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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    So I am taking a page out of Bundas blog and not posting pics, but rather elaborating on it.
    Color scheme is black/silver/blue, it is about a foot and a half tall. I still have to do touch-ups and finish the lower right arm and head. It looks alot like my self MoC, which also happens to be a cyborg-ish deal. Expect a flamethrower and sword for weapons, maybe a shoulder mounted blunt shooter, not sure yet. My system requirement is met with blue system tiles to make a belt, and lots of orange flames.
    Should be pretty awesome when it is done, feels good to build big again!
  2. CzaR
    Im going to be a big softie today.
    9020 Soft Starter Set

    Description: Released in 1998 as a part of the educational/dacta line. Containing 84 parts, retail price was about 100 dollars back in 1998. This has become a big time collectors item, selling for as much as 400 bucks MISB now! The bricks are quite large as you can see and some of them have the classic eye and smile pattern on them.
    My take: What fun! Huge soft bricks! I wish I had known this set existed about 10 years ago, I would have got a whole bunch of them and made my own bed of lego! I do however have 6 of those 2x2 green bricks on order though, so I am not at a total loss. Until next week!
  3. CzaR
    Finally, I voted in every last Certavus poll. I was going to post in each one also but my gosh, each time I tried, every 2 or 3 replies and the board slowed to a screeching halt on me.
    At any rate, it has been done! I feel a good sense of accomplishment now.
  4. CzaR
    Brickshelf user thire5 brings us a lovely Spyrius themed starship!

    Notice the perfect color scheme and all around sexy details. This is classic space MoCing at its best! The pilot bay is also quite shapely and fits a minifig in there too. This deserved some limelight.
  5. CzaR
    It has been a long time coming, trans orange chainsaws!
    6983 Ice Station Odyssey

    Description: Released in 1993 as a part of the Ice Planet line. Retail price was about 50 dollars, can be found MISB today for about 100 bucks. Containing 325 parts and 3 minifigs. This set was the largest of the Ice Planet series, comes with a nifty looking baseplate and large trans orange domes. Of course, the chainsaws and skis are there also.
    My take: This looks like one of the sets I should have gotten. The rockets have magnets on them and attach to the robotic arms seen there, cool. The ice planet minifigs are some of the most visually alluring ones, with their trans orange visors. This set manages to do alot with 325 parts, keeping playability over a long time. Until next week!
  6. CzaR
    Went video game shopping today, I think I scored some good stuff, I always keep an eye out for rare video games, today I was rewarded!
    First I got Contra 4 for the DS, it is getting harder to find and I am a big Contra fan. It was marked down as the seal appears to be broken, 9.99 = great deal.

    Next up is Jeanne Darc for the PSP, this game has become quite rare. Fantasy/reality rpg game set in France around the 1800s, good stuff!

    Lastly, the best score of the day. The World Ends With You is extremely hard to find anymore, heck I could not even find it when it was first released anywhere! Dare I open it?

    Moving on to toys now, I got some more darts for the Nerf Vulcan.

    Picked up a Clone Trooper Walker too. Reports circulating online reveal that the Chrome Vader has been found in these sets, I have one allready but I am very tempted to crack the seal on this, maybe there is another one inside!

  7. CzaR
    Credited and esteemed builders are being banned? Others are choosing to leave of their own free will?
    This has got to stop, I think some are taking building way too seriously. I know not the reason for this yet, from what I have gathered though it could have been easily avoided. I keep seeing talk of BZP being a "Draconian" society, with no kind of diplomacy or room for discussion. This is bad, very bad. I can tell you all first hand that this is not true. I have had my disputes with the administrators/moderators of the forum and most of the time the main problem is a lack of communication. The higher ups are often left out of the loop, and render judgement too quickly. It goes without saying that most of the community here are at least somewhat intimidated by the staff, afraid that if they speak up there will be consequences, I used to be no different in this aspect. Then I realized the scale of administrative duties here, no matter what there are going to be people who get shoved aside and forgotten.
    I have contested things that I thought wrong before, and granted it took time but eventually the matters were resolved, with both ends of the arguement feeling good about it and having closure. I am most disturbed that one of the best young talents out there has been ousted from the BBC contests, while I do not know the details of this I can say that I think this was not the best decision and surely someone jumped the gun here.
    Another thing bothering me is not so much the level of competition surronding the BBC contests, but the expectations and the verbal exchanges are getting out of hand. Like when there is the first really good entry of a contest, and right away people are calling it a winner, then later when some more noteworthy entries come forward the same people say "oh its better than that, its gonna win now". This disturbs me to the core, by doing this you are not only setting people up to be let down, you also are insulting the builders who have yet to enter. Popularity is also becoming more and more of an influence toward voters, this is bad.
    So please, if you are angry with the leadership of the forum be patient and leave an open window for further discussion. And if you are a staff member please look at the big picture and consider your decision carefully before making it final, surely there is a valid reason behind the arguement. If you consider yourself an accomplished builder then you must realize, even though you pour your heart and soul into your entry, others have also and feel the same way you do about their creation. Think about what you are saying when reviewing or responding to critique and how the one who made it will feel when they read it. We have allready lost enough talent in the BBC forum, please we need not lose more.
  8. CzaR
    Yea, feeling down lately. Offline life is a mess right now, it hurts when the one you love does not love in return. Instead of trying to talk it out I am told to pack my bags and go elsewhere. Pouring out my heart only gets me a cold reception, couples are suppsosed to help one another get through these things I thought, not step on them.
    So yea, I may not be my chipper old self lately, do not take it personally anybody.
  9. CzaR
    Took a little under 4 years, but I have achieved a full bar of proto! Now I have to get used to seeing my name in brown.
    Thanks to Black Six, and the BZP staff, you guys just made my day!
  10. CzaR
    Im pooh, where is muh hunny?
    2988 Surprise for Eeyore

    Description: Released in 1999 as a part of the duplo line. Retail price was about 20 bucks, can be found today MISB for about the same amount, not really a collectors item. Containing 28 parts and 3 minifigs, this was your classic pooh bear experience. How cute!
    My take: Well, what can I say here, there are duplo bricks, and pooh character figs. Loads of fun for the little ones I am sure, until next week!
  11. CzaR
    Went to TRU today, there is a sale going on. If you purchase at least $30 dollars in Lego, you get a free tub! A 20 dollar value for free! Naturally I got in on this:
    Got this for 44.99:

    And this for free!

    Also got some games, both Wipeout games for the PSP, futuristic racing rocks!

    Lastly the holy grail of strategy RPG games, uber rare and very difficult to find anymore.

  12. CzaR
    So I bought me one of these, as I needed some of those light gray system tiles for MoCing purposes:

    And look what else was in there:

    Chrome Black Vader! It is so very nice, it is all shiny and stuff, I think these were randomly inserted in 09 Star Wars sets, from what I have gathered online, only about 10,000 of them exist, just like the chrome gold C-3PO minifigs in the 07 sets.
    Sell it? Keep it? What should I do next? I have seen them sell for as high as 120 bucks in the polybag!
  13. CzaR
    This time we are going way, way back...
    396 Thatcher Perkins Locomotive

    Description: Released clear back in 1976 as a part of the hobby series. Containing 438 parts, this set is actually quite detailed given its age. Retail price back then was a mere 10 bucks, today it goes MISB for around 400 dollars, collectors take note!
    My take: When I first saw this set, I figured it was old, but not 33 years old, so I figured I would spotlight it for # 33. Once built, I suppose you could throw in some minifigs and enhance the fun factor of it. Until next week!
  14. CzaR
    Today we showcase one of the great retro space sets!
    6940 Alien Moon Stalker

    Description: Released in 1986, retail price was around 30 dollars. Can be purchased MISB today for about 200 dollars, a collectors item to be certain. Containing 253 parts and 2 minifigs, this was one of the first of the larger classic space vehicle sets. Features include pivoting windshields, swivel-action legs and a moving claw on the backside of the vehicle.
    My take: I had this set, it was one of my very first lego sets if I recall correctly. I sure did have fun with this one, it was loaded with many features I had never seen before. When I first realized that the legs actually move I was like wow, this set is just too cool. Many moon adventures I had, until next week!
  15. CzaR
    I just won an auction featuring all these items!

    Cant wait for all this stuff to come in! A lot of large figure stuff, like knights kingdom and technic vader parts, plus all those translucent beauties! What a steal on these!
  16. CzaR
    Got some stuffs today, new and old. First the new!

    Kmart had clearence on these, I had to get em. Now I have nerf armor for the DS and PSP!
    Next up, a treasure trove of retro games!

    All of these games have become difficult to find, Double Dragon II is one of the rarest games on the NES now. I knew I had to have it. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Oracle of Season/Ages are some of my all time favorites, and RPM racing was just for nostalgia. I remember playing all these games in my youth, cant wait for all the memories to come flooding back!
  17. CzaR
    As a seller of lego worldwide, I can relate to this weeks classic set!
    6375 Trans Air Carrier

    Description: Released in 1990, retailing at about 20 dollars. Can be bought today MISB for about 100 dollars! Containing 200 parts and 2 minifigs, the set is your basic cargo airplane.
    My take: I had this set! I really enjoyed it too, there is a working forklift and cargo car, the plane opens up to load/unload and the front wheels can swivel for easy landings. Until next week!
  18. CzaR
    I am taking a survey in order to win a possible Xbox 360, but I need some answers! It is really easy, all you have to do is tell me these things, I know you all can do this:
    Your favorite fruit
    Your least favorite fruit
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