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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    First of all Merry Christmas to you all!
    Well, once again I got spoiled with stuff this year. Noteworthy items follow, otherwise I got the usual, socks, colonge, coats, etc.!
    First off we have Rouge Shadow:

    This one was for my daughter, though I may be borrowing some of those parts:

    Next up is a memory foam pillow, super comfy and hypo-allergenic!

    The Nerf Vulcan:

    My parts order came in yesterday!

    And lastly, a kind of amusing item. My girlfriend bought this thinking it was a lego set, when I opened it and had this "what the heck?" look on my face she wondered why. What should I do with it now?:

  2. CzaR
    Scored some new stuff today. TRU was all sold out of Karzahni though! So I had to settle for the following, which worked out good since Barraki are currently buy one get one at TRU. Now I have all 6 Barraki!
    Happy Meal Kongu!


    Heh, I just realized that Carapar is spelled Karapar on the instruction manual. Pridak also seems to have red eyes on his instruction manual?
  3. CzaR
    Can you spot the difference between the original (Makuta) Kraahkan and the newer (Tower of Toa, Icarax) Kraahkan?

    Some of you know allready I am sure, but do not spoil it for those who do not!
  4. CzaR
    Here are my thoughts on it.
    Drew Carey: No Bob Barker, but he gets it done.
    The models: Lovely, just lovely.
    The prizes: Some are lackluster, others, like the showcase are wowzers.
    The big wheel: Loved it then, love it now.
    The announcer: Again, the replacement dude was not as good as the original.
    The contestants: Love em, those people go crazy when the get called up and win prizes.
    The games: Plinko and Yodler man rox!
    Now yours!
  5. CzaR
    This marks the weekly return of the featured set spotlight, 2000 or older, new entries will now be posted on Fridays. I delve into the dawn of lego RC with this...
    5600 Radio Control Racer

    Description: Released in 1998 at a retail cost of about 35 dollars, this item sells MISB today for about 80 dollars, a bit of a collectors item. Containing 293 parts and 1 minifig, this was the first RC racer set produced.
    My take: Looks fun, but it is rather tiny. Still I bet it is light and pretty fast, I wish I had gotten it now.
  6. CzaR
    Entry period has ended, voting will begin soon!
    Welcome to the second Sanitarium Contest. The theme this time is pretty straight forward, Build a ground based combat vehicle, with personnel. Your entry must meet the following requirements to be accepted.

    1. The vehicle must be ground based, as in wheels or treads. The entry MUST have wheels or treads and they MUST be used as a means of transportation on the entry. Transformers and/or humanoid vehicles are also fine, the vehicle may also have the ability to float/fly, but remember that it must be ground based initally.
    2. The vehicle must be able to carry at least 2 or more personnel inside of it. This means the interior, the personnel must be able to fit at least halfway into the vehicle. The personnel can be minifigures, technic minifigures, toa/matoran, custom personnel, robots/droids or whatever, just as long as 2 of them fit inside the vehicle, and they are distinct.
    3. The vehicle must have some sort of gun/cannon/laser on it, it does not have to fire like a blunt shooter but it must clearly be a long range weapon of some sort. Catapults, slingshots, anything is game here as long as it is long range.
    Lego prizes will be awarded for first and second place, first place will win a Chrome Hau and second place will win either Tarduk, Raanu or a Coast Guard Kayak city set, selected at random!
    Rules are as follows:
    1. Your entry will be put under the microscope very closely, so please provide several angles/pictures of it before entering, any non lego parts found on the entry will result in a DQ. There is no lego medium that will not be accepted here, it can be 100 percent system, 100 percent technic and so on.
    2. Outside of the theme, this is a freebuild, so you may build anything you like! However you may NOT edit the creation once it has been officially entered and you may not steal another persons work.
    3. There will be no 3 part entries. Your creation must contain at least 30 parts at the minimum.
    4. No whining, no complaining, no cheating, period. This means begging for votes when the polling has begun also.
    5. The NEW deadline for this contest has been set for September 25th. There will be NO further extentions.
    6. You may only enter ONE vehicle. This is not up for debate, detachable accessories and the like are fine, but ALL these must be able to attach to the main creation in some manner.
    7. You may NOT enter previously posted/public creations.
    8. Have fun and please PM me for any further questions or information, or post. Everyone will be given a second chance, so if your entry does not fit the contest requirements, you may modify it and then re-enter it at least once. No pressure!
    9. Please post your entry in the following format:
    Entry Name:
    Entry Picture:
    Gallery link:
    Topic link: (if needed)
    If you have any further questions, you can PM me or my contest assistant Distorted.
  7. CzaR
    Just a reminder, when the final voting of BBC 52 ends, TSC begins. The theme will be very challenging, rest assured of that. Prizes may include either a blue Matatu or trans light blue Kaukau. There will be a long entry period, probably more than 30 days, just to ensure that I will get a minimum of 20 entries.
    What will the theme be? No answers just yet, it will be revealed when the official contest entry is made.
  8. CzaR
    Great games yesterday, a quick recap:
    Arizona beat Philadelphia, after Philly scored 19 unanswered points they were unable to win the game. Heartbreak for Eagles fans, Andy Reid just cannot seem to be successful in the NFC championship. Arizona will be playing in its first ever super bowl game! Kurt Warner and Larry Fitzgerald were unstoppable in this game!
    And, Pittsburgh beat Baltimore, major winnage! Pitt is in the big game again! Both games were very entertaining, there was a big hit near the end of the Pitt/Baltimore game and one of the Ravens had to be carted off the field. A tough loss for Baltimore, who lost 2 times previously to Pittsburgh this year.
    I ended up winning cash on both of these games, as I picked Arizona and Pittsburgh to win. Of course I had the Steelers to win from the start of the preseason, I think Arizona shocked everyone though.
    So now the big game will be played in 2 weeks, I am picking the Steelers, being a die-hard fan. Arizona will be tough though, they have an explosive offense.
  9. CzaR
    Picture this, being able to grow back lost teeth, crazy right?
    These things are allready happening. Soon there may be a cure for paraplegics also. It is a little thing called Stem Cells, possibly the future of not only medicine, but science as well! In Europe, it is allready happening, with people having grown back lost teeth!
  10. CzaR
    I want it, badly. 4 motors, 2 ir remotes/receievers, 4 linear actuators, plus a ton of useful technic parts like universal joints and turntables. Set of the year IMO!

  11. CzaR
    Seems like all I do anymore is go to work and go to bed. I haven't the time to accomplish much else lately. I suppose my schedule is to blame, I work Thursday-Saturday nights graveyard, 10 hours 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. Then I work 10 hours on Tuesday, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. So yea working 3 nights and 1 day really throws me for a loop when it comes to getting enough sleep. It has made the time fly by though, seems like it was just the 1st of May!
    So for anyone that it may concern, I apologize for my lack of activity. I probably will not be entering any MoCing contests or be doing much Wii/wifi gaming for awhile. Real life is kicking me in the pants yet again.
  12. CzaR
    I gotta get this BBCC entry done, I only have 2 days left! Usually I am an early entrant, however I have been extremely busy lately between work, home and Brawl! Sadly I may not be able to finish in time but I am sure gonna try. I suppose I should leave a teaser pic.

  13. CzaR
    I disagree. I lost my fiancee today, to betrayal and lies, much like my only love before her. Once again I am alone, confused and lost.
    Im not sure of anything anymore, you give all you can, trust, your heart, your home, only to end up betrayed. I think I am giving up on this relationship deal, Ill never find total honesty and trust, it just does not exist.
    On the bright side, Brickcon is only 16 days away. Its sad though, I registered for both her and I, now she will not be going with me. I was so looking forward to sharing the experience with her, I will miss her deeply.
  14. CzaR
    I so wanted to be there with you, I had it planned, I had MoCs ready, I had dreams. Those dreams were crushed however once again this year. So please give my regards and say hello to the BZPeoples for me, I even had some gifts for them. The only reason I can offer for my absence is REAL LIFE STINKS.
    Have fun guys, Ill be looking for all the reports and pictures of the event.
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