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Year 15

About Darcsyde

  • Birthday 02/16/1995

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    I emerge from retirement and hiatus to this?

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Steely Visionary

Steely Visionary (20/293)

  1. Pinkie Pie = Nicolas Cage? No wonder AJ is my favorite. Those animations were pretty hardcore. I'm sure Pixar is going to be holding you hostage for stealing their techniques.
  2. LNU, you pansy. I DEMAND A SEIZURE-INDUCING HARDER-PARTYING CANDY BATTLE MECH! > Otherwise, the comic was quite good.
  3. Those last panels. Made my day.
  4. Right, and next you'll say that Greg Farshtey is bringing Matoro back from the dead. =P
  5. The seizure-inducing animation speed was imitating the style of MSPA, or at least that's what I was hinting at in the request. I gotta bang out some more questions.
  6. Coming from somebody who USED to be in the South, at least I know that Unsweet Tea plus sugar packets does not a sweet tea make. People from the north are weird. Yeah, all of our civilized speech and traditions and lack of alligators and hurricanes and undefeated Civil War Record... Gosh, those guys bug me. =P Good comic, LNU.
  7. Well, now my brain's fried. FROM THE AWESOMENESS I must think of more MSPA-related questions...
  8. Ahhh, I'm still laughing at Pinkie's mech suit. I got that idea from Problem Sleuth, don'cha know. This is fun. I gotta send more commands. Really, LNU. Your artwork is improving immensely. B)
  9. Optimus Prime vs. Michael Jackson.
  10. Sidorak. What a whiner.
  11. George Patton vs. Grand Moff Tarkin.
  12. Ah, yes. I thought it was the Nuva.
  13. So, I've been pondering this for a while. In one of the books, Pohatu (I believe) uses his mask of Speed to increase the motion of his molecules (atoms?) to a point where they're vibrating so rapidly that he can pass through solid objects. This made me wonder if the powers of the other Great Kanohi could be used in similar improvisational fashions. For example, could the Pakari (strength) be used to strengthen specific parts of the body, such as the legs for running? Or, could the Kaukau be utilized to breath in liquids other than water, or be used as a "gas mask" to filter the user's air intake. Improvisation probably wouldn't work so well for all masks. Nokama's is a mask of translation, and you can't do much more on that level. Just a thought.
  14. An unreleased track by Porter Robinson.
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