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Pahrak Model ZX

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. I just remembered Mighty No 9 is gonna be a thing and I'm excited again

  2. I'm not sure that one battle royale counts as a tournament...

  3. Oh no...they're adding 50 quests to Unchained tomorrow...and here I thought I was gonna get stuff done...

  4. So Smash looks good

  5. I updated MULTIPLE things in November!

  6. I never thought I would see Vegeta of all people break the fourth wall

  7. I need you to really wow me, Pokemon

  8. I don't know why I got my hopes up.

  9. Time to reform Team Galactic

  10. Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger.

  11. And now I have a complete set of Johto-caught Unown!

  12. Capcom gave more interesting news than GameFreak, and on the same day. We live in a weird timeline.

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