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Jedi Master J.

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Yeah, I know this isn't like breaking news or anything like that, but I thought I should post an entry in here. The reason I change the name here is because I thought the original name was getting old. I may, if I can find a good banner maker, have pictures of a Jedi Temple here for I am thinking of make it, the theme of my Blog. But I may change my mind about that.
    On some other news, I start my Bzpower project as an epic. I think the story is pretty good in my opinion. But so far, it doesn't look like anyone really interest in it. *sigh* I guess I was wrong about it being good.
    That's all the news for today, right now. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  2. Jedi Master J.
    I am follow Kohaku's advice from the previous entry by searching for someone that is good with picture programs because I only have one picture program on my computer and its Microsoft Paint, which isn't very good program; if you want something to look cool or be able to use sprites in it (At least for me, it isn't.).
    So, I made this entry to help with my search for a Blog Banner maker. If you can help, then please post here with an example of your work. You may if you want try to help me in different way by giving me, tips on what is a good picture program to use. But I like to note, I can't use GIMP on my computer, so that one should be cross off your list.
    Well, thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hello there, I am JMJ and welcome to my Blog. I have decided to give my visitors, the ability to form my blog in a way that would interest them.
    My ideas include:
    -Set Reviews
    -Preview of Upcoming Stories
    -Possibly form a Club of some sort here
    -Have a theme to my Blog (Bionicle, Star Wars, etc.)
    -Talk about only Bzpower and Bionicle in my Blog, nothing else
    -Ask me, anything Entries
    -WiFi Pokemon Battle tournaments
    I know that most of ones in my list, I will probably not have enough time for to do in my 6 days (I think it six, but it could be five.) with this Blog. It really makes me wish I could send my 11 dollars for Premier Membership, so I could have this Blog for a year. But as I meant many time before that impossible to do, when you can't use Paypal and don't trust sending money in the mail.
    Feel free to post your tips on how to improve this Blog and tell me, if you like my ideas for improving it. Thanks for visiting my Blog. Please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  4. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my Blog. I am not really sure how long, I am going to have this for; so if someone knows tell me. I was original going to talk about how New Jersey was, but that was so long ago and don't seem that important anyway.
    Instead of talking about that, I will talk about what I was doing during the down time of Bzpower. Well, I mainly did was read Blindness, play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and went online a few times to see if Bzpower was back. If you are wonder how far I am in Blindness, I got about hundred something pages to go in the book and I plan to finish it, this week.
    I must say I had really missed Bzpower during the time, it was offline. I felt like I lost apart me. I am so glad its back. I really wish I could think of anything more interesting to say to you all, but I am all out ideas at the moment. Thanks for visiting my blog. ~JMJ-07
  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, all. I am here today to congratulate Lady Kopaka on becoming a Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens. I don't know who pay to have Lady Kopaka back to being a Premier member, but they sure do deserve a big thank you from LK. I am very glad that LK will still be a Premier member, after this week.
    On some other news, I am about to go to New Jersey soon, so this will probably be my only entry for today. I have also started reading Blindness.
    Well, that all the news for me, today. Now let’s all go and cerebrate that LK has become POBC. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do visit again. ~JMJ-07
  6. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my Blog here. From the title, you can guess that I am going to ask you what I should do with my free time right now.
    Well, should I play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or read Blindness? If I play LOZ:TP, I can finally try to get back to where I was originally in the game before my older sister had eased it. But if I read Blindness, I will be even closer to being able to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which my older sister keeps spoiling to me about who die in it because she knows I can't read until I finish Blindness.
    So, I am not really sure what I should do. Well, I hope you all can help me decide. Before I end this entry, I like to remind you all to keep those questions coming in Entry 4. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  7. Jedi Master J.
    I was in Delaware with my father and little brother helping my father's friend, who lives there. We were there to help him changed the wooden attic steps that you pull down from ceiling to get into the attic with a new metal attic steps one that can hold up to like 300 pounds. I try my best to help my father with putting it up and after we finish, I sweep up the trash from the floor of the room for his friend.
    On other news, I still have yet to start Blindness, so that means I still have not read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I do plan to read Blindness soon, but I must finish the other six questions for Night before I start it. I'll finish those questions right, after this Blog entry.
    By the way, I will probably not be on tomorrow because my father is on vacation and maybe taking us to New Jersey. Thanks for visiting my Blog, please do come again. ~JMJ-07
  8. Jedi Master J.
    Did you miss me? *realize that no one really visit his Blog or care for that matter, but continue writing anyway.*
    Well, I like to thank the staff for giving us, non-Premier members, the ability to have a Blog for a week. And I like to also wish Bzpower, a happy Birthday and I hope it has many more. This gift from the staff here is probably going to be the only time; I will ever be able to use a Blog for my parents won't let me paid for Premier Membership here because they believe its waste of money. I guess I will never change their mind about this, but at less I get to see what it feels like to be Premier member for a week.
    I might as well get this blog start with some information on what I am doing today, so here: Today, I plan on probably writing ten questions and answers for my Summer Reading book, Night By: Elie Wiesel for I can't take the test at my school because they don't have me in the system for some reason. But if I don't do that I will probably start Blindness, By: Jose Saramago, which is my second Summer Reading book.
    Yeah, I know nothing really exciting is happen to me, today. I guess I am boring and that why no one bother to look at my Blog or comment. Or the reason could be because this Blog is old or that I am not that well-known here.
    Oh, wait...I forgot to mention that my older sister and I maybe going to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at midnight, if we talk our mother into going to Border then. Of course, I won't be able to read it until I finish my work on my summer reading books.
    Well, I got pretty much nothing else to said here, so bye. Thanks for visiting my Blog, please come again. Now before I end this I like to thank the staff again for this gift, thank you. ~JMJ-07
  9. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my Blog my fellow Bzpower members. Well, today is end of this Blog. I must said I enjoy talking to you all. I wish I could keep talking to all, but I can't because at moment I am not allow to become a Premier Member for my parents find it not worth it for me to send my money to get some special features on Bzpower. Here today news:
    Bzpower: Well, pretty much think about what to post in Bionicle Kingdoms and Crazy Bzpers. I am also thinking about what post in Nosferatu Comics and The Nidhiki & Krekka Chronicles, if I ever have the guts to tell them, that I like there Comics. I am pretty much to afraid to try because I think they may not like having someone like me as there fan for their awesome comics. Right now, I am trying to get ideas for the epic contest entry, I have with Sunari, which I told you in entry before that Toa of Death would make some deal for her freedom from the the Spirit world to be able to live again. So far, I am think about her trick Jedi Master J. that she on his side and then attack him. Well, I don't know who going to win that battle if I do that. Well, she does catch Jedi Master J. at a bad time since, Colors(a Prince of Tuggles on Tuggle island.) has been kidnap, so possible Jedi Master J. may win. Beside, that I have got an idea for my character in Bionicle Kingdoms, when the group Toa get to the place where the crystal of purity is, JMJ(my character) will find two Scythes in there and when touch them he will turn into J(he is JMJ, but different in many way, he is selfish, uncaring, and know a little more about his past unlike JMJ. The Scythes cause this because there owner who is trapped in Spirit World made them cause any who touch them to turn to their other versions of themselves, so they wouldn't take it after they know what it did to them.) Well, that am idea of mines, I may not use it after all. Well, that it for what happen in Bzpower.
    The Blog that never was: Well, who can guess where I got name from? I give you a clue: it name is from a game called KH 2. Well, that seem to tell you the answer or should I give you another clue. Beside, the name it here to inform you that this is my last entry and I can't believe I never reveal that I am Fan of KH in this Blog. Once again, thank you staff of Bzpower for this gift you give us. I enjoy and I am glad that we normal member get to see what it like to be a Premier member. Well, I got to leave now for I must go bed now for I have my Algebra I test tomorrow. Wish me luck! ~J.M.J.~
  10. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my Blog as you all know tomorrow is when this week of my Blog ends. I have enjoy it for the must part it did help me with somethings I need help with like deciding what to pick to send to Brickfest. Well, let get started on today news:
    Bzpower: Well, I going to enter the Epic contest and the idea, I show you before may be how I fit Sunari in my contest entry. Right, now I am thinking of what to post in Bionicle Kingdom. I also looked at Crazy Bzpers Comic of day and The Nidhiki & Krekka Chronicles comic of day as well. Hopeful if I have time, I post in one them, most likely Crazy Bzpers, since I am afraid of posting in The Nidhiki & Krekka Chronicles. Maybe, one day I be brave enough to post for ones. Only time will tell. That it is what happen on Bzpower today.
    The End is near: Well, this about my Blog end tomorrow. I just want to thank the staff once again for all there hard work and for this gift to us Non-Premier Member. I enjoy the looked I had on how being a Premier Member was like. It possible that I could be able to become a Premier Member in the future, if I talked my parent into it, since they do let my young brother get some special membership on Runescape by send money to them. Well, wish me luck on that. I hope you like my blog. Thanks for visiting, please come again. ~J.M.J.~
  11. Jedi Master J.
    Welcome to my blog, my fellow Bzp Members. So far no one has told me which one I should send to Brickfest. I guess, if no one answer this time, I go with Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter then. I really wish so one would answer. But, I guess not. Well, anyway on to today topics:
    Bzpower: Well for one thing, I lost in S&T Contest #2. Only got two votes; one was by me, the other was by some mystery member who didn't reveal themselves. I am glad, Lady Kopaka, Kanohi Dragon, and SPIRIT are still in this contest. But I am not to glad about Kanohi Dragon and SPIRIT being in the same poll, it make tough for me to pick the best one between the two. They are both so good and all. Lady Kopaka, I must say was amazed and I like it a lot. Beside S&T Contest #2 in Bionicle Kingdom Rpg, it looked like the group of Toa I am in have finally came back to post in it. Well, I better join them by posting since I have not post in while.
    Lego Magazine: Well, I got my Brickmaster Lego magazine today. The three Bionicle Ignition Comic was in many way like the 3rd book, but a little different. I won't tell you anything since I don't if anyone else got it yet or if we are allow to talked about Comic #3/Book #3 yet. I think we are, but I am not totally sure.
    Life: Well, I got not much to said except the reason I could not do my job today. It was rain today, so I couldn't do my job at my Grandparent's house. That pretty much it for what happen today. I really hope you guys tell me soon what to pick to send or I am just going to send Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter. I hope you enjoy my Blog. Thank you for visiting my Blog, please come again. ~J.M.J.~
  12. Jedi Master J.
    Well, my fellow Bzpower member it now day two of my Blog. I am still wondering what one I should send to Brickfest, so please tell me one you like to see there. Well for this entry, I decide to separate each part so it be easy to read.
    Bionicle: Well as I said above, I like to know what Moc, you think I should send? If you want to know what they looked like their pictures below in my first entry. Beside, that I was wondering what GregF said about brown sets not selling well. I find that weird because my first set was a Brown set(aka: Pohatu) and it is also the color of parts, I have most of. Another weird thing is that I have almost all Brown sets(but not Onewa Hordika, Voya-Nui Po-Matoran, and Hewkii Inika for now at less.). But of course that only me and it doesn't mean that everyone else should be the same like me about Brown sets, you have a right of your own opinion about them. I just thought it was weird that a type of set, I buy a lot wasn't selling well. Anyway beside that, I been thinking of idea for my epic and future stories that don't always go as plan like for example my Short Story in Celebration of me get a Vahi for being here one year; I plan it a head of time on July 14th, plan to write it on Sunday and get edit on Monday so it was ready for Tuesday, but my Aunt came over with her dog on Sunday so I couldn't write on Sunday. On Monday, I try to get it done but failed so I had to rush myself on Tuesday, I didn't have any time edit it when I finished it (remember I had Algebra I the next day, so I have to wake up at 6:00am). So it had many mistakes and didn't turn out the way I wanted. Well, at lease I finished it.
    Algebra I: Well, I thought I should tell you all how am doing in Algebra I class. I am doing pretty well, so far on all four test I got 90, 97, 96, and another 97. I don't know anything else to say about Algebra I, except it not hard for me at less.
    My Life: Well, I am not going say much for this one, except to tell you the reason you may not see me much tomorrow on Bzpower. The reason is I got a job to do at my grandmother's/grandfather's house, which is to sand and repainting their railing. My brother and i are both being pay to do it. I would have done it for free, but they say they want to pay us. Last time, I told someone I was doing a job for free, try to give me Forty dollars for tearing now a Swing set for them, which they soon trick me into taking it by saying it was twenty dollars. Well, that pretty much it for what I got to say. Once again please tell me which one, I should send to Brickfest. I really want to know your opinion on them. I hope you enjoy my Blog, thank you for visiting. ~J.M.J.~
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