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Blog Entries posted by Rausaro

  1. Rausaro
    Addendum: Species list
    I need to add a bit, but here's a few basic notes.
    Mice: Mice tend to be smaller, faster warriors. Considered a smaller species. Many influential Redwallers were mice, like Martin the warrior. Two species: Mice and Harvest mice (A smaller relative) exist.
    Hares: Legendary warriors. One of the top 4 most common warrior species. Despite being voracious eaters, they are also known for bards, ballads, and the Long Patrol. They are also well known for boxing.
    Squirrels: Swift treetop warriors, the squirrels usually live in the pine forests, but they can be found elswhere. They are know for making unusual weapons.
    Otters: Along with Hares and Squirrels, one of the most common species. Great swimmers, runners, and warriors. Known for cooking, warfare, and marine time exploits.
    Badgers: An uncommon, but proud race of warriors. Considered to be the strongest of all, also renown for keeping history, art, and smiting.
    Ferrets: Like Weasels, a wily and crude species. They can be most often found in roving bands of warlords, or they can be found as corsairs. Famous ferrets include Veil Sixclaww and Romsca, a ferret who gave her life for an abbot.
    Weasels: Species similar to Ferrets.
    Rats: The Most common vermin, these creatures are usually aggressive scavengers. Rats make up most of the hordes. However, several peace loving rats have been allied with Redwall.
    Foxes: Known for being clever, these creatures can be found anywhere on mossflower, from the white northern foxes to the golden southern foxes. Known for making up pirates and Corsairs.
    Shrews: Shrews are usually organized in large tribes, and they wander the watermeadows that surround Redwall. They are renown for boating and fencing.
    Lizards: Generally simple minded predators, they are know to work in groups to devour the unwary.
    Snakes: While uncommon, several species exist on mossflower. The most common is the grass snake; rarely a danger, they usually only prey on woodpigeons and dibbuns. On the other hand, the
  2. Rausaro
    Redwall RPG, Mk IIII

    Welcome, Friend, to Redwall Abbey!

    The Redwall RPG is an RPG devoted to the world of author Brian Jaques. In this massive world, we battle the forces of evil, travel the vast land of Mossflower (and the surrounding regions) and even cooking up scrumptious feasts. From Warrior to Bard, From the largest badger to the smallest mouse, we welcome you here to our abbey.
    -Rausaro, Recorder of Redwall
    Rough Summary:
    Redwall takes place in a land called Mossflower, where the anthropomorphic animals, usually British species, live.. Over the eons, several fortresses have become the centers of attention, such as Redwall, Salamandastron, Southsward, and Holt Summerdell. Each of these locations has served as a home to the peaceful, but vigilant creatures of the abbey. The regions, however, are rife with conflict brought on by vermin (generally, but not always warlike clans or hordes) and upper tier predators, like Snakes.

    For those unfamiliar with the main series, I can provide some detailed insight: Redwall is an ancient Abbey built upon the remains of the old fortress Kotir. The former slaves and the local inhabitants eventually built an abbey dedicated to peace. Known as "Redwall" for it's rosy sandstone buildings, it has served as a beacon of hope to the locals, former slaves, orphans, warriors, and in some cases, good natured "vermin" species (Clans that usually are everything from raiders to corsairs)
    The most famous of the Redwallers would be Martin the Warrior, a brave orphan mouse who helped to found the abbey. His guiding figure was important to the abbey in life, and his shade now watches over the abbey, imparting wisdom in dreams.
    Regardless of times, the creatures that have lived in the abbey often have had to repel wandering warlords, hordes, diseases, and even betrayal. Despite this, the remains of many warlords are said to molder near the abbey, testament to the unbreakable spirit of goodwill.
    However, Redwall is not alone standing against marauders...
    To the western coast, Salamandastron stands as the guardian of the coast, protecting many from hostile armies. Unlike the Redwallers, the majority of Salamandastron is well versed in the art of war with the Hares of the Long Patrol and the ruling badger lord. The mountain's inhabitants have had a long relationship with Redwall, as well as the distant Green Isle. To the South, the castle of Southsward acts as a mediator of peace, guarded by Otter and Squirrelclans. To the Far West, beyond the great mountain of Salamandastron, lies the Green Isle, home of the High Rhulain and the largest known collection of Otterclans.
    As you can see, the world of Redwall is a vast and wonderous land ripe for exploring!
    History of the RPG:
    Since the RPG's inception, the members have visited many locals and regions, some official to the books, some not. Many of the RPG exclusive locals were only visited once or twice, so you don't need to worry about missing out. If you do wish to understand more, however, you will find the links to the past RPG here, or you can ask the elders.
    As of the ending of the last RPG, a group had departed for the southern desert, where a disturbing revelation about a local warlord was revealed.
    Characters: you are allowed to have 4 characters, including your main. Minor characters that don't play an important part in your writing don't fall under this rule. Ie, a windowcleaner.
    The elders are made up of seasoned RPG members who have been active for a very long time; new Elders are picked by the past elders.
    1. Takuna Nuva – Abbey Warrior Status: Active
    2. Rausaro- Recorder Status: Active
    3. Paharak Girl- Skipper of Otters Status: Inactive
    4. Sickle: Badgerlord Status: Active
    5. Hahli Husky: Badgermum Status: On Hiatus\Inactive
    To Join
    If you would like to join, please fill out this form and PM it to me or Takuna Nuva
    Species: (by the way, we have several badgers, squirrels, and otters currently. If you wouldn't mind choosing another species than these, it may be nice. Your decision, though)
    Weapons and/or Special Items:
    Traits and Personality:

    Playable Species:
    • Badger
    • Squirrel
    • Otter
    • Mouse
    • Rat
    • Weasel
    • Bat
    • Smaller Birds of Prey: I.E, Owl, Hawk
    • Hares
    • Ferret
    • Fox
    • Vole
    • Mole
    • Shrew
    • Lizard
    • Other wildlife native to Britain. (Very few other species are know to exist in the Redwall story)

    • No Bloodwrath. Bloodwrath, a type of beserker rage, is often overused and is considered a cheap plot device.
    • Villain characters: While we appreciate having variety. We do ask that you use common sense. *
    • Anti-Heros are allowed. Neutral Characters are welcome, as long as they follow the rules.
    • No Magic: Just in case you are unfamiliar with Redwall, there is no magic, elemental powers, or such. Ghosts have been know to appear, but only in dreams.
    • Keep the blood level down to a PG level
    • Respect the Elders. We maintain the right to contact a moderator regarding repeat offenders.
    • Respect your fellow RPG’rs. If you have a problem, PM one of the Elders, and we will look into it.
    • The RPG takes place a convenient amount of time after the latest books. We add locations as they appear or as we invent new ones. However, try not to contradict known features of the land. If you are curious, the maps present in the books are a help, but they only cover important locations in regards to the books.
    • Player X Player romance is allowed, but keep it at a PG??? level. Otherwise, follow COT rules.
    * We do, however, appreciate that villains are needed to make the plot move forward and make things more interesting. After all, the basis of all stories are conflict. So, you may be allowed (if you've played the RPG for a while and proven you can handle it) to create a villainous sub-character. The difference between this character and a normal character is that normal characters take priority in fights, for a start, so the user of the normal character can quite legitimately decide that they're going to win. They don't have to but they do have that right nonetheless. It's better if you arrange details with the other player before the fight, really... so don't be afraid to use these characters to make the storyline more interesting. ~Takuna
    Mossflower's geography:
    Mossflower, as the region that Redwall takes place in is called, is a varied environment. To the north lie forests and further still, arctic wastelands and Plateaus. To the west of Redwall, some strands of forests exist. Closer to the shore, large sand dunes cover the beaches. To the Southwest of the abbey, a Giant Mountain exists on the edge of the water: Salamandastron. Further yet, many islands exist on the vast see, with distant lands hinted at. The Green Isle and several other important places lie in unspecified areas to the west.
    To the South of Redwall exists thick pine forests, a large lake of unknown size, many rivers, and eventually a dry desert. (Generally, this is bypassed by boat, so what exactly exists in the desert is unknown, likely the rare giant scorpions and gerbil rats) Beyond the desert exists the kingdom of Southsward, a warmer, but still temperate region.
    To the east of the abbey lies foothills, mountains, possibly glaciers (hinted at) and other high altitude features. Again, details are scant. What lies beyond the mountains is a mystery, aside from an eastern sea.
  3. Rausaro
    Rausaro’s Profile
    Name: Rausaro of Holt Lutra
    Species: River Otter
    Gender : Male
    Role: Recorder of Redwall, former captain of Holt Lutra.
    Weapons and/or Special Items: Rau has access to a spear, a short sword, and a Wahizashi.
    History: Rausaro’s Origin is an enigma. In his time as a dibbun, he was a shipwreck survivor along with a few others; as such, he has no known parents. He was taken in by a Sea Otter named Seaway and added to the Holt. When he finally grew of age, Rausaro left the holt, taking the name “Deyna” as a placeholder until he could find a name for himself.
    Before he traveled to Redwall, Rausaro visited the Mountain of Salamandastron, bringing some of the valuable metals with him to make a gift for the Skipper of Otters in Redwall. With the Long Patrol artisan’s help, he obtained a shield of precious metals. Afterword, he left for the fabled Abbey, intent on joining the local holt.
    Once at the Abbey, he befriended the Skipper Sesina, who became one of his closest frieds. After teaching him, and providing him with a role at the abbey, she allowed him to become a permanent Redwaller. Later on, she repaid his service as a scout/guard by both giving him a position as one of 4 lieutenants under her, and by providing a unique name for him, “Rausaro”. The otter was also adopted into Holt Lutra after his own holt was revealed to have been destroyed by some corsairs.
    Since then, he has befriended many Redwallers, such as Takuna the bat, Sickle the Badgerlord, Turag the Otter Captain, and Highstar, the Badgermum of Redwall. Along with the Redwallers, Rausaro was to learn that several other otters left orphaned by the shipwreck had survived. Chirk, Tahla, and Seluna, despite being sea otters, followed him to the abbey and lived there.
    Rau has loyally followed his friends over the seasons. Some of the quests he participated in included the rescue of Sickle’s wife, the liberation of Redwall from a small horde, and Takuna’s revenge on the Kharnas clan. Rausaro was last seen several seasons ago with Takuna and Sesina, attempted to resolve a puzzle about an evil Otter warlord far to the south. A disaster was known to have occurred, but not much else is know. He is currently in Kingdom of Southsward, preparing to trek north back to Redwall through the desert.
    As of the past 2 POS, he has been the recorder of Redwall, keeping track of history as it happens. Currently, most of his duties as a holt subleader have been passed onto Turag for now as he travels.
    Appearance: Rausaro currently wears light shark leather armor over his limbs and main body, and a grey robe over it. His fur is light brown, and he has twin blue tattoos running down his left shoulder to his elbow. The markings represent his lost friends, such as Arkin and another fellow warrior, lost over the seasons of battle. His eyes are bright green, unusual for an otter. Physically, the otter tends to be fairly thin and slightly taller than most of his kind. He is currently 21 passings of the season; when he arrived at Redwall he was 16 POS.
    Traits and Personality: Rausaro is a loyal friend of Redwall and a multitalented creature. His physical skills are good eyesight, agility, and endurance. On the other hand, compared to most otters, his strength is only average, along with his speed. He is well versed with creatures and history, and loves to follow some otter traditions. However, he is deathly afraid of deep water due to his past, which is trait often looked down upon by otters. His impatience for battle has also caused him some grief, as evidenced by an arrowscar in his rudder.
    Rau is a friendly otter, and he likes to join his friends on adventures, especially as he overcame his shyness. Being a bit of a prankster, he enjoys the antics of dibbuns, who he can relate to. However, he can be a bit impatient with events, and he hates to wait for a battle. In battle, though, he is a vicious fighter, making up for his lack of strength with tenacity. Generally, he relies primarily on harassment and sniper tactics as his primary method of attack.
    Since his first visit to Redwall over 4 POS prior, he has become a confident member of the Holt Lutra, and he would do anything to protect his adopted holt and his home at the Abbey.
    Talaa (TAHL- UH)
    Raptor's Profile
    Name: Sickle Boltstripe(Known to some simply as Boltstripe)
    Species: Badger
    Gender: Male
    Weapons and/or Special Items: Sickle-with chain(Named Dice)(Now hanging on a wall in Salamandastron), Scythe(Named Bane)(Also hanging on a wall), Verminfate.
    History: Sickle was orphaned at a young age, and seperated form his brother. The two brothers named themselves, and htough miles apart, chose the names Sickle and Scythe. Sickle then raised himself, constantly searching for his brother. In the process, he found the young badgers Dice and Snap, and saved them from a snake. He also met Vapor the Marlfox, and after spending time with Sickle, Vapor began to eat strictly vegetation like his friend. Sickle arrived at Redwall just in time for a battle. In the course of the battle, Sickle met up with Badgerlord Nuji and began training under him shortly after. Sickle also started cooking for the abbey. Here Sickle met Rausaro and Sesinia the Otters. Sickle became fast friends with the two, and even joined the Otter Clan, a first for a Badger. Sickle then went with Nuji to Salamandastron. When Sickle and Nuji returned to Redwall, they found it yet again under vermin attack. In the course of this fight, Dice, Snap and Nuji gave their lives for the abbey. Sickle became the new Badgerlord, and returned to Salamandastron. However, Sickle found himself suffering form a painful disease, known as the Battlelight. It craved for him to kill his enemies, and when it takes over, the only thing he cares about is Vermin death. Upon returning to the mountain, Sickle found his true heritage, descendant of Rawnblade Widestripe, and took the name Boltstripe, as well as the blade Verminfate. Sickle then confronted Darkstripe, the Berserk Badger and killed him in a one on one, claw to claw fight. Sickle rescued Darkstripe's sister, Starstripe, and the two returned to the abbey. Upon reaching Redwall, however, Sickle and his friend Rausaro learned of trouble in the south. Sickle also heard that Scythe, his brother was in that area. Sickle, Rau, Ses and their new friend Takuna set off along with other Redwaller. After a harrowing journey, Sickle met his brother one last time before his brother's death. The Badgermother of Redwall, HH, on request by Sickle and Starstripe married the two of them shortly thereafter. Sickle then returned to Salamandastron, and fought off various vermin attacks from there. Recently, Sickle and Starstripe have had three children, Rauon, Sesara and Takan.
    Appearance: Sickle was originally a short, stocky badger. But over time he has grown to normal badger heigth. Sickle's stripe is shaped like a lightning bolt, and Sickle wears the traditional Badgerlord clothes. When going into battle, he wears as little armor as he can, for more maneoverability, but will somtimes wear full body armor.
    Traits and Personality: Sickle is a kindhearted badger. He loves to cook, and loves children. However, when someone is in danger, Sickle becomes quite deadly. He also has an explosive temper. Sickle hates Snakes.
    Battlelight: The Battlelight is a painful disease that racks Sickle's body when it takes over. It forces him to kill vermin(Distinguished from Bloodwrath in that he can tell friend from foe, and isn't granted the beserker tendencies). While suffering from Battlelight, Sickle is granted enormous strength, but will completelly forget plans to kill vermin, and will wade out into a group of enemies for maximum damage.
    Name: Starstripe Bolstripe
    Species: Badger
    Gender: Female
    Weapons: None. She no longer fights.
    History: Starstripe had always followed her crazy brother, Darkstripe. That is, until Sickle showed up and saved her. From there, she followed Sickle, and was thrown into battle after battle. Sickle and she married secretly in the Journey to the South, and when they returned to Redwall, she was captured again. Sickle, Rau, Ses and Tak went to rescue her, and when Tak suggested that they should wait for a better oportunity to save her, Ses guessed based on Sickle's reaction that there was something between the two Badgers. When one of the vermin poked her with his sword, Sickle burst from hiding and yelled that the vermin keep his filthy hands off of Sickle's wife, exposing the secret. Afterwards, the two returned to the mountain. Recently, she has given birth to her third child, Takan.
    Traits and Personality: Starstipe is a kind, motherly badger. She mothers anyone who comes her way. However, she has a adventurous streak that has been compltelly held down by her new children.
    Name: Fleetbuck
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: Barrel-hilted Saber
    History: Fleetbuck is Sickle's attendant. He is in love with Grandfur, though he hasn't told her so.
    Traits and Personality: A happy, though overworked hare. He is afraid of dark and scary places.
    Name: Grine
    Species: Falcon
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: Beak and Claws
    History: Grine is extremelly loyal to Sickle. His brother, Perry was killed by Splittin Mal.
    Traits and Personality: Loves to eat, and will eat anything.
    Name: Grandfur
    Species: hare
    Weapons: Bow
    History: Starstripe's Attendant. She likes Fleetbuck.
    Traits and Personality: Extremelly Vain.
    Name: Hittem Hihlo
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: His Fists
    History: A Mountain Hare that moved to Salamandastron and joined the Long Patrol
    Traits and Personality: Loves to confuse people with his accent.
    Name: Sharpeye
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Pike
    History: Orignally a low ranking officer in the Long Patrol, he has since been promoted to Corporal.
    Traits and Personality: A serious Hare.
    Name: Randscut
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Saber
    History: Randscut is on the same squad as Sharpeye, and is his second.
    Traits and Personality: A quite sarcastic hare.
    Name: Coalguts
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Lance
    History: Coalguts is on the same squad as Sharpeye.
    Traits and Personality: A whiny and complaining hare.
    Name: Vapor
    Species: Marlfox
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: His Pike
    History: A Marlfox turned woodlander by spending time with Sickle.
    Triats and Personality: Extremelly cunning.
    Name: Flashpaw
    Species: Hare
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Arming Sword
    History: A scout for the Long Patrol
    Traits and Personality: Extremelly happy.
    Turag's Profile
    Name: Turag Brookback
    Species: Otter (River variety… though he probably does have some Sea Otter in him somewhere…)
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: Spear made from bleached eel spine, anything else he happens to get his paws on in battle biggrin.gif
    Appearance: How old is this picture now? (Still represents my definitive vision of Turag though!)
    History: Born to Lahno and Adara Brookback, Turag was near the end of dibbunhood when the searats attacked his holt. His parents were among the few who stayed to fight when the rest of the holt fled, and none of them came back. Turag left the holt a few seasons later and he never speaks of what happened to him before he arrived at Redwall. (Obviously at some point he acquired his unusual spear and married his wife, Pela, and had a daughter, Marina.) He arrived at Redwall in deep winter and accompanied the Redwallers on a journey to Salamandastron. Though many think of this as his first appearance at the Abbey, there are unconfirmed rumours that he has infact visited there once before, long ago, accompanied by another…
    During his several years on and off staying at Redwall, Turag has fought in more battles and wars than he cares to count, including facing and defeating his greatest enemy, Jagga JuskaBor Taggerung. Though this lifestyle is starting to take its toll on him due to his advancing years, he would not change it, or those he lives it with, for the world.
    Traits and Personality: Ruthlessly loyal to his friends, ruthlessly deadly to his enemies. Turag Brookback – Warrior, Traveler, Matey!
    All still fairly accurate I believe... even after a couple of years ohmy.gif
  4. Rausaro
    Hello again!
    So, today I went to Brickcon 2009. I cannot describe the chaos that ensued during the first 20 minutes in line, but I do know we went at least 3 blocks down from the entrance to wait in line. I was impressed by the amount of people, as there were many teens and adults in addition to families. I even saw a member of the 501st legion (Stormtrooper fangroup)
    So, once I got in, it was heaven. We had Giant lego Praying Mantises, Tie Phantoms ( Someone finally did one to scale!), Nebulon-B frigates, Aliens, you name it. We even had a Master Chief statue! I was very impressed by the presentations, though I thought the Zombie Apocalypse was a bit...bloody? But regardless, it was huge. Also, I had fun examining the reenactment of Normandy, which was complete with RAF Spitfires and USAF P-47 Thunderbolts. The Street battles had half-tracks, Panzers, etc.
    In the stores, they had everything from custom minifigs to Bionicle classics, like the Toa Mata. I even spotted and Infected Hau Nuva, but a kid snagged it first. >.> (I did manage a translucent Red Kau Kau, though) Rare items, like Infected Rahi masks were also spotted.
    My favorite part of the convention was catching up with BZP members. I met Arpy for the first time, and I was able to catch up with Hahli Husky (long time no see) and Kopaka Nui. Roa Mctoa was also there, and it was good to see her (Thank you for the MOC advice!
    Looks Like I missed the BZP Photoshoot, though I did get to sign the BZP guest book.
    I'll see if I can post pics, but I don't have the time, sadly.
    I'll update when possible.
  5. Rausaro
    Ah, It's been a long hard June month. I log into BZP, and lo behold: "The Server is down". Honestly? I mean, I wasn't able to log on with my heavy workload in the spring due to the joys of college, the Redwall RPG was shut down due to some issues, and then the server wipe?! How am I going to keep up, I wonder?
    Well, the good news is, I haven't given up on BZP or even the BZP RWRPG, despite the time. Granted, I've had an interesting summer with classes, but that's a tale for another day.
    *Anime & Manga news:
    Naruto: Hinata confessed to Naruto... Now that's interesting. But then the Pain Arc brought much pain with the lack of plot development A new anime: I now enjoy Heroic Age, a very unusual story Inuyasha: Reborn! Sometime this fall, Inu-yasha Kanketsu-Hen Airs. About time they finished it. It's been 5 years! Anyway, there should be no filler as the manga is now finished. Bleach: Ichigo actually is something beyond a Arrancar or a Vizard. Interesting. Halo: Halo is now an anime.... The good news? The makers of Ghost in the Shell are directing it BZP:
    *Redwall RPG: It looks like I'll have to start from scratch, but hey, I still know the basics. A good thing I still have the resources to rebuild it. My current problem, however, is seeing if enough people still want to restart it.
    Well, that's all for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it!
    -PS {I'll have a blog on brick con this year, if I figure the photo resizing out}
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