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Status Updates posted by Canama

  1. Yay, a comment!


  2. Yeah, because you were the small, fat kid. Fine then. :P

  3. Yeah. Where are the pranks? Where are the crazy topics? Why must Omi be gone? D:

  4. Yes, I am a Zelda fan.

  5. You get no respect for belonging to the annoying rival character archetype. GOT IT, OAK?

  6. You were still the brownie-eater. D:

  7. You, sir, have the best username on this site.

  8. You're quite rude. You call people in the member spotlight and insult GregF. Stop it or leave this site, please.

  9. You're two people? Mind = blown.

  10. Your av has a swear word in it.... I'd take it down, were I you.

  11. Your avatar creeps me out. :P

  12. Your sig is too big.

  13. Your sig is too large.

  14. Your sig is too large

  15. Your sig is waaaaayyyy too huge. Take out those banners.

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