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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    Bumble Bee Rumble!
    Just when I thought his stuff could not get any better, wow. Its got some rough edges but as a whole it is quite stunning and deserved a spotlight here. MoCists take note, THAT is how you build Bumblebee, too bad it does not transform into a car, though that would be borderline impossible while keeping a nice looking humanoid build.
    Nice to see something big out there, well done large bionicle MoCs are a dying breed.
  2. CzaR
    I have finally mastered this game, and I even bring pics. Anybody who has ever played this addicting game will know the time and effort put into these 2 huge cities. They also might understand what I am talking about there .
    Its rare to actually see pictures of completed Megalopolis cities, so here are both of mine!
    The first one is my latest, I have perfected the Donut building method and discovered a strategy that ensures all gifts I use will give the surrounding zones full potential (Tops). See the land value picture, I managed to build the pattern in a 6x5 setup for this one, on map 061. What is most surprising about this one is the well below average amount of Industrial zones needed for the average Megalopolis, see the City Overview pic. I think all those Tops and high land value zones compensated for the Industry. In the Pollution pic you can see I had to get clever in placing the I zones, as most of the edge of the map consists of Top zones, which is also rarely seen. A nice bit of advice, save your Cleopatra Headquarters for the center of the map. This way the crime stays lower in a high population density area where it is likely to be higher and also allows you to place gifts around the city center(where they help the surrounding zones the most) and maintain a good police radius. This is my best city so far, and I still have more gifts to use, several more Landfills and the Fountain.
    Map 061
    City Center View:
    Land Value(love this one):
    Crime Rate(not bad, still gonna get rid of that orange though)
    City Overview:
    This next city was built on map 137, has roughly the same population and uses the same method of donut building and top zoning. However this one has quite a bit more Industrial zones along the edge of the map, and a more compacted 5x5 top zone setup. This one also has all the gifts used, even the Fountain. Notice how I placed some of the gifts in a cross like pattern along the center axis of the map(see land value pic). This gives the areas around that dotted cross you see when you scroll along the map the most potential.
    Map 137
    Land Value:
    City Overview:
    Enjoy, and I hope this inspires some of you to keep trying for that 500,000 population mark!
  3. CzaR
    I was so wore out last night after the late night lego store dash, I was unable to blog. So tonight I have to blog for 2 days worth! First, da pics.
    This was one of my favorites, those are REAL bees flying around in there!


    Tomorrow is the final day, allready. I am sad but at the same time anxious to see who will win best in show, and all the other awards. Also, I got a glimpse at the bionicle trophies and prototypes. One of them is a green gelu helmet, a trans black/brownish strakk head, and my personal favorite a trans clear bohrok headplate, with magnifying lens. Much like the one Bundalings won for BBCC 42, DO WANT IT BADLY! Id like to send a huge thank you to Letagi and his mother for transporting my family to the lego store, I am in your debt. Letagi also purchased the metal purple akaku, he now owns both of those precious flintsmith customs and a piece of BZP history! I was able to pick up some power function sets for a bargain price at the lego store, they will be put to good use as I was given a genius idea! The gang also reviewed Skopio, I was able to get in a few words as well. Everyone had a blast with Prometheus too, they put it to the test and it performed well. Looking forward to the final day, but also sad to see that the event has gone by so quickly. Look for more pics, updates, and other stuffs tomorrow!
  4. CzaR
    Seems like the things I enjoy, such as lego, video games, basketball, are things people I grew up with have grown out of. I always get an awkward look or comment when someone asks me, "So what hobbies do you like?". I think this is why I am mostly a loner, I have always been different than other people. I guess it is starting to take hold on me now, getting old but feeling young is quite a conundrum. I need to find a place that I fit in, outside of this internet!
  5. CzaR
    Update, added 2 more baseplates in length, clear walls and starting grid. It is getting pretty heavy as a whole now. I may have to scrap the desert theme, not sure yet. I made the walls clear for visual pleasure, still working on a way to make it move. There will be no corners on the track, it is only a straight away.

    I really need some ideas on how to make it move! I do not think a propeller is going to be strong enough!
  6. CzaR
    Mobile Combat Polls!

    Well, seeing as we only got 4 entries, there will only be one poll! Remember, first and second place will get prizes so please cast your vote for these people and their fine entries! First place wins a Chrome Hau and second place will get a Raanu, Tarduk or Coast Guard Kayak lego set!

    1. Ballom: Hem'sfar'ta

    2. Primus: HTS Octomover

    3. Veg?: Uni Smaat

    4. Christo: Slicers, Transforms!

    Good luck all, voting ends next Friday night, the 16th of October!
  7. CzaR
    So now that most of us have seen and experienced the summer sets of the year, which do you think are the best overall of 2008? We were graced with new vehicles, old heroes and new villians this year. I think this was the best year for Bionicle since 04, when the Toa Metru ruled. So here is my list for top 6 best sets of the year.
    6. Makuta Icarax The return of the makuta and a sweet set all in all. Plus a neat function.
    5. Axalara T9 Huge and lots of neat functions. This set will keep you busy for quite awhile, the new kanohi is sweet too.
    4. Jetrax T6 Another big set with lots of great parts and playability. Toa Antroz!
    3. Matoran Photok Orange mata feet and new kanohi, nuff said. Also very affordable.
    2. Toa Ignika The skyboard has a ton of useful parts and the set itself is a blast.
    1. Rockoh T3 The part selection is just amazing in this set, great parts in new colors and the set itself is IMO the best of all the vehicles and a bit more affordable.
    Now lets see yours!
  8. CzaR
    They seem to be the most common thing popping up in the BBC forum day after day, what do you people think of them? Are they a plague? Are they good for the forum and MoCing in general? Most will draw a negative conclusion from them, others will say they are the base for new MoCists.
  9. CzaR
    Should I bring my weekly set spotlight back? Im not sure if anyone really was interested in it, as most of the sets I listed were pre-2000.
    Or maybe some kind of new weekly highlight? MoC/member of the week? Im open to suggestions here.
  10. CzaR
    I have a few unfinished WIPs, one is a flora, one is a new mag-rail, the other is a rahi.
    Which one do I push forward with? Brickcon is approaching quickly, my time is running out!
  11. CzaR
    Well, the final day was today. Somehow I managed to miss the award ceremony, which moved to day 3 this year! Total bummer. Brickcon hit records this year for both public and private hours! But anyway, good news is the final day proved to be productive, both on the display table, with the BZP crew, and at the vendors table! Major props to Kakaru aka Arkov, who donated his trophy with the precious trans clear bohrok protoype head to Kopakanui. My attempts to barter it from him failed, but I do not blame him one bit, as I would not want to part with it either! Oh, and I was deeply honored and humbled to take the best overall bionicle trophy home with me for Velonese. I will never forget this award and how special it is to me! Now onto the pics!
    Absolutely humbled and honored:

    My brickcon loot:

    Pics from the final day:

    Lastly, I want to thank everyone, the attendess, the coordinators, the BZPeoples, this year was just plain amazing, I cannot wait for next year! Now I am off to begin putting that prototype strakk head to use!
  12. CzaR
    1.Which Mistika are you getting first?
    2.Which Mistika do you think has the most MoCing potential?
    3.Do you like the Vehicle Toa designs better than the original ones?
    4.Which Mistika should I get first?
  13. CzaR
    Arrived today along with my 12 trans purple bohrok eyes. Good stuff, the purple ones will be getting used on my BBC 51, which I have started building! Here is a really big huge hint, it is musical!
  14. CzaR
    Yea its my turn for one of these topics. So, ask old man CzaR, in all his age and wisdom, and he shall answer with honesty.
  15. CzaR
    Credited and esteemed builders are being banned? Others are choosing to leave of their own free will?
    This has got to stop, I think some are taking building way too seriously. I know not the reason for this yet, from what I have gathered though it could have been easily avoided. I keep seeing talk of BZP being a "Draconian" society, with no kind of diplomacy or room for discussion. This is bad, very bad. I can tell you all first hand that this is not true. I have had my disputes with the administrators/moderators of the forum and most of the time the main problem is a lack of communication. The higher ups are often left out of the loop, and render judgement too quickly. It goes without saying that most of the community here are at least somewhat intimidated by the staff, afraid that if they speak up there will be consequences, I used to be no different in this aspect. Then I realized the scale of administrative duties here, no matter what there are going to be people who get shoved aside and forgotten.
    I have contested things that I thought wrong before, and granted it took time but eventually the matters were resolved, with both ends of the arguement feeling good about it and having closure. I am most disturbed that one of the best young talents out there has been ousted from the BBC contests, while I do not know the details of this I can say that I think this was not the best decision and surely someone jumped the gun here.
    Another thing bothering me is not so much the level of competition surronding the BBC contests, but the expectations and the verbal exchanges are getting out of hand. Like when there is the first really good entry of a contest, and right away people are calling it a winner, then later when some more noteworthy entries come forward the same people say "oh its better than that, its gonna win now". This disturbs me to the core, by doing this you are not only setting people up to be let down, you also are insulting the builders who have yet to enter. Popularity is also becoming more and more of an influence toward voters, this is bad.
    So please, if you are angry with the leadership of the forum be patient and leave an open window for further discussion. And if you are a staff member please look at the big picture and consider your decision carefully before making it final, surely there is a valid reason behind the arguement. If you consider yourself an accomplished builder then you must realize, even though you pour your heart and soul into your entry, others have also and feel the same way you do about their creation. Think about what you are saying when reviewing or responding to critique and how the one who made it will feel when they read it. We have allready lost enough talent in the BBC forum, please we need not lose more.
  16. CzaR
    Sadly I will no longer be offering products online. The local post office closed here and the nearest one is much too far for me to be getting to regularly. I hope to re open again someday, but it is just not looking like it, profits were down too so I had to consider that as well.
    Sad day people! I did it for 2 years and actually made it work, sign of the times I suppose. On the lighter side, tis the season for cheap lego at Target! I saw a sale going on at the local store there. They had markdowns on HF, World Race and Power Miners. Might just be that single store though, they never seem to sell much lego at that location, they still had alot of PM sets.
  17. CzaR
    Merry Christmas to all the BZPeoples. I will be working the holiday, evening shift, fun stuff, making money though.
    Christmas just does not feel the same this year. Last year was tough, this year is a bit easier I guess. Life is taking its toll on me again, everyone is joyous, I observe them and feel a bit of envy. I am thankful for what I have, motivated and determined to push on, but I just feel no real joy or happiness this year. I miss my family, I miss my hometown, I miss time with my kid, and time passes faster each day. Life does not get any easier, of this I am certain.
    Loot included cash, von nebula, rotor, coat, colonge, eletric razor, gloves, beanie, socks and a very nice picture frame made by my daughter. Life marches on.
  18. CzaR
    I want it, badly. 4 motors, 2 ir remotes/receievers, 4 linear actuators, plus a ton of useful technic parts like universal joints and turntables. Set of the year IMO!

  19. CzaR
    Well I am still throwing around ideas for this contest. A few that have come to mind:
    ~Using nearly all of my black/white/silver/grey parts and molding them into a giant sculpture
    ~Build 4 Toa/Rahi, one of each color
    ~Build a 4 headed serpent using Fenrakk heads and a new jaw design
    ~Build a life sized Lance, about 5 feet long.
    So yea, I need some help here.
  20. CzaR
    And the weapon:

    Comments? Critiques? Ive been wanting to use the Gadunka head as torso armor for a long time now, I think this is gonna be good...

    Did I overdo the tool?

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