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Status Updates posted by Rausaro

  1. It's was stalled one year by the great server crash and a debate between several judges and a dissenting judge. It almost opened again in December. I don't need to take it out, not with a possible upcoming prologue.

  2. Erm, three what? We have like 7 river otters.

  3. Ghost in the Shell, Inuyasha Kanketsuhen, Gundam Endless waltz, Heroic age, Princess Mononoke... the list goes on.

  4. What happened to the Rpg? It got delayed by the Great Server crash of BZP, which wiped 6 months of work out, and delayed the work for another 5 months... and then one of the judges kept finding reasons to delay it. Once THAT got sorted out, college happened and I didn't have time. I'd love to redo it, but I can only contact 3- 4 of the original members... (Takuna just PM'd me, btw.)

  5. Whoops, crash wiped out 4 months, not 6.

  6. So I finally read Inuyasha.... All 546 current chapters.... You got me hooked *noooooo!*

  7. What's FotT V1?

  8. NUUUUUU! It's the laughing man Avatar!

  9. Hahah wow.... Bon Bon? So what is this, the newest prank?

  10. College, Work, server hacking and crash, and a lot of other things contributed to the delay.

  11. Are you going to brickcon too?

  12. Yay, you like Rurouni Kenshin too? Nice! {Just don't watch the anime...they botched it}

  13. Hey, are you still around?

  14. Good to see you still around. Hear about the latest book? More otters inbound.

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