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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    UPDATE 06-29: Added pictures and addition information about my progress in general.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in today to give you all a progress report on how things are going in Animal Crossing: New Leaf for me. I am kind of short on time though, so expected this to be brief mostly. I am probably going to come back here later and add in some pictures of my house and stuff.
    So to start off, my friend code for my 3DS is 5412-9992-6542 (Which you should see in my handy little content block to the right.), so PM me yours if you want to add me for whatever reason.
    Oh, and my Dream Address for my town is 4700-2202-3933 (Which is also in my handy dandy content block.), so you could check out my town that way, if you want. Although there is really not much to see there since my town doesn't have much in terms of development.
    I currently have Club LOL (Just got it today), Dream Suite, T & T Mart, Leif's Flower Shop, Able Sisters, Kicks, and Shampoodle (I will have that place soon) in my Main Street. My museum is currently in process of being upgrade (I just need to gather funds is all. EDITED: Funds have been gathered. I should have that upgrade by tomorrow.). I got 2 paintings, 34 bugs, 49 Fossils, and 41 fishes in my museum at the moment.
    Hm...In terms of collected fossils there, I have a T-Rex, Styracosarus, Pachysarus, Archaeopteryx, Peking Man, Fern Fossil, Dinosaur Egg, Ammonite, Trilobite, Shark Tooth, Coprolite, Pteranodon, Apatosaurus, and Dimetrodon. I guess that's an alright exhibit of fossils. I am sure there are better collections out there.
    In terms of projects, I have a Fire Hydrant, a campsite, a fence project (Which I use as garden for flowers), a hammock, and a second bridge. So yeah, like I said early, my town is really not that developed honestly. I currently have 8 Animal Villagers (One of them moved out on Wednesday because they want to see the "bigger world".). My house currently has a second floor, so it is on the fourth expansion (I believe). EDITED: Pictures of my house: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Oh, and in terms of fruit, my town fruit is Oranges. However I was able to import coconuts, pears, durians, mangoes, cherries, lychees, peaches, apples, and lemons to my town with help of people from here (Kohaku, Hahli Husky, Alku, Lyichir, and Avohkah Tamer. Thanks again to all those folks that help me out there.) and the island.
    As for tools, I have a timer, an axe (I got two extra in case it breaks.), a watering can, a megaphone, a net, a slingshot, a fishing rod, a shovel, and a black wet suit, so I got most of important tools by now. I don't have any silver or gold versions though, but that's not surprising since I don't bell grind enough to get town projects done each day and well, it is still early on and all. That and I don't really know how to get most of them anyway. XD
    Alright, I think last topic to cover here is clothes and well, I got a lot of clothes (Mostly headgear to be honestly. XD). I'll list most of them here, but I am probably not going to attach pictures as it will take too much time to really pull off well. Sorry, folks. But anyway, here is a list:
    Hats / Masks
    - Paperboy Cap
    - DJ Cap
    - Detective Hat
    - Blue Nightcap
    - Cow Bone
    - Red Pikmin
    - Hero's Cap
    - Fi Mask
    - Motocross Helmet
    - Lion-Dance Mask
    - Blue-Zap Helmet
    - Knight's Helmet
    - Toad Hat
    - Midna's Mask
    - Majora's Mask
    - Doctor's Mask
    - Stache & Glasses
    - Round Glasses
    - Bad Bro's Stache
    - King's Beard
    - Work Shirt
    - Sweater-Vest
    - HHA Tee
    - Blue-Stripe Tee
    - Green Emblem Blazer
    - Blue Aloha Tee
    Pant(s) / Dress(es)
    - Blue-Zap Pants
    - Brown Formal Pants
    - Kilt
    - Overall Dress
    - Default Shorts (I don't know what its name is since apparently they are bugged and will not actually go into inventory when you change pants.)
    Shoe(s) / Sock(s)
    - Hiking Boots
    - Steel-Toed Boots
    - Cleats
    - Varia Suit Shoes
    - Ninja Sandals
    - Red Boat Shoes
    - Gray Socks
    So those clothes in Animal Crossing: New Leaf currently. And yes, folks, you did read right above. I do own a dress, so take that however you will (If you have a problem with it, I would appreciate if you kept it to yourself. Thanks.). I honest have no problem with it since I think it looks great, especially when I am wearing my Majora's Mask. That and it has added benefit of getting back my default shorts.
    Alright, that's all I can really think of talking about here. I am sorry if it was kind of boring to read. Oh, and I hope you all have a great day and thanks for taking time to read this. I'll talk to you all later. See ya, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  2. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I thought I would pop in to let you all know that I got to check out the E3 demos at Best Buy today and well, it was a fun day. And most importantly I got myself a free Luigi hat from attending that (Which I am extremely tempted to wear it during my day visit at BrickFair this year...[Yes, people, I can officially confirm that I will be there for a Saturday visit again; assuming of course, that visitor tickets don't sell out this month. Uh...It turns out this statement is false. I apologize for getting anyone hopes up (Especially my own.).]).
    But anyway, I am sure you guys got better things to do than hear me recap my day to ya, so I'll leave you all be. Oh, and apologizes for sharing my ugly mug here again. But well, I had to show that picture here though since I love wearing this hat now. XD
    Alright, I am kidding, folks. I tell you how Best Buy event went. Well, for starters, we were limited to only playing one of demos available, so naturally we didn't get to see a whole lot of gamepad related stuff such as for Wind Waker. We did get try out Super Mario 3D World and it was definitely quite a fun little demo of it, especially with friends. Although the level we play in demo wasn't particularly difficult really (Of course, that's not hugely surprising since it is just a demo.).
    Oh, and I got quite a few Streetpasses there as well, so that was pretty nice as I been having Mii shortage since I start working full time and all. Hm...It was also nice in general getting to see other Nintendo fans for once in real life since I don't know about most people, but I usually don't know many people in real life that are big about gaming and stuff. *shrugs*
    But anyway, overall it was a fun experience and I hope Nintendo tries to do something like this next year. That's all I really have energy to recap and well, I guess I could go on into more details and maybe mention our museum trip as well. But eh, I feel like I kept you long enough (Well, more like I am sleepy and I don't feel like typing a huge recap out here.).
    Hm...Before I go, I thought I should mention here that my next entry here is probably going to be purely about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So if you want to hear about my town and stuff, be on look out for that entry.
    Alright, I am done for the day. I apologize if this entry was boring for ya. I hope you all have a great day and thanks for taking time to read this, folks. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. It has been awhile since I wrote a blog entry here, so I thought I pop in to give you all an update here.
    That and well, put it out there that I will be getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So if you want add me to your friend list and stuff, feel free to PM me your Friend Code and I try to hang out with you sometime on there.
    Oh, and to clarity the reason I hadn't really been "active" here is mostly laziness more than anything else as I actually do regularly read stuff on BZPower (Heck, I read stuff on forums here all the time during my lunch break. In particularly the Bionicle Storyline & Theories forum since there is always a good read there with interesting theories and stuff.). Hopefully I'll be more active this month and get some of things that I have planned done like that LEGO City review or my BIONICLE reflection entries. We will just have to wait and see, I guess.
    Speaking of BIONICLE, I have notice the buzz topic of this week seem to be the announcement that LEGO will be taking down their BIONICLE related websites (BIONICLE.com & BIONICLEstory.com). I guess I could share my thoughts on that.
    Although honestly I am not hugely upset by this news since I rarely even went on either of those sites since serials stopped getting updates. Beside, it is completely reasonable thing for LEGO to do anyway since it taking up space for new current themes that actually have sets being produce still. I mean it been like what two or three years now since BIONICLE has ended, the fact that it was up this long was quite generous of LEGO, if you ask me. *shrugs*
    Now don't get me wrong, I am sad to see that this is happening since I do have a lot of good memories visiting the website. If anything, it probably why I always use my bookmark link for BIONICLE.com as my quick access to Shop At Home rather than just create a new bookmark that directly go to the Shop At Home page. There is definitely some sentimental reasons for why this news would sadden me a little as a fan.
    But at same time, it is not like everything that was ever on that site will disappear from internet as soon as LEGO delete the stuff from their database. After all, we were all given this heads up, so we could have the chance to back up what we want from the site before it goes down officially. So while yes, it is sad to see the sites go; I can live with it. I am not going to suddenly die because its gone or forget that BIONICLE even existence (Like that will happen, I am on BIONICLE/LEGO fan site, after all. ).
    I mean maybe I am weird or something, but honestly I was fine with LEGO ending BIONICLE because I felt like it had a good run and Journey's End felt like a proper conclusion to me. Could the ending have been better? Yeah, it would of nice to have an epic movie of Mata Nui and Makuta giant robot fight.
    But really considering how BIONICLE was doing at the time, I am happy that we did at least get something from LEGO to conclude the story because honestly they could of been like some television networks that will tell you that a season finale was the series finale for a show with bad ratings (Which means you get a cliffhanger and no resolve for the plot whatsoever.). Again, maybe I am just weird for thinking that, but I like that they, at least, gave us something and it was good for the most part.
    Now then does that mean I hate the serials that GregF try to do post the conclusion of story by LEGO? No, I actually like that he did that because the way I see he was basically giving BIONICLE like its own Expanded Universe like Star Wars has and well, that was kind of cool, if you ask me. Am I upset that GregF naturally stop doing this?
    I guess maybe initially I was, but now I am kind of alright with it since we, at least, got some idea of what he planning to do with story from Erebus here. And beside, it is understandable that he had to stop since his #1 priority should be getting done stuff that LEGO has hired him for. He has got to eat, you know.
    Not only that, but the fact that there still loose ends to stuff, it leaves a lot of room for fan writers to explore that stuff in their own works, if they so desire. After all, LEGO has always been one of the greatest toys for imagination and creativity. Why do we have just put all our focus on just the official storyline of BIONICLE? Be creative. Take ideas from official storyline and mix them with your own. There's nothing restricting you from this, but yourself really.
    Alright, I think I rambled enough on subject, especially considering I didn't mean to ramble about this subject in first place. Hm...I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with my thoughts here.
    Okay, so moving on from that, I guess I'll bring up again: Is anyone interest in these BZPower shirts? I am just asking because I was planning to maybe raffle them off to people this month since I got quite a few of them from Mister Bionicle Raptor awhile back. Hm...I guess I should explain how I plan to raffle them off.
    Basically I have two ideas for it: The first idea is just to have a simple raffle, where people just say what size shirt they want and I assign them a number from random number generation, which will be use in random drawing process when the entry period closes. Now my other idea is basically you guys are required to review a story or MOC on the forums and you have to show me that review in order to gain entry into raffle (Which is basically same idea as first one, except with the added requirement of giving back to the forums in some way.).
    Which idea would you guys like to see? Just curious is all. Oh, and I might be throwing in some transparent neon green Miru with the shirts as well.
    Well, I think I wrote enough here for today. I mean I probably could write more here, but this entry is already long as it is and I doubt you guys really want to read how my life is going or how far I am in Fire Emblem: Awakening, ect. So yeah, I kept you all here long enough, so thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  4. Jedi Master J.
    ...I have just watched my first episode of Doctor Who ("Rose," Reboot Series) today and well, I am interested in seeing more of it. So I imagine I am going to be watching a lot of that during this week now. XD
    Hm...I am not sure what else say here really. I guess I'll give you my brief thoughts of the first episode. For the most part, I think it was kind of cheesy in places. However I can't say that turn me off to show since I quite enjoyed laughing at some of stuff like the plastic people.
    That and well, the mystery of this Doctor character interest me, especially considering there appears be some hints of regret in him by what was briefly mention of the war when he was talking to thing commanding the plastic people (Or maybe, I am just reading too much into things. *shrugs*). So yeah, it is definitely got me hooked in that regard and well, I have been told it get less cheesy as it goes on, so there is that.
    Uh, that's all I can really think to say about it at the moment. I might edit this with some other thoughts later. *shrugs* But for now, I got to go to bed. So thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. It been awhile since I posted an entry here, so I thought I would pop in and let you know how I am doing.
    Really there's not much to say since not a whole lot been happening with me lately. I just been going to work like usual and playing games like Fire Emblem: Awakening & Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon during my off hours from work. Yeah, my life's kind of dull, but I can't complain really.
    Hm...What should I talk about? Well, I guess I could mention I am working on some plans for the summer. The first plan is I am going to be trying to attend the Zelda Symphony since apparently it is in Pennsylvania and looks like it will be close enough for me to get there. So that should be fun trip for me, especially since I am probably going with my good friend (Assuming of course, he isn't in Florida that week visiting his grandmother.).
    As for the other plan, there is a slight possibility that I might appear for a day again at BrickFair VA this year. Hopefully I'll actually say hello to people, if that actually does happen. *shrugs*
    Outside of that stuff, I been thinking about writing a few entries here about my thoughts on some BIONICLE related stuff. No idea when that's going to happen though since I need to be in right mood to write them. I imagine it will be on weekend since those are my chiller days.
    Oh, and I am going to try to maybe get a little review out for LEGO City: Undercover this month. Again, that will probably happen on the weekend since I have a lot more free time during those days.
    Uh, that's about all I have to talk about really. I apologize if reading this entry was boring to you guys. Hopefully future entries this month will be more interesting. *shrugs* But anyway, it is getting late here, so I should probably hit the hay. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  6. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in real quick before I head off to bed to let you all know that I beat the story mode of LEGO City today. It was pretty good. I am actually tempted to get the 3DS prequel game now because I quite curious to see if the two games' stories link up in a way.
    But anyway, I would definitely recommend the game to you folks if you ever planning on getting a Wii U in the future. It is quite fun and there is plenty to do, even after the story mode since there is so many collectibles to collect (Which is probably going to take me awhile to get them all since the city over-world is so huge.). Oh, and the humor is pretty good.
    There's a lot references to movies and other LEGO themes as well. Plus, it even has some Nintendo references since they did helped make the game. Like for example, if you smash into fifty things in row in a car, your car will act like it has received a Star from Super Mario Bros.
    Hm...You know I might do a review of this game when I finished collecting everything in. Uh, would you folks like to see that? I mean I can assume you all that I am not just going praise the game and claim its flawless as I do have some criticism of it here and there. Although obviously as you can probably tell, I do definitely like the game. *shrugs*
    Alright, so beside my rambling about LEGO City, I guess can let you all know that everything went well with my father's birthday today. We took him and my grandfather out for dinner since well, both them had birthdays this week (My father turned 52; My grandfather turned 75.). Oh, and I had grilled cheese, so that was good dinner.
    Hm...And I got to watch a bit of Book 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender this weekend as well. I'll have to finish it next weekend though since I didn't have time to watch through all the discs this weekend. Then again, my only friend in real life sounds like he wants to do something with me on my birthday, so I guess I won't be able to watch that again until Sunday probably.
    So yeah, that was basically my weekend, folks. I should probably go bed. So thanks for reading this random entry of mines. I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  7. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just pop in today like I usually do to tell you how my birthday went yesterday. Don't worried folks I am not going to rib you all like I did last year for not making a topic since honestly it is not that big of a deal.
    But anyway, my birthday yesterday was pretty good. I spent most of my day hanging out with my best friend (Which by the way, he is same guy that made me getting visit BrickFair for a day last year possible, so he is pretty awesome friend, if you asked me.). And well, we mostly played video games and talk about vary of things on our minds. It was nice, especially considering I don't get to regularly converse with people, beside my family, very often.
    Oh, and the games that we played were New Super Mario Bros Wii and Kirby's Return to Dreamland. In NSMBW, we were picking up where we were last time, so we beat the World 8 and saved the Princess. Hm...And if any Luigi fans were watching us, they probably would of cry since I kept dying with him as I am awful at platforming games. So yeah, sorry to Luigi for disgracing you on your year in the spotlight.
    Speaking of Luigi, my friend apparently felt like getting me something for my birthday (Much like I had last year when I got him Kid Icarus: Uprising, which I am still not sure he has actually played. I hope he at least gave it a try though.), so I now have a copy of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. So that's pretty awesome, although it does throw a wrench in my plans of getting back to Fire Emblem: Awakening (Which I was planning to do since I had beaten LEGO City: Undercover story mode.) anytime soon. XD
    But anyway, in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, we got to Level 7: Dangerous Dinner and after failing to beat that level several times due to my bad platforming skills and tired hands, we decided to call it a day since we been playing video games for like nine hours straight with a little break for pizza.
    That and my friend had to start heading home since it was ten o'clock at night by this point and surprisingly his parents had yet to text him about being out so late like they usual do (I imagine it is because my father has that signal booster upstairs for his cellphone, so his phone got no signal due to that blocking it out probably.).
    So yeah, we are probably going to pick up on that game next time we hang out (Which probably won't be till the summer since he still has school right now.). That should be fun. And I must say I am quite interesting in playing more Kirby games after playing this game and Kirby's Adventure recently.
    Alright, moving on from gaming talk, I guess I should answer the "do I feel any different now that I am 21?" question. Uh, the answer is not really and I honestly find it strange that people seem to have this idea that when you aged you like become a different person or something. I mean I guess it comes from the idea that when you grow older, you tend to reflect on past experiences and one would hope learn from them to do better in such situations in the future.
    That make sense, I guess. But it is not like I personally have experienced that much of life yet since all I really do right now is just go to work really. *shrugs* Then again, if it is more about thinking about your regrets in life, I don't really need my birthday to make me think about that since I regularly do it already (The fact that I was too shy and scared to meet anyone at BrickFair last year is a good example of one such regret of mines.).
    Alright, moving on from that topic, uh...I actually got nothing else to say really. So yeah, I guess that's it for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all have a good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  8. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in really quick to see what you all think of my new Avatar. Well, what you think, folks?
    Don't worried, folks. This isn't a permanent change. I will be going back to my Zexion avatar eventually. I just changed to this one because that expression on Aang's face was priceless, so I had to make an avatar of it to show you guys.
    Oh, and for those wondering, this picture of Aang is from new Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novel (The Search), which I have just finished reading today and I thought it was great. Hm...I actually really want to talk about it here, but obviously I don't want to spoil things for you folks.
    I will say this though, if you want to learn about the past of Zuko's mother, then I definitely recommend you pick this book up because there are quite a few flashbacks to Ursa's past in this. You also get to see Azula again, who is completely off her rocker!
    Hm...Speaking of Avatar, anyone know when the Legend of Korra is starting Book 2? I am itching to see now what they have planned for Book 2. I might have to marathon Avatar: The Last Airbender this weekend since man, I am in mood to watch the series again.
    Alright, I think I kept you folks here long enough. Beside, I don't want to spent all my free time from work writing a blog entry, when I could be playing LEGO City: Undercover or Ni No Kuni. So yeah, that's enough rambling out of me. XD
    Thanks for taking the time to read this entry and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  9. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I know I made an entry like this before to ask me questions and I probably could just bumped it again. But I thought I might as well just make a new entry for it since if I did bumped it again and the entry actually got new questions, it would end up making it a bigger wall of text than it already is.
    So yeah, I think starting fresh is a good idea. For those that want to know what was asked before, here's a link to that entry.
    Alright, with that said, you guys should know the drill for these types of entries. And well, for those that don't, you are basically posting questions here that you want me to answer.
    Okay, that's all I really have to say for this entry. So go ahead and ask me some questions, if you want. And well, if you don't want to, thanks for at least reading this entry.
    - JMJ 2013
  10. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to post a quick entry here to ask you all to criticize me.
    Why you might ask? Because I feel like getting the input of others will help me strive to improve myself as a person. Preferably its constructive stuff and not just "I think you're horrible human being" or something like that.
    So yeah, here is your opportunity to well, criticize me. That really all I have for you guys today since I doubt you want to hear about my stressful work day today. With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all are doing well. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  11. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you all a bit of an update.
    Although then again, I am kind of more writing this entry to tell you all that LEGO City: Undercover is pretty awesome. And if you are thinking about getting a Wii U at any point in the future, you should definitely think about picking this game up because it is quite fun.
    Really I could go on and on about the game here, but I think I am going to wait until I beat it in full before saying all my thoughts on it here. Heck, I might even do a review, if you folks really want me to. Hm...I doubt you would want that though. *shrugs*
    But anyway, before I asked my question, I just want to officially announced that due to complains in the previous entry; I have retired my classic style for my posts here. So from this point on, I will be using nothing but default font and color for my posts here. Honestly I am not happy about this, but it is what you folks want, so I guess I'll listen to ya. *sigh*
    Now as I said in the entry itself, while I will be doing this from now on, I am not editing every post and blog entry that I have ever made on this site to remove my old style because it is more effort than I am willing to give for this silly thing. So be happy with what you get, folks.
    Alright, moving on, I guess I'll ask this question, even though I am pretty sure answer will mostly be yes, you should. Should I check Doctor Who out? Just wondering because well, I know a lot of people here seem to like, so I thought maybe I should give it a try like I did MLP. So yeah, should I? Again, I am pretty sure the answer will be yes, but I thought I ask to make sure.
    Okay, that's all I have for you folks. Hm...I probably would of talk about LEGO City some more. But well, I am kind of down in the dumps right now. I just don't feel like typing anymore than I already have. I am sorry, folks. Oh, and Happy Easter to those that celebrate it.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  12. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just pop in again to give a life update. Yeah, I know you guys are probably like, "Oh, joy...Another life entry from the boring loser known as JMJ here." ... But well, I thought I might as well write another life entry in case any of your folks were worry about me for whatever reason since I mention last entry how I was a bit stress out by work lately.
    So yeah, speaking of the work thing, I thankfully got some help from my fellow Engineering assistants and we were able to knock out quite a lot of quotes on Wednesday & Thursday. Unfortunately though, I kind of start getting sick on Thursday (I blame my boss since he was sick, but he still coming into work.), so I took off Friday from work to see if that would help me get over it faster.
    And well, it seems to have done so because I am now feeling quite a bit better now. I am kind of worried though that my co-workers might of slack on the quotes awhile I was away, so hopefully they didn't. I especially hope they dealt with that quote due on Friday because last I checked, the quote wasn't available. Hm...I imagine the buyer probably gave us an extension on it since we had not access to it since he gave us the quote order on Monday.
    But anyway, moving on from work, my mother has turned 52 last Friday and even though I was sick, I took my sister & mother out to dinner to celebrate her birthday (I would of took the whole Family, but my father was at work at the time and my younger brother was somewhere.).
    So yeah, that was pretty nice. The place had some pretty good grill cheeses. Hm...You all probably don't know this, but I always order grill cheeses at restaurants. Why? Well, it is mostly because I am picky eater. That and well, I kind of like to mentally compared them to other grill cheeses that I have before. And while I wouldn't said it was the best grill cheese that I have before, it definitely was not bad. What can I say? That's just another example of how weird JMJ is.
    Alright, so moving on from life stuff, I thought I might as well as ask if there is anything new that you want to see in my blog here. Like do you want to talk about LEGO more? Or maybe like a pick a random short story to review during my weekends? Or stop talking about life stuff here? You know whatever comes to mind as something that you like to see from me in the future.
    Okay, that's all I really have to talk about for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  13. Jedi Master J.
    I got the things!
    Hey, folks. I just thought I pop in really quick to tell you that I just got my copy of Hyrule Historia today in the mail. Of course, I didn't just get that today, I also got my copy of Ni No Kuni. YAY!
    And man, I am conflicted about which to unwrap first since I know whichever one I choose, I will end up getting full adsorb in for rest of my night's worth of free time.
    Hm...Maybe I should ask you all which one that I should unwrap first? Nah, I can do that myself, especially considering that would required me to wait even longer to unwrap them since you folks usually don't comment here for me instantly.
    Uh, I was going to talk about something else here as well, but I think I hear something calling my name. So yeah, thanks for taking the time to read this short entry and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, BZPers.
    *runs off to play Ni No Kuni*
    *unwraps Hyrule Historia instead and start reading it*
    - JMJ 2013
  14. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just pop in today to ask if any of you know of some good PS3 games for me check out since well, I kind feel like to branch out some more from Nintendo stuff that I usually play. So yeah, if you know of any good games for the PS3, feel free to recommend some to me here.
    Hm...I guess I should mention what games that I have already on the system. I have the following games on my PS3:
    - Portal 2 (Mostly because for the timing being I can't play it on my PC. That and well, my sister brought it for me since I was one that brought PS3 from our brother [Yeah, he made me pay him for something that got free...])
    - Darksiders (I brought this game awhile back. I just hadn't gotten around to playing it. Hm...I maybe starting this game next weekend, if I don't get distracted by other things.)
    - Journey (Which I brought recently and I have beaten it in about three hours. Oh, and I am planning on maybe doing of a review of it here since I kind of feel like talking about my feelings and thoughts of it as whole.)
    EDITED: - Okami HD (Just downloaded it yesterday on my PS3. Thanks Chols for suggesting it.)
    - Ni No Kuni (I just got this today (02-05-2013) and I am now off to go play it now. )
    Games suggested:
    - Uncharted Trilogy
    - NieR
    - Yakuza Series
    - inFamous 1 & 2
    - Shadow of Colossus
    - Jak and Daxter HD Remake
    - Ratchet and Clank HD Remake
    - Sly Cooper
    - Flower
    Games own by my sister:
    - LittleBigPlanet
    - SoulCalibur IV
    Oh, and I am thinking about getting Ni No Kuni since that game looks pretty good from what I seen of it. So yeah, with that said, I guess RPGs and action games would be good ones to suggest to me. So if you know of any good ones, feel free to suggest them here.
    And for those wondering, my PSN ID is BZP64JMJ. You can add me there, if you want.
    Alright, that's all I really have to talk about for this entry. I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest some PS3 games for me to check out. If not though, thanks anyway for checking this entry out and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, folks.
    - JMJ 2013
  15. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Like I said yesterday, I am back to ramble for a bit here.
    Before I do though, I just want to apologize for well, disappearing and all for past few days. You see apparently adjusting to working full time is harder than I was expecting, especially when it comes to my sleep schedule. And well, a lot of BZPower blog entries are well written at like near midnight hours. So yeah, writing blog entries wasn't going to help with that. If anything, I probably shouldn't be even writing this now since it almost midnight here and all.
    But well, I feel like I owe you folks an update, so I just have to deal with it (lol I'll probably be kicking myself for saying that tomorrow). So yeah, with that said and all, sorry for lack of active from me lately.
    Alright, moving on from that, I guess I can ramble about... Hm...What should I talk about here? Well, I guess I could mention that I got a raise at work today. Hm...No, actually that's not very interesting thing to mention here since there isn't really an interest story behind it or anything. I just got my degree last semester and well, my boss decided to recommend I get a raise when he was made aware of that fact. Yeah, it is boring story and I doubt you folks care to hear about dull life of JMJ anyway.
    So what should I talk about then? Well, I guess I can mention that I am quite excited about a lot of Wii U games for this year and probably next year (Since obviously stuff like Bayonetta 2 are probably not going be coming out this year considering how far they are in development with it.). I think what I am looking forward to the most at the moment is Wind Waker remake since it is, well, a Zelda title and based on pictures, the graphics look really good on the Wii U. Plus, Wind Waker is kind of my favorite Zelda game, so it is hard not to be excited about a remake of it, even though technically I could just pull out my GameCube and play it again if I really want to.
    Hm...Another Wii U title that I am excited is whatever Monolith Soft is working on because based on in development footage, the game looks pretty awesome. I especially like fact that there might be mechs in it. But yeah, I am definitely looking forward to seeing more news on this game in the future.
    Alright, moving on from that topic, I guess I can talk about some blog plans that I have currently. The first, well, being that I think I might end up having an entry here that will kind of be a monthly weight in thing. Why? Because I think it will help motive me to start losing some weight and get into the habit of exercising regularly.
    Hm...Honestly I doubt you guys would care to see an entry like that, so I guess I could keep track my weight a different way. Especially if that end up annoying you folks, which I don't want to do. *shrugs* I guess I'll leave it up to you folks to decide really.
    As for other blog plans, I may be hosting a contest here in the future. I am not sure what type of contest it will be though. So you know what how about folks tell me what you prefer to see: a Writing Contest or a MOC Contest?
    Okay, I think ramble enough here. Well, actually no, I don't think I have. But honestly I need to go to bed, so that getting up at 6 AM won't be worst. With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  16. Jedi Master J.
    Hm...How interested in would you folks be in reading a Bionicle story, where to certain degree you get to pick what happens based on character path you chose?
    It kind of a similar idea to what xccj did in his blog awhile back, except in this case it is going to take place in Bionicle verse about 200,000 years after the defeat of Makuta via Moon.That and well, my idea is kind of taking up to 11 since I am kind going to try to like have personality type quiz to it for each group's story so to speak.
    Like let's say for example, you picked the Matoran path of story. Well, basically by choosing a Matoran, you also given a personality quiz of sorts that determines which of three personality types of Matoran, you will be. This in return will effect how the story progress for you and the choices that you are given to progress it. That makes sense, right?
    As for why I want to do this, its most because this first time in awhile that I have felt inspired to write some Bionicle fan fiction and I kind of want to jump on my idea. Obviously though, it is going to take awhile to get done, especially considering I am planning to have at least five or six Bionicle species to choose to progress the story as.
    So yeah, it is not going be easy project or a quick one. But I think it will be fun and I want to give it a shot, even if you folks aren't interest in seeing it here. If you are interest in it though and you want hear maybe more about, feel free to leave a comment here if you want.
    That's all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  17. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in today to get your opinion on what MOCs that I should sent to LEGO Fan Conventions listed here. Why am I asking you folks? Because I feel like I am biased about my MOCs. That and well, if you going to see them, I would like to know what you would like to see in person and all.
    So without further ado, here are choices:
    A) Ussal Crab > View 1, View 2, View 3 *Note: This MOC has appeared in one of these LEGO Conventions before, except it was pulling a cart with a Matoran on it (Although I do remember looking at a bunch of photos from that con for it and I didn't find it in any...So maybe it is so bad that it shouldn't be there again. *shrugs*).
    B) Unnamed Rahi > View 1, View 2, View 3 *Note: This MOC was actually made like yesterday. So yeah, make of that what you will.
    C) Unnamed Rahi 2 > View 1, View 2, View 3
    D) Unnamed Turaga > View 1, View 2 *Note: This more of side note than anything else, but this Turaga was actually original to be a character in one of fan fictions, but the story never panned out. Honestly I kind of happy that it didn't since story's main character was my awful semi-self insert character.
    E) Unnamed Matoran like Species (Ta-Version) > View 1, View 2, View 3
    F) Unnamed Matoran like Species (Po-Version) > View 1, View 2, View 3
    G) Unnamed Matoran like Species (Onu-Version) > View 1, View 2, View 3
    H) Sent nothing because your MOCs are awful...
    Alright, that's all choices. You can pick as many choices as you want (Except for well, Choice H since that would silly to pick more than one choice for, if you are telling not to sent anything at all.).
    Also apologizes for photos being kind of grainy. My camera is well, not very good at taking photos of MOCs (Which is not surprising considering it is a cheap camcorder.). So yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to maybe take some better photos with my father's camera later.
    With that said, I guess that's it for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all take the time to leave a comment with what MOCs you think I should sent to these events. I'll talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2013
  18. Jedi Master J.
    12/24 - On the final day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a Bionicle-ish figure.
    12/23 - On the eleventh day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a piece of coal with a red ribbon attached.
    12/22 - On the tenth day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a sapling Christmas Tree growing in small flower pot.
    12/21 - On the ninth day (21st) of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a Prison Boat with Ogel locked inside.
    On the eighth day (20th) of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a robot.
    On the seventh day (19th) of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a Nether Portal with R2D2 inside.
    On the sixth day (18th) of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a little sapling tree.
    12/17 - On the fifth day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave me a Japanese-styled shrine.
    12/16 - On the fourth day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave me a hobbit sized hut.
    12/15 - On the third day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a flatscreen TV.
    12/14 - On the second day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a mecha walker with an alien pilot.
    12/13 - On the first day of Brickmas, my true love LEGO gave to me a old boombox! **Bonus
    12/24 - Alright, folks, this is the last update that I will be making for Brickmas.
    And well, it definitely been fun. Enough so that, I think I might do this project again next year. Of course, it depends on whether or not you guys want me to do this again. So yeah, if you do want me to, it would be nice if you left a comment saying you want to see more of this as otherwise I just assume no one wants it and just not waste my time with it.
    But anyway, thank you all for taking the time to check out each of these MOCs, especially considering a lot of them weren't very good. And I hope you all like the last one. Lastly, I hope you all a happy holiday season and a good new year.
    12/23 - Hey, folks. I don't really have anything here to say, so just make what you will of today's MOC. Oh, and I am sorry about it being kind of a simple MOC today. I unfortunately just wasn't feeling very creative.
    12/22 - Hey, folks. Like yesterday, I don't really have anything to talk about here. Beside well, that I feel like today's MOC was rather uncreative and for that I am sorry. Hm...I might try tomorrow to do maybe a Bionicle-ish MOC. Although like I said before, I am not very good with humanoid builds. You will just have to wait and see. Thanks for taking the time to check this out. Be sure pop in tomorrow to see the next one.
    12/21 - Hey, folks. I don't really have much to talk about here. Beside, telling you folks that I am sorry about vanishing for about three days. You all can blame my job for that since they got me sick and drove me up the wall with large amount of a work load, they had for me for past three days.
    Thankfully though, I am on vacation from work now, so this definitely won't be happening again. So yeah, we should be sticking to normal schedule from this point on.
    Alright, that's all I have to say here really. Thanks for taking the time to check out today's MOCs. Be sure to pop in again to see tomorrow's. Oh, and if you want me to try to get better pictures of any of MOCs, feel free to leave a comment here telling me which one you want a better look at.
    12/17 - Hey, folks. Like I promised, I have another MOC today. Is it any good? *shrugs* I mean I guess I think it is pretty good. Although it could use some improvements here or there. Like for example, I think there should been lamps of some sort on ends of the bridge. The shrine building itself also looks it could use more color or at very least been made out of different color than tan.
    And well, that's about it for my comments for this one. Actually wait...I guess I could mention that I originally was going to do joke for this entry and take a picture of five golden One Rings. But unfortunately I only have three rings available right now since rest are still in their boxes. XD
    12/16 - Hey, BZPers. As you can probably tell today's object is nothing special. I was kind was just feeling a bit uncreative today. Hopefully tomorrow's object will be more creative than this. I am not making any promises though since I will probably be worn out from work tomorrow. There definitely will be a MOC of some sort though.
    Maybe it will be Bionicle related. Well, actually probably not since I am not very good at humanoid builds honestly. But at very least, there will be something for you to check out tomorrow. You will just have to wait until tomorrow to check it out.
    Oh, and am I only one that thinks my hut looks kind of like Burned Tower from Pokemon Gold & Silver? lol I am probably am the only one. But man, just thinking that makes me want to try my hand at recreating the Tin Tower (Bell Tower) from Pokemon Gold & Silver in LEGO form at some point.
    And no, I probably not going to do that for this 12 Days of Brickmas thing since it wouldn't be in spirit of it. That and well, I would want to map this project out in LEGO Digital Designer first.
    12/15 - Hey again, folks. I don't really have a whole lot to say this time around. I mean I guess I could mention that I was going to be linking a video here. But since I ramble in it for over ten minutes, I couldn't upload it where I normally do.
    Trust me though, you are not missing anything by not seeing. All I was trying to do in it was try to poorly explain why I think I should stick with non-humanoid builds in this since I tend to have trouble with strengthen the joint connections in humanoid builds most of the time.
    Although then again, I did end up giving you folks a tour of my desk in that video, so you might want to see that. *shrugs* Hm...If you folks want, I could film another video to show you all my desk. Honestly though, it is nothing special and well, it is very messy.
    But anyway, feel free to leave your comments here about the MOCs. Oh, and I also wouldn't mind some camera tips as well since while the pictures do look slightly better, the quality of them is still not that great (Of course, then again, it might just be my camera.).
    12/14 - Hey, folks. I am back again with another Brickmas MOC. And well, I said before, I am not really following the format of the song. I just think it had a nice ring to it is all.
    But anyway, today's MOC kind of a mecha walker, which honestly I think could of turn out better than what you see above. Unfortunately though, I don't really have my LEGO system bricks sorted through, so I am basically swimming through a tub of different pieces looking for just the right one.
    So yeah, I have a bit of trouble finding pieces that match the color scheme and stuff. That and I originally wasn't even a building a mecha as I was just trying to build something that I could build two of, so that I would sort of match up with the song. And well, they looked like they would make good feet, so I thought I might as well make a mecha-ish thing instead of following the song format to the letter.
    And as a result, I got this mecha walker thing, which I think is pretty good. It could been better though. For example, the hip connection for this MOC is not very strong, so one of the legs actually falls off a lot. Another problem that I have with this MOC is fact that torso does not look as good as I want it to be (Which is probably because I didn't spent near enough time building that. You folks can blame FRINGE for that. Oh, and tonight's episode was good, by the way.).
    So yeah, this MOC is far from perfect and well, I am sorry about that. Also apologize for awful photo of it, I couldn't figure out how exactly to stop the weird blurring effect, I was getting. And well, I am too tired right now to figure out what the issue was. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow. Oh, and thank you for the comments for yesterday's MOC.
    12/13 - Now obviously since you are reading this, you are probably wondering what's this entry about. Well, basically I decided that I kind of want to do something here to celebrate the holiday season this month (Oh, and by the way, I am still thinking about doing a new take on my Gift Day short stories from years' past.) and I thought I might as well do a bit of MOCing.
    As a result, I will be a trying to make new MOC each day for the next twelve days. And for each one of them, I will provided a link to look at them in my blog here.
    Oh, but be aware that it is probably not actually going to follow the format of Twelve Days of Christmas since MOCs are all going to be random probably. Plus, I have feeling I butchered it already in this entry, so don't expect anything too grand (Especially considering my MOCs are not very good.).
    So yeah, make of this what you will and well, I hope you all have a good holiday this month. See ya tomorrow, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  19. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in let you all know that I recently got a Wii U a few days. So yeah, if you guys want to ask me any questions about it, feel free to do so here.
    Oh, and if you have a Wii U, you can find me in Miiverse as BZPJMJ64. My profile there is pretty bare though since I hadn't made much use of Miiverse yet. That's mostly because I can't think of anything to write or draw there. That and trying to write something around Miiverse's character limit is a pain. Plus, I have been having some connection issues with the Miiverse lately.
    So yeah, the system does have its share of bugs to it right now. Hopefully the patch next month will resolve most of issues with it. Overall though, I do like the system, especially the controller for it. Heck, I am very tempt to buy a bunch of games for it like Darksiders II, Batman: Arkham City, and ZombiU. But man if I do, my wallet is totally going to hate me. XD
    Oh, wait...I forget to mention what games I have. At the moment, I have New Super Mario Bros U (Which I must say I am surprised that I brought this game since I know how horrible I am at platform games.), Epic Mickey 2 (Which personally I am having a lot of fun playing at the moment.), and Nintendoland (Which I must say it does a great job showing off the systems' abilities and I am pleased to see that there are actually a lot of single player places to check out.).
    Alright, so beside the Wii U talk, I guess I should mention here that I only about two weeks away from graduating Community College with my associate degree in applied science for the field of Mechanical Technology. I must say I am kind of scared since well, I do have my doubts on how successful I will be in finding a better job than my current one right now. *shrugs*
    *yawn* Well, it is getting too late for me to stay up now, so I am calling it a night. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I am sorry if it was boring entry for you to read. Okay, I'll talk to you all later and good night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  20. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Its been awhile since I posted an entry, so I am here today to ramble a bit to make up for that.
    Before I do though, I want to apologize for not getting a Pokelog this week. I actually was going to make this a Pokelog entry initally. But considering I didn't make a whole lot of progress in Pokemon Black 2 this week (Unless of course, you consider grinding for Eevee and training to be progress that is.), so I thought I might as well just save that stuff for an entry next week as I bound to play more Pokemon as I usually do while waiting for class to start and to catch a bus and all. So yeah, sorry about that, folks.
    Oh, and speaking of next week, my good friend and I are going to see Wreck-It Ralph next Saturday. That should be fun, right? Well, I think it will be at least. Hm...I might do a short review of it here, if I am not too tried (Which by the way, that is another reason for why there has been many entries or posts on BZPower from me lately because I usually don't have time to write these things until it is like twilight hours of the day.).
    But anyway, to start this right off, I am going to talk about FRINGE for a bit here. Most just my thoughts on yesterday episode. Well, only non-spoiler related thoughts. So yeah, this should be quick. Basically I liked yesterday's episode and I am looking forward to next one next week. In particularly, I like the fact that it brought back an old season 1 mystery to the story and I hoping that will mean that some light will be shred on that in future episodes.
    There were some scenes with Peter and Walter were also quite rememberable, especially considering they are both under going a transformation of some sort. Although these scenes do worry me some since we are six episodes in now, which means we are halfway through the season now. So I am a tad worried that pacing of stuff for the story will feel off since they can only fit so much in seven more episodes. *shrugs*
    In other news, I have found a way to restore my save data for Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask and it worked, so my ten hours of progress in that have been saved to my new 32GB SD card. Oh, and I also brought the new Pokedex app for 3DS. And well, it is pretty neat. Although it is a tad expensive, but I wouldn't say it is a bad app to have. I liked it and I hope if I ever go to something like BrickFair again and there is a Pokemon MOC that I can be the dude that says, "Oh, a Pokemon! I better check my Pokedex to see what it is."
    *yawn* Oh, I got to watch today's episodes of MLP today. I thought it was pretty good opening for season. I mean yeah, it could of been better, but it definitely wasn't awful or anything. So well, I was happy with the episodes.
    And...Well, folks, I am little too tired to ramble anymore. Hm...This probably would of been longer and up sooner had I not procrastinate on it by watching a bunch of Adventure Time earlier. Sorry about that, folks. Thanks though for taking the time to read this and I am sorry if it wasn't too exciting to read. *yawn* Well, good night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks, I am just popping in today to inquire about something LEGO related since one of the projects, that I was thinking about trying to work on next year, has an idea attached to it that I am not sure how doable it is. Basically what I want to know is if LEGO has made any motion sensors for their Mindstorms series and whether or not they can be program in a loop to turn a light on temporally and then turn it back off (I am pretty sure you can program like that in Mindstorms. But well, I hadn't use NXT series before, so I am not sure.).
    So yeah, are there any motion sensors in Mindstorms? I personally hope so since I was kind of hoping that I could maybe make the eyes on this studless mosaic project to light up when people go near it. But well, if LEGO hasn't made any, I guess I can't do it. So if any of you folks know if there is a motion sensor by LEGO, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment here to tell me. Thanks to those that do that.
    Alright, that's really about it for this entry since well, I am tired. Oh, I guess I can mention that there is probably going to be Pokelog tomorrow since I did play quite a bit of Pokemon today. Until then though, thank you all for taking the time to read this and good night.
    And yes, folks, I will be voting tomorrow. It should be easy to figure out who based on my Bio to the right. That's all I am saying on the matter.
    -JMJ 2012
  22. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am sorry about not having FRINGE Friday entry this week. I was planning to make one, but my tiredness kind of won this Friday. And well, I kind like to sleep more than I like to write rambling entries about FRINGE and other stuff. I hope you understand.
    But anyway, I am popping in today to give you all an update since I hadn't talk to you folks in like two or three days, I think. Really there is not a whole lot to talk about life-wise, beside that work has been keeping me busy lately.
    So how about instead of rambling about life, I talk about video games here? lol Well, we might as well since that is what the title in reference to. So I am sure if any of you recall my last entry, but I mention that I was thinking of buying Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. And well, as I expected, none of you guys seem to have play a Professor Layton game before, so I decided to just take the risk and buy it.
    I didn't buy a physical copy though. I had brought it from eShop. Why you might ask? Well, it was mostly to test to see how long it actually took to download the game off the eShop (It was about 40 minutes judging from my computer's clock.). That and I kind wanted that promo Donkey Kong game that Nintendo is offering. So yeah, those were my reasons for doing that.
    Now you must be wondering how does this relate to the title though. Like is the game awful or something? lol No, I played this game for like ten hours yesterday. And I thought it was quite fun and the story seem to be rather interesting. Admittedly I was stumped a lot by most of the puzzles in the game though. But that's hardly surprising since I am not very smart (REF: JMJ is awful at playing Portal 2...).
    So what then is making me sad? Well, it has to do with the fact that I had download this game on to a new SD card because the 2GB one that came with 3DS is getting to be about full now. And unfortunately I never copy what was in 2GB one to the new 8GB one, so stuff like my Streetpass settings and Ambassador games were still on old memory card. Now at first I thought that there was no issue there because I could simply just swap memory cards out when I wanted to use the other data.
    It didn't occurred me until today though that I probably leave this memory card in my 3DS by accident when I go to school, which would technically means I would get no new Streetpasses, which would kind of stink. So I thought I would just back up my two SD cards to my PC (Which I did and that took quite awhile to do, especially 2GB one.) and combine the two basically on to one SD Card. What I didn't realize though is that 3DS save data for it end up being like same file name for something else, so it basically got overwritten by the other thing. Meaning that it was one or other.
    So ultimately I had to decide between the two. And as much as I would like to keep my 10 hours of progress that I made yesterday, I went with saving what was on my old SD Card. So yeah, I am back to square one in that game now (Technically I still have the save data since it is on my computer in case I change my mind again.). Its stinks and well, it is one of many reasons why I have no intention of regularly downloading retail games to my system since I hate having to manage memory stuff. But oh, well, I might do better now that I know the answers to some of the puzzles. *shrugs*
    And that's it for what I have to talk about video games because well, I hadn't have the chance to play Pokemon Black 2 since the last time I wrote a Pokelog for here, I believe. I actually was going to play it yesterday though since Mister Blade made me want to play. But I got caught up playing that Professor Layton game, so I never did.
    Well, that's all I have for you folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope all have a good day. I'll talk to you later, BZPers.

    -JMJ 2012
  23. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am back to give you all that update that I want to give earlier, which technically I had wanted to do yesterday. Before I begin though, I just want to mention that my day did not turn out that bad after all, so that's good news.
    Oh, and in case you were wondering, we didn't get hit too bad by Hurricane Sandy this week in my area. I mean yeah, there was some fallen trees here and there as well as some issues with streetlights and cell phone service. But really we didn't get hit too hard compared to places like New Jersey and New York. I think like the worst that I seen here is that roof of someone's porch lying in their front yard.
    So yeah, my area made it out alright. And well, my thoughts go out to those that in less fortunate areas and I hope they all can get through this situation alright.
    Alright, moving on from that, I guess I should mention to you folks that I just registered my Friend Code (5244-0057-2541) for Pokemon Black 2 today and I have added it to the content block for those that I might want to add me on it. So yeah, do that, if you want. Although you probably want to wait until I actually beat the Elite Four before challenging me to a battle or something.
    Hm...I would say that I am up for trades, but I don't think I really have anything in Black 2 yet that no one else already owns by now. I mean I do, after all, move at a rather slow pace when it comes to this game, so I probably wouldn't be ideal for that. *shrugs*
    Oh, and speaking of video games, I been thinking about maybe getting Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. Does anyone here know if that game is any good? I hadn't play a Professor Layton game before, so I thought I might give this title a try. Still though before I actually commit to doing that, I thought I would ask you folks to get some perspective on the series. So yeah, if you are familiar with the series, I would appreciated a comment here.
    Also by the way, folks, I try to play Team Fortress 2 yesterday in order to see if it will work for me. And yeah, it won't, so I guess that is yet another reason to get a new PC, even though technically I don't have a huge amount of interest in playing that game. *shrugs* Hm...I will say this though if I do end up going PC shopping later in November, I do not want Windows 8 because I absolutely hate the new interface. What can I say, folks? I wanted my desktop to still exist and I don't want to be charge by Microsoft to get software that originally came free with the computer.
    Hm...What else should talk about? Well, LEGO-wise, I have a few projects in the works actually. Although I have my doubts that anything will come from them, beside maybe making some prototype MOCs of it in LEGO Digital Designer. We will have to wait and see, I guess. And well, obviously I am not going to tell you much about, so I don't ended up getting anyone's hopes up of seeing it. But I will tease you with a hint that at least one of projects will be Ninjago centered.
    Alright, moving on from that, I guess I should talk about the elephant in the room from yesterday. And that elephant was that LucasFilms was recently brought by Disney and that there is apparently plans for another new trilogy of film. Now you must be wondering what do I think of this. Well, folks, I personally don't have any issues with it considering Disney does handle Marvel well enough after it was brought by them.
    I mean I do have to wonder about what this new trilogy is going to be about exactly and for that matter, where is it going to be on the timeline and all. I personally hope that don't end up overriding material from EU with these movies. But it is more than likely going to happened unfortunately. Still I am going to hold on to the hope that they won't do that until there is more tangentially information on these films. And even then, I am not going to judge the films until I actually see them.
    But anyway, beside my thoughts on this new trilogy, I was also thinking about how the deal is going to affect the Clone Wars animated series on Cartoon Network currently. Like will Disney be airing it on its own channel now and eventually fazes it out of Cartoon Network completely? Or will they keep things as they are now? I have to wonder that since I am pretty sure it would be Disney's best interest to take complete control over where that show airs. *shrugs*
    Hm...Speaking of Star Wars, how about you folks suggest some Expanded Universe books for me to read? I thought I should asked since I know I needed to try and get into habit of reading more. So yeah, suggest something, please.
    Alright, folks, that's all I really want to talk about today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  24. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to let you all know that I am still alive. Yup, folks, hurricane has yet to kill me, so that's good news to you guys, I hope. Unless of course, you hate me (Which if you do, I don't blame you really for having such feelings of me.) and that's bad news for ya.
    But anyway, it has left me with a lot of free time (I have no school work to do since taking one class makes it rather easy to stay on top of things.), so I played a bit of Pokemon Black 2 today. Although I did not play it nearly as much as I would of like. So yeah, I did not get a whole lot done in the game today. However I think I did enough to at least warrant a Pokelog here about my progress. So without further ado, here is a list of what I done in Black 2 today:
    - Well, first off, I finished checking out the Join Avenue. And I must say I think it is really neat idea and I look forward to it being use in future games with hopefully Streetpass functional involved. Hm...I think what I like most about it though is that it makes getting berries in Generation 5 a little bit easy by allowing you to buy berries at shops there. Admittedly I kind of wish they could just let us grow them on our own like they have in previous generations, but I guess Game Freak's logic is that berries can't grow in Unova (America), so they have to import them from "Japan" or something. *shrugs*
    - After exploring Join Avenue, I obviously went into Nimbasa City and start to explore the place. And well, not a huge lot has change with it, beside amusement park area (Which had a bit of an expansion since apparently the Gym leader decide to build an entirely new Gym rather than change the old one.).
    - Oh, and the town that you can only to get to by train (Anville Town) is exactly same as it was previously from looks of it. It did have a bit of side quest there involving helping someone get back their lost Pokemon, who went on wrong subway car. That was cool. It would of been nice to have gotten like a good deed medal for that, but apparently Game Freak did not think that was medal worthy. *shrugs*
    - But anyway, after getting back to the city, I check out Route 5 and Route 16 and like with Nimbasa City, nothing really has change with it, beside having maybe a few more additional people to talk to.
    - Although Route 5 did have something new to Generation 5 and that was Hidden Grotto, which we were introduced to by Bianca. I am not really sure what to think of those to be honest since I am not hugely sure how you find them. So yeah, it kind of feels like a feature that will make me spent many hours clicking on every tree that I pass in the game.
    - Route 16 also did have something of interest and that was that entirely of Lostlorn Forest was now visible (In original Black & White, there was illusion being cast by a Zoroark over the area. I believe the only way to remove the illusion was to have shiny Johto legenedary trio in your party, so I have never experienced the event there or seen the whole forest before.). You also run into Zoroark disguised as Backpacker in this forest, who gives you a TM and then run off as his illusion fades. I have a feeling that he might be same backpacker, we met two years ago in Black.
    - Alright, so after all that, I went back to Nimbasa City and explore the amusement park in more depth. I ended up finding someone's lost Xtransceiver, who end up calling me on it using an older model and asks me to hold on to until they have time to get off from work. So I agreed to hold on to it and they call me back with weird comments like "You're a boy...Oh, I am girl, by the way," and "Video Games, are your hobby, eh?" (How did she even get that information? Is she a stalker or something?).
    - Beside that, I also took a ride on Rondez-View Ferris Wheel with Nursery Aide June and that was interesting to say the least.
    - And after that, I explored the former roller coaster Gym for a bit. Once I was done that, I saved the game and turned it off for the night since I was getting a headache by having game sound on too loud with earbuds in.
    Alright, that's all I really did in Pokemon Black 2 today. Admittedly I probably miss a lot of stuff to mention here. But it is midnight here and as much as I would like to check things in this entry over repeatedly, I am tired and I have work in the morning, so you will just have to deal with any of spelling or grammar issues in this entry.
    With that say, I hope you all have a good night and thank you for taking the time to read this. Good night, BZPers.

    -JMJ 2012
  25. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am back once again to bring you another FRINGE Friday entry. And man, tonight's episode made me hyper today since so much has happened in this one episode.
    I seriously can't wait for more, especially after what happened at end of this episode. And man, I am half-tempted to just forgo my personal spoiler policy and talk about the episode here in depth. But I won't since I realize that not everyone is able to catch it on Fridays and it is kind of too soon to talk about in depth anyway. Plus, when I am in hyper state, I do tend make things out as being a lot better than they are. *shrugs*
    If I had to say anything about tonight's episode though, I would say I really like the call backs to previous seasons' Fringe events. Oh, and I really starting to hate the lead Observer a lot now, especially after what happened at the end of tonight's episode. So yeah, he's shaping up to be pretty great villain. That's for sure.
    Alright, that's all I am going to say on tonight's episode of FRINGE here since anything else would just tempt me into spoiler territory. And we don't want that, do we? With that said, I guess I'll call this entry and post it. Nah...Its too short and beside I want to ramble for a bit about stuff.
    Hm...How about I talk about the LEGO Lord of Rings video game demo for 3DS? Yeah, I'll talk about that. Alright, so as veteran readers of my blog know, I was playing the demo for the LEGO Lord of Rings game last Wednesday (I also played it a bit on Thursday as well.).
    So what then are my thoughts on it? Well, judging from what I played of it, I think it is good game since it was pretty fun, especially free to play mode (Which apparently in full game, you can unlock Sauron as a character or at least it seem to hint at this being possible. *shrugs*). The voiced cut-scenes also did not seem out of place to me, so that was good.
    Really I think the only annoyances that I had with the demo was controls that it had on the 3DS. Like switching characters would of been better if it was tie to the L and R buttons (Which am I the only one to notice that those buttons on DS/3DS games don't get huge amount of use?). *shrugs* Simply put the controls take some getting use to if you don't regularly play LEGO games on DS or 3DS devices. So really not a huge complain, especially considering I did eventually get the hang of it.
    Still if I were to get the game, I probably wouldn't get it for a handheld because I feel like the game is more comfortable playing at home rather than on the go. That's me though. Plus, technically I didn't try the demo on the go anyway, so I would take that complain like a grain of salt if I were you.
    Oh, I almost forgot to mention that there is a glitch in demo's "boss" fight with Nazgûl, where you can make it basically impossible to beat by setting Nazgûl on fire twice or by blocking them from starting their on fire "death" cutscene. They will end up having static fire around their figure and they won't move on their own at all after this. I discovered this glitch yesterday, while playing the demo for a second time for fun.
    Hm...If you folks want me to, I could try and maybe get a recording of it with my camera. I doubt the quality would be any good. But if you want to see it, just leave a comment saying you do and I'll see what I can do.
    Alright, I am moving on to another topic now. Hm...How about Ninjago? ... Actually nevermind, I think Ninjago deserves its own entry for talking about, so I save my thoughts on the series for that entry. So how about I... *looks at time*
    Well, it is kind of late here now, folks. And as much as I would love to ramble more about stuff here, I probably should call it a night since I do have work in the morning. So yeah, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
    Listening to Pokémon Reorchestrated: Kanto Symphony album
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