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Blog Entries posted by wil

  1. wil
    My 14th birthday is this Friday!
    So, I'll be going to the hospital in the morning to have some cake with my grandmother (see previous entry). Just lounge around during the day, going to a movie later, and then going to PF Chang's for dinner.
    And as a birthday present, I want as many people as possible to register and actively use BrickPix. I'm still waiting for people to start using their userpages.
  2. wil
    Last night, my great-grandmother's bodily functions were failing. Her lungs were filling with fluid. She died 20 minutes ago. She was 90.I don't know how to describe this feeling, I've only felt it once before. The funeral will be soon.
    She died while unconscious, without pain. She lived a long life, and a very good one.
    We all knew it was coming soon. Doctors said that she had 1-2 years in November.
  3. wil
    My Bionicle's arrived!!!!!!!!!!
    I alread made my own version of Nuparu, now for Hahli and Hewkii...
    I have Made Vezon and Fenrakk, AND IT IS AWSOME!!!!!!!
    I have also built Axxon, and Brutaka. THEY ROCK!!!!!!!
    Expect me to post more MOCs soon!
  4. wil
    As promised, here is the first compisition, or should I say sketch that I have posted on The Wonderful World Of Wil!
    Please let the music load, it may take a minute, you will have to have Quicktime to be able to listen to this music, you can go here to download Quicktime.
    Go here to hear my version of an excerpt from "My Life Is Blue.

    BTW It would be great to have some reveiws, constructive critisism, and other comments on my music.
  5. wil
    I was wondering if anyone would like to be part of a MOCing club where before a moc is published, we ask at least one other club member what can be redone or changed... I was thinking that we could either use AIM or just the PM system here...
  6. wil
    I made this wallpaper with some brushes I found on an awesome art site, It rocks, that is the most I can say.

    DOWNLOAD Comments are appreciated.
  7. wil
    Well, first off, tish 11:54 PM! XD I cant' get to sleep. :/ Otherwise, I have six new mocs awaiting upload! Also, I'm transferring ALL of my old galleries, all three to BrickPix in the next week.... scary.
  8. wil
    Free for use, I would love for maby people to use it. I am trying to get this message across.

  9. wil
    The new website is up, and it rox. It does not work in Internet Explorer, use Firefox! Also, press the "enter" button, not the "Removed" button. lol The icons are mac only, and if anyone wants something like this, just ask. Also, I designed the whole thing in Coda and Photoshop.
    Links Removed - Websites which link to blogs are not allowed. -Kohaku
  10. wil
    I am getting a new webhosting account on my birthday, so now I will have an easily accessible blog (I might just have that site display the rss feed for this blog), my fundraiser will have wordpress so that development can start again and so that all the staff members can contribute, I will be able to have a small invite only BZP file host, and a few other things. 300GB of disc space, 5000 POP emails, and 3000GB of transfer, AWSOME! Also, it comes with unlimited subdomains. After I get the site up and running, I might offer a few invite only subsites on there, no forums of course. I think I will offer 200 email addresses for people, I think they are about 2 gigs. Also, I might be able to make a BZP only IM server on it, I will chat the B6 and see if that would be fine with him. If you would like to help, or get in on it now, just tell me here.
  11. wil
    I have just redesigned my website!
    If I am not allowed to link, would a Moderator please delete this entry, or the link?
    I have no forums, but I do have a blog commenting system...
    I have updated it to resemble a web based OS, and I think it worked well!
    If you want a website like this, contact me however you like.
    Also, I do not know if it will work in IE, I know it does not work in Safari.
    Another reason to use Firefox.
    I am also redesigning my MOC gallery like this.

    wil.soplanet.org Like it?
  12. wil
    oh... I am stuck at the apple store until 6:00-6:30 doing spanish hw because my dad and I have to stay while they fix my mom's messed up computer. I can do it perfectly myself (I have done it over 10 times), but they want to do it "for the warranty". This is about to be the most boring span of time in my life. Someone save me. I said that without cussing like a drunken John Stuart, I applaud myself.
  13. wil
    Even better than before. I just found out that my friend who works for Adobe can get me the CS4 Master Suite. For $150. Wow.
  14. wil
    I have been thinking. Yes. Thinking.
    I received a Duke Tip pamphlet today.
    I have recently realized that thirteen years ago yesterday I was born. From that day it was 18-19 years that I would go to college. It is now 6. Yes. 6. What happened to life? What happened to the past 13 years? Where will I be in 6 years? At a college dorm, possibly reminiscing the time 6 years ago when I was wondering what I would be doing in my life 6 years from that point.
    Here is the average american life:
    A. You are born, you start going o school at ages 4-6 (I started going at 3 for some reason).
    B. You soon begin middle school, with many changes in schooling and life along the way, clicks form, etc.
    1. Some go to the private, prep schools. You possibly begin to think about your future life (college).
    2. You go to a public school and depending on the level of education you could be somewhat prepared for college.
    C. College
    1. You most likely go to college, depending on if you went to a prep school, you are somewhat prepared, ready, and used to spending 3hr per class for every 1hr in class. You could have possibly started on your college credits.
    2. Or you are totally unprepared.
    D. Later life
    1. You become an entrepreneur, you become your own boss.
    2. You go to work for a large firm and land at a low job and spend the rest of your life in a small cubicle. Kneeling at the shoes of your boss. You make no mark or difference on life.
    3. You go to work for a large firm, but you land a higher job, but you are still polishing the shoes of those higher up than you.
    4. You become a politician and possibly:
    A. You have the majority of people appreciate/love/swoon over you.
    B. You have the majority of people hate/loathe you and want you dead (like which people I am thinking of?).
    C. You manage to, recreate, or uphold on of the biggest democracies on earth (or as I refer to it, chimeric plutocracies).
    D. You are assassinated as a result of line B.
    5. You become a radical and attemp to make changes through popular culture (Green Day, John Lennon, etc.)
    E. You die.
    What is the point if you do not make a lasting mark on life?
    Also, I did not break the rules line 4:B and 4:C because I did not refer to which chimeric Plutocracy, government, or democracy. Keep in mind that American can refer to anyone living in South and North American.
  15. wil
    I finished my BBC entry about a week ago, and then, our camera download cable mysteriously disappears in my parents office... They have no clue where it is... Ouch.
  16. wil
    No, this has nothing to do with paychecks.
    It does have to do with someone's pay. I am not giving names here, but I have a family member who is half of a year older then me. He spent some of the summer managing his father's travel expenses via a completely automated app known as Cha-Ching. He was paid $10 an hour for it. I spent half of the summer (most of the time I was in the U.S.) physically helping to move my parents old office, into our garage. I did it for free, while they offered to pay me. My relative's father (my half-brother) is a millionaire. Do you see the connection? This relative lives in an extremely up-scale section of California, and seems to not realize the pain of others around him, such as many of his class turn a blind eye to. Example: The many homeless of California. This is a bit upsetting, especially since he does not realize the connection.
    I changed the description of my blog today, and I might change the name. If a Moderator doesn't like it, I will change it.
    I just thought we should all remember this boy, because he goes to a campus of my old school -
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