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Blog Entries posted by wil

  1. wil
    I made this topic for those who can't view the Bionicle movies, they are here in Quicktime.

    Here is how I did it :
    Look for this near the bottom of the source:
    <script type="text/javascript">                                 var so = new SWFObject("http://cache.lego.com/flash/bionicle/screeningroom/playerFrame.swf?s_title=Phantoka 45 second movie&s_toPlay=http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/BionicleMovies/otherfiles/1033/upload7F99EB48-1588-4383-9142-A3D60AE731C8.flv&s_skin=http://cache.lego.com/flash/bionicle/screeningroom/playerSkin.swf", "", "514", "353", "8", "#ffffff");                                 so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");                                 so.write("MoviesFlash");                             </script>
    Inside of that, look for
    http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/BionicleMovies/otherfiles/1033/upload7F99EB48-1588-4383-9142-A3D60AE731C8.flv, . It might have a different name, this one is the 45 sec movie. After you download it (it downloads by default, otherwise file>save as) , open it in whatever flv/video player you have (in mac, install Perian and view the file in Quicktime), make sure that the video works. After that, open it in any video converter (for Mac, try iSquint, preset-AppleTV), and convert/save it as a .mp4 or whatever-type-you-want movie file.
  2. wil
    Well... My B-day is coming up, and Most of you know what one of my gifts from my parents are, but we are also COMPLETELY REPAINTING AND REFURNISHING MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: I just finished filling the holes in the wall, and we are about to start painting. When we are done we are going to move the old bed out (which takes half the room, it was in there because there was no where else for a queensized bed which everyone hates. ), then we are going to Ikea to get a new sofa!!!!!!! WOOT THIS IS AWSOME!
  3. wil
    Well, the downtime is over!!!! XD WOOT!!!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!!!!
    sry, I'm just so excited! XD XD XD

    If no bug reports some up in the next 2 days, and after I get the copyright text in place (curse this code), AND I finish some graphics, it will be ready for the public beta!
  4. wil
    I have just finished setting up all of the moderator accounts on BrickPix, and last night (around 1:05 AM ) I finished the copyright text stuff! So, I have some images left to do, and some little mods. I also need to set up the remaining staff email account!
    Oh, and it starts in around 48hrs, not 24. XD
  5. wil
    Well, it's working. I have to fix the staff email accounts though, I mean, I has tons set up @bzpics.com... Ouch. Depending on bugs found in the next week, the public beta could be in a few days!
    Of course, that is if I can find the copyright text, the "not endorsed by LEGO" thing. If someone has a link to where I can get that, PLEASE send it to me. :/
    I have also finished a logo and applied it, but we might have a logo contest after the beta. The new skin is also working.
    BZPics.com is still under my ownership, so I'm using it to redirect to Brickpix.com. After a year, I won't renew it.
  6. wil
    omg... I finally get back from France, and BZP is back! Life is good...
    A generall update on my life so far:
    Simon loved the three Mahri I got him for his B-day, he asked me to redo them because they are sooooo fugly.
    I have just finished Jaller, HE IS AWSOME... I hope that it will fit the theme of the BBC starting tomorrow, I will be sooooo lucky if so. I also found a way found a way to easily attach the Cordak Blasters to my traditional arm design, they are the worst designed pieces in the history of Lego.
    A short overview on my month in France:
    Well... I learned that I have an addiction for not pasteurized cheese, I love expresso, and that amazingly, Escargot is the best thing that has happened to the world since the invention of chocolate, coffee, macs, and Bionicles.
    BTW, if I am not allowed to mention this, I would appreciate if a Moderator would let me know.
    I am working on setting up a Quinn server for the Mac users on BZP, if you like the idea, please tell me in a comment in this entry.
    Google "Quinn Mac freeware Tetris" to find out what I am talking about.
  7. wil
    Well, BZPicture has its own domain name now! I just registered it for $10 USD per year, and it works. I have to fix the blog and support, but thats for tomorrow (it's 11:15 PM now) . I've updated all of my links, but please tell me if any have not been updated.
  8. wil
    As everyone knows, my group of friends and me have been working on BZPicture. As it can be seen, BZP recently purchased IP Gallery from Invision Power. If the new gallery service is permier member only, BZPicture will continue, but if BZP's new gallery is for everyone, then BZPicture is dead. If any people on the BZPicture staff would still like to complete the project, then it will go on as planned, but we should all wait until we find out what BZP is doing with the new IP Gallery.
  9. wil
    It's not dead! Oh my gosh!
    Well guys... In the past 3 months, my hosting has gone from 300 GB to 500GB, now it is at 1.5 Terabytes. This is for $5 per month. I have asked, and they plan to upgrade it to 10TB per account soon, for the same price. BZPicture is coming soon!
    We are officially using Coppermine unless anyone can find something better.
    Currrently, this might be done by the end of this year (medium-odds, best bet- end of summer).
  10. wil
    After almost an entire year, the BZPicture Private Beta is here! I have already sent out invites, and it will soon be public! If I may say so myself, it rocks.
    I will be posting a moc soon with my BZPicture gallery for it.
    Also, My dad left for France today. I leave on monday!
  11. wil
    Okay, don't get excited. It's not here yet... As a guesstimate, it will be here in about two weeks. Right now, we're handling moderation shifts. As some of you probably know by now, we are attempting to expand the private beta. It's going well. Just wait.
    Also, I have a new avvie and banner! They rock.
    EDIT: holy shiz - sooo many ;)s
  12. wil
    Okay, so I went to Tufi yesterday and asked for permission to use the modded BZP logo for BZPics, use the name, etc.
    She said no.
    So, say hello to BrickPix! XD
    I still own the old domain name, and I STILL have to pay for it though... :'(
    Oh well, if the switch in skin, logo, and domain name causes no major bugs, we can still have a public beta in the next two weeks...
  13. wil
    I now have enough hosting space to start BZPicture!!!!!!! If anyone wants to help, please PM me. We need people to approve the submissions. I will post a topic as soon as I am sure that it's stable. Also, wilnichols.com has been summer-fied.. lol
  14. wil
    My Grandmother has multiple myeloma. It is a cancer of the bone marrow. causing it to produce mutant proteins which are deposited in the heart and kidneys. Eventually causing them to stop working. She has had it for almost 1.5yrs. It was diagnosed two months ago. Two months ago.
    So, her kidneys stopped functioning two days ago. She's been on Chemo for almost a month. The well... weakened chemo. Her hair hasn't fallen out. It will when they start it stronger. Her heart is okay. She has been in the hospital for a week - she'll be there for two more. She can't stay at home, she cant' even walk on a walker. She doesn't have enough strength to lift her head.
    Her doctor could have diagnosed it 1.5yrs ago, when her hip snapped of it's own accord. Randomly. Unpredicted. Nothing to suggest it would.
    But, he didn't.
    That son-of-a-###### attributed it to "being old."
    The same way that my Great-Grandmother died last February. The doctor attributed it to "being old."
    Her doctor told her chemo would make her feel better, it would kill the proteins. He was a lying friend.
    Apparently, only her kidneys have failed. Everything else is relatively fine. Except, her tissue is holding 50lbs of liquids. And for some reason, they can't remove it.
    Though only her kidneys have failed, her doctor came to her (same doctor as all of these other times), and started telling her that they might not go on with chemo. That she might just decide to go on and die. The other doctors disagree, but they do not have any say in the matter.
    She is 64.
  15. wil
    I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!
    I would have posted before Christmas and said "I wish you a merry Christmas!";
    but I was quite busy so now I will say that I hope you had a very merry Christmas.
    One of the things I have been working on for quite long is my own gallery system for my MOCs,
    which I have finally finished! You need Flash Player 8 ad up to view it though.
    The Bionicle sets which I got for Christmas were Ehlek and Pridak, which my little brother (Simon) got for me,
    nd my grandparents got me the four small sets of '07 as well.
    About 5:00 I ripped the sets to shreds for my own "MOCing needs" .
    The page of my galleryI am linking to is the index, just click on the image of the MOC you would like to see.
    It might take a while to load though, it uses a javascript code that might take a while to load.
    If you would like, I can make a limited amount of members this type of gallery for their own MOCs an other creations.
    You would have to provide your own hosting though.
    Just email me a request and I will get to work!

  16. wil
    I GOT CONTACTSSS!!!!! You know the kind you see out of? I keep trying to push up my glasses, BUT THEY AREN'T EVEN THERE! :D:D:D
    *runs around in circles chanting "yayayayayayayayayayayahappyhappyhappyyayayayayayaya"*
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