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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    Today's update includes the rough logo to be placed on a background along with items that will eventually be used for the cereal box in later production.
    Here it is: Clicky
    Going to a Boy Scout event this weekend. So I'll post the next step on Sunday. B)

  2. Brappy Hour
    I thought it would be fun to show you the steps of making a project in my graphics class.
    The idea this time was to make a cereal box design and make it fit onto a box to make it look like it was an actual cereal product. The first steps for any project of course was to think of an idea of what to use for a cereal product. Also, a name would have to be catchy and make people want to buy the product.
    Here's the ideas I came up with: Link
    Which idea made it to the next step? Check back here tomorrow to find out!

  3. Brappy Hour
    Just wanted to write an entry here, so to let you know what has been going on since I last posted.

    Bionicle news:
    I acquired the Bionicle sets needed to make the Stars combiner. It's bigger than I thought it would be, but there still was a number of parts left over.
    Halo News:
    Got Halo Legends this week (Two Disk Edition). I have mixed opinions about it. Like the certain types of animation used and that you wouldn't be able to understand most of the stories unless you were a hardcore Halo fan, and you would have needed to read some of the novels to understand. I may write a review soon if I have the attention span to.

    Gaming News:
    Xbox 360 is broken, so I had to pay $99.99 to send it in to get fixed. I pray that it returns soon and in time for the Halo Reach Beta.
    Bought Pokemon Soul Silver, and it's eating up most of my time now (as Pokemon games usually have). Spend most of my time training the ones I have and battling in hope I may be able to create my favorite team later after I have beaten the game.

    BrickFair, the shirts that I might have to make, and building the Rahi Nui are kinda put on hold for now.
    Lots of changes in school too, but you wouldn't want to hear about that.
    Note: Going to start a marathon about a graphic design project next week. So stay tuned.


  4. Brappy Hour
    Hey everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while so here goes.
    For BrickFair I was thinking of making a Rahi Nui MOC. Since it's Bionicle's last year and I think it would be a sight to see. I have just about all the different Rahi parts to add to it, and I'm always thinking of ways to make it look even better. Though I wanted to ask the Bionicle fans a question.
    Should the Rahi Nui be different colors from the representing Rahi, like a purple Nui Jaga tail and yellow Muaka claws etc. Or be in silver, gunmetal gray, and black.
    Your opinion and comments would be greatly appreciated.
    Should I make a poll in the forum about this? If it's allowed of course.

  5. Brappy Hour
    I finished playing Megaman Zero 4 last weekend, and after seeing the new Hero Factory enemies I realized something. They remind me strongly of Megaman enemies. The reason is the different bosses from different areas of random elements that cause trouble so that Megaman/The Hero's have to go to to stop them. Here's how I see it.
    Xplode = Bomb Man
    Meltdown = Radioactive Man
    Corroder = Rust Man
    Thunder = Metal Man
    Rotor = Copter Man
    Von Nebula = Dr. Wily

    Oh yeah. Great names by the way. I guess it saved Lego a few brain cells this year.
    Power News:
    It seems there won't be a Dragonzord re-release. At least this year. Next year hopefully.
    Brickfair News:
    Need to start building Rahi Nui. And EW needs to keep in contact with me! :angry:

  6. Brappy Hour
    I just thought of this just now, and wanted to say something before I forgot.
    It seems quite apparent that in this realm of blogging that there are different types of blogs in general. Blogs that give snippets of information, entertainment, complete nonsense, and blogs that actually tell about peoples lives.
    Some seem so.... well..... weird or indescribable that you don't want to read them, but for some reason you can't stop checking back once in a while to see the next concoction of insanity they have created.
    Then there are the more well known member blogs. Whether they have a position here at BZP, or they appear a bit too much in forum topics. In this situation a member could post a blank entry and it would get ten replies. Why? I'm still figuring that out.
    I'm not saying I don't do any of things, and I certainly don't think I'm popular. It's just I feel that to get your opinion known or to even be noticed. You must be popular, have a high role, or just do things out of the ordinary.
    You can't be a Average Joe because even though you might have something really interesting to say. No one cares, because you're not important to them.

  7. Brappy Hour
    Time to explain for my last entry. Well an era long ago called the 90s, I was a huge fan of Power Rangers. I loved the Zord battles and also the epic monster explosions when they were defeated. I don't have much left from my Power Ranger phase, but when I found out they were releasing redesigned and more accurate versions of the original Megazords. I saw this as a opportunity to not only finally get the action figures that I always wanted, but to reminisce and remember the parts of my childhood I enjoyed the most.
    Also they're really cheap for some reason, so no complaints here. All we need now is the Dragonzord, and I'll be satisfied.
    So sorry for the random entry, and I'm thankful that The Power Has Returned.

    Oh yeah, might talk about the Halo stuff soon too.....

    Mechagodzilla II
  8. Brappy Hour
    Let me explain. My parents have left for vacation for one week, which leaves me to fend for myself until they get back. I also have to take care of my seven week old puppy Willow, which is almost as bad as taking care as a human infant. This makes it impossible to do many things, including playing my Xbox. Now I'm alone and bored.
    Oh yeah. I'm also stuck at the house, because I'm not allowed to drive on my own yet due to my epilepsy. So I can't leave this house other than being taken to school. Can't really do anything outside either because it's freezing and there's snow everywhere.
    At least I have the laptop. *waits for laptop to combust spontaneously*

  9. Brappy Hour
    I can safely say that I've known Nukaya and Senjo for a while, and consider them to be very good BZP friends. They have always treated me with great respect and have answered all of my silly questions.
    I always knew from their awesome personalities, creativity, and determination that they would be successful and rise above others. What I didn't know was that this would happen so soon!
    I'm not being a suck-up. I'm really happy that they got these positions, and I can't wait to see what they have to bring to the table.
    Congrats you two. You deserve it!

  10. Brappy Hour
    I've been pretty lonely when playing Halo 3 ODST, all my other friends are either busy or playing other games. So I was hoping to find some fellow ODSTs on BZP. Also anyone who wants to play Halo 3.
    If you could please give me your gamertag for X-box Live either here or through PM that would be great.
    Willing to help others get achievements, I also need to get Endure for my last Vidmaster.
    Don't worry, I don't swear or talk trash, in fact I don't talk too much anyway. Also if you look at my stats at Bungie.net, you'll see that I'm more than qualified to rely on for tough situations.

    Gamertag: Bionicle Raptor  

    Please don't feel shy. Make yourself known! And thanks for reading.  

  11. Brappy Hour
    Yup. I finally finished building my own Krakua, and I took a picture so you all could enjoy it too.
    I'd like to thank all the members in the trading forum (and of course the maker of Krakua John Dexter) who made this possible, and hopefully more canon sets are soon to be made.
    I just noticed his feet are the wrong shade of gray. I'll fix that as soon as I can.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 

  12. Brappy Hour
    So I think this might be the third or forth time my trading topic has been a Hot Topic.
    That's pretty awesome, and hopefully that may bring more business.
    *passes out drinks for everyone*

    Burning Godzilla
  13. Brappy Hour
    Since hardly anyone looks at this blog, I was wondering.
    What would youexpect out a blog? I see lots of different people using different techniques, but how can I attract readers?

    A pic for those who stopped by. 

  14. Brappy Hour
    Hey guys. I'm continuing my plans to go to BrickFair this year, and I was wondering how much money I would need.
    Like if I were to stay in a hotel, cost for food, admission to BrickFair, extra money to spend for random memorabilia.
    Also, did anyone have to take a taxi from their hotel to the event, or can you just walk?
    I have so many questions!

    Mechagodzilla II
  15. Brappy Hour
    Yes, today marks the 19th anniversary of my birth.
    Went to see Avatar in 3D! It was pretty good.
    I also got a video camera a a gift from my family, so I'll be a camera man for BrickFair!
    Also. I can't determine whether having a birthday two days before Christmas is a good thing or bad thing.


  16. Brappy Hour
    So today while I was Surfing on Biosector01, I was looking at the new entries of Agori and Glatorian. While looking at different village I saw that there was an entry for the Agori Kyry, who was featured in Raid on Vulcanus, who was the guard for Vulcanus as well as the one who spread the word of the good deeds done by the Glatorian.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 
    I saw that there was a picture of this set, and that it seems to be build-able thanks to the pictures provided by Sparky, the one who designed Kyry's cannon form. So, awesome. Another cannon set to make!
    I've found most of the small parts in my array of random Bionicle parts, but there are some major parts needed too.
    So that should be pretty fun.

  17. Brappy Hour
    The one thing I like to do more than collect official sets and masks, is collecting the parts to build official Bionicle cannon models. Searching for the pieces and viewing my progress over time is so amusing to me for some reason. I've built quite a few cannon sets that you may recognize if you saw them, and today I'm going to show you guys my newest one.

    Lol. Sorry for the bad picture quality, and the large size of it. (Need to learn how to change the size of the pictures.)
    Thank you Brickeens for providing pictures of the parts as well as detailed pictures of the model.
    Might even show more of what I've built later.

    Mechagodzilla II
  18. Brappy Hour
    So Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf
    And Just Enjoy Yourself
    Groove, Let The Madness In The Music Get To You
    Life Ain't So Bad At All
    If You Live It Off The Wall
    Life Ain't So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)
    Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)

    Just a Spirit Lifter. Enjoy.
    Off The Wall: by Michael Jackson

  19. Brappy Hour
    I had hoped to keep my opinion to my self about the current news and future of my most cherished toyline to myself, and it seems now it would be cared less about even now. But I've kept my thoughts and opinions bottled up for too long, and I feel I must say something.
    First off. I was always fine with the thought of Bionicle ending, I knew it would some day. I was certainly ready in 2008 when it was said to be the last year. I was a bit down, but hey, it was a awesome ending and what I had always wanted. The Toa Nuva had returned to finally complete their task and awaken the great spirit Mata Nui, and right at the end a twist of fate occurred and evil triumphed despite the odds. I was blown away, and somewhat sad, but at the same time satisfied.
    So going into 2009 was a somewhat odd start. A new planet and new species, but it was great for me because Mata Nui was now the main character. You know the one who for the last seven years had been the one thing that all of the Toa, Matoran, worked toward to save. So, awesome. We're continuing the saga and starting fresh at the same time. So you'd think this would one would last right?
    What I'm getting to is that I'm not mad that Lego canceled Bionicle, it's when they canceled it. I just don't understand why in the middle or even at the beginning of the story, they just got up and left!
    YES. I know that Greg has been kind enough to promise that he will continue to write and finish the story, and that the site will possibly be updated from time to time. That's one of the things I'm happy about coming out of this.
    But as a fan of just about everything about Bionicle. Why is it that I'm not allowed to be sad about the loss of the sets, or have hopes that they may come back or to see that there could possibly be one more awesome set to end it all? Either I'm depicted as the whining adolescent, or the rock hard "mature" member who shoots down all hopes and possibilities.
    Another thing I feel I must bring up is the movies. To me TRL was the best Bionicle movie I've seen, and exceeded all my expectations. It had some problems here and there, but it was awesome. It also had a HUGE cliffhanger at the end,(to me at least) and I was eager to see the sequels, to see the characters develop and further the story. Now that they're canceled, it leaves me with a whole new empty feeling. Like if George Lucas decided to try new things after the Empire Strikes Back, and abandoned the Star Wars movies to start another series. What kind of sense does that make?! I know that it would take a lot of money to make them, and that there wouldn't be any sets to advertise, but wouldn't at least making one sequel to wrap it up be a sensible thing to do? Wouldn't you think that since the first one was so good, that it wouldn't need new sets to support itself?
    Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for all that everyone at Lego has done, and also for the great work Greg has done. I'll never forget the memories Bionicle has given to me. It's just that these things keep irritating me constantly.
    Well, that's all i can write as of now. Thanks for reading, and have a great day.

  20. Brappy Hour
    Yup. I found the rest of the Bionicle Stars when I looked again at my ToysRus. I'm dead serious.
    I finished building them a few minutes ago, and all I have to say is....... They're okay.
    I didn't know that the whole Rahkshi spine would be made of rubber, and that Tahu's mask doesn't even cover his whole head.
    Again, I live in North Carolina. So keep a look out.

    King Ghidorah
  21. Brappy Hour
    Hey everyone. I've been thinking of going to BrickFair for quite a while, and it's a high possibility that I may go next year in 2010. I was thinking of what I could do while I was there. So I was thinking of bringing a video camera and filming a good amount of the event. Maybe even interview and have fun with some BZP members as well.
    What do you think about it? If your thinking or are sure your going to BrickFair, let me know what you think.

  22. Brappy Hour
    Let me give you a little information about myself. I have problems, LOTS of problems. For some reason mostly in my brain. About 2-3 years ago I was diagnosed with epilepsy, a condition where one can have seizures. The ones I get are from exhaustion and from being at a high level of stress. It sucks. I do many things though to keep my condition at bay and live a normal life, and one of them I will share with you today.
    Mind Stimulation is one of my treatments, this helps relax my mind and fights anxiety. The way it's done is when you're hooked up to a fancy computer, that means it's just sensors silly puddied to your head. And the way the treatment works is that you play a somewhat type of game where you use concentration that allows the treatment to apply itself to you. The best part is that you use your mind to move objects forward and in other directions! An example is a Spaceship game I usually play, where you concentrate your thoughts and make the ship go through tunnels and reach destinations. Your movements and speed depends on the level of concentration you use.
    Well today I played a new game that I thought made the treatment a lot more fun and interesting. It was a racing game where you try to beat the other cars to the finish line. It's very similar to the Spaceship game, your levels of concentration makes the car go slow, fast, or even move at all. The graphics are good too, it's like playing a Playstation 1 game. It's more entertaining now that instead of going down corridors and tunnels constantly, you're battling against A.I. to see who gets to the finish line first. B)
    And that's why I wanted to tell everyone that I play Video Games using my mind.
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