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Blue Fire

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Blog Entries posted by Blue Fire

  1. Blue Fire
    Alright, so on April 20th (Happy belated birthday to George Takei, BTW), my NJROTC unit had our annual inspection. I was the first to greet the Inspector and direct him to our Instructors. Soon after, myself and the Inspector followed the CO into the gym. Now, being the Cadet Command Master Chief of my unit, I was very nervous (I mean, I probably lost a pound of bodyweight due to sweat). But once it got underway, and he inspected me (got an Outstanding on my uniform, BTW), I just wanted to give a huge sigh of relief. But it was just the begining of the inspection.
    Going into detail, the Inspector had to inspect every single cadet, which took around an hour. After that, we had some cadets perform drill routines, and then we did the pass-and-review, where we march around the gym in step. After all this, most of the cadets went off to class, but myself, being a part of the Staff (CO, CMC, XO, Ops, Supply, Weapons Officer, and Platoon Leaders), we had to do our own thing. The Inspector checked our numbers (such as covers, ribbions, drill rifles, etc).
    Meanwhile, Ops, XO, myself, and CO, waited in the library for awhile, discussing plans for world-domination Cambodian Fishing boats and yachts (how we got to that conversation I have no idea), until we were called down to the classroom to help the Weapons Officer to put away the Drill Rifles. After this, we continued our action-packed waiting. Mostly for sandwhiches from Subway (BTW, I don't recommend flat out drinking half a gallon of caffinated soda in a few minutes on an empty stomach. I felt like my heart was going to explode). And then the Inspector came by to the classroom for the briefing, which was lead by the CO, XO, and Ops.
    The briefing went over very well, and he was impressed. We won't know if we got "Distinguished Unit", "Unit Achievement" or "Just Passed" for another few weeks though, so please do me a favor and keep your fingers crossed.
    And on April 21, I was installed as the Master Councilor of my Chapter of DeMolay. Now I can easily say that this ceremony was allot less stressful, simply for the fact that it was for one or two hours, rather than six hours. Seeing as how I have a debate in government class this Friday, I thought of taking the route of "index-card-with-4-lines-of-text-and-make-a-speech-from-that" method. Personally, I think I could've put more preparation into it, but people did say that they liked my speech, so I'm happy.
    So, is there anyone else here that's in JROTC or DeMolay? or both?
  2. Blue Fire
    Eat a bowl of Lucky Charms, take out that green Christmas sweater you said you'd never wear, and catch the Leperchaun for their gold! It's St. Patty's Day! My Business Law teacher will bring in a "Shipping Out to Boston" CD, which is like a tradition now, and I'm well prepared for the day with a green shirt and jacket on my dresser.
    Halo: The Invasion Progress:
    -Finished Chapter 31, now begining Chapter 32.
    -Now working on some banners. When I'll release it during who-knows-when, they should be ready to go.
    -Worst comes to worst, I've been playing enough of the Sims 2/Sims 3 to make the basic ideas of the characters and what they look like.
    Bake Sale Ideas:
    Info: In order to raise money for my NJROTC unit, we're holding a bake sale. Unfortunatly, I only know how to make dinner/lunch foods. So tell me, what desert would be simple enough for me to make?
    Call of Duty: Zulu-Mike-Bravo
    -On hold, for another story that's more so of a proper introduction into the two stories. Just getting the ideas down for it.
    Begging for a Project:
    Info: I don't care what the people at school will say about me, I'll want a World War II project for History class. We're only on WWI right now, so I think I'll have enough time for it.
    Looking for Freedom Fighters:
    Info: I think the fates are conspiring against me with this. I can't find it anywhere, and when my friend bought it for his PS2, the disk was broken. I've been really wanting to play this.
    Alright, see you all later. Enjoy the day.
  3. Blue Fire
    Okay. I've spent a good hour or so trying to open a padlock I haven't used in ages (It goes without saying that I forgot the combo). Contrary to popular belief, bobby pins didn't work.
    Any tips on how to get this thing open? And no, I lack a lockpick.
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