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Jedi Master J.

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    I am sure you are all wondering about who Forthy is, well he is a Cordak that I lost a few days ago. And I thought I just mention him in my blog entry here to sort of tell you that I finally got a Toa Mahri. And just in case you were wondering, it was Matoro.
    That is all. If you have seen Forthy, please tell me so I may return him to his Cordak blaster with his brothers and sister. And once again, thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again.

  2. Jedi Master J.
    I had a pretty nice Christmas yesterday with my family. Even through my cold continue its annoying reign over me, I still enjoy today for the most part. Anyway below is what this blog entry is mainly about:
    What I got for Christmas:
    -Lego Creator: Power Functions
    -Super Mario Galaxy
    -New Winter Coat
    -Some New Clothes
    -Digital Camera that my father used to own, but trade for the new one from me.
    -New Mattress
    -95 dollars
    -Flashlight with a toolkit build in it.
    -An Eagles Bear in a Christmas suit.
    -A Microscope
    That's all I got for this year. And I am pretty pleased about most of them. I will hopefully take some pictures of my Family's Christmas tree later on today through I am not promising this. Well, I hope you all had a great Holiday this season, thanks for taking the time to read this blog during it. Please do visit again.

  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hmm...I am not sure if any of you are interested in what I got for the First Marking Period in school, but I thought I might as well just show you it. So, here my report card for the First Marking Period:
    Subject Grade in Class
    Health: 87=B
    Gym: 100=A
    World Lit.: 99=A
    Global Studies: 98=A
    Algebra II: 97=A
    Biology: 95=A
    Applied Physics/Engi.: 94=A
    CAD/Drafting II: 100=A
    I am sure you maybe wondering about the B in Health well that because I only go to that class about two times a week, thanks to the cycle system in my school, so my teacher has to rush us through the subject and I am no speed writer meaning that I don't away finish the work that assign in class.
    Well, that's my record card. Thanks for visiting my blog here, please do come again. By way, be on the look out for some changes here, I will be making an entry about it later.

  4. Jedi Master J.
    Since I am sure that forums here will probably not be on tomorrow, I thought I should just say here that I hope you all are having a happy holiday this year. My holiday so far has been okay through I could live without being sick and having to do most of work on the tree and decorates.
    As well, I have sadly been unable to think of things for the Mystery Boxes, so I took most of them away. I am very sorry that I wasn't able to keep up with the idea. Please forgive me.
    Well, that all I got to say. Thanks for visiting my blog and please do come again.

  5. Jedi Master J.
    I am sure plenty have notice, if you pay enough attention to the front page as I do, that I was in Member Spotlight today. Anyway, I thought since this show my profile to people that never known of me before that I should make an entry here, where they may ask questions to me about myself that wasn't completely clear in my profile.
    So, free feel to ask me questions. I willing to answer them as long as they are not inappropriate questions.

  6. Jedi Master J.
    Hey everybody! I got some really good news; I pass my Blood Pressure test. I guess the people praying for me to do well on the test had help. Thanks all for that.
    On to some school stuff, I am doing pretty well as least in my opinion and I have about three or four tests tomorrow, so wish me luck on that. I sure I will do fine, but I tend to worried a lot about grades, so expect some entries here like that. And when I do entries like that I will be sure to warn you all incase you don't want read about it.
    Now on to the bad news, I was so busy today that I couldn't finished the Toa trapped in the canister comic, I am so sorry about that. Please forgive me about that. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  7. Jedi Master J.
    As you can see above, Lady Kopaka has given me a gift. I believe this drawing was probably that Birthday present, she was working on for me and I am happy that she took her time on it.
    In my opinion, this is a great piece of art and I like it. I really hope she is proud of her work here. And I feel I owe a big thank you to her for I know she didn't have to draw me, if she didn't want to. So, thank you, LK.
    Now on to other news, I will be in three days from now starting school, so don't expect to see me here much. Then again, I probably won't have much Homework to begin with. But I have a feeling this year is going to be tougher than last year for I am taking classes that could be a challenge for me.
    I am going to try to keep this blog update on what is going with me in school, but I am not making any promises that I will have an entry everyday. Maybe once a week updates on what going on, I will probably do. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again.
  8. Jedi Master J.
    I know this isn't huge news, but it is all I could think of to report in my Blog right now. If my camera wasn't broken, I would of took a picture of my new glasses to show you them. Oh well.
    Beside this news about my life, I got a meeper from Laughin'Man yesterday that I named Dobby Masters. You probably can guess I name him, after Dobby the Free House-Elf from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. The Masters part of his name was just me taking Master from my username and adding an 's'.
    It’s too bad through that you can't see Dobby Masters because Brickshelf is down along with Maj too. Now I wish I had a backup copy of him on my Photobucket account, but I don't. So, you all will have till it come back online to see my meeper. Thanks for visiting my blog here. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  9. Jedi Master J.
    Okay, you all probably guess from the title that I finally read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If you have thought that, then you are correct.
    It took me about 2.3 days to finish reading that book, (I finished it at 7:00 PM on Tuesday) which was why I wasn't on Bzpower much Sunday till Tuesday. And I must say this was my most favorite Harry Potter book. I will admit through that I didn't like how so many characters, I had like, die.
    Now I would go on to why it is my favorite Harry Potter book, but I am not sure if I am really allow to talk freely about what happen in this book without spoiling it for people, who have yet to read it.
    So, I have decide not to talk about it for I don't want spoil what happen in the story like my sister has before I read it. But I like to say to my visitors here that, if you hadn't read this book, you really should in my opinion.
    For those that have read the book, you find what I am about to say funny; sometime after I finished the book, I strangely start to had a head ache that made my head feel like it was going to split, which is similar to how Harry feel when Voldemort was angry or upset.
    Of course, you all know mines is just a regular head ache, I thought it was funny through that I write an entry with a head ache like that. Thanks for visiting my Blog here, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  10. Jedi Master J.
    I got my school schedule today. And my classes are:
    - Global Studies II (Social Studies)
    - Study Hall
    - Healthful Living (Health)
    - Gym
    - Biology (Science)
    - Applied Physics/Engi.
    - Lunch
    - CAD/Drafting II
    - Algebra II (Math)
    - World Lit. (English)
    Those are my classes and I have a feeling I am going to have a tough time this year with them. That mainly all the news of today for me, unless you want me to post what my Blood Pressure is at the moment. But I don't think you really care about how high my Blood Pressure, so I decide not to include it. Thanks for visiting my Blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  11. Jedi Master J.
    I have been working ever since November 2006 on a Short Story that will be taking place in Bzp-Koro (Note: This isn't the only project, I am working on. I am working on another, but I am not talking about that one here yet.). I can tell you here and now that I am completely dedicated to writing this story for it has inspired much of my imagination and creation.
    At the moment, this story is about 11 pages long and will be growing large in the future for I have to type all my drafts for story in the Word Document that it is in. As you can probably guess I have many plans for this story. Like for example, I plan to show the story from more than one character's point of view. But I am worrying that it will pass the limit of Short Story in the Forum here.
    So, I made this entry to ask if 11 pages (And possibly much more) for a Short Story is too much. Is it too much? If so, should I change this story to an Epic? I would greatly appreciate, if you could try and help me here. I went with LK's and Motago's idea of making it an epic. This will link you to the Epic.
    If you need more inform about this story to help answer this, please tell me. Thanks for visiting my Blog here, I hope you can help. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  12. Jedi Master J.
    You all probably didn't except me to back in this Blog, anytime soon. But thanks to my younger brother using his credit card, I am back as Premier Member for a year. Strangely I have not gotten a PM inform me of becoming a Premier Member from Dimensioneer; I guess he was too busy to do that when he was on.
    On to other news, I went to the Doctor's office last week for an appointment. They believe I may have hypertension (High Blood Pressure), so I have to visit them next month to get my Blood pressure check again. I had been trying ever since that appointment to limit how much sodium, I eat.
    I am really worried that I do have High Blood pressure because my father and my Grandfather (My father's father, who die of heart attack) had High Blood pressure. So, prays would be appreciate. Well, thanks for visiting my Blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  13. Jedi Master J.
    As you all know today will be the end of my blog here. I like to thank all of staff for extending this gift to this week, so thank you for that. It was very nice of them to do that and I enjoy every moment of it. If only my parents would let me send my money in, so I would become a Premier member here. But they won't for they think it waste of money.

    On to other news, I am training like crazy right now, so I'll be ready to battle a trainer (Bionicle Dragon) of a higher skill level in Pokemon soon. I still had a feeling that he will beat me for I tend to have my Pokemon's move sets focus on attacks instead of defenses.

    So, you can probably guess that I am going to have one more entry in this blog here and it will be about the Pokemon battle, I am having at 2:00 PM. Well, I hope you all wish me luck in the battle. Edit: Just like I predict, I lost. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  14. Jedi Master J.
    Yes, I know it not much and it is hard to read what I wrote on it. But I try my best with my Microsoft paint to make this Stamp of Approval, so I think it will be fine to show my point across to the blog owners, I give them to, that I like their blogs. Thanks to Laughin'Man, I now have cool Photoshop stamp here, I will be using that to show my approval of Blogs that I like. Note I will give this to both Premier members and Normal members with blogs.
    If you are good at making these stamps of approval, you may make a new stamp for me, if you want to. I am not forcing anyone to make one for I am fine with stamp that I made. There no longer a need for someone to make me one. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  15. Jedi Master J.
    Hello there and welcome to my Blog. I didn't post an entry early because nothing really interesting was happening that I need to tell you about.
    Basically the only thing that is some what interesting is that a few minutes ago, I had gone with my father to bring the last load of logs to his friend's house. Those logs were very heavy. I had thought a few times that I was going to fall over from the weight of the logs. Really I shouldn't call them logs, since they were more of giant some what round pieces of the tree from our backyard.
    Beside the log lifting part of my day, I mainly just sat here reading Blogs and topics while also doing some Pokemon training for my battle tomorrow. Well, that all I really got to say here. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  16. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, there. You may have notice that for most of the day, I have not been here. That was because I went to help my father with move the logs of our now chopped tree to his friend's house for they can use the wood as firewood for their fireplace.
    On to other news, I have planned with Bionicle Dragon to have a Pokemon battle on Sunday either at 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM. So, hopefully before my Blog abilities are taken away, I'll be able to report about the battle.
    I still think BD will beat me for I haven't beaten the Elite Four yet for I am trying to train all my weak Pokemon to level 50. You can probably guess that I am trainer, who beat the eight Gym Leaders by only using his first Pokemon mainly. I learn after being beat by my sister about two times in a Pokemon battle that I should train all my Pokemon equally, which is why I hadn't gone to battle the Elite Four yet for I am training every Pokemon that I have catch in the game.
    So far, I think am doing well training them for I got most of them close to level forty and tomorrow, I'll be training them even more to be ready for BD. I hope you all wish me luck with that for I am probably going to need it a lot. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  17. Jedi Master J.
    Credit to Lady Kopaka for the banner.
    Hey there, visitors. I would have had an entry here post early, if it wasn't for my mental alarm clock wake me up at 2:00 PM. Anyway, you probably notice that this entry has a banner; I am using this banner because no one has taken my offer of making a Blog banner for me. The Blog entry with my offer for help will still be there until Saturday, so if you want to help, you still can.
    On other news, I may be battling Bionicle Dragon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl on WiFi today. I'll probably lose, since I haven't battle the Elite Four yet, but I do have eight badges. I am a little worried that I may I have to beat the Elite Four first before I can battle him, so I am going to ask him that later.
    Oh, yeah and expect a second entry sometime today about either the battle or a movie review on Underdog. Well, thanks for visiting my Blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  18. Jedi Master J.
    *expect visitors to burst into a laughing fit because a fifteen year old had watch Underdog, the Disney movie*
    If you are wondering why I am doing a movie review instead of Bionicle set review that because my camera is broken and I won't be able to take pictures of the sets. Now I bet your wondering why I doing a movie on Underdog that because I seem that movie last week and I think it too late to do one for Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix for I seem it months ago.
    Okay now on to the review. I like to note that this is the first time, I have ever heard of Underdog as far as I know (Even through my mother had said I watch when I was little, which is possible for I don't remember my childhood much.).
    I must say I found this movie to be interesting and what I like most about it was that Underdog was Beagle, which is my favorite dog. If it weren't for my younger brother being annoying by punch me in back, when getting out of there for moving too slow, and for him forbidden me to speak of the movie in the car, I would have been happy.
    But I did notice one thing in the movie that made me think and that was how Simon Barsinister, when he took the DNA that made Underdog have his powers; he gives them to attack dogs without figuring out that Underdog could take them against him. It would have been wise of him, if he had just use on himself in the first place.
    Anyway, if you like watching Disney movies, I think you should see this movie. Thanks for visiting my blog here and please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  19. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my blog, I am JMJ. Since I didn't get an answer in my last entry, I have decided I am going to try to do all my ideas that mention before in this five days with this Blog.
    At the moment, I have mainly just done some changes to content blocks here that most likely I will probably change again later. As I sit here and type this, the tree in my backyard is being chopped down because my father doesn’t like having a tree back there. That pretty much what happening in my life right now.
    On to a different subject, I maybe going off sometime today to finish up Blindness or play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Oh, wait before I end this, I got a question for you all.
    What do you think of the changes, I made here? I know I didn't make many changes, but that because I didn't really get any tips on improve this Blog in anyway from you all. Of course, it was late and you may have not seen that entry at the time. Well, thanks for visiting my Blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  20. Jedi Master J.
    Hello there and welcome to my blog again. I just thought I should tell you that I found something do, so you don't have to answer my question for Entry 5.1. Of course, if you still want to pick one feel free to do so.
    Anyway, what I found to do was get some work done on my secret writing project for Bzpower. The project in my opinion is shaping up good so far. I am hoping I can finish before my summer vacation ends.
    I got a question for you all: Would you all be interest in seeing a preview of the story? Just wondering, since I have been working on this for sometime now and I really wish I could just post it now, but it’s not finished. I really wish I could break open my head and pour all my ideas for this story into computer, so it would be done already.
    Oh man, I got another question for you all; I bet my visitors are running out this blog. Oh well, I ask you my question anyway, which is: Do any you have Pokemon Diamond and Pearl? If you do, could you battle me or trade me? If you do want to battle me or trade me, PM me for my friend code and name.
    Well, that it for what I got say in this entry. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hi there, I am Jedi Master J. and this here my Blog. If you are confuse about the title for this entry, it is just a spoof on Harry Potter's nickname in the first book and it is there to explain to you that this entry is about how I can't read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
    I like note before I start that I don't want anyone spoiling the story for me, so don't post any spoilers here. (If you even dare to come in here to spoil it, I will either delete your comment or erase your spoil from your post.) Okay, I think you understand now that I don't want any spoilers in here. Here are my reasons why I can't read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
    -My older sister is reading the book and tends to claim ownership of the Harry Potter books, which makes it hard to get the book from her, when she will hold things against you.
    -My Mother said I can't read it until I finish my work on Night, By: Elie Wiesel and start/finish Blindness, By Jose Saramago, along with doing a packet on the book. *sigh*
    Man, I really want to read that book. I guess I got some work to do then if I want read it anytime soon, so don't be surprise if I am offline for most of the day. Now before I end this, I want to ask one question to my visitor: What did you think of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows, if you read it? Remember no spoilers can be in your post, I just want to know if you like it or not.
    I got to get to work on this, so bye for now. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again. *knows very well no one will post in this like his last two entries.* ~JMJ-07
  22. Jedi Master J.
    Hello there, welcome to my lair. Before, I start I like to apologize to the people, who had seen my previous entry in here. I realize straight after posting that I don't really give people in my entries, a reason for them to comment on them. Because of this I had remove the parts of that entry, where I express my theory on why people don't post in my Blog entries. Once again, I am sorry. I hope you all forgive me for that entry.
    Anyway on to other news, I will be starting Blindness soon and I probably won't be going to New Jersey today because so far my father has not mention anything about it. But that could change very easily.
    Now on to the other reason for this entry, I decide to make this entry: an Ask me any question and I will answer them entry. There only two rules: 1) I may choose not to answer your question. 2) No inappropriate questions, only Bzp-friendly questions. So, feel free to ask me any questions that follow my two rules. Thanks for visiting my Blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  23. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome all to my Blog! Well, do I got news for you all or what. Here the news:
    Brickfest Moc: Well Neyo, the future Dark Hunter is going to be send to Brickfest. Everything is ready with Omicron, all I got left is to send it to him on August 1st. So it too late for you to say you want to see Yato, the Dark Hunter there. Well, that it on Brickfest Moc.
    Bzpower: Well, it looked like Lady Kopaka's entry in S&T contest doing well from what I see. But beside that I have been think about what to do for the Epic contest. So far, I am thinking of make her a Toa from a world where dead live and she was brought to living world by the Toa of Death to keep an eye on Jedi Master J. so he doesn't interfere with his plans. Well, that my idea at the moment, but most likely it not going to end up that way. That pretty much it for what happen in Bzpower.
    Algebra I: We are now on Chapter 8, Lesson 5 in own textbook, which is doing problem with exponent in them. It pretty easy. There other test coming, it could be tomorrow or Wednesday it depend on how much we finish in class tomorrow. Well, I got to go to bed, so bye. Wish me luck in Algebra I. Thanks for visiting, please come again. ~J.M.J.~
  24. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my Blog my fellow Bzpower members. I don't see why I am ever bothering to make an entry today since like my last two it probably will get no reply to them.
    Bzpower: Well, today pretty much thinking about entering the Epic Contest. But, problem is my lost in S&T Contest, maybe I shouldn't ever try to enter. I finally decide to pick Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter to send to Omicron for Brickfest, since it seem no one really care about anything I build, maybe I shouldn't ever send it. Well, I don't know what to do at the moment.
    My Life: Well, I didn't get to do my job at my Grandparents' house today, so I start to fixed up my basement because the pinball machine, I had to help my dad with get in own house(it was at my Father's Mother house and he finally talk her into give it to him.) was pull in basement, so I had to move a table(which I made myself.) by my sofa right in front my fan for awhile. When parts came to fixed the pinball machine, I decide I should move table to a different spot, which I did. Well, that pretty much it for what happen today. I got to go to bed now, got Algebra I class in the morning. Well, bye. ~J.M.J.~
  25. Jedi Master J.
    Well, I just want to started by thanking, the staff for all their hard work and for letting regular member like myself have looked at what it like to be a Premier member for a week. I always did want to be a Premier member, but my parents said it a waste of money, so I never became one. Well, at I get to see how it feel like for a week. Hmm...I am think about send a Moc to Omicron for Brickfest. I just don't know what one I should send since I think I got two good ones. Here a link to them: Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter and Yato, the Dark Hunter. One of them from a BBC contest and other one in a Short Story for my Celebration of one year here. Well, beside that I got Summer classes for Algebra 1(it not summer school, it a class during summer to get me ready for next year.) during the weekdays, which end on August 4. Well, I don't have anything else to say, so bye. I hope you enjoy my Blog. Happy Anniversary Bzpower! ~J.M.J.~
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