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Blog Entries posted by wil

  1. wil
    If anyone would like me to make them some custom stuff like I have in the post below, or have had, then PM me the photo you want and specify the part which would be visible, and I can do it.
  2. wil
    Well... I got back from my overnight Goliad field trip yesterday... Sleeping on a concrete floor in 90 degree fahrenheit weather with 90% humidity... Oh yes, the cabin was also infested by cockroaches and ticks... I love bug spray. I found my new copy of Photoshop CS3 sitting on my laptop when I arrived home, we saved around $600 from an awesome student discount. I have made a nice new little siggie, I can make them with any username if people would like.

  3. wil
    I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 a last a week ago, and I was wondering what people thought of it.
    In my opinion it was bloody awsome, but the plot was a bit off, dont you think?
    the main thing is that Barbosa came back at the end, which is some odd planning, but all the same, I would give it a 9.5/10 rateing! B)
    You have to see that film!
  4. wil
    I hope you get my message from the next few songs, it really means somthing to me. Does it affect you?
    "Power To The People" from John Lennon.
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    Say you want a revolution
    We better get on right away
    Well you get on your feet
    And out on the street
    Singing power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    A million workers working for nothing
    You better give em what they really own
    We got to put you down
    When we come into town
    Singing power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    I gotta ask you comrades and brothers
    How do you treat you own woman back home
    She got to be herself
    So she can free herself
    Singing power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    Now, now, now, now
    Oh well, power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    Yeah, power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people
    Power to the people, right on
    Do you hear my message?
  5. wil
    I am Presenting my compositions in Piano to The Wonderful World Of Wil! By Tomarrow there will be one of my musical Piano compositions posted on my blog, and I will try to bring at least one per week!
  6. wil
    Well... The comic is dead, so I can use the name lol.
    Well first off, since I am planning to upgrade to leopard come november, I upgraded my RAM, I now have 1.25 gigs!
    Also, today I randomly started thinking about the possibilities of traveling into the future, and after the research I did not this intriguing, and bound to cause myself to be labeled as a fool! So basically, it was theorized by Einstein that if one travels at 3/4 the speed of light or faster (but never reaching the speed of light) your bodily functions, including your thoughts would slow by whatever fraction of the speed of light at which you are going. which means that you would age at whatever fraction of the speed of light you are going as well. So imagine this: I set out on a rocket with an infinite supply of air, food, and all supplies necessary for life, the rocket is going at 3/4 the speed of light, and it will land where earth will be in approximately the earth will be in 40 years. Since I am aging at 3/4 the speed that people on earth would. So that when I land, I would have aged by 30 years, and the earth by 40. Because my bodily functions (including my thoughts) would have slowed to three fourths the speed they normally would (and since that includes my thoughts, I would not be able to tell the difference) I would have traveled into the future. Am I to be classified as a kook yet? Just don't recommend me to the insane asylum, please... Also, if anyone has seen Nikira's new piece, I am working on a wallpaper from it currently.
  7. wil
    Well... School started two days ago, unlike last year, we HAVE A STUDY HALL!!!! WOOT!
    So now the school day ends at 3:15, but sadly, I come to school early to work on homework... SO ja, I am still in Pre-Algebra, if I scored 1 point hight on my yearly average, I would be in algebra. :angry: We are now taking "Texas History", which is the worst possible class to take... English has not changed much, same teacher, about 50 more books we are going to read in the year... OUCH... Language arts is not different either. We have a new Drama teacher, along with a new PE teacher, nothing special. Our drama teacher acts like she has a ruler stuck down the back of her shirt, she is extremely stiff, both physically and mentally, LOL. The new PE teacher is from Kansas, and is in the National Guard, so we should be seeing quite a lot of absences from him. We have a new science teacher who IS AWSOME, she has been teaching for over 20 years, and she seems to be one of our best teachers yet. We have the same Spanish teacher, I will elaborate on him later... So I have school now from 7:30 in the morning to around 3:30 in the afternoon, about an hour less than last year! I am also on the rowing team, yearbook committee, and the ultimate frisbee team! ALl of those activities take place on different days, plus piano on tuesdays, and possibly a fencing class on fridays, and yet I still finish 2-4 hours of homework per night.
    Watch for future entries, my friends and I have a little pet peeve, you will be seeing quite a lot about in the future...
  8. wil
    I start school tomarrow, at a new school that I have only shadowed at once. Two and a half hours of homework per night, and I barely know anyone.
    I have a dad who is saying this will be great for me, while when he changed school's and moved, he did not have any friends at the school he moved from, when I have plenty of friends at my old school. My dad started comparing my old friends to the kids at my new school, and I just tried to ignore him... I have to get used to that.
    I will post updates.
  9. wil
    Save me. I am doing my best now to post this without enraging the furies known s the word filters and mods. At my school, as some of you know, I am a social outcast among almost all of the boys, I fit in somewhat okay with everyone else, but the "popular" or "cool" kids just shun me, for my interests, for not being jock, etc. There is only one boy who I can easily relate to, and can relate to me. Our class only has 12 students counting me. I could trust this friends with things that would have been awkward to tell to my other friends who are girls. The "popular" kids just treat me like a freak because I am not in the ALG 1 class (because I got an 89 on my yearly math average, not a 90, because my life does not revolve around sports, I am kind to the PRE-K, I enjoy working on computers, and I like Bionicle. The one friend I have of my own gender is not going to be at school next week, the week after that, or the many weeks after that. He is leaving school. This is about the fourth time in my life this has happened. I am sorry to post this here, but I just need to vent feelings. :*(
  10. wil
    Wow... I just became a Senior Member on another, computer-related forum... I FEEL OLDZ! XD
    Goodnight peoplez, it's 12:58 AM here... XD
  11. wil
    Early yesterday morning, my mom went to the hospital to see her mother, and she asked me not to go because she got worse overnight. Not badly, but worse.
    My grandmother could barely breath, and they had her on a breathing machine with the tubes running up her nose. That wasn't helping. Eventually, she was moved to the ICU.
    The doctor came to my mother and my grandfather and told them it was time to start considering to sign a DNR. A Do Not Resuscitate order. Basically that means that they would not keep her alive on machines when her body could no longer provide. And, she signed it.
    Around the same time, she had to put on a breathing mask which sucked in air and pushed air into her lungs. She could barely talk through it.
    If she wanted to stay alive after that, they would have to put a tube down her windpipe into her lungs, and she would be on a breathing machine for the rest of her life.
    The doctor came to talk to her, my mother and grandfather were not in the room, so I don't know what was said. They were going to go back in, but a nurse walked in and told them that she needed five minutes. When they walked back in, she didn't have the breathing mask on. She had called for the nurse to take it off. She said that she was ready to die, and she wasn't afraid. She said she loved us, and would miss everyone.
    She died forty minutes later, she had gone to sleep ten minutes before. She died without pain.
    She died from being smothered from the inside. Her kidney failure caused her to retain water, which was kept in all of her tissues. It became too much, and smothered her.
    Our church minister (Jim Rigby) was there for as much time as he could, we owe him.
    I felt the same way at the death of my grandmother. I wished, and wish now again that I wasn't an atheist. I wish I believed in heaven. It would make things easier.
  12. wil
    Well... I am currently in France for vacation, in the Auvernge to be specific.
    Amazingly beautiful land, wonderful weather, great place (probably because I am impervious to insults, because I do not understand French )...
    Also, my little brother's B-day is approaching fast, I persuaded my grandparents to buy him Lego Star Wars 2 for mac (he has been obsessing about it since the first game). When he went o the Bionicle Story website for the first time, he immediately told me he wanted all of those sets for his B-day.
    My dad is back in the U.S for business, and is coming back with 3 Mahri for him, and we already ordered the three Titans for him.
    His birthday is the third of August, but we do not get back to the U.S until the sixth, so it will have time to arrive.
    You may not remember him, but he made this moc back when he was 4 or 5, and h is now turning 7. B)
  13. wil
    Simon's Birthday is tomorrow! If anyone asks, he is my little brother. XD I made him a BZP account yesterday, his username is Simonn.
    I'll be making a birthday topic tomorrow, but in the meantime -
  14. wil
    Yes, I've returned. I've returned from the crypt.
    Not much has happened... Life is good... What's happened since I've been gone? Bionicle has been cancelled. Who didn't see that coming? They sped up the storyline in '06, the books stopped selling well, they cancelled a year of story in '08, and they have a massive reboot in '09? If that doesn't indicate poor sales, I don't know what does.
    Other than that? Well... Omi's been banned. That's pretty much all I can come up with.
  15. wil
    WE just got back from Ikea, we finished assembling my new sofa, IT IS AWSOME! When we are completely done I will post some pics, but the could be in a week or two, I will also try to find some pics of what it used to look like.
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