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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    Let me explain. My parents have left for vacation for one week, which leaves me to fend for myself until they get back. I also have to take care of my seven week old puppy Willow, which is almost as bad as taking care as a human infant. This makes it impossible to do many things, including playing my Xbox. Now I'm alone and bored.
    Oh yeah. I'm also stuck at the house, because I'm not allowed to drive on my own yet due to my epilepsy. So I can't leave this house other than being taken to school. Can't really do anything outside either because it's freezing and there's snow everywhere.
    At least I have the laptop. *waits for laptop to combust spontaneously*

  2. Brappy Hour

    Gabara reared his ugly mug in Godzillas Revenge / or All Monsters Attack. Gabara is a.... aahhhh... I guess he's like a humanoid cat? His powers are that he can make electricity come out of his fists. With the last few monsters I gave them a hard time on their lack of creativity. But with Gabara, it's like they went off the deep end. I've seen monsters from Power Rangers that look better. Plus he has one of the most annoying roars ever.

    Anyway. He's one of the worst monsters ever from the worst Godzilla movie ever.
  3. Brappy Hour
    I've been preparing the shirts for BrickFair next week. Labeling the ones that were pre-ordered with the names of members who asked for them. As well as throwing wrinkled ones in the dryer.
    It seems I'm already out of Staff Large and Faded Large. (Sorry for those who decided not to pre-order)
    Anyway. I hope to make everyone happy cheery when they get their own shirt and spread the awesomeness of BZP.
    *fingers crossed*
  4. Brappy Hour
    Alright. Just wanted to show everyone the final design that was decided for this years BZP t-shirts. Click
    I'm thinking of adding something to the back as well.
    Don't forget though, that these shirts will be screen printed by hand.
    Congrats to Chunky for winning BTW.
  5. Brappy Hour
    Found some cool Halo figures at ToysRus and GameStop over the course of two days. I was really surprised to find the Arbiter so soon. They must have just put them out.
    Halo Wars Arbiter
    Halo 2 Master Chief
    I like keeping the in their packages for some reason. I used to buy Matchmaking figures too, but I lost interest in them. Seeing as it's the same figures constantly repainted. If you want to see more of my collection, I'd be happy to let you see. B)
    Also have to start my new job tomorrow. 11:30 am to 8:00 pm. I hope I can manage such a long work schedule.
  6. Brappy Hour
    I went to my ToyRus today, and I saw all the Hero Factory sets with the Bionicle items, and for some reason...... I was tempted to buy one. Thankfully I didn't and went to another store and got a replacement for the Tahu Star I gave away as a gift.
    It's just that for the last nine years I've always waited for new sets to come. It feels like an instinct, and the sets look alright, and the story isn't that bad.... actually after thinking about it lowers the temptation.
    Does anyone have an idea of how I can rid myself of this temptation?
  7. Brappy Hour
    In celebration of the Halo Reach Beta tomorrow. I decided to finally share this animation I made. There are some mistakes, but whateva.
    Halo Sprites made by InnerRayg.
  8. Brappy Hour
    Well I beat the game on hard. Once again it was short. Got stuck in some areas though, but that's to be expected from a harder difficulty.
    Lots of easy achievements too. So I'll try multiplayer more and see how far I can get.
    Also. It's hard to understand which series the game belongs too. Is it Generation One or the Movies?
    I liked this game compared to the others. Especially since there was no human counterparts in it. I watch the movies and shows for the Transformers. Not the annoying human characters and emotionless hot chicks.
  9. Brappy Hour
    Well here's the shirt I made for myself. I know I'm not staff, my apologies. However this shirt was the perfect size for my current stature, and blah blah blah blah. But I added a little something I thought would differentiate myself from staff as well as give a hint to everyone who I am.
    Closer Look
    I got that image from another screen that was about to be wiped clean. So I used it one last time.
    What do you think?
  10. Brappy Hour
    There you go! The prototype shirt! This is a size large, so the logo will look better on smaller shirts. As for some smudges and mistakes. Chill. It's a test shirt, and did I mention it's hand made.
    Love, Bionicle Raptor
    Logo Closeup
    Shirt Hung Up
    BTW- I saw that the Shirt Project in the news was linked to EW's blog. Shouldn't it be linked to here?
  11. Brappy Hour
    Just finished my last Halo Reach Beta match. It was a Covy Slayer match, and it was a victory. But later tonight all of the medals, rank, and armor that I've collected over time will be erased. That's a shame. I be able to play it forever in September though. Thanks Bungie for the chance to play.
    I need help deciding what shade of blue to make the shirt. Please offer ideas?
  12. Brappy Hour
    Yup. Gonna leave for BrickFair at 5:00 am. Eight hrs in the car..... Oh well.
    I'm really excited, and I can't wait to meet my fellow BZP'ers.
    See you there!
  13. Brappy Hour
    Haven't written a new entry in a while. So I decided to change the layout again.
    I shall add more as time passes, and as I think of them. Also thinking of writing more if I have the attention span.
    How is everyone btw?
  14. Brappy Hour
    Since I'm a senior at my high school. I was able to paint on a spot on the wall in my graphics class. Guess what I painted? Picture B)
    I painted it using a stencil I printed and cut with an exacto-knife. That means it took a long time.
    (Oh Noes! My identity has been revealed even further!)
  15. Brappy Hour
    I got Friday and Saturday off! I can finally rest. Play some games, and cash the paycheck I got today.
    Also going to hang out with my dad before he goes away to be the Scout Master for the 2010 Boy Scout National Jamboree.
    I'm definitely going to need to make a blog about BrickFair! I'm so nervous!
  16. Brappy Hour
    Alright. lets try to make more friend and get more willing members. Hopefully I'll have a better turn out this time.
    In case you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm seeing if it would be fun playing Halo 3 or Halo 3 ODST with other BZP members.
    Anyway, just like the last one, but just seeing if it was a bad time to blog, or my very low popularity.

    Gamertag: Bionicle Raptor 

    BZP Member List: Toaraga

  17. Brappy Hour
    I have been having trouble with keeping my Trading Topic active in the trading forum. Not many people are looking for Bionicle stuff, and what I have left isn't much. So I guess I'll have to bring out my most rare extra's. My 2001 Rahi, maybe even my extra 6 Toa Mata and 6 Turaga.
    Also, I have a few BZP shirts left from BrickFair 2010.
    So if you ever need any Bionicle sets, parts, masks, collectibles, cards, or perhaps other LEGO stuff. I'll do my best to get you want you want.
    I also enjoy being a middleman, if anyone ever wants me to find sets for them.
  18. Brappy Hour
    Today's update includes the rough logo to be placed on a background along with items that will eventually be used for the cereal box in later production.
    Here it is: Clicky
    Going to a Boy Scout event this weekend. So I'll post the next step on Sunday. B)

  19. Brappy Hour
    List of people I need to keep on track with trades:

    Negotiating With:
    Gatanui - Need to keep in communication
    Receiving From:
    Toatapio Nuva
    GlatorianJaller - Waiting for payment
    Need To Send To:

    Payment To Send To:
    Strategic disagreement - Need to "wire" her my payment
    .:The Great Mata Nui:.

    If you're conducting a trade with me and are not on the list, please let me know.

  20. Brappy Hour
    Made another animation! This time shorter, but with blur affects! I'm adding affects to my first animation as well.
    Of course credit once again goes to InnerRayg for the sprites.

    The Reach Beta is Fantastic by the way. Lots of changes, and lots of fun to be had.
  21. Brappy Hour
    Ah yes. April 1st is tomorrow, and I'm quite eager to see how we will be lied to about Bionicle returning or a Mata Nui Robot set to be released. We'll just have to wait and see won't we?
    Just wanted to let you know that I saw it coming.
    Gaming News:
    Xbox 360 came back Monday, and it's all fixed and nicey nice. Still playing my DS though. So it'll have to wait a little while. Unless people really need me, or I'm tempted to finally get Endure finally on ODST. I swear that if I ever get that achievement the world would probably explode.

  22. Brappy Hour
    This entry will help me keep track of members who have pre-ordered shirts, what the size and type, and if they have paid.
    Please note. The only was to get a concrete pre-order is to pay ahead, and then get your shirt will be saved for you.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Name: GlatorianJaller Type: Faded, Size: Small
    Form of payment: Pay at Event
    Name: ChocolateFrogs
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff Shirt, Large
    Form of Payment: Pay at Event
    Name: InnerRayg
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff, Size Medium
    Form of payment: Cash or Paypal
    Name: Sisen, or you mean real name? Jon.
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff Shirt, Medium
    Form of payment: PayPal or Cash at BrickFair.
    Name: Oh my miru
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Large Faded and Normal Medium
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Xccj
    Shirt Type: Normal
    Shirt Size: Large
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Nukaya Cloud Fire
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: small staff
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Black Six (Andrew)
    Staff Edition, Large
    Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Kondoki
    Shirt Type: Normal
    Shirt Size: Large
    Payment: Cold, Hard, Cash
    Name: ~Aero~
    Shirt: BZP Faded shirt
    Size: Large
    Payment: Cash at Brickfair.

    Paid Pre-Orders:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Fresh! Type: Normal Medium
    Name: Primus
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Faded, Large

    If you have an issue about you're pre-order or shirt information being shown. Let me know.
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