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Gryphus 1

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Gryphus 1

  1. I just now had a good look at my comment bar.

    Do you know what you did to it…

  2. *Pokes with stick*

  3. It's been taken care of. Thanks for the concern. :)

  4. Yes, and pretty spiffy ones, if I do say-so-myself.

    But yousa' throw Fosa, and no banner for you.

  5. I second Xaeraz's motion!

  6. Please, that went out with LSW2.

    *Ponders how I need not do anything since the radio-activity of that stapler is now taking affect.*

    You will die shortly. :)

  7. Oh, oh… Now that was below the belt.

    You fish covered Chuck Norris fan.

  8. I'm interested now, tell me.

  9. Dougal a. Thats a new one.

  10. You have some interesting avs...

  11. *throws radio-active stapler*

  12. Samething :P

    Gryphus 1

  13. Then I would take my free leg and flail around until I hit the conveniently stacked cans of tomato soup behind you.

  14. What’dya think of my new blog approval?

  15. Of course you did. My wit is to sharp for mere mortals. :P

  16. Gotta love out-takes. =p

  17. *Throws vat of boiling oil… with new lemur ankle attachment*

  18. Coldly and brutally shanks.

  19. Ohhh… No I didn’t…

    But that means you didn’t see the small explosive devise I planted in the lower most corner of your profile.

    *Smacks you with a lightsaber*

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