly is a nice enough way to start a semester.
    Then I went to the nearby shopping center to kill three hours until my next class, which was almost three hours long itself.
    It's an interesting start 7/10 will be optimistic.
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