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Black Storm

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Status Updates posted by Black Storm

  1. Duuuuuuude!

    I've been gone too long.

    Like really.

  2. Urk.

    Wow, I haven't been here in ages.

  3. Doooooork.




  5. Dude, i'm back!

    Yeah, from the grave.

    *Twilight Zone Music*

  6. I don't need to be on MSN to annoy you.

    Nyaaah >=3

  7. O Hai!

    Lol, just wanted to say that.

  8. Omg two Hais!

    And yes Dokspit, i'm back 8D

  9. It's Dokspit!


  10. I wish I had Photoshop =/

    And yus, my tablet's a Bamboo Fun too! It's lovable.

    Actually, Lady K, I have no idea. I'm going to go catch up on GitS right....


  11. I don't particuarly like Friends' Lists. H and Crimson are there to remind me about something I forgot.

  12. No! Not the Tango!


  13. *Dances*

    Got you back :P

  14. OhMiGawds Dokky has 5997 posts! Three more to go 8D

  15. Commenting blog-to-blog is fun, Dokky. I should actually get on AIM more often (Haven't been on in like two years) and try and get yours 8D

  16. I couldn't use Photoshop for my life anyway, it's too confusing D=

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