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Posts posted by Veon

  1. Wow. I just came back to this site after being gone for quite a long time. Not only is pretty much all of my hard work gone, but the work of many of my friends will never been seen again. Dark709, Superkid11, PePena... The list goes on.Rest in peace, old BZP forum. You will be sorely missed. :(

  2. Hey TMD, what set did the hair piece you gave tony stark come from? I've been trying to make the minifig from my loki's cosmic cube escape look good without the helmet but it needs hair....

    Might I jump in here? TMD gave a pretty good website, but it doesn't list everything. For instance, I got my black hairpiece from the Quidditch set from the most recent batch of Lego Harry Potter sets. If I recall correctly, the black hairpiece is quite common.
  3. I just wanted to get the wiki out there, because sometimes it contains new material. For instance, in MY wiki page, I have a deleted scene from my movie that never got finished. It's just cool things like that. I also agree that this should be pinned... that was the hope behind this topic to begin with :)

  4. I have a feeling that I shouldn't post in this topic, but I will anyways because I have nothing to lose.So far, I have been signed out 3 times in under 15 minutes. I tried changing my password but it didn't work. I changed it, got signed out, and still had to use my old password.Also, I was asked to change my password before the forums went back online, and it reverted to my old one.Is that a glitch or am I doing something wrong?

  5. Hello people! Many of you might not remember me, but I made comics here a while back. In fact, several people made comics that crossed paths at least once or twice! A universe was created, one that housed pop-culture and Bionicle. Whether or not your comics resided in The Comic Land, or were a part of a differentdimension entirely, you were still a part of this universe. This post is to link anyone whom has not heard of the BZPOWER COMICS WIKI, or may have lost the link. If your comics have a great deal of popularity or provide interesting material, please create your own wiki page and expand upon the universe that has already been created!* Without further ado, I present the link to one of the greatest fan-made wiki pages ever created! BZP_Comics_Wiki_Logo.PNG *Note- I am not the creator of the wiki itself, but am merely advertising it.

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