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Blog Entries posted by wil

  1. wil
    I will be recoding my parents website as soon as they get their image files to me, so what I was wondering is if anyone would like me to make them a website, then PM me.
  2. wil
    Well... I've been burning my head off helping a friend of my cousins on his forum... For some reason he demoted the guy who knows how everything works in his forum software (me) from admin to moderater, and now he has taken the copyright out of a highly popular skin and his forum might be closed...
    What a day.
  3. wil
    Am I the only one who has to put upp with 7 year old brats *cough*sacrificial gits*cough*? I doubt I am, but
    I do not hear much about others experiences. Earlier one of my brothers friends who has the worst (that was a more mild choice of language, I do not seek to gain the wrath of the word filters) ran up to me, told me that I am the freakiest living thing on earth and that I do not deserve to live and then kicked the **** out of my shins. Fun, The girl is only seven. ouch.
    BZPicture update:
    I am purchasing the new hosting account tomorrow and when I am done I will post the topic.
  4. wil
    Those who know who these people are, you know they are prey much the "Big shots" in the world of Mac Customization.
    These are all in reply to my topic on a mac site linking to my new site.
    William - "Umm..you've ripped multiple parts of different sites here...."
    Me - "@William, I based the nav upon Louie Mantia's, but I have my own PSD's of every part found on the website, except for the bg (which apple supplies in widgets and is commonly used).
    I think I fixed the links, could you report them if any new ones are found?
    Eek... I was using the preview in Coda at fullscreen and that did not happen, thanks for pointing out the boxes, I will try to fix everything today. smile_blush
    The broken links are because Dot5 transferred my site to their new server without my knowledge while it was being uploaded, I think I fixed everything. "
    Patrick Yan - "Remaking other people's works does not automatically make it yours [there are many, many well known examples...]
    The site is way to buggy and there are zero original ideas... I guess playing miniXO is kinda fun, but that's it."
    Come on! What on earth, someone releases a new site, and all of the important, big people come and start criticizing him like mad! I am amazed they would do this, they did the same to Dustin.
    Of course, the casual users like me do none of this.
  5. wil
    Okay, so some of you (my peepoles! ) know that I'm really busy. Busy with a making a portfolio and website for an architectural firm. Well, to start, we've agreed on $50 per sheet. They have more than 20, possibly 40. AND, I'm making them a website for $15 per hour. Epic, no?
    I also got my savings and checking (paypal purposes only XD) accounts set up for online banking today, as I do work with people in other states and countries, it is the best way for them to pay me. I had no idea how much money I had... XD I'm happy. Of course, all of that is going to college, and a car in what is now the not-so-near future... :'( I feel oooooold. XD
  6. wil
    I'll post a tutorial on how to do it soon!
  7. wil
    Hello Everybody (Dr. Nick)! Well, I haven't blogged in a while, but here are some updates!
    The last time I blogged we just arrived in Atlanta, so now let me update you on Wil's Wonderful World (its raining, so Wil's Wonderful Wet World). First off, I've been home about a week, and it is soooooooooo relaxing. I will probably post that huge mysterious vehicle eventually though. I've been trying to moc some old, 2001-2003 sets. I already have an epic Matoran design (one not used in my vehicles). Next I have the Rahi (already done the Fikou, and the Ussal from MNOLG), bohrok (head finished) Bohrok Va, and whatever else.
    Aside from that happy stuff, I might be *gasp* home-schooled this year! My parents have been thinking about it, with the terrible Pre-AP program in our public schools, and how my school's staff are a bunch of cool dudes. It would also save us +$1000 per month! I will also be able to have a comp tutor through that, like Objective-C, Cocoa, or PHP!
    I have gotten a new comp after my old one broke, and it is very nice. For one, I have enough HD space now!
    ttyl guys!
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