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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to give you all update. In particularly, a Pokemon related update since I have been kind of slacking on that. lol Not there is whole lot to update on since as the title says, I am have made very little progress in the game since the last Pokelog.
    So yeah, you are not going seeing me list that I beat the Elite Four or anything like that (That entry is probably a month from now.) here. But here is what I have done in Pokemon Black 2 sometime last week and today:
    - I got my third Gym badge from Burgh; which like my Black playthrough, it was a cakewalk for me since I basically just tank the Gym's Bug Pokemon with my Magby (Lit'Tahu).
    - So after my victory with the Gym leader, I went northward to go check out Route 4 since I thought logically it would be route out of the city to open up (Alright, you caught me. I did check to see if Skyarrow Bridge was open. It wasn't. ). Before I can get too far though, I was stop by that scientist guy (I think his name is Colress.) from sewers and he ask me if he could take a look at my Pokemon. I saw no harm in it (Well, actually I was kind of suspiciously of him as I do get this feeling that he is part of the new Team Plasma.), so I let him. After that, he asked me to meet him at Route 4 for a battle.
    - I didn't feel ready though to battle him, so I did some training in sewers for a bit. Of course, that was completely unnecessary as he only have a team of two on him, so he was pretty easy. Oh, and I have to give Game Freak some points here as I was totally not expecting the "boulders" on Route 4 to be Crustle.
    - But anyway, after that, I wander around the route to check out the new developments since unlike Castelia City, there was more than just little changes to the place. Although really it is not surprising since in the previous game, there was construction going on in this route, so naturally the construction on this route should be done by now as two years has gotten by. I had a lot of fun exploring it for hidden items (Which by the way, even though I do have item finder, I can't say it stop me from checking every trash I see. XD Pokemon, what have you done to me? I am trash picker because of you!).
    - Oh, and from what I heard from a NPC by overhead bridge to next city, it sounds like this route might actually be different in White 2. I say this because he had said places with ruins are being developed over and as result, we are are losing part of history; which at least to me, it sounds like something that would only happen in the Black version of the game since it generally more urban friendly. But anyway, I brought that up because I think I might get White 2 at later point as I wouldn't mind checking out possibly more differences that the two games have. *shrugs*
    - After exploring for awhile, I decided to head up to next city to see if it had change at all. But apparently a new location was added between the city and this route because instead of normal gate to city, there was something called a Join Avenue there. And well, I hadn't explore it yet since I had to go to class. So this is where the Pokelog update ends.
    Yeah, like I say earlier, I did not get a lot done in Pokemon Black 2 today. I wish I could of play more of it, but I had a class to go to. And I ended up using most of my home free time to watch the new Ninjago and Supernatural episodes on tonight. That and I played the LEGO Lord of Rings demo on my 3DS during some of commercials for those shows. So yeah, I wasn't able to find the time to play more of Pokemon Black 2.
    Alright, its getting late here and as much as I would like to talk about some other stuff like Ninjago or LEGO Lord of Rings demo, I will have to can those ideas for now as I am kind tired (No doubt it shows as this is probably painful to read for some of you.). So yeah, I'll save that stuff for later. Unless of course, you folks rather I not talk about that stuff. Until then, thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  2. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you all an update on my progress in Pokemon Black 2; which I have been playing for past few days, so I technically should of had one of these entries for Monday and Tuesday. But well, I kind of too busy playing the game during my free time to really write one of these.
    Heck, I probably would be playing more now, if it weren't for fact that I do feel like I need to go to bed early today. Especially considering I am still tired after taking a nap today, which also unfortunately made me miss tonight's Ninjago episode. Yeah, I am a fan now and I am officially up to speed with TV series. Apparently there are some books though, so I might want check those out.
    Oh, and I am probably going to be writing up an entry here at some point to summary some of my thoughts of series so far and some theories that I might have. But that's for a later entry, this is Pokelog, so let's move on.
    Alright, last time we talked about my progress, I was in Floccesy Ranch helping Applejack (Yes, I know her name isn't Applejack. But well, they didn't even give her a name, so the brony in me felt it was good idea to give her that nickname. Deal with it. ) find her missing dog. And well, I founded it chasing after what appears to be a Team Plasma grunt.
    But how could that be? Didn't we defeat those thugs pretending to be Pokemon activists during the last game two years ago? Well, I guess not then. Nice job saving the world, Looker and the original JMJ (Yeah, I used the same name, which why I was initially confused by N cutscene as I thought he was talking about new me at first. lol But we have yet to even meet, so that makes no sense.).
    But anyway, when I confronted the dude, he didn't even battle me and ran off as soon as my rival decided to go tell Applejack that we founded her dog (Herdier). So yeah, she and her Herdier were reunited. Yay! Oh, I forgot to mention in my previous entry that I named my rival Samuel since I originally was trying to name him Samuel L. Jackson as homage to SPIRIT, but unfortunately that was too many characters for rival's name. So I settled with Samuel, which I think is fitting name for him.
    Yeah, I know have a weird naming scheme for things. What can I say? I am not very creative when it comes to naming things. Its particularly why I avoid nicknaming Pokemon most of time. However I have decided this time around to try nickname all my Pokemon for fun.
    lol So far though that has not gone too well as I ended up nicknaming a female Riolu on my team, Rocky Jr., and I named a female Pidove, Buzz. Yeah, I need rename them at some point with more fitting names. Although they are not the only ones that I have to rename as I do have quite a few members on my team with their original names such as my shiny Oshawott. Which now that mention it, how about you folks suggest some nicknames for my Pokemon? Please leave a comment here, if you are interested in doing that.
    But anyway, to get back on track, I left the ranch and return back to Alder's place, where he had me battle with a couple of his students. And well, they were pretty easy to beat, so I wasn't there very long. So after that, I decided to head back home to see if that school had a open up as I was rather curious about what could be in there. Well, as it turns out, the first Gym was there, which I must say is kind of cool as they usually don't have you backtrack to a previous town/city to challenge a gym.
    Now at time, I wasn't exactly ready for the gym, so I ended training for a bit. Eventually I decided to give it a shot and took out Cheren's Gym trainers relatively easily. However the same could not be said for Cheren as the dude actually beat me three times due to fact that I think I was too underleveled for him. That and I did decided to kind of avoid catching Pokemon that I have used in original Black such as Patrat and Purrloin. Oh, and my team at the time was:
    - Oshawott (No Nickname)
    - Azurill (No Nickname)
    - Psyduck (No Nickname)
    - Mareep (No Nickname)
    - Riolu (Rocky Jr.; This name will be change considering it is female.)
    - Pidove (Buzz; Again, the name is going to change.)
    So yeah, I ended up training some more to try to better prepare myself for battling him, which wasn't easy since there was no trainers left to battle. lol And I actually end up catching another Riolu (This one is male and I nicknamed Mewthree) during one of those training periods as I thought maybe it might have a better move set than my current one. lol It didn't, so I end up PC-ing it. But anyway to make a long story short, I ended up changing my tactics enough during my fourth try at him and I won.
    I then left and founded out apparently that my two friends from first game (Cheren & Bianca) have not seen each other in the past two years, which make me wonder exactly what happen during those years. Like did they have a falling out or something? Or maybe they stopped talking to each other to try and forget what happen to the original JMJ? (In my headcanon, I was murdered since that's only explanation that I have for why I didn't do anything to stop Team Plasma from coming back. I had to been killed for that to have happen.) Whatever case maybe, I thought that was interesting.
    Hm...I probably should just do the list format thing again as I could be going on like this for hours. lol And so much for going to bed early, its midnight now. Yeah, let's finished this off in the list format style as this way more time consuming and more subject to human error anyway as I did all things that talk about above like two days ago. So here's a lot of some stuff that I did in Black 2 this week:
    - Well, obviously I went to the next city, which was Virbank City. And man, that place had some good music. Oh, and before I got there, I caught a Sunkern, which nicknamed Sappy.
    - Now I probably could of gone to Gym already and challenge Roxie. But since I struggled with Cheren, I decided to head over to Virbank Complex to train and I don't regret doing that as I also caught some Pokemon, while I was there.
    - For those wondering, the Pokemon that I caught there were: Koffing (Nicknamed NCS for obvious reasons.), Magnemite (Nicknamed MC Magnet because for some reason, I thought he would make a good DJ. ), Growlithe (Nicknamed Chols in honor of this cool BZPer), and Magby (Nicknamed Lit'Tahu; I'll probably be changing his name to just Tahu later as that name does look kind of weird.).
    - And of those Pokemon, I only picked Magby to join my team and end up PC-ing Azurill for him.
    - Okay, so I stopped training when my Pokemon were all about level 15 or so. And well, I challenged the Gym and surprisingly enough it was hardly a challenge, nor was I defend once by the Gym leader there. I do rather like the design idea for gym though as it is interesting seeing music club in Pokemon world. That and music in background, before you stopped it, actually have vocals so to speak, which is kind of surprising. I mean yeah, it is just saying the word Pokemon and spelling it out repeatedly. But still it is kind of cool that they did have that and the music even reacts to when you challenge one of musicians; so that when you finally beat the Gym leader, the place is dead quiet because NPCs have stopped practicing their music.
    - After beating the Gym leader, I naturally went over Pokestar Studios place to check it out and like a lot people, I think this place is actually pretty cool. I didn't spent a whole lot of time there though since I didn't want to end up spenting several hours trying to make good Pokefilms, when I could be continuing my journey. So basically I made the first Brycen-Man film and I attempted the first Mystery Doors of the Magical Land film, but ended up bailing out when things did not go too well. Hm...I'll probably play with it some more at a later point. But right now, my main focus is on my journey through Unova.
    - Once I finished playing with Pokestar Studios, I returned to Virbank City and found the apparently reborn Team Plasma being confronted at the harbor by Roxie and my rival, Samuel. So naturally I walked over to help them and took out one of the three Team Plasma grunts before they ran off to somewhere in Route 20. And well, my rival really want to not letting them get away, so we chased after them (Which if I had to guess is because they probably conned him two years ago to give up his partner.). I only found one of them though and after battling them, I found out they had a boat of some sort.
    - So I ended up taking the ship at Virbank harbor over to Castelia City; which from what I have explored of it, it has changed very little in this two years gap of time. I mean there are changes to it like the old Team Plasma base is now Medal Achievement HQ place. But well, none of changes make me feel like I don't know where I am going as everything is mostly in same place and even some dialog appears to be same. Not that complaining though. I just think it might of been nice to mix things up a little is all.
    - After exploring the city and training for a bit, I entered the sewers of the city to see if the new Team Plasma was hiding down there. And I must say I like the fact that they added this to city as it added a bit of new to a city that you are mostly already familiar with. It was nice touch and it especially cool seeing like Zubat and Rattata down there. Oh, and by the way, I caught a Rattata (Nicknamed RatMan) and Woobat (Nicknamed Aho-Chan after the BZPer of same name), while I was down there.
    - And that about it for what I have done for past few days in game. Well, I did fight the Team Plasma members hiding down there and met some scientist dude, but beside that I hadn't done anything else really.
    Hm...Well, I guess I can give you my current team's stats before I called this entry and post it. So here is some information on my current team of Pokemon:
    - Magby (Lit'Tahu), Level 19
    - Lucario (Rocky Jr.), Level 19
    - Flaaffy, Level 19
    - Dewott, Level 18
    - Psyduck, Level 19
    - Pidove (Buzz), Level 19
    With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this all and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to let you all know that I did indeed get Pokemon Black 2 today. Unfortunately I did not get to play a whole of it since my father decided to take me out driving, so I am not very far in game. But basically here is what I got done in game so far:
    - I have linked up with my Black version, so memory link is active in game and I have seen only one of cool flashbacks so far.
    - I have downloaded Genesect mystery gift to my game.
    - I picked Oshawott as my starter and got blessed by Arceus with a shiny Oshawott as a result.
    - I got to meet Alder for "first time" and listen to his amazing theme again. I seriously needed to get an MP3 of that as I really like listening to it. Argh...Nintendo, why won't you sell soundtracks in America? *shake fist*
    - I helped Applejack (An old Rancher lady) find where Winona (Herdier) ran off to.
    So yeah, like I say, I did not get a whole lot done in Pokemon Black 2 today. But I am enjoying it and I can't wait to continue play it during some of my free time tomorrow.
    Oh, and I also caved and brought Dream Radar for my 3DS, which actually isn't that bad of application from what I played of it. *looks at clock* Unfortunately I kind of have to wrap this entry up as it is late, so I can't really talk about it too much right now. But I try to get around to later to giving you people a better idea at what this application is exactly and whether or not it is worth the 2.99 + tax to get.
    With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this all and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  4. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. As you know, today is Friday, so I am here to give you all another random post-hype entry after watching FRINGE tonight.
    Obviously I am not going to talk heavily about episode here since I don't want to spoil things for you folks that miss it tonight. If I had to say anything about tonight's episode, it was that it was mostly breather episode, so it did not pull the plot too much along. That's not say it wasn't a good episode as it did have good character moments in it and it is helping to flesh out details more about this Observer ruled future. *shrugs*
    But anyway, outside of watching FRINGE today, I also got the chance to read part 3 of the Promise since it finally got shipped to me from Amazon. For those that don't know, the Promise is a trilogy of graphic novels set in the Avatar (The Last Airbender) universe and it tell us about the aftermath of war with Aang and his friends.
    And well, in my opinion, it does a great job of adapting the show's universe to a comic series. I wouldn't say the adaption is perfect though cause sometimes the characters don't behave exactly how expect them to (In particularly, Aang and Katara seem to come off this way to me at times in this series. Part 3 did seem to do better job with their characters though.). I also wasn't too happy about the Zuko's mother mystery not playing more of a role in this series.
    Thankful though, it has been confirmed that next trilogy of graphics novel will be dealing with that mystery, so I am happy about that. That and we get see Azula again, so that should be a fun series to read. But man, it really makes me wish they could of adapt these comics into episodes. Oh, well, at least we are getting something.
    In other news, Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 come out this Sunday and man, I excited to get my hands on it. I am not sure what starter to pick though as I really rather not pick the same starter from my Black version (Tepig). Who would you folks suggest I pick? Just curious is all.
    Alright, since it is getting late now and I got work in morning, I guess I will be calling this entry and posted it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Good Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you all an update of my day today. Although like yesterday, I can't say a whole lot happened today.
    Well, actually I did have class today. But nothing really exciting happened, so you folks probably wouldn't want to hear it. Hm...And well, beside that, I did watched about eight Ninjago season 1 episodes on iTunes and did some Technic sorting here and there. I didn't get to catch the new episode of Ninjago tonight though since I felt like I probably be lost in terms of story, if I skip right ahead to it.
    I will say this though I am really liking Ninjago and I wish I had try to start following it sooner as it is really a great theme (And it feels very much like Bionicle's true successor in terms of story.). The music for the episodes are especially good.
    I am also now quite tempted to buy some Ninjago sets. But considering I am low on space right now (I am working on that problem. It is an issue that should be mostly be resolve by next year.) and I still have several Lord of Rings sets to build, I'll probably hold off on doing that. Well, maybe I'll get a small one. Feel free to suggest one you think I should get.
    Oh, and Supernatural is back, so I saw that today too. I did miss bits of it though, so I can't comment too heavily on it. lol Not that I would comment on it in huge detail anyway since I don't want to spoil things for you folks. I will say this though that I thought episode did a good job of set up the plot for this season and I am quite interest in seeing more of it.
    Alright, that's all for today. No, actually I would say more, but it is rather late now and my head hurts, so I am heading off. Thanks for taking to read this, folks. And good night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  6. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to tell you all that FRINGE is back today. And well, as you veterans of my blog know, I always try to write up a little entry here about my thoughts of the night's episode with a bit of rambling about other stuff as well. Obviously though, I am talking about the episode in whole detail since someone might of miss tonight's episode and I don't want to be spoiling for them.
    So mostly I'll just be commenting on my overall feelings about the episode here. Of course, since this is being written during a hype state of mind (What can I say? I tend get passionate when I watched TV shows, I like.), my comments here about the episode are by no means my final opinion on them.
    With that said, I guess I will start off by saying that I am pretty excited for this season since this episode does seem to be setting up some interesting plots (Which considering it is all Observer based, I am very interested in seeing where things go here.). Although I can't say a huge fan of leap forward in time for this season, but I can understand why it was done and I am sure I will get use to it.
    Hm...And well, that's all I feel safe right now commenting on. I mean I could say more, but I don't want to accidentally end up spoiling something for you folks out there. So to be safe, I leave FRINGE talk at that and move on to something else.
    Speaking of something else, is it too late to try and get into Ninjago storyline? I have seen a few of episodes of show on Cartoon Network awhile back and I am kind of interest in maybe checking out more of them to get a better idea of the story. I am not sure if I should though since I recall someone saying that Ninjago was being discontinued soon by LEGO (Which if that true, I kind have to wonder why considering it seems like it is pretty successful series for LEGO right now.). *shrugs*
    Oh, and did anyone here catch the Empire Strikes Out last Wednesday? I am just wondering since I thought it was pretty good, especially in terms of humor. And well, it has kind made me wish I had seen the Padawan Menace, but unfortunately I missed getting to watch that one awhile back.
    Hm...And now I am in building mood. Unfortunately it like one in the morning here, so it is not exactly good time to go play around with my LEGO (Which knowing me will just end with me sorting through bricks and Technic pieces for several hours.). I probably should be going to bed.
    Before I do though, I just remembered that I wanted to mention that apparently my sister and I are in competition to see who get their license first. My money on her since she is pretty determined and she really hate taking the bus into work. So really it is not competition at all since I really don't see myself feeling comfortable behind the wheel anytime soon. *shrugs*
    Alright, that's all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    By the way, this misprint is still up for grabs, so if you want it shoot me a PM.
    - JMJ 2012
  7. Jedi Master J.
    *yawn* Hey, folks. I am just pop in to give you all a short update on my day.
    To be honest, there is really not a whole lot to tell you folks. Since outside of work today, I spend a good bit of time today trying to clean up my old LEGO table across the room (Which is cover in good enough of dust since they hadn't been touch in awhile.). So yeah, nothing too exciting happened.
    Really I am only mentioning whole clean up LEGO table project because I want to show you folks my Technic Sorting bins that were under that table originally. That and I thought I would show you something that I made with some loose parts that I found lying arond, which I may experiment a little more with later on.
    Outside of that stuff, I guess I should mention that I finally caved and brought what I could of Ninjago TV series off of iTunes today. And well, I am going to try and watch most of it tomorrow, if I can that is. Although I am probably going to have to read the Ninjago wiki to catch up on the current season's story, especially if I do plan on watching the new episode tomorrow. Oh, and I might post my thoughts of series here if you folks want me to.
    That's all I have for this entry, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good day. Good Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  8. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. How are you all this afternoon? I hope you all are doing well.
    Oh, me? I am fine mostly. Well, I am feeling a bit down in dumps today like I was in this entry awhile back. So yeah, there's that. But...Uh, I am going avoid talking about that as I probably make it worst by starting to solidify a list of how awful I think I am or something like that. Beside, I don't think you guys want to hear that anyway.
    So...How about we change the subject maybe? Oh, I know I should mention to you folks that I got three Minifigures from Series 7 pack yesterday. And man, I don't how you folks find exactly one you want. I basically just pick three randomly because I couldn't think of any that I wanted really. That and I felt kind of weird trying to feel the bag to try to see what it was. But anyway, the figures that I got were:
    - IT Guy
    - Viking Girl
    - Survivalist with monkey
    Personally I think they all pretty cool looking. Out of the three, my favorite has got be the IT guy since I rather like his design and he kinds stands out among the other two because he is not exactly a warrior of some sort (No wait...Actually he is cyber-warrior, so I guess I am wrong about that. XD).
    In other news, I also got around to going to GameStop yesterday, so I got Keldeo for my Pokemon Black. And well, I think he is pretty cool and I'll probably be transferring him over to my Pokemon Black 2 when I get it next month. Which reminds me, do you folks want me start up another Pokelog when I get Black 2 next month or you rather I not? Just curious is all.
    And that's pretty much all I can think of to talk about here. I am sorry if it did not interest you too much. Although if it pleases you to know, writing this did sort of help get my mind off those depressing thoughts mention above. But anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I hope you all are having a good day and I'll talk you all later.
    By the way, this misprint is still up for grabs, so if you want it shoot me a PM.
    - JMJ 2012
  9. Jedi Master J.
    BUMPED AGAIN: Because I feel like getting ask more questions by you folks.
    BUMPED: Because I felt like joining the bandwagon late.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is basically going to be one of those ask the blog owner questions entry since I think it is about time that I made one of these. So yeah, you guys should know the drill for these types of entries. And well, for those that don't, you are basically posting questions here that you want me to answer.
    Okay, that's all I really have to say for this entry. So go ahead and ask me some questions, if you want. And well, if you don't want to, thanks for at least reading this entry.
    - JMJ 2012
    EDITED: Questions Submitted So Far:
    1) Roablin - How dare you? > My Answer: ... I dare because I can.
    2) Roablin - Dost thou dreameth of plants urban? > My Answer: No, I can't say I have.
    3) Roablin - What is your least favorite color? > My Answer: Yellow
    4) Xaeraz - Farm animals? > My Answer: lol I expected this.
    5) Toa of Smooth Jazz - Does a set of all sets contain itself? > My Answer: I guess it does. *shrugs*
    6) Toa of Smooth Jazz - What are your thoughts about people constantly asking about dreaming about farm animals? > My Answer: That people here must have an interesting sense of humor as I don't really get it. It does not bug me though.
    7) Toa of Smooth Jazz - What 3DS games do you have, and which include multiplayer? > My Answer: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Pokemon Rumble Blast, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance are the only 3DS games that I have. And only Kid Icarus: Uprising can be play online as far as I know.
    8) Sumiki - Do you dream about farm animals? > My Answer: I can't say I have, although I generally don't remember my dreams most of time. I do recall one dream where a dog bite my hand though, but I am pretty sure dogs aren't farm animals.
    9) Sumiki - Where's Harvey Dent? > My Answer: Last I heard from Gotham police is that Harvey Dent was murdered by Batman trying to protect Gordon's wife and kids from that monster apparently.
    10) Xaeraz - Who's the Trigger? Tell me who the trigger is! Who is it? Who is it? Where's the Trigger? > My Answer: The Trigger is Avak last I checked and he is currently inactive due to being expose to Energized Protodermis with others to help make some titan to lead the Skakdi of Zakaz.
    11) JiMing (XIV. Xion) - Do you know of the new Team Fortress 2 game mode called Mann vs. Machine? > My Answer: Yes, I have heard of it. I am not too familiar with playing games like Team Fortress 2 though. Since from what I heard of the game and games like it, people tend to get annoy when you are playing a game just for fun rather than wanting to win ever time. *shrugs* It is particularly why I avoid playing online stuff a lot since I feel people care about winning too much at times.
    12) Roablin - What's the most interesting thing in the universe? > My Answer: Hm...I guess I find our solar system to be the most interesting thing in the universe since I always loved learning about it in science class in middle school. I also like to ponder about it a lot, especially since there appears to be patterns in places.
    Although if it had to be of this Earth, I would say aircraft in general as I have always wonder exactly how we were able to design these vehicles to carry many people and still be able to fly them. Which I guess is a good interest for me to have since I work at job shop that deals primarily with making helicopter parts.

    13) Roablin - What's the most interesting math problem in the universe? > My Answer: Hm...I don't think I have one.
    14) Vorek - When you close your eyes do you see my face? > My Answer: Considering I don't even know what you look like, that pretty much make this answer a definite no. Unless of course, your face is featureless and pitch black. Which if that is the case, I kind of have to wonder how you get around on the internet without any eyes to view your monitor. But yeah, seriously speaking, the answer is no.
    15) Lyichir - Why doesn't your Mii look like you? > My Answer: Hm...Really? I think it looks like me. *shrugs* I mean yeah, it is not really like looking in the mirror or something, but I did try to make the Mii look as close to how I think I look as possible.
    That particularly why my Mii has kind of like some five o'clock shadow on his face because I know I am quite lazy when it comes to shaving my face daily in real life. The glasses though I will admitted that they don't match well with my real ones, but I am going to blame the Mii Creator for that since they don't have that many choices of glasses to pick from.
    16) Lyichir - Also do you want to play KI:U multiplayer again sometime? > My Answer: Uh, sure. Although I hadn't play it since our match awhile back. So nothing is going to be different really, if we did had one now.
    17) Xaeraz - Can you define what a Rakshasa is, and why one would want to be one, ever? > My Answer: Uh...Yeah, I have no idea what a Rakshasa to be honest... *looks it up* Which is really not surprising since I only taken like one World Religion course in college, so we didn't go too deep into lore of each religion, especially not stuff involving Buddhism and Hinduism.
    But anyway, from my reading of the Wiki article, it appears that they are reincarnation of wicked humans so to speak. It sounds like it might be similar to demons in other religions. *shrugs* I probably should dig up my world religion textbook, but well, I am lazy.
    As for your secondary question, I don't see any reason why anyone would want to become one. Although reincarnation is karma based; so if their actions in their current life prove to be especially wicked, then there is a chance that they will become one (Obviously not by choice though). *shrugs* lol I am probably wrong since I am not an expert on Hindu lore, sorry.
    18) AT - What sort of music genres and/or bands do you like? > My Answer: Well, my general answer to this is anything that is not rap since I find rap harder to wrap my mind around and singalong with.
    But to be more specific, I tend to like a lot of pop and rock music mostly. Here are some examples of music that I have liked:
    - "Billy, Don't Be a Hero," by Paper Lace
    - "Piano Man," by Billy Joel
    - "Only the Good Die Young," by Billy Joel
    - "Allentown," by Billy Joel
    - "Behind Blue Eyes," by the Who
    - "Calling All Angels," by the Train
    - "Holding Out for a Hero," by Bonnie Tyler
    - "As Tears Go By," by the Rolling Stones
    - "Life is A Highway," by Tom Cochrane
    - "White & Nerdy," by Weird Al
    - "Beat It," by Michael Jackson
    - "Thriller," by Michael Jackson
    - "One," by Harry Nilsson
    - "Make Someone Happy," by Jule Styne
    - "It Ends Tonight," by The All-American Rejects
    - "Philadelphia Freedom," by Elton John
    - "Hang In There," by Timothy Bishop
    - "Smile Smile Smile," from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
    - "You'll Be in My Heart," by Phil Collins
    - "Eye of the Tiger," by the Survivor
    Yeah, I could just keep going really since I do like a lot of music, especially soundtracks from video games like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon. As for bands, I can't say I really follow any in particular. I did listen to a lot of 'N Sync back in 90's though. *shrugs*
  10. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in today to inquire a couple of things about LEGO Digital Designer since I have been playing with it for past few days and all. So yeah, here are my two questions about LEGO Digital Designer:
    1) Is it at all possible to import a LEGO Digital Designer file into a 3D PDF or 3DVIA format?
    2) Is there a cap limit on how many elements can be place in LEGO Digital Designer?
    And well, folks, that's all I got for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. With that said, I'll talk to you folks all later.
    Oh, and this misprint is still up for grabs, so if you want it shoot me a PM.
    - JMJ 2012
  11. Jedi Master J.
    Game 1:
    Attention, all yoctograms!
    Solve this problem: The reciprocal engine in figure 1 consists of a crankshaft OA 100 mm long and a connecting rod AB 250 mm long. In the crankshaft position shown α = 40°. a] Determine the angle β and the distance OB. b] If α is 90°, what is the distance of OB? c] If α is 0°, what is the distance of OB?
    You have 200 minutes. Incompletes will be erased.
    - JMJ 2012 Sho Minamimoto
  12. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in really quick to tell you guys that I got my BZPower shirt from Bionicle Raptor today. =D Yay!
    Here is a picture of it spread around a table and a video of myself rambling awhile wearing it. Like I said in the video, I probably wear this shirt if I were to go to BrickFair for a day again next year since I think it would make it more obvious that I am BZPer than telling folks to look for a guy with Penn State shirt. XD
    But anyway, I loved the design for the shirt and I especially loved color of the shirt (Red is, after all, my favorite color.), so I might even wear this shirt causally when I am off from work and school. So yeah, I personally liked the shirt. Thank you once again for sending it to me, Mister Bionicle Raptor.
    That's all for this entry, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  13. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to show you guys a little project that I was working on "yesterday" at midnight. lol No doubt it has probably done already hundreds of times by now, but I thought I might as well do it since my other plan (Which involved building a Mata Nui mosaic) went down the tubes due my picture convertor not working right. Although I guess I should be gratefully for that since that Mata Nui mosaic would of taken more than a couple of hours to make. XD
    But yeah, I made the Nuva Cube in Minecraft. I think it looks pretty good, although I do want to redo some of Nuva symbols as a few of them did not come out right. That and I think I might remove water inside the cube since I do not like having to use glass blocks in structure. Hm...I'll probably replace them with blue wool or something. *shrugs*
    Oh, and I am also thinking about making Nuva Symbol keys as well and have them like floating a certain distance away from the cube itself to sort of match the comic moment, when the Bohrok Kal are just about to assemble the Nuva cube to free Bahrag. Although if I do end up doing that, I will probably have to remake the entire cube as I don't think it is high enough off the ground for that to actually work the way, I want it to. Hm...We will just have to wait and see, I guess.
    And well, that's pretty much it for my Minecraft news. I am sorry if it was kind of boring for you folks to read, but thanks for taking the time to read it. Oh, and this misprint is still up for grabs, so if you want it shoot me a PM. Okay, well, I'll see you all later.
    - JMJ 2012
  14. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I kind of didn't want to do this. But considering there are some veteran TWENTY players here, I thought it would be good idea to ask for some advise on how to deal with final boss battle of week 1. You know the fight where you battle the Game Master with food on his mind all the time. Yeah, him.
    I think he has "erased" me about five six times now and I absolutely refuse to retry him on easy. XD Well, okay, if I end up dying like twenty times to him, I think I can forget about my pride here and just retry on easy mode. lol Maybe I am such a loser that even changing game modes won't do anything to help.
    Oh, and days 5 & 6 were pretty interesting. I like how they flesh out my partner's (Shiki Misaki) character during those days. And man, I wanted to give her a virtual hug when she was depressed in day 6 by what meanie Game Master Higashizawa said to her. Oh, and day 6 was also kind of hilarious since we had to help some guy in a suit sell an awful pin (Which I hate to wear because it slows me down in combat.) to people in "other" Shibuya.
    I won't say anymore than that since I don't want to spoil the game for you folks that don't have it yet. You folks are getting it, right?
    In other news, I am still curious if anyone is interest in getting this misprint part. Like I say in the previous entry, I think it should be in better MOCing hands than my own. So yeah, leave a comment here or shoot me a PM, if you are interested in it.
    Alright, that's pretty much all I got for you folks today. I am sorry if it was kind of boring entry for you folks to read, but thank you for at least taking the time to read it. And with that said, I am going to try the boss one last time before handing off to bed, so I'll see you all later. Well, I lost again. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  15. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. As I am sure you notice from the title, this is going to be my belated entry on my experience of BrickFair from so many Saturdays ago.
    And of course, since this is me writing this and all, it is no doubt be a long winded detail account of whole day with as much details as I can remember after so many weeks have gone by. So yeah, I would understand if none of you folks actually read this thing in its entirely since it will be a lot rambling from me about details you probably could careless about.
    As such though, I am going to save you folks a bit of trouble of scanning this entry for links to pictures & videos by providing them all here. Just a forewarning though all my pictures are pretty bad, so you would probably be better off not looking at them really.
    So yeah, here are pictures of Bionicle stuff (Which I am sure most of you have seen already in my previous entry.), PennLug Stuff (Which I wish I got more photos of. My friend probably has some good ones on his camera, I imagine. But I never got to follow up with him about his pictures.), Sculpture Stuff (Which is actually the first section that we went to since it was closest to the entrance.), Town Related Stuff, General Theme related Stuff (Like Star Wars, Space, Steampunk, Castle, etc.), and lastly a random section for stuff that I think are kind of in-between or just don't feel too well grouping with other stuff in their galleries.
    Oh, and all the videos can be found here. Don't worry my horrible voice and face are not in them, so you won't suffer from anything by looking at them. They do all have a huge amount of shaking camera-ness to them though since I am awful at keeping the camera focus. That and it has tons of background audio from Fair itself. Not that could of been avoid really as this is a public day and all. XD
    Also there is only one video of the Bionicle table since there was only one movable MOC on display as far as I know. I mean I guess I could of made a video that pan across the entire of the Bionicle table, but I thought that would probably get a lot of strange looks and be kind of creepy, so I didn't. No, actually I didn't do that because I didn't think of doing that at the time. My mind was all over the place that day, after all. Even still, I think that probably would of been creepy, so I am glad I didn't think of that or do it.
    But anyway, to point of this actual entry, I am now going to begin my recount of Saturday, August 4th 2012. Abandon this entry now if you so desired. If you do, thanks for taking the time to check out the pictures and videos.
    Saturday, August 4th 2012
    Okay, so it is a Saturday morning and I have gotten up rather early that day. I think it was like six in morning at the time, which generally speaking is my most hated hour of the day since I am not really a morning person. Surprisingly enough though, I felt pretty well rested, even though technically I had a lot trouble sleeping the night before due to nerves.
    But anyway, I got up and grab the clothes that I set aside for this day from my dresser, which were my Penn State shirt and a pair of black Khakis. Now no doubt some of you folks are wondering why I choose those clothes for this (lol No, you probably not really, but I am telling you anyway.).
    Well, my explanation for Penn State shirt is that a good majority of my causal wear for non-work stuff is Penn State Shirts. Why? Because my father loves giving all his free Penn State shirts that he gets from work to my siblings and I. Why though did I pick the collar shirt with just small Penn State logo on it? For some reason, I thought it would stand out more than ones with more noticeable Penn State logos, I have. That and I happened to find that shirt to be quite comfortable to wear. Heck, I am wearing it right now. XD
    As for pair of black Khakis, all my shorts with pockets were in laundry that week. That and I am not huge fan of showing my legs in public much. *shrugs* Beside those reasons, I also get cold very easily, so I thought it was wise decision to wear those since I knew for the car ride down as we would have A/C on. Plus, if my friend was anything like my father, I would get cold in the car after awhile. It was also why I packed a hoodie in my schoolbag just in case I got really cold in the car.
    And really I can't say that I regret wearing those pants that day since it did not end up making me hotter like some people would think, especially when you waiting in long line to get in. But we will get that point late in this entry. If I had to say anything bad about this choice of pants though, it is that right pocket has a hole in it large enough for pens and coins to fall out of.
    Thankfully though, nothing fell out that pocket during the trip until we went to movies, which the only thing that I fell out there were coins that I put in this pocket by accident. Although it was not too bad because I did I feel them fall out and as such, I was able pick them back up as soon as it happened.
    But anyway, enough on clothes, I went downstairs to take a quick shower and changed into those clothes. After that, I did a quick five o'clock shadow shave with my electric razor because I thought if I used the manual, I would cut myself since my sensitive skin can make it difficult to shave manually without at least cutting once somewhere. I then ate a quick breakfast, which was one of those microwave sausage, egg and cheese sandwich things. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant.
    After all that happened, it was like 7:30 AM now, so I went over to my booted up computer, which I turn on before I took my shower. And well, I logged into YiM (Just in case my friend was trying to contact me about something.) and I also logged into BZPower. And well, on BZPower as you know, I wrote up a quick little entry for this blog saying I was on my way, which a few people end up reply to long after I was gone and without an internet connection (My phone is a phone, not some magic do all device like some of you folks have.).
    Alright, so soon after that was posted, my mother convinced me that I should bring something to drink for my friend and I during long car ride. Which looking back was probably not smartest idea to agree about doing because ultimately my friend did not ask for any of 1.25 Liter of Coca-Cola that I placed in the cooler for the trip. That and I had to hold the cooler in place with my feet for most of trip to keep it from moving with the car wildly and possibly spilling. I also ended up having to go to bathroom as soon as we got there due all the soda that I drank from coffee cup that I also had with me due to my mother's suggestion of this idea.
    But yeah, after getting things ready for that horrible idea, I return to my computer and just did random things to eat up time, while I wait for my friend to come over to my house. Eventually he send me message through YiM telling me that he was on his way and just about to make it over to my house. So I got up from desk and check my schoolbag to see if everything I wanted to bring was in there, which basically was my 3DS, i-Thingy, and emergency gear (Umbrella & extra set of clothes). It was all there, so I replied back and he answered back in a few minutes or so that he was here.
    I turned my computer off after that and head out with my stuff. And well, he was there and we were off to BrickFair. Really there is not that much to say about trip up to BrickFair, beside that my friend and I were talking about random stuff throughout it.
    Hm...I guess I could mention that we spent a good two hours or so listening to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time CD and occasionally sang along with it. And yes, before any asks, what I mean by us singing along with it is that we made sound effects that we thought matched song tune. What can I say we are weird. Well, I am weird. I don't know about my friend. Maybe he is, if you really thought that was weird. Oh, and my favorite soundtrack was Lon Lon Ranch.
    But anyway, it was a fun ride up for the two of us. We also were able to avoid a lot of traffic on the ride due to how early we left (It was around 8 AM when we left.). Traffic did start to build up after awhile though obviously. Ultimately we ended up arriving about half an hour earlier than we had originally thought we would (We got there around 11:30 AM.).
    lol Not that matter since we ended up taking a bathroom break at Walmart nearby and then decided to go get lunch there at the local Subway. Which naturally even though I told my friend beforehand that I was not really a hoagie eater (Yeah, I defied the Southeastern Pennsylvanian stereotype that we all like hoagies. Well, I don't. I do like big soft Pretzels like a lot of Southeastern Pennsylvanian though.), he decided to order me something with his order.
    And obviously since I did not want one, I had to correct him, which annoyed the guy behind the counter. So yeah, I ended up ordering from them a personal pan pizza, which thankful they did have because I was worried they wouldn't as it might of been regional thing. I ate most of it, but I didn't finish it because I kind of felt pressure from my friend to get moving again. That and since I picked the wrong Coca-Cola fountain (It taste horrible.), I ended up being quite thirst, which will play a factor later on during the fair with another annoyance.
    Okay, so we left the Walmart (It was Noon at the time.) and walk all the way over to convention center, where we saw for the first time the legendary line to end all lines stretching across entire convention center. Now personally I had no problem waiting in this long line since as far as I concern waiting forty minutes to an hour was worth it if I got to see what BrickFair is like.
    Beside, I do have patience. I mean I did, after all, wait six hours every Monday and Wednesday for a class to start at my college last semester. So yeah, I know how to wait and even if I did get bored after awhile, I could of easily pull out my 3DS or i-Thingy and play with them, while I wait. lol Can't say the same about my friend though since if there was anything that I learned about him during this trip, it is that patience is not his virtue.
    But anyway, we waited in that line for about forty or so minutes. And well, my friend and I greatly wish we thought of bring a hat or sunglasses along as we were quite sweaty from rays of sun beating down our faces for that entire forty minutes. We also didn't have any sun screen on, so we weren't exactly to well protected from sun's rays. Thankfully none of us got sun burn during the trip.
    However the heat did make me quite thirst though, which again will play a factor later. So yeah, if you are planning to attend BrickFair on public day like my friend and I did, I would recommend you bring a hat, have sun screen on, have i-Thingy to listen to music as you wait, and most importantly try to arrive as early as there is a chance you could be turn away as soon as you reached the building due it reaching max capacity for people, which was a worry of mines. Thankfully for us, it did not happen and I imagine if it did happen, we would of just head over to LEGO store a bit and maybe try the place again in an hour.
    So yeah, we got in (It was like 12:40-ish.) and start taking pictures of stuff, we saw nearby. Naturally I was trying to lead us over to left because I knew the Bionicle table was over there. We ended up starting with Sculpture table, which had a lot of works there as shown here (Note: Some of works in this gallery were not on this table. I put them there because they fit better there than their actual place.). I especially loved all the Nintendo related stuff.
    This guy is also one of most friendly faces I saw there (Well, beside Bionicle table people, but I didn't approach any of them.). Oh, and I mention to my friend that this creation was made by BZPer. lol I think he thought I actually knew that BZPer though, which is nowhere near truth since I have never even talk to them before on here.
    Alright, so after we check out the sculpture stuff, we skipped over PennLug stuff (Well, we looked at stuff there, but we did not go all out with it at least not right away. Of course, my pictures were awful for that anyway, so I only got like six pictures overall from that table. Again, I imagine my friend got more and much better pictures than I, but I rather not bug him for them.) and went straight to Bionicle table.
    And man, that was an impressive table. I seriously did not expect there to be that much MOCs to be there (Mostly because our forums' active lately has not been huge, especially in terms of creative stuff like MOCs.), but apparently BZPower went all out with it and it really shows. I seriously wish I could of gotten better pictures for you guys, but unfortunately I felt a lot of pressure to keep move from my friend and the crowds, so I rush a lot of my pictures there. Heck, maybe that's why I didn't make more of effort to say hello to any of BZPers.
    Actually no, I am coward and I was worried like crazy about how to present myself because I have an awful track with meeting people due my horrid social skills. Plus, I am really no better online since even there I rarely ever fit in or make many friends. *shrugs* So really you guys should be happy, you did not meet the social train wreck that is JMJ.
    So anyway, we left the Bionicle table after snapping pictures of entirely of the table. And well, there is not much to say about the other tables. I mean yeah, I was blown away by a lot of the stuff there, especially castle stuff. Like for example, someone actually recreated Castle Town from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was awesome looking, especially with Zelda Mosaics next to it. Oh, and Brick Arcade Cabinet and Portal Gun were pretty awesome too.
    Really everything was awesome there and I could probably highlight all my pictures, but that would take forever and this entry is getting long as it is. So instead I am just going to link you all other galleries again: Town, Theme, Random, and PennLug. So yeah, after we got thru most of tables around 2:30-ish, my friend decided to go check out the vendors to see about getting a shirt or a hat.
    Ultimately though since it was like twenty dollars for a shirt or a hat, my friend was kind turned off by the idea due thinking it was far too much. Me, I personally did not want a BrickFair shirt because white is horrible shirt color to give to overweight dude that sweats a lot. I did want to get a BZPower shirt though. But due my social anxious and all, I didn't ask anyone about it. Not that it matters anyway since from what I heard, Mister Raptor was out to lunch at this point. Plus, I was able to order one of leftovers from Fair recently.
    I was though thinking about buying some of Bionicle sets for sale, but I decided not to because I did not have a means to carry it, beside my hands since I did not bother to bring my schoolbag with me (Which I didn't bring with me because I was paranoid that they would turn me away, if I was carrying a bag with me when I came in.). And eventually I end up getting thirst, so I headed over to water fountain and quickly regretted doing so because the water there was nasty.
    Obviously though, my thirst was becoming too great though, so I told my friend that I was heading over to vending machine for a bit. I had left briefly and pass by the Bionicle table, where I saw Mister Black Six for the first time. And well, I kind of was in shocked that I saw him, so I stared at him for a bit before moving on back to my task.
    I got the vending machine and wait patiently behind a little girl, who was trying to get a soda clearly out of order. When she finally pick something not out of order and left, I approached the machine. And to my surprise and annoyance, it was asking $2.50 for a drink. Now I don't know about you folks, but I find spending $2.50 on a drink to be a rip off, especially considering I pay less that at my college (Which even there, it is rip off as I can get 1.25 litter of Coca-Cola at supermarket like ACME for 99 cents, while they sell a small bottle (Single Serving) of Coca-Cola for $1.50. lol I know this because I drink a lot of Coca-Cola to get through my work and school days in the morning. It is my coffee.).
    Ultimately though, I had no choice in matter as my thirst was far too strong. So begrudgingly I gave the machine three dollars and got six quarters from machine in return, which I then accidentally placed in my right pocket with the hole in it. I then took my Pepsi (They didn't have Coca-Cola. *shakes fist*) and went off to find my friend. Along the way, I stared at Black Six again from afar and I couldn't swore he was looking back at me. lol I was probably imagining things.
    But yeah, I found my friend and convince him to do another walk about the place to take some extra pictures since I knew a good amount of my pictures were horrible.
    We did that for a bit, but eventually my friend start to want to go out and see a movie to end the day off since he felt like we have done all we really want to here. Which we kind of did. I mean I didn't say hi to anyone, but that's just my own fault as I had plenty of opportunities to have done it. I am just coward, which is what I say repeated at the Fair before finally signing the guest book. But anyway, during that walkabout the place, I saw Black Six one last time and again stared at him from afar.
    And when my friend finally did suggest the movie idea, I pull him over to Bionicle table at least twice in order to try and build up the courage to do something each time. And well, during the second movement over there, I finally build up courage to at least sign the book and was waiting patience behind a kid with Mohawk to sign it. Oh, and Black Six appeared to be gone at this point because I did not notice him nearby at all.
    And well, while I waited to sign it, I continued my conversation with my friend about going to movies, while occasionally mumbling how I am coward (Actually I think I did that after signing it when my friend question me about why I was doing that.). I signed it and well, hightailed it out there with my friend in tow.
    When we got to the car, we took a moment or so to check out all the Miis that we collected while we were there. I got about twenty Miis, I think. None of them help me beat the final boss of Find Mii 1 though since none of them did nearly as much damage as needed to take the boss out. I imagine I will end up beating it when I go to school this week though, so the damage they did will make it a lot easier for common Miis that I see there often.
    After checking our 3DSes, my friend then set his GPS to find local theaters nearby and end up picking an AMC nearby. Unfortunately there was a lot of traffic on road at the time, so my friend was not a very happy camper when we finally got to the place, especially considering this theater (It was actually like part of Mall or something, which I thought was interesting since I never seen anything like it before.) was in a very urban area, so a parking garage would of needed to have been used, had we went to that one.
    And well, my friend did not want to have use a parking garage, so we looked for another one. Eventually we found another one, but this time with outside parking and parking meters. We ended up settling for that one and well, to our surprise, we did not have to pay the parking meter as it was after a certain hour now. I don't recall when it was, but I believe it was four o'clock at the time. *shrugs* Oh, and when I got out of car here, this is when the quarters in my right pocket fell out and I quickly pick them up and put them in the other pocket.
    So yeah, we went up to theater and my friend ask me what I wanted to see. Now personally I don't go to movies a lot nowadays, so I wasn't sure how to answer that. My first answer though was Dark Knight Rises since I been hearing that movie get so much hype at the time. My friend though had already seen it and say that it would be far too long for what he had in mind (He wanted to see a quick movie, so we could be driving home mostly during daylight hours.).
    Eventually he suggested Brave and I basically say, "Sure." And well, I liked the film as denoted in this entry, so I don't regret us choosing to see that one. We did end getting home much more later than we had originally planned. I also didn't eat any of popcorn, while we were at the movies, so I technically did not have dinner that day. It did not seem to bug me though. *shrugs*
    But anyway, we sat in a lot of DC traffic on the way home, so again my friend was not a happy camper about that. I think the conversations we had on the ride home helped keep him at ease a little. Especially like how I channeled one of Simon Lane's many voices (Not Grizwold) to counter my friend's complains about traffic lights in cities. I really wish I could of recorded that because that was hilarious or at least my friend and I thought it was. Although I am pretty sure he did not get the voice reference though.
    Really we talk about a lot stuff during the trip back home; BZPower, school, work, where we wouldn't mind living in the future, Kingdom Hearts, etc. I mean I could mention to you all what I remember of those conversations, but really you do not needed to know that stuff, so I won't bother.
    And well, around 10:30-ish, we finally got home and post entry here saying how much fun of a day my friend and I had. Not much else to say really here. That was our trip to BrickFair. Now let's get to this conclusion stuff, so you folks that stick around to read this whole thing can finally leave.
    Now personally I had a lot fun on this trip hanging out with my good friend there and checking out all awesome MOCs on display. It was great day, but it wasn't without its faults.
    Particularly the fact that I only had a day to check everything out was probably biggest issue as I felt a lot of pressure of trying to see everything I could, while I was there. So if I was to do this again, I would like try stay long. Heck, I wouldn't mind taking off a whole week from work just to check this place out in its entirely and take in some sights around the area there too.
    Of course, it was understandable why we couldn't of done that because beside being a bit last minute in our decision to actually go on Saturday, I believe my friend did have duties to do at his church on Sunday, which I understand and have no problem with. And really my friend is awesome for helping me to get to see it for just a day, so personally I am not complaining really.
    What I am saying is if I have means to, I would like to try stay longer by possibly attending whole thing. And well, there is a slight possibility of that happening as I might be able to get my license before next year comes, which would make going there myself a lot easier. Personally though, I am not making any promises that will happen as my nerves do get the best of me whenever I am learning to drive from my father. *shrugs*
    Of course, even if I were to attended the whole thing, I am a social train wreck, so I doubt I would be much fun to be around. *shrugs* But yeah, those are my thoughts basically of BrickFair. So that's it for this entry. Comment if you really want to and apologizes if this entry was a huge waste of your time. Thanks though for taking the time to read the whole thing or rather for skimming the whole thing. See ya, BZPers.

    -JMJ 2012
  16. Jedi Master J.
    Dawn of the First Day
    - 72 Hours Remain -
    "I...I shall consume. Consume... Consume everything." - The Moon
    JMJ's Quest Logbook
    - Retrieve All-Night Mask from the old lady
    - Finish reviews for Janus and Ballom
    - Finish test LEGO set review for blog
    - Play more of The World Ends With You
    - Play more of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
    - Finish BrickFair overview entry for blog
    - Build one of the LEGO Lord of Rings sets
    "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? " - The Happy Mask Salesman
    -JMJ 2012
    Listening to an 8-bit version of the theme for Clock Town
  17. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to let you all know that I got to play "The World Ends With You" today. And well, I am loving it so far. Of course, I am still only into the first week of the game (Day 5), so I can't really judge it too much yet.
    I do like what I am seeing though and much like with Kid Icarus: Uprising, I think this game really takes advantage of the system that it is on. It particularly why I am hoping they actually are planning on release a sequel of this game for 3DS because I think they could really take advantage of 3DS's features with the game. Hm...At same time, I kind of hope they stick with graphic style of this game if there is a sequel because I feel like it gives the game kind of like its own style to it. *shrugs*
    As for its battle system, I can't really talk about it much yet since I have yet to fully adjust to it (I have my partner on auto mode.). So yeah, I'll talk about that later down the line since right now, I am not huge fan of dual combat system. *shrugs*
    But anyway, I think what I liking the most about this game so far is the story. Although really not surprising since generally I play video games for their story much more than I play them for their mechanics. And man, this story is shaping up to be interesting. Obviously though, I am not going to mention anything of it to avoid spoiling anything for you folks that hadn't play it.
    lol Of course, I only five days into the game, so really I hadn't experience too much of the game plot to spoil you folks with here. Really I guess I am avoiding being specific about stuff because I want to avoid spoilers of what happens later on in the game as I feel it will dampen the experience in the game.
    For example, near the end of day 4, I was taken by surprise with what happen there. I also found my react to be opposite of Neku (The Playable Character) as genuinely care about what happen to his "friend" there. *shrugs* Oh, and there was also a priceless moment on that day (4), when Shiki notice one of Neku's buttons on his pants needed to be fix. XD
    Alright, I think I have ramble enough here. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. And with that say, good night, BZPers.
    -JMJ 2012
  18. Jedi Master J.
    XD Hey, folks. I am just popping to give all an update. lol Not that its needed really since nothing has gone on for past couple of days since my last entry.
    Well, actually that's not entirely true. I mean I did just finished playing a bit of Portal 2 Co-Op with Mister Blade. And man, I am horrible Co-Op partner since I was really nothing more than burden for him since I forgot the controls of how to play it on the PS3, so I ended up making a lot of mistakes and wasn't very helpful with helping solve the puzzle, especially that last puzzle. :blush:
    I am sorry about that, dude. Oh, and I also forgot that my sister and I did play a little of Co-Op, so we didn't actually start at the beginning of the Co-Op mode, so we were in the hub already. I am sorry, Blade. I would understand if you didn't want to continue the Co-Op mode with me.
    In other non-Portal related news, I will be posting later on in the week a test LEGO set review, which I am doing mostly to test my camera as I would like get better at taking photos with it.
    There is going to be a video with the written review, but you should just treat that as a bonus thing as it is nowhere near as professional as written review will be. For example, I mispronounced word yellow in that video (And it was not because I was trying to be fun or anything. I just have poor speech skills. Its particularly why I stink at pronouncing Bionicle words.). So yeah, you should probably take that video when you see it as a grain of salt to actual review.
    In addition to the video bonus in that review, I am also going to be showing you guys an Inventor model of the set since I ended up getting motive today to recreate it in that 3D modeling program. And well, if I can rig it right, I might show an animation of it disassembling. You guys will just have to wait and see it for yourself. Be aware though, this test review is for a small set, so it probably not going to be that impressive looking.
    Oh, and speaking of Inventor LEGO Projects, remember that LEGO House project I started awhile back. Well, apparently there going to be too many parts involved with that for my computer to handle assembling them. So yeah, now I got another reason to try an upgrade this computer at some point. XD
    In other video game news, I am now seriously tempted to put Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance on hold to play the World Ends With You. lol Not that is surprising considering Mister Kohaku has gotten me addicted to listen to the game's music due to his link to teaser site for possible sequel for that game. Hm...I don't know if I am going to do that though as I really would like to try and finish KH 3D before school starts. *shrugs*
    Alright, I think I have ramble enough here for today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. And good night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  19. Jedi Master J.
    So apparently folks, I am going to get my LEGO Lord of Rings package a lot sooner than I thought I would because according the tracker, it should be arriving at my home by today. Which means that by the time I get out of work today, it should be sitting in the basement somewhere just waiting for me to open them. And man, I can't wait to get my hands on them.
    But anyway, I am posting this entry to kind like poll your opinion on what I should do with these seven sets. So yeah, you got three options to choose from and they are:
    A] Just build sets
    B] Be adventurous and see what you can make without instructions.
    C] Other
    Alright, those are your options, so pick one if you are so inclined. Okay, I got to go now to work, so I'll see you folks later. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day.
    - JMJ 2012
  20. Jedi Master J.
    Man, I been playing that game for a long time today. And I actually would still be playing it if it weren't for the fact that it is one in morning here and my hands are starting to go numb (Sora's Boss Battle in Pinocchio World end up confusing me a bit, so I had to do reality shift thing a few times.). lol
    But yeah, I am loving the game so far and I can't wait to get back to playing it. Hm...I don't think it is going to replace Kid Icarus: Uprising as my handheld game of the year though. *shrugs* But anyway, I am currently in the Three Musketeers world and so far I only have died six times with Sora and once with Riku (The deaths were all the result of foolish mistakes on my part.).
    I am also inclined to agree with most people that most challenging boss so far has got to be Rinzler, although it only took about two deaths from Sora to figure out that I need to be more tactical with attacking him. Oh, and using flow motion now almost feels natural to me, so I really been taken advantage of that to help me dodge stuff (Especially during that fight with Rinzler, who's fight style kind of reminds me of style that Vanitas uses in Birth by Sleep.).
    And man, this game really makes me like playing as Riku more than Sora. Although it would probably help if I gave Sora some better Spirits than 64 (Meow Wow) and Joker (Jestabocky, which I got early on because I experimented in Spirit creator.). I kind of don't want to replace them though since I feel like I have invest too much in their ability trees already to change them now. *shrugs*
    But yeah, that's what I was doing today mostly. *yawn* And I guess that's all for this entry. Apologizes if it was kind of boring for you guys to read. Thanks though for taking the time to read this. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  21. Jedi Master J.
    Am I the only one that can't wait to see this film in theaters? Really I don't know why, but ever since I saw the trailer for it last Saturday; I have been really itching to see this film when it comes out.
    I guess part of that might be because of the cameos from real video game characters in it. Although I also like what seems to be the implied plot of the film. *shrugs* So yeah, I guess I'll probably be checking that film in November. Hopefully I can get my friend or someone else to go along with me since I am not a huge fan of going to movies by myself.
    Really that's particularly why I hadn't watch a lot recent films lately because I usually don't have anyone to go with me. Like for example, I still have not seen the The Dark Knight Rises yet (Not that it matters really since I never been a huge follower of this trilogy of Batman films. *shrugs* Still I would like to see it though since I like to see what the big deal is and all.) and I hadn't watch The Avengers either (Although that's not surprising since I never been a big Marvel fan.).
    Again, I guess I am just weird like that. lol Not that surprising since I am generally weird person compared to most people. *shrugs* I am not sure why really. I guess it is just a product of upbringing or something.
    But anyway, I guess while I am here, I could show you guys another video that I took from BrickFair. It is nothing special. It is just a video of LEGO Clock with a moving pendulum spinning back and forth. I thought it was pretty cool though, but that's not surprising since I generally like stuff from Technic and Mindstorms lines of LEGO.
    Hm...You know all this talk of stuff like Mindstorms and Technic has kind of reminded me that technically BrickFair is not first LEGO event I ever been in my life. I actually have been to starting event for the FIRST LEGO League at least three times, I think, back when I was in middle school and was part of a LEGO Robotics Club.
    Aw...Good memories. I wonder how that teacher of mines is doing now because from what I heard they might actually be cutting classes like his at the school that attend as a child. Which sadden me greatly as it was classes like that made me realize I had an interest in Engineering to begin with. Without it, I don't know where I would be now. I probably wouldn't even have my job now.
    And man, I don't think I am ever going to forget how my best friend from my old neighborhood end up winning in a raffle one of Manas sets from 2001 during one of these events (And this was in 2003, by the way.). lol I wish I had his luck at the time.
    Hm...I wonder what he doing now. Well, obviously he going to be in college, I imagine. Man, I wish I could talk him and catch up. I really rather miss the dude, but I guess I am nothing more than a stranger to him now since it has been seven years since we talked. *sigh*
    That's life for you, folks. Well, its my life at least. *shrugs* But anyway, I think I have ramble enough here, so I am going to call this an entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to later, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  22. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is mostly going to be me asking you guys questions since I want to get your opinions on a few things. So yeah, this is probably not going to be most interesting entry for you guys, I imagine. Sorry about that, but I feel these questions are necessary to ask and all since some related to this blog. So without further ado, my questions:
    1) Does anyone know if Bionicle Raptor has any BZPower shirts left? Just wondering since I never got the chance to buy one, while I was there Saturday, and I would like to get one if there are any left. I imagine I probably just have to wait to hear from Bionicle Raptor on this, but I thought it worth a shot asking here.
    2) Do you want me show the rest of my BrickFair pictures here? If so, do you also want me to recount what I recall from last Saturday and link to pictures with each instance? Or would you rather I just show the pictures and that's it? Just wondering is all.
    3) Any suggestions on LEGO sets to get are welcome since I am looking to try and get a piece of LEGO's Birthday cake.
    4) Should I think about trying to attend the entirely of BrickFair next year? Just wondering since I think there is a slight possibility that I might be able to attend the whole event, if things go as plan at the end of this year.
    5) Is it weird that I want my last semester of community college to start already? *shrugs* I imagine it is, although I think I want it start mostly because work has been terribly slow lately (I hadn't been getting enough assignments from my boss, so I been quite bored this week.).
    6) Does anyone want me to name a Spirit after them in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance? Just asking mostly because I stink at thinking of good names for them.
    And well, that's all my questions. Thanks for taking the time to read this. We will now close this entry out with "Eye of the Tiger." *turns it on in the background* XD Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
    Listening to Smile Smile Smile (from MLP: FiM), This Day Aria (from MLP: FiM), Driftveil City theme (Pokemon Black & White), Roxas Theme (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days version), Treasured Memories (from Kingdom Hearts), Calling All Angels (By Train), Villain (Parody Song), Brooklyn Rage! (Parody Song), One Is The Loneliest Number (By Three Dog Nights), Eye of the Tiger (By Survivor)
  23. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you some post-visitor day feedback of BrickFair, which I was there by the way. I did not officially meet any BZPers though because I am a coward.
    But I did see Mister Black Six at some point during the day at the BIONICLE table when I passed it by a few times during my visit. I roamed there aimlessly a lot actually. Mostly because I was debating about saying hello and stuff. Ultimately I was too scared to do anything, so the only BZPower related thing that I did was signed my name in guestbook before leaving for the movies with my friend around 3 PM something.
    I also think I might of seen Mister Aanchir watching over the awesome Ta-Koro stuff, but I could be wrong as I only glance at the name tag. *shrugs* But anyway, I got about 221 pictures from the event itself (A lot of them are bad though since I have shakily hands. The Bionicle table had quite a few bad pictures by me. I might ask to get some of my friend's photos since he got about 260 photos taken.) and 13 LEGO in motion videos. I might show what I took here, although they are not the greatest quality, so you probably be better off waiting for someone else.
    I also brought nothing from the vendors since I was scared by the crowds mostly. I was tempted to buy some old BIONICLE sets there though. And again since I was a coward, I did not get to buy a BZPower shirt while I was there as I was too scared to ask anyone anything. So yeah, if you did not see me, that's the reason why. I am sorry, folks.
    But anyway, my friend and I had a lot of fun during this trip and we would loved to do again sometime, so we might be coming back during another public day next year (Most likely a lot earlier than 11:30-ish since the line that stretched around the center was not a fun wait considering how hot it was at the time.). Not making any promises though since next year is a long time from now.
    Also if there is a next time, I probably should of taken a picture of myself before I left for the day trip because I imagine people did not get what I meant by a Penn State shirt exactly. I guess that's not surprising since I was pretty vague about though. But basically I meant this shirt. Again, I am sorry about that.
    Oh, and after our BrickFair visit, we watched the Pixar movie Brave at an AMC in Virginia somewhere, which was good movie in my opinion. I almost cried a few times watching it actually since there was a surprising lot of emotional scenes in it, which really knew how to tug at my heartstrings. The only thing that I did not like is watching it in 3D (I hate 3D stuff with a passion since they annoyed my eyes. That and I have to wear their glasses over my own glasses since I can't see anything without them.). But like I said, outside of that little detail, I liked the film.
    Alright, that's all. Again, apologizes to those that might of wanted to meet me there. I hope you guys had a good day without me though and that you have a great final day tomorrow (I will not be there since I am back in good old Pennsylvania now.). Good Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  24. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am back again to give you guys another entry related to my trip yesterday (Saturday) to BrickFair. I kind of worn out though (All that walking, sitting, and standing for hours were not great on my knees. Argh...), so I am going try to keep this short mostly.
    Alright, so today (Sunday) I was looking through all 221 photos I took at BrickFair yesterday and well, I ended up throwing away like 94 photos out of that. XD So yeah, if I had to conclude anything about my photo taking skills, it is that I should never be given a camera since even the photos that I kept weren't so great. lol
    So yeah, if I learn anything from this trip, it is that I need to try to take my time taking photos next time. Although admittedly it could not be help as I naturally did not want to lose my friend in crowds there and I also did not want to get into other people's way. *shrugs*
    But anyway, I decided that I was going to show a few of photos that I liked here and maybe the rest later, when I have more time/when I am less tired. First of which is showing that I apparently did see Mister Evil Blog Master during my visit, apologizes for not saying hello. I can and am rather shy and reserve person in real life, so I found it hard to build up the courage to say hello.
    Next photo is of BZPower Visitor Logbook about two hours before I signed when I had to leave with my friend to go to the movie. Again, it shows that I was there while Evil Blog Master and crew were around. Once more, I am sorry about that, people. If I ever go again, I'll at least try to say hello.
    Alright, now this photo is special in that it has Black Six in the background. I actually did not realize he was in the background when I took the picture, so it was nice little surprise for me when I looking back at the photo. Especially considering I was tempted to take a photo of him one of the three times that I stared at him behind Bionicle table later on that day.
    I didn't though because I thought that would be kind of weird. lol Not that, I hadn't come off weird enough by signing the logbook and not saying hello to anyone there when I did. XD Yeah, I guess I am weird. *shrugs*
    Okay, moving on from that, the last picture that I am showing today is a photo that I took, while we waiting in DC traffic. And it is of the Washington Monument from afar. I thought I would share this one because I think it is my best photo taken during the trip. That and I thought that people, who have never been Washington DC, might like to see it.
    *yawn* Alright, folks, that's all I got for today. I hope you like it and thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  25. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to share with you folks the pictures that I took of the Bionicle table since I don't have anything better to do. Actually I am watching Alphas right now, but I thought I might as well take some time to write a blog entry during the commercials. Especially considering I just finished uploading all my BIONICLE pictures from our BrickFair trip last Saturday.
    So yeah, here are pictures that I took from Bionicle table. Keep in mind that I am pretty horrible at taking pictures, so they are probably the worst taken during the Fair. Oh, and here's a video of the awesome Bionicle styled Superman MOC flying in circles with a green creature (I have no idea what that green guy was supposed to be. I probably should of read the MOC card.). Again, I am sure you will probably be getting much better photos/videos than this from others here later on.
    Hm...Well, I guess that's it for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
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