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Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice

  1. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    At this very Moment (2:38 to be exact) my Mom placed a (surprisingly) small parcel from Israel into my hand, I immediatly (though it was hard going) ripped it apart and admired the $150 worth of rare bionicle masks that were in a medium zip lock bag (and are now siting in the bag which might not ever open due to rareness on my computer desk) and I now think of how fortunate I am to own these, I am sure that no more than 100 people own a full set, prove me wrong, and another thing is that I am not even that much of a collector, so this is special.
  2. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I just updated the smilies, it may be a while before you notice change, but they are very rounded and don't have any corners now, Please rate them.

    That bug thing is suposed to be a car...
  3. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Have you ever noticed that People rarely ever type accents on Computers? And if they do its like this: y r u join teo d prty??? !!! !!! !!! ! Or: I LOVE BZPWER!!!!!!!!! BZPWOEER ROXS!!!!
    Yeah, thats what I mean by accent.... NOT, those are the only acents you see and they aren't real, So, I have some demonstrations prepared that I learned from intense book reading.
    Rustic: Oi sure bain't oi smurt one boi okey, but Oi bee's a good un who'll do 'is daiuly wurk.
    Captual(I have no Idea what that means...): Well from my large perspective I would say you are suffering from to much work and that you need to get a better hold on your everyday iissues My rrecommendation is you pick a good book and try to finish it in less than 3 hours straight, I on the other hand am capable of finishing a good 1000 page novel in 3 hours, but you may take a smaller one, say 500 pages and try that one out for size, once you have go for large books at the local library.
    Baby: Whur bee's der hunny mamy? im ungry, we bee's just a smalsh choild.
    Englander Military: Capitol scoff wot wot? Learnt it from your ma eh? Lively in the ranks there teenshun! AAboutFace on the double now, March! Caryers in the back trade ppositionswi the front runners and take your leave for rrelief
    Highlander: Ahv been worken o my famers tan, but my wee sheart will nay stay on my large braw bonney seal( f ) de-ye ken?
    Now southern, see, I am southern and I havn't heard northern a great deal so everything translates to southern (which isn't all that bad and is more normal than northern) for me and I don't know what the spelling differances are so I am no good at spelling it... unless you just look at my normal typing which is the way I pronouce most of my words, although I am working on the word "Catch" So realy you wouldn't notice much of an accent on me, although I am a lot more Captual than every one I know. here is my Highland Boast: Ahm a braw squirl born free o tha land an a highlander by nature If ye wana fight my Braw seal ye best be on yer guard fra ahm no beasty tay a bee messen whi ye ken? That was fun...
  4. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Heh, last night (at 10:30) we went to go take care of my second cousins dogs (we are being payed at least) and they weren't out side which was very weird, we looked inside and there they were, we thought they had ransaked the whooelhouse and were afraind to look around, so we called the people, and it turns out just one shoe got torn up, but those are some insane dogs.
    And this morning it took for ever for me to wake up so I missed the job and my dad did it, then we went to the pool and I was totaly board and I didn't want to swim and my bros were being werid and silly the whole time, so far the day hasn't been good...
  5. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    So, me and my mom went to one of our (many) petsitting jobs today, the one with five cats, and it turns out that fleas had been breading in the house for a week but they didn't have any cats to stay in (because the cats were confined to rooms and the fleas couldn't find them) and so whoopdedoop and I have 20 fleas hanging out inside my socks just from walking on the floor, so I go outside (after finishing) and kill em all and they just keep appearing, apparently they liked my pants, there may have been like 10 hangin on the back of my pants and 10 in my socks and another 10 in and on my shoes, BLEGH... I realy dislike fleas, espeacialy when they bite. And we still have this job for another few days.
  6. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I was just at one of my freinds houses, and he has this game called need for speed most wanted, anyways, its this awsome game where you get in police chaces and go 150 all the time, its got sweet graphics, and awsome storyline.
    Wish I had an X-Box though.
  7. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I finaly have goten done with my home schooling, its weird... but great to be done.
    One funny thing I have noticed about seasons is that when you are in one you can't remember exactly what the one in 6 months feels like, anyways, same thing with school, now that its out I can't remember what it feels like.
  8. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Aren't we all glad of the pool? Without that small body of water we would have nothing to do for 4 blinking hot months of the year. Anyways, We just rejoined a pool club and its very nice, I just went for the second time in 5 years to the same place, but for some reason I just hate pools, today it was 90 degrees so I desided to jump in, but it won't happen often.
  9. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    This morning I went to take care of dogs, and there was nothing wrong, it all went well, and even the old scardycat dog came straight upto me and lay over and let me pet her, which is alot compared to how she was the first time, the first time she ran away and almost wouldn't go inside. So I think I am making progress with them, and their owners are very... violent.
  10. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I went for a dog sitting job, and its a little dog and a BIG dog, and we were playing with them and wham, I am walking roght beside a MASSIVE pile of poison ivy, I lukily didn't get close to it but there was lots more and I think I may be donaminated from the dogs, if I get it bad what do you suggest?
  11. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I just got back from a trip to the U.P. and I already have to do tons of yard work, you would have thought that magnolia trees had less leaves, especially really thin almost dead ones, but I still gota rake it all up and do stuff, but hey, everyone has to.
    Oh, I almost forgot, I just started a pet sitting business, its going awsome, but I have a few to many jobs, how do yo suggest I should handle the load?
    I also just saw all of the misprints on ebay for cheap$ and just wanted to know what the normal price of a full set would be. Thanks
  12. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I just sent in a staff submission to the BS01 staff, I hope I make it, although I mightnot be as good as others I hope I can help, at least with gathering info.
    Have any of you guys ever been approched or tryed to become staff?

  13. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I have descided to take on a new challenge, I deem the worthy to veiw my emotimorphs, but at a price, the price: Link clicking (ZOMG!) And here my little petty link shall be right in the palm of here. Cool eh? feedback is just as preciaouse as gum to me so please feed me back.
  14. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Well, as most of you know today is fathers day, and such being so I just wanted to tribute the (few) dads out there in the BZComune for being so great to everyone and just being plain awsome. And, what do you think, should fathers day have some speacial colors? perhaps Dark Blue and Brown? And speacking of colors... I have noticed that in the rich text editor section there are many different color choices.... Here is a list.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nice spectrum eh? I like to use as many colors possible, just check out my sig, I don't think I ever used black...

  15. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Our pool is geting a slide, they have been trying for 5 years, and just this week they have put it up, its probably finished by now, so we are going to check it out, we were there the other day and it looked awsome, it is a total tube, kinda dark, but very large.

  16. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I am soon to go into the junior high sunday school class for my first time, in 2 hours. I realy wish I could stay in my sixth grade sunday school situation, with my parents teaching and singing, but oh well, you have to grow up. We will have more on this news update as we gather information.
    EDIT: It turns out its not all that bad, but the guitarist and singer are no match for my dad up there.

  17. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    I am gonig to be gone for the next few days, so do as much damage to me as you can while I am gone, and post alot here in my blog, and be sure to get my emotimorph topic to the hot topic one for me so I can faint when I get back, Bye
  18. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    Short little entry about my saber.
    A while ago I was making lego swords with my little brothers, and then I descided "why don't I make a light saber?" so here it Is.
    BTW: most of the red peices came from Ebay
  19. Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice
    After three more trips to the offensive house we still havn't goten more than a Mosquito bite, And when we saw this tree Absolutly covered in Vines(which look exactly like poison Ivy) we figured that what we had been seeing might have just been a relative, but I am not taking my chances against those odds, so I think I will stay away from that LARGE patch of Ivy (realy large, even around the tree.)
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