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Blog Entries posted by wil

  1. wil
    Oh my gosh... Deathly Hallows is out... I speak English... I do not understand French... I am in France... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well... My dad is in the U.S for business, and is coming back with the book on friday... FRIDAY... I WANT FRIDAY... I just read the fifth and sixth book again... FRIDAY!!! ... ... ... Sorry, I have benn up 'till 5 in the morning for a few nights... I will not sleep friday... But read... yesssssssssss... My precious...
    SLAP ME ... FRIDAY...
    Anybody have any coffee?????
  2. wil
    So, I was talking with a really close friends of mine about our past, more youthful obsessions. Her's ("hers"?) was Pokemon. Mine was Bionicle. Now, we're both major bookworms. She said that she considered reading the books in elementary, and decided against it. Then, she asked me what they were about. After about half a second of deliberation, I said that it's "like Zoroastrianism, but with robots, supernatural powers, and a religion-thing".
    There it is, folks'. Bionicle in a nutshell.
  3. wil
    It is truly epic when you go from $0 to $70 in an hour. All for pool work, plus an icon for a commercial application!
  4. wil
    Well... Tomorrow is our last final... :[ I am very tired of school an I want it to *use your imagination, insert obscenity here --> _______* end. It is soooo boring. Tomorrow is the science final, which I literally just spent THE LAST 8 HOURS STUDYING FOR!!! >_< It burns. Of course, out award ceremony/graduation thing is at 2:15, so I can't leave right after I finish the final. *On that note, we had out history final today. Our teacher made us stay until 10:00. We started at 8:10. I finished at 9:05, along with almost EVERYONE else. :S* We also have a party on friday, I am having an internal debate over going. My brother will have no one to babysit him if I go, but the girl hosting it will slit my neck while I'm sleeping if I don't. Worse of all, she doesn't really like me. I don't really like her.
    BTW, check out my scraps, I've added a few things.
  5. wil
    Wow... I have already had 2 of 5 finals... ouch. Both I finished right at the end of the time limit, though an A on each. I am just scared about the next 3 days... Oh yes, and Xmas... I got my brother Antroz, Kopaka, Solek, Lewa, and Tanma the day they came out. I have soooooo little chas now. >_< I finished xmas shopping for my dad, I will announce what we got him later... Oh yes, and I am almost done with my mom. Off to study for Spanish. We have the history of Mexico, 20-50 translations, the political and topographical map, and loads of other things along with an essay. Wish me luck...
  6. wil
    I was wondering if anybody knows of a good simple game makeing app for macs, perferrably free, and universal (works on an intel mac). I have enough sprites and am hoping to make some mac games for the mac users of BZP, if anybody does please post a link... Please... Pretty Please... I WILL DO ANYTHING!
  7. wil
    Well, this is terribly ironic. I got back from France. I'm at home. We were on a small, 36 person plane where we could not keep our carry-ons, and they had them at the back of the plane. Afterwards, my computer's screen was broken, the disc drive mangled, and completely rendered useless. I have an appointment with tech support tomorrow, so I won't be on for a while - I'm typing this from my mother's computer now.
  8. wil
    What the heck?!?!?!?! My dad keeps getting angry at me over my stupid math grades, and of course, when he is angry, I SUFFER! WHa he heck, they are just simple homework grades, I am doing more things then he did in seventh grade and I am advanced by a full year, SO WHY IS HE SO ANGRY?!?!?!?!? It just feels sooooooo unfair because I do not like telling him my grades because when they are bad, he ALWAYS gets in a horrible funk and is ALWAYS angry with me!!! So what if I get a fifty on a pop quiz in spanish, so what if I get a bad grade on the tests our demented spanish teacher never tells us the topic of?!?!?! What if I get a bad grade on math homework ONCE! This is only the fourth week of school, WHY IS HE BEING SO DEMANDING! :angry:
  9. wil
    First off, I know that's not a word.
    First time I've posted or written a blog entry or posted in a while, but I've got to say, this thing with GregF is absolutely pathetic. I mean, he decides to leave because you bunch of kids pester him and just do things utterly stupid, and yet you try to MAKE him come back? I'd expect better.
    Check out these two topics.
    Now, if he decided to leave because of feeling pressured, do you honestly think trying to pressure him into coming back will help? Really, that is absolutely pathetic.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, if they want to express that Greg isn't their favorite writer, they can. It gets bad when people dive in to his defense, making a ###### huge deal about it, and then the topic's starter goes into arguments with them.
    I realize this site is aimed towards children ~8-13 years of age, but I'm amazed that no one has sufficiently taken care of this [REMOVED - Can't use explicit acronyms. -Shine].
  10. wil
    I just finished taking my 'lil bro out for Halloween, no candy for myself though. I will be in bed soon, though right no I am trying to regain feeling in my legs after llifting 110pounds with my thighs while exercising yesterday. XD
  11. wil
    Happy Birthday to Me,
    Mappy Birthday to Me.
    I'm notta hundred aaaaaand threeeeeeee.
    Happy Birthday to Me!
    Yarr, In honor of "Shpeak like a Pirate Day," all shall address me according to my pirate name, Wil! yarrrrrg
    EDITYARR: I had my first yarr... experience with an electric razor... yarr (gingerly feels right corner of mouth)...
  12. wil
    Happy birthday to me!
    I'm ten plus three!
    What else can I say?
    That truly beats me!

    Oh and also, expect some entrys about chimeric plutocracies in the near future.
  13. wil
    Yes today is my birthday, I am twelve.
  14. wil
    Well, the true Christmas Craze begins! Shopping, studying for finals, and working on papers, along with making websites for people's gifts. Something for you to think on: Why are people more offended by nudity than violence?
  15. wil
    My sister got married a few days ago. Her previous husband (who she had two kids with) was cheating on her while she was in the hospital with both. I will have the pics online soon.
    I found out a minute ago, literally.
    my 85 year old uncle on my dad's side died this morning. We were never close to his sister's side of the family, considering their relationship, but he still died. His wife, my aunt (my father's sister) is devastated. I hope everything gets better for them, please keep them in your prayers.
  16. wil
    I saw the Simpsons movies two days ago, it was pretty fun, though not for those under 10 years old (or at least those who do not understand "do not try this at home" ). I am going to see the new Harry Potter movie this weekend, I hope it i better then the third, the fourth was okay though... I am hoping that the theme for the new BBC has to do with a rider and mount, or something I can enter my Mahri MOCs in, even if it means Jallery riding on Kongu's back.
    A basic overview of my day:
    Got out of bed with a little brother begging me to play a computer game for him, realized I had an immense craving for expresso. :wakeup2: Played the game, in my groggy state, lost the game for him, experienced the wrath of a hyperactive 7 year old. Slowly climbed up the spiral staircase to my little corner of the world and started on a Kongu Mahi MOC. Finally Realized about the time my brother's sitter arrived, that the new BBC contest starts today, and checked the topic to no avail... And now I am typing on my wonderful blog...
    The reason my brother has a sitter while I am at home is that my parents could not force him to listen to me while I administered his reading and writing work...
    Slap me please... Especially you, Overlord Ecto.. LOL
  17. wil
    Well... I'm still alive, tired, but alive.
    Yesterday I was chatting with B6 on AIM about BrickPix and the possible PM system, and he said that he was talking with the other admins about it.
    YAYZ! :D:D
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