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Blog Entries posted by Dulon

  1. Dulon
    I spent this last weekend and Nan Desu Kan, an anime convention in Denver. I had an awesome time and ended up coming out of it about 200$ poorer, though heavily loaded down with DVDs and merchandise. With any luck I'll get to go back next year and hopefully to some some other conventions in between.
    On a side note I finally got a pair of anime goggles; I've been looking for some place that sells them for about ten years now. I had the chance to buy some back then but opted out for some reason or other, its taken me till now for that opportunity to come full circle. Of course with my awful luck they'll probably start giving goggles away on street corners now that I finally got some...
  2. Dulon
    With no comments yet its hard to tell if this blog is a success. Anyway I'm currently working triple-overtime to get it up to speed. It would be really nice to have some instructions for the blog software...
  3. Dulon
    I suppose my presence on BZP has almost completely faded the last few years. I still check in every now and then, but I rarely post and only read a couple topics. Once upon a time I was able to keep up with literally every topic on here, that's pretty much impossible now for obvious reasons.
    Anyway, I guess an update is in order, so much has happened since my last entry that this could be fairly long.
    First off I graduated high school this summer. My first year was great and I easily had the potential and drive to be the best, though, after I moved to Germany I kind of lost my will to succeed. Something about losing everyone you know along with hard won friendships and leadership positions will do that to you. How I stayed sane is beyond me. Possibly the best part of the whole mess was that I learned of some critical flaws in my own personality and fixed them; no one will ever hurt me that way again.
    The next three years kind of dragged by; I was almost constantly depressed and looking back my mind was in a kind of haze the whole time. I had a few good memories, but mostly I've mentally blocked out the experience. If anyone cares about what I was up to the last three years PM me, I don't feel like recounting it here.
    That pretty much brings us to today. I'm currently in college studying video game design and Japanese and am much happier than I have been in a long time. Hopefully me and my family will stay where we are for a while, but I am now of age and can never be forcibly moved against my will again.
    In any case I hope that no one who reads this has as bad a time as I did
  4. Dulon
    Well, I finally got around to posting something new here, and now I'm having some Deja Vu since my last entry sounded just like this. Anyway, I just thought I would comment on my own "ultimate lurker" status; my post count when compared to my join date is almost unbelievably low. I guess its partly my laziness and partly BZP feeling less personal to me that have made this possible.
    Despite my promises to do more around here I am sorry to say that I haven't really done anything for this blog, or Onua's Kitchen in a long time. I was about to make the same promise to do more again, but I don't think I'll do any better this time than the last. Perhaps saying something like "maybe someday" or "eventually" would be more appropriate here instead of empty promises I've given in the past.
    So, sorry to anyone who is still a loyal reader of Onua's Kitchen but it looks like the original kitchen comedy (Onua's Kitchen was the first, I checked) may be going into stasis again for an undetermined time.
    I think I just depressed myself and my readers writing this,
    Edit: I wrote this some time ago but apparently clicked the save as draft button, most of the info is still good though; except for the part about Onua's kitchen, I definitely plan to do more on that
  5. Dulon
    Well my blog has been inactive for some time now so I figured it was time I got off my duff and updated it. The halt of entries was partly due to my move to Germany (now about 10 months ago), partly due to a lack of readers and partly due to my own laziness and neglect of it. Anyway I'm going to bring the blog back (hopefully for good) right after I get back from my week long Italy vacation which starts Thursday. Onua's kitchen will likely remain in stasis for a while longer but I have plans to resurrect it with (hopefully) a few viewers. I likely won't update again for at least a week, probably longer because I have another vacation to Reno right after the Italy one but rest assured, Dulon's Blog is far from dead.
  6. Dulon
    I just noticed that my 666th post was some how the 66th reply to Onua's Kitchen. Wonder if that has anything to do with the lack of replys to it... Anyway, I really posted this blog to see if anyone knows a way to make CGed water bubbles in photoshop CS2, I'm working on a poster of Gali and havn't been able to find any good water effects to use in it.
  7. Dulon
    Sorry I havn't posted a blog in so long guys, I've been really busy getting ready to move and didn't have time to post any blogs. I'm also finally going to take my trip to Reno after it was delayed by all the commotion at my house. I have a new Onua's Kitchen almost done, with a little luck I'll have it up by next week. PM me with your suggestions.
  8. Dulon
    I was just noticing today how much I miss the old Bionicle. Maybe its just because I've been around since it started and still long for the adventures of the original Toa, or maybe I've lost interest in the story since it became too complex, it could even be that I've gone crazy, but I still like the old mysteries of Bionicle, many of which were never answered. Hopefully the new story line will bring back some of the mystique that the story has been lacking since the deluge into Metru Nui history. I think that the biggest reason that I didn't care for Metru Nui was that the whole story had happened a thousand years ago, none of it made any impact on the characters that we had all come to love. It seemed especially meaningless that the Turaga could have summed up the whole story in one sitting, but instead wasted countless meetings telling the Toa stories of their glory days. While this was an obvious ploy by LEGO to drag out the story and sell more sets it would have been nice to have some story justification other than there was nothing better for the Toa to do while on break from building boats then to listen to the Turaga tell them a bunch of useless information. The biggest slap in the face though was when LEGO ditched the old Toa that many of us old fans had been eagrly waiting to see return in favor of a totally new team of Toa. I wouldn't mind if LEGO just dumped the original Toa for new ones, but when they pretend that they're appeasing fans of the classic Toa by sticking them on the same island where the big events of this year are going on and having them do nothing it just bothers me. Either dump them or give them bigger roles. Seeing the old Toa get creamed by the Piraka is another thing that really, really bugs me. It doesn't seem right that they should get beat so bad after all their experience fighting countless enemies on Mata Nui. Them getting beat also causes the Metru Nui saga to lose even more merit. All the lessons the Turaga taught them while telling them about Metru Nui's past didn't help them one bit against the Piraka. The feeling is akin to seeing your childhood superheros getting beat up by some ridiculously pumped up baddie, only to have some new guys that you've never heard of show up and rescue them, destroying the baddie with the ease that you feel the original team should have had.
    Anyway thanks for listing to my rant guys. With any luck I won't have another for a while.
  9. Dulon
    I spent most of the day cleaning my house today in preperation for potential buyers to look at it in preperation for my move to Germany. Somehow I managed to only eat one meal and still keep going all day. If anyone here goes to Bitburg High I'd be glad to be friends when I'm there. Well I'm off to download some more games with my blazing fast 56k modem.
    Still need suggestions for Onua's Kitchen
  10. Dulon
    As it turns out keeping up with a daily blog isn't as easy as I once thought. I'm rapidly running out of ideas and have begun to look through the other blogs for inspiration. Starting tomorrow I'll have a section for my thoughts of the moment and some deep contemplations on the universe. If anyone has any better ideas pleas PM me with them, I need any ideas I can get.
  11. Dulon
    I'm not usually one to beg, but I seriously need some readers for Onua's Kitchen. I'm not saying I won't post anymore episodes or anything like that, but a little feedback would be nice once in awhile guys. I would like to know if anyone still cares about Onua's Kitchen.
  12. Dulon
    Well this is the first blog in the Video Games category. I figure I'll start it off with some reviews, first off a game everyone here has heard of...
    Bionicle: The Video Game (PS2)
    The Bionicle video game dosn't have much of a plot. It does have some story line elements thrown in although most of these are totaly unexplained in the game and contradict the actual storyline. Some of these inconsistancies include: The Toa's transformation into the Nuva without any explanation; Takua becoming Takanuva seemingly by accident, and under completely different circumstances then in the movie; Gali Nuva taking out all six Bohrok Kal at once; and The Bohrok Kal being included with no real purpose except to serve as a boss battle.
    Special Features
    I suppose being able to play as the original Toa could be considered a feature, other then that all Bionicle: The Video Game has going for it is some concept art and "the making of" thing.
    Play Control
    The controls are decent for the most part. The controller configuration is prety standard with buttons to move around, jump, and shoot an energy blast among others. On a few levels however, like the "surfing" ones and the flying portion of Lewa's level the controls are horrible. Often you find yourself plunging to your death due to unresponsive controls or a poor camera angle that you can do nothing about.
    For the most part the graphics are okay. A few of them could be a little better animated though.
    Like the graphics, the music is just okay. It can get really reppetitive in spots and I generally turn it off.
    Bionicle isn't too hard for most gamers, in fact a lot of the control problems are what make it difficult at all.
    Bionicle: The Video Game is just okay. It comes off as a game that could have been great if more time had been put into development, but as it is the uncoordinaed story, the poor controls, and the reppetitive music really bring down its overall rating. Its really a shame too because this game had tons of potential.
  13. Dulon
    Turns out I'm moving back to Germany again. Time to say goodbye to all my friends in the states. The move will also mess up my schedule a lot so I might not get around to posting any new blogs or Onua's Kitchen episodes for extended periods.With any luck it will be over quickly and I can resume a more normal routine. I still need feedback from you guys, the readers, I can't make a successful blog without you!
  14. Dulon
    It appears that Onua's Kitchen just isn't as popular as it once was.The episode has been out for two days and I haven't got a single reply or PM about it. Even if no one still reads it I am still planning on doing more episodes, the next one should be out in about a week. I can't make great stories without input from the readers; PM with your suggestions.
  15. Dulon
    Yes! I finally finished the new episode! Onua's Kitchen lives again! I managed to re-write the whole episode in record time! Well ok, it took the same amount of time, I just worked on it for a few hours straight till it was finished. Anyway Onua's Kitchen is back and better than ever! Post what you think and PM me with your suggestions.
    Onua's Kitchen will never die! Oh yeah!
  16. Dulon
    The re-writing of Onua's Kitchen is going slower than expected. Still I hope to have it done by the end of the week as promised. Also, I'm going to be out of town from the 19th till about two weeks later and its doubtful that I'll be able to post a blog or any episodes. Everything around here is pretty dull so theres not much to talk about. PM me with any suggestions on the Blog or Onua's Kitchen as well as anything else you might want to talk about.
    Keeping the blog afloat
  17. Dulon
    At long last all my classes are finished so I should be able to post a lot more. This summer I hope to be a lot more active on BZP. Unfortunately you guys will have to wait longer than expected for Onua's Kitchen. The memory stick with the new episode on it broke somehow and won't do anything when attached to a computer (just my luck). Anyway I plan on getting the new episode re-written and posted by the end of the week, assuming there are no more problems. As always, feel free to PM me any suggestions for Onua's Kitchen or the blog (or anything else you might need for that matter) and I'll see what I can do.
  18. Dulon
    The sun dawns on a new day. The day Dulon becomes a premier member and posts a blog, this is that day.
    Ah, the joys of membership are finally mine! With this first blog I join the elite BZP bloggers.
    Anyway, I'm going to do my best to make this a successful blog. Hopefully I will find time in my schedule to update it daily with news of...well, whatever I can find. As for Onua's Kitchen I would like to say that theres hope! I haven't forgotten the once widely popular comedy and am working on a new episode now. I'll try to update it regularly as I once did but with my hectic schedule I may have to put it off sometimes. With any luck I'll be able to at least put up new episodes weekly. PM me if you have any ideas for Onua's Kitchen or the blog.
    Hoping to have a successful blog,
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