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Drakua Toa of Rahi

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Posts posted by Drakua Toa of Rahi

  1. Used to have a good number of these kinds of dreams, though more recently the sets tended to have the appearance of bootleg copies or wholly unique sets with a new backstory. The stores were usually pretty oddly shaped, and sometimes the odd Halo Mega Bloks would get mixed in, but a number of times I'd go to open and build the sets and the pieces would just disappear in my hands as though fading from existence or just falling to the ground, forcing me to scramble to pick them up and stuff them back into the box.

  2. IC: Abominable


    "Konu-To?" The Rahi turned to see a creature not unlike itself. "I'm Firedracax. I'm here to help you learn to use your powers over heat and cold. I see you've already been using them a bit." It watched him gesture to the evaporating puddle. 

    "Shall we get started?"


    Konu-To tilted its head in confusion at this fellow mutant's proclamation. It was obvious simply by his name that Firedracax only knew flame, just as Konu-To only knew frost. Then again, with the way the puddle had turned to steam, maybe there was something to learn from this dark hunter. The frost ape nodded in acknowledgement.

  3. IC: Abominable

    Location: Tower yard

    Status: Training?


    Having been assigned no class to train with, Konu-To saw no need to remain where it was. However, as it clenched its claws again, it heard the barely audible crackling of the icy coating. It grunted, irritated by the feeling, the sound of this stranger that was it. It looked down, spying a puddle before it. Reflected in that puddle was a creature twisted by fate, a mutant so warped by madness that it knew only one truth: cruelty is always a constant.

    Konu-To stared at this beast's features. It saw the canister fused to its back. The cables that burrowed into the flesh; the burning pain, the searing heat that permeated the metal plates around it. That flat, featureless face. How it wished that face weren't so unfamiliar. The frost ape looked upon that creature with pity and—as the reflection began to fade to frost—sorrow as the realization hit. They were one and the same, the ape and the monster.




    The rahi understood the term well. It was another name the rahi carried, having once been the bane of Tren Krom. It thought back to the pirates that used it, to the villagers that abused it. It thought of the gnawing hunger, the rising fear, the cold sorrow... The boiling rage. The screams as it flayed metal from flesh, and flesh from bone. The billowing roar that pierced the air. The terrified eyes of every victims. Its watering eyes... Wait a moment.


    Konu-To looked back down at the frozen puddle. The only thing that remained was the steam that currently bit at its eyes. With a claw, it traced the former edge of the pool only to notice that it, too, was steaming. Was this my doing? It thought.

  4.  It turned its attention the sapient eel standing before it.


    "You... smell funny," Konu-To said, gesturing that much. Then, pointing and the flat-headed ray, it continued: "Him... Skondh. I trust."



    --IC: Idgaddiy and Skondh--

    The pair began to make their way to the tower, along with the other members of their motley crew.  Skondh, having heard Konu-To's statement to "Shadowboxer," decided to drift close to his new friend, leaving Idgaddiy by himself.

    This was of no concern to Idgaddiy- Skondh mattered little to him.


    Just wanted to be a bit more clear than my post indicated: Abominable said that to Idgaddiy.

  5. IC: Abominable

    Status: Statisfied

    Location: Enroute to Tower


    The Rahi glared, its distrust of Matoran clear in its expression. It shrugged off Krahua's tiny hand and edged closer to Skondh and Idgaddiy. It turned its attention the sapient eel standing before it.


    "You... smell funny," Konu-To said, gesturing that much. Then, pointing and the flat-headed ray, it continued: "Him... Skondh. I trust."


    Satisfied that it had made its point, it made its way to the door and followed those first responders as they made their way to the tower.

  6. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Grateful?


    Abominable was visibly stunned by Skondh's offering, eagerly taking the eggs and and popping one into its mouth. CRAAACK. So much pain. Why egg? Why? It spat out the egg into its claw, noticing that the shell was for the most part intact, its insides having become completly frozen. Konu-To dropped the egg, which fell to floor with a thud. It looked at the other egg, hoping that it was just a fluke, but alas, it was frozen as well. Distraught, the rahi simply stood there as the floor beneath it became covered in ice.

  7. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Cautious


    Konu-To flinched away from Idgaddiy's touch, sharing a wary glance with Skondh. For some reason, it knew something was... wrong with this sea-dweller. Something about the smell. It instead drew itself closer the Cunal's companion, and gestured to the dikapi eggs as though to ask for one.

  8. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Questionable


    The rahi turned toward the Cunal with disdain clear in its voice. It next words were surprising, even for itself.

    “Do you? Do you really know what it's like to be taken? To be shackled and forced to kill? To be left behind... left to bear the brunt of the your people's loss?” Konu-To looks at its warped and twisted limbs, forever warped by energized Protodermis' cruel embrace. It flexed its claws, cracking the ice that lay permanently affixed.

    “They took me. They hurt me. They changed me,” It said, looking up at it's compatriots.

  9. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Fine


    A look of remorsefulness washed over Konu-To's face in response to Skondh's next question. Memories of being captured, caged and then shipped off returned to the forefront of its mind.


    "I... do not know," he finally replied. "The Skakdi... stole me away so long ago."

  10. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Relaxed


    "I... do not know," the rahi replied. To be perfectly honest, it had never thought of choosing a name. It had been used to being called names; like monster or beast or even mongrel, but it choosing one for itself? It paused for a moment. Then, after much deliberation it gave the duo their answer.

    "I wish... to be called Konu-To."

  11. To be perfectly fair, if we're still taking some small part of the actual canon into consideration, only the Turaga would've probably freaked out, as everyone else would've likely still had amnesia after emerging from their canisters. And to be honest, the rest of the Matoran could've just as easily brushed it off as the senility of a bunch of strange elderly folks, especially since they wouldn't have been able to remember them, either.

    Or the Mask Maker could've simply had another name and adopted the title after becoming an avatar of the original Makuta, who couldn't initially set foot on Mata Nui, due to some yet to be defined plot reason. Whatever works, really.

    That actually sound like a very good idea. Mind if I use it?


    Edit: That last idea, I mean.

  12. IC: Abominable

    Location: Barracks

    Status: Startled


    Startled by Skondh's reaction, as well as the sudden arrival of the Vemosai's companion, Abominable had to fight the urge to climb into the rafters to sling rocks. He instead grunted awkwardly and cocked its head to the side quizzically. Pet? the rahi nearly asked odd duo. Instead, he resolved to answer Skondh's question.


    "I... I was once called Konu-Ra. Dark hunter that changed me... called me Konu-To. Shadowed One... he named me Abominable."

  13. Hello RPG enthusiasts! Just wanted to drop by and share my own idea for an RPG that I've had since I first delved into this area of BZPower. Here is a short summary I've made regarding the concept:



    “Gather around friends, and listen again to the legend of the Bionicle...”


    After the Great Cataclysm, the inhabitants of Metru-Nui, lead by the Turaga, arrive on the island of Mata-Nui. However, to their surprise, they are met with a native people who already claimed the island as their home, having long ago named the island “Okoto”. After a tense exchange between the leaders of both groups, the Turaga and the Okotan Protectors–with the counsel of the mask-makers Ekimu and Makuta–arrived at an agreement: the people of Metru-Nui would be allowed to settle amongst the Okotans, so long as they did not obtrude upon their beliefs and customs. This worked for a time, and the two peoples flourished. But recent events have threatened to bring this fragile peace to its breaking point, and as the Great Prophecy begins to unfold, the hopes of peace may fall away into total war.


    I'm still working out the details, but I wanted to hear what you all think first. It's premise is that it fuses Gen 1 and Gen 2 together.

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