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Bionicle Dragon

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Blog Entries posted by Bionicle Dragon

  1. Bionicle Dragon
    Ask your friends, it's actually a fun way to describe your personality. Cartoon characters also work.
    My friends say I'm either a raccoon or an eagle owl, although I think my hair (when it used to be longer) just resembled an eagle owl's horns. So yeah, my hair was pretty messed up.
    I expect furry jokes. T_T
  2. Bionicle Dragon
    I just remembered one. But I'll post more than one. Also these are probably very easy.
    A group of friends were telling war stories about their grandfathers. In particular, one of them had a very interesting story. "My grandfather, after losing an arm in the war, was to recieve a medal. When he was told he would get an even grander medal if he had lost both arms, he took a knife and cut off the other arm!" None of the friends believed this story at all. Why?
    And another...
    After discovering a new planet, a space explorer decided to count the population of Octopleans on the planet. She counted 379 male Octopleans, 493 female Octopleans, and 125 that had the features of both male and female Octopleans. Right now, how many aliens are there on this new planet?
  3. Bionicle Dragon
    What a deception! It was a cottage party, not a cruise!
    Oh well, I got to go on one of those water sleds that you attach to the end of a boat or skidoo. The driver of the skidoo knew what he was doing, he got everyone on the sled to hit the waves created by the skidoo, which was fun.
    Also. The water sled. IT WAS THE SHAPE OF A GIANT BANANA.
  4. Bionicle Dragon
    That there is a 70 metre drop at 125 kilometres an hour. It's fast and exhilerating.
    Just as good, the seats and restraints. There are individual seats that are comfortable, and the restraints are just a single ergonomic "bar" (unless there's a better word for it) that just covers your legs comfortably, so that your upper body is free to move.
    I could rave on, but I won't.
  5. Bionicle Dragon
    ...Are cool.
    Zabuza from Naruto
    Mihawk from One Piece
    Inuyasha from Inuyasha
    Kisame from Naruto
    Cloud from Final Fantasy
    Suigetsu from Naruto
    Nightmare from Soul Calibur
    Any Gundam with a sword from Gundam Seed (or, actually, most Gundam series in whole..)
    Sagara Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin
    Ichigo, from Bleach
    I know most of them are Shonen, but you don't see people with giant swords in real life. =D
  6. Bionicle Dragon
    I've just watched it for the second time (first time being in theatres), and I'd say it's in the shadow of the first one too much.
    Also Mitch isn't as compelling as an antagonist as... the guy in the first movie was.... That Boromir guy.
  7. Bionicle Dragon
    In the past few hours, I've read some of Eragon, played Mario Kart DS and Super Mario 64 DS on my DS, made a comic (not Crazy BZPers) on Paint, and played on BZP.
  8. Bionicle Dragon
    The greatness. This has been my favourite summer.
    This year has made a bunch of outcasts in my school, including me, a lot closer. Because of this, the entire school year has been fun as well, actually.
    Normally in the summer, I never really do anything, besides maybe a small vacation with my family. This summer, I have something to do the entire time!
    Go to movies and theme parks every week or so with my friends.
  9. Bionicle Dragon
    One day, my friend and I were talking.
    "I like prank calling the Judge Judy hotline!" said he.
    "...Why?" said I, staring at him as if he were unstable.
    "Because it's toll free!" he proudly declared!
  10. Bionicle Dragon
    Yeah, that last entry was plain. Now for... some fun at school (with luck, aything's possible).
    Scene 1
    BD: Argh, brains! *continues to act like zombie*
    Friend1: *jumps the bandwagon*
    Friend2: *jumps the bandwagon*
    Everyone within eye contact: Argh, brains! *continue to act like zombies*
    Friend1: Look what we've done! Everyone's a zombie!
    BD: What WE'VE done? I was the brains of this operation!
    Everyone: BRAINS!
    BD: *gets mauled*
    Yep, pretty wacky things happen when you will it to. Just act like a zombie.
    Scene 2
    Friend3: Did you know that if you don't believe in God in some places, you can be fined up to $10,000?
    Friend4: Yeah? Well... I don't believe in god.
    Friend3: Then you'll be fined $10,000!
    Friend4: *sarcastic look of horror*
    BD: ...Except this isn't one of those places...
    Friend4: Thank God!
    These both seriously happened. They're not THAT funny, but what can you expect from real life?
  11. Bionicle Dragon
    On the playground was where I spent most of my days
    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
    And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
    When a couple of guys
    Who were up to no good
    Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'
    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I can say this cab is rare
    But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'
    I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
    And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
    I looked at my kingdom
    I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
  12. Bionicle Dragon
    I find them oddly annoying, and they should be depressing. Topics in the COT like "What Will Your Last Words Be?" and "You Have One Minute To Live- What Will You Do."
    Why would you EVER plan your last words? Especially since most members are under 18. When your over 70 years old, maybe you should plan your last words. Do you PLAN to die in a few days? In all likelyness, probably not. Even when you're 70, planning your last words makes you seem closer to death. I don't see the point of planning your death however old you are.
    I have one minute to live? When would such a phenomenon ever happen to me, unless I'm really old or really sick? It's depressing to think about it. What would I do if I had one minute to live? I guess I'd die soon. I'm not gonna make people guilty by telling them I love them with my final breaths. Maybe I'll quietly scribble down a will or something- I don't know. Why would I want to? I don't feel like dying anytime soon, so why plan for my last minute?
    In fact, the two topics should be merged. Surely you'll say something during your last minute. Possibly not, if you're asleep. Who knows when you'll be at death's door?
    Well, anyways,I'm getting sick about talking about my death, and to those that want to live, you probably should, too.
  13. Bionicle Dragon
    Find out your position on BZP today!
    From Worst to Best:
    Non-Active Member
    Not one that's a legacy, but otherwise non-active.
    No Name Brand
    When people see your posts, they have no idea who you are, or otherwise they think, "Ha ha, newb!"
    People know you as "That guy with posts I see often" or "Hey. It's... that guy."
    Known by Name
    People see you and they think, "Cool, it's you!"
    Rather Infamous
    You're seen as a servant for the Wowzas. (That's me. Spitty whips me every half hour, or gets another servant to do it for him)
    You can create a comic series, series of art, epic, comedy, etc. that is awesome yet you still get away with procrastinating.

    Deserving of Wowza
    Those that are brilliant but not recognized. People think about you, "I know that person. But they're nothing like Exo."
    Yep... The staff in pink. Just about everyone knows you, except for those that don't.

    You have a BBC contest based on you.
  14. Bionicle Dragon
    I might want a name change... I usually get mixed up with Brave_Dragon, Kanohi Dragon, and sometimes Bionicle Rex! However, I like my name mostly, so it's not too bad to get mixed up.
    If I did change my name, I'd have to change everything in my comics, which has used my name regularly, and people might get confused about who I am. I'd have to change the title of the blog, and I'd probably end up with a cool name for a while.
    Those are the pros and the cons for ya. Criticise if you want.
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