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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just wait for my buddy to pick me, so I thought I take this time to post one more entry just to say I am on my way. And man, I am nervous and excited about this trip enough so that I spent a good bit of time yesterday having trouble trying to sleep.
    But yeah, if you want to know how to spot me, I'll be the guy wearing a Penn State shirt with thick glasses and short hair. I look forward to meeting any of you folks there.
    Alright, that's all for this entry. I have to get upstairs now since it is almost time to go. And well, I guess I really will be seeing some of you folks later today. Until then, see ya, BZPers. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
    - JMJ 2012
  2. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Here is the entry that I said I would post before the trip on Saturday. And man, I am nervous about this trip, especially meeting people. Argh, I am so horrible at social interactions... *sigh*
    But anyway, if you want to know how to spot me there, I should be the dude wearing thick glasses, a collar shirt with the logo of Penn State on it, and really short hair. I imagine I'll be easy to spot, especially if you recall last entry's picture of myself. *shrugs* Really I have no idea why anyone would actually want to meet me there though since I am no one special...
    Alright, moving on from that, here is my To Do List for tomorrow.
    Saturday's To Do List
    - Get up early (Around 6:30-ish)
    - Shower and Shave
    - Eat Breakfast
    - Brush teeth
    - Get my stuff for the trip (Failsafe Maps, Camera, Wallet, Cell Phone, etc.)
    - Wait to be pick up
    - Get pick up by my friend
    - Have a two to three hour conversation with say friend during the ride down
    - Stop to get something to eat for lunch around noon-ish
    - Wait in line to get into BrickFair and Pay the fee to enter Successful
    - Go to Bionicle table first to check out the display and greet anyone there, if I have the guts to speak to any of them that is. *nervous* FAIL
    - Explore the other tables/Take a bunch of pictures Successful
    - Try to buy a BZPower shirt and maybe check out the vendor stuff there FAIL
    - Uh...Have another two to three hour conversation with my friend, while heading back up to good old PA
    - Get home and dump the pictures on to my computer...Possibly upload them to my Photobucket to show here later
    - Watch Toonami or Psych FAIL
    - Go to bed
    And well, that's all for today, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I guess I will be seeing some of you tomorrow possibly. Until then, see ya, BZPers.
    - JMJ 2012
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just pop in really quick to show you guys a picture of my latest hair cut. That and I want to poll you guys on whether or not you really want me to bother showing you the contents of Mark of Mastery Edition for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance.
    I am mainly asking this because I already did like fifteen attempts at recording an unboxing for you guys and all of them have been failures mostly. So I am not sure if the video thing is going to work, sorry. I will give it one more try though to see if I am any better now with my hair cut, although I doubt that will change anything in the slightest. Beside, I already did open the game anyway, so it is not like you will be getting anything special from watching me ramble in real life. *shrugs* I could take some pictures of contents of the box though, if you folks want me to.
    But anyway, here is picture of me with KH 3D in my right hand and a fresh hair cut:

    Alright, that's all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I'll see you all later. *dives back into Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*

  4. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in to remind you guys that Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance comes out today and that I will be doing an unbox-ing thing here later on in the day when I get home from work. I can't wait.
    This unbox-ing thing most likely is going to be a video that I will upload to Vimeo for you guys to watch. There will be pictures as well for those not up for watching a video. So yeah, you guys will have plenty options to chose from to check out this unbox-ing thing.
    Really I am not sure how many people are really interested in seeing me doing this actually, but since one person expressed interest in seeing this awhile back, I thought should go all out with it. *shrugs* I guess I'll just have to wait and see then.
    Alright, folks, I got to go now to work, so I'll see you all later. Thanks for taking the time to read this, BZPers.

  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to share a bit about my day today. Well, actually I am mostly just sharing with you guys the fact that I waste a lot of paper, especially at work.
    But anyway, today I was printing out a couple of epics to read, while I put my computer on a virus scan. And well, guys, one of them I apparently must of had a copy & paste error because while reading it, I notice a got duplicate of chapters or paragraphs in places, which end up making the epic six pages longer than it should of been. I am sorry, Trees.
    In related news, I should be getting my reviews up for Ballom & Janus tomorrow, so you two be on look out for that. Apologizes about taking awhile with it. I hope the reviews are to your liking. If not, feel free to sent me some criticize and I'll take it under advisement.
    Well, that's all I really got for guys today. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Night, BZPers.

  6. Jedi Master J.
    As the title say, I am kind of curious if you guys think I am too nice. I asking mainly because I don't think I am. But then again, I don't generally think very highly of myself. *shrugs* So yeah, do you think I am too nice?
    Alright, that's all for now. I'll probably be writing a follow up entry to this later. Thanks for taking the time to read this entry. I guess I'll see you all later when I done work today.

  7. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in real quick to tell you guys that I am excited for next week. "Why's that?" you might asked. Well, you see two things are happening next week that I am excited about.
    The first thing is Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is coming out next Tuesday. So naturally as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I am very excited about getting my hands on the next installment in the series. I can also almost guarantee that I probably won't be posting many blog entries here after the un-boxing entry because I will be playing the game during most of free time during that week.
    The sole expectation to that is probably going to be entry that I will be posting next Friday, which will say that I am going to BrickFair on Saturday as well as provided any of finalized details of our schedule for our brief visit of the con. It will mostly just be ahead up really to let you guys know that I will probably not be online much that weekend since obviously I'll be away from my computer.
    I'll have pictures for you guys though and I probably have it up the next day, if I am not lazy. That and I am sure I'll have a story or two to tell you all. And maybe first impressions of the con itself since I never been to it before, so it is a new experience for me. Hm...You will just have to wait and see what I provided, I guess. *shrugs*
    Speaking BrickFair, here is rough schedule for our trip down to Virgina:
    8:30 AM EST > My friend pick me up from my home. Possibility get some breakfast before we head on to the highway.
    ***2 to 3 Hours Later***
    11:30 AM EST or 12:00 PM EST > We should be near the convention center at that point. We will stopping for lunch before heading there though (No idea where at this point. I am thinking Burger King would be good choice. That or Subway in the Walmart. *shrugs*).
    12:30 PM EST to 4 PM EST > Wait in line to get in/Pay to enter. Once that's done, head over to the BIONICLE table to see if any BZPers are about. If there are none, walk around mostly taking pictures of MOCs and check out some vendor stuff probably.
    Possible Goals During that Time:
    - Get as many aircraft MOC pictures as possible, especially from MOCs based on Boeing Helicopters/Aircraft. The reason for this goal is because my friend and I think our boss would probably get a kick out of seeing like a Boeing CH-47 Chinook Helicopter made of LEGO bricks.
    - Meet at least one BZPer, if not more, while we are there
    - Try to buy one of those BZPower shirts from Bionicle Raptor, if there are any left
    - And have fun obviously
    After 4 PM EST > Head back home basically
    Outside of those details, I think I might be bring my 3DS with me just to see if I can maybe get a few streetpasses, while we are there. I don't think I will get many people, but I think it worth a shot though. *shrugs*
    And well, that's all I got to talk about today. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Night, BZPers.

  8. Jedi Master J.
    Steam Summer Sale Report
    For Myself, Total Spent on Myself: $25.64
    Back to the Future: The Game, Price: $6.24
    Vessel, Price: $3.74
    Bastion Soundtrack DLC, Price: $2.49
    VVVVVV, Price: $2.49
    Double Fine Bundle, Price: $7.49
    Offspring Fling!, Price: $3.19
    Gift(s), Total Spent on Gifts: $75.43
    Penumbra Collectors Pack, Price: $4.99 (Accepted)
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Price: $9.99 (Accepted)
    Terraria, Price: $2.49 (Accepted)
    Binding of Isaac Bundle (Summer 2012), Price: $4.48 (Accepted)
    Bastion with Soundtrack DLC, Price: $6.23 (Accepted)
    Bastion with Soundtrack DLC, Price: $6.23 (Accepted)
    Vessel, Price: $3.74 (Accepted)
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Price: $7.49 (Accepted)
    Skyrim, Price: $29.79 (Accepted)
    Total spent during the entire sale: $101.07
    Man, those sales eat up a lot more money than I thought. lol
    But anyway, I notice I have an extra of copy of Bastion sitting in my inventory, so I thought I posted an entry to see if anyone wants it. So yeah, if you want it, leave a comment here. Okay? Toa Onarax say he wants it; so unless he changes his mind, it is his.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I hope you all have a good day.

  9. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I just finished watching both Warehouse 13 & Alphas today. And man, I can't wait until to catch next week's episodes from both those shows, especially from Warehouse 13 since I am really interest in seeing where this season's plot is going. But yeah, I kind of little too early to talk about these episodes and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone by babbling on about them both here.
    So instead of doing that, I guess could ask you guys a few things here. Like for one, am I alone here in liking Warehouse 13 & Alphas? They are both good shows in my opinion. Although Warehouse 13 is my favorite of the two.
    Hm...And you know after seeing this picture, I kind of really want to try to make some Warehouse 13 related LEGO stuff now because what he is holding looks kind of like the Tesla Gun from Warehouse 13. I don't know. I just think that would be cool. lol I got to organize my bin of LEGO pieces first since at least then I would know where to start.
    But anyway, next question is whether or not you guys still want me to do that un-boxing of Mark of Mastery Edition of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Do you guys want me to do that still? I asking because I recalled at least one person saying they would like to see that, so I feel like I might as well.
    I'll probably take individual photographs of each AR card in case any of you folks want to get the Dreameaters from those cards (Which I am pretty sure it will work just like it would have if you had the cards yourself. I'll tested it beforehand though, just to be sure for you guys.). Oh, and if you do want the un-boxing, do you want it in a video (As in one uploaded to Vimeo) or just pictures? I am fine with either method really.
    Okay, the last question is BrickFair related and that is to put it simply asking for advice about going to it, especially on a visitor day (Which is what my friend and I are doing.). So yeah, any advice would be appreciate since we are both pretty much noobs to whole going to a convention thing. I know already that I am probably going to have a case of nervousness along the way there since it is going to a big new experience for me. That's for sure.
    Alright, that's all for today's entry. Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you all had a good day. Good Night, BZPers.
    EDITED: I also liked the new skin for BZPower. Thanks, Than the Moa & Watashi Wa for working on it.

  10. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, folks. This is really quick entry here tonight since I need to go bed soon. But well, I feel needed to apologizes to Janus. I am so sorry that I did not get my review up today for you. I had planned to get up today (AKA July 22nd), but unfortunately I got distracted a lot this weekend. I am so sorry, sir. I'll try to get it up with my review for Ballom this week (AKA The week of July 23rd), so expect to see something from me this weekend (AKA July 28 & July 29).
    Also just to let you both know, my review of your stories will be only be up to chapter 5. So if you added anymore chapters in the meantime, they won't be part of this review. They should be in the next one though, which I probably post when you are up to chapter 10 in your stories as I prefer to review more than one chapter in my posts. I hope you understand.
    Again, apologizes for delayed, Janus. I should hopefully have it up this week with my review for Ballom's epic. Argh, I am such a horrible person. I am so sorry you two.
    Alright, that's all I have to tell you today. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night, BZPers.

  11. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, BZPers. This entry is basically going to be a short reflection on my seven years of BZP since the 18th of June (Which is now yesterday) was the day that I join here. Unfortunately like the previous entry, I am not have that much time to write this entry, so this should be quickly.
    Apologizes in advance for that. I been out of sort lately due to return of my normal work schedule. That and since my sister is working now, I kind been having to leave for work earlier, so my sleep schedule is still kind of out of wacky. lol Which is not surprising considering I am writing this entry up for you guys around like midnight here and I got to get up for work in another six hours.
    So yeah, writing this isn't helping the situation. And well, I guess I might start to draft my entry ideas for here in future, so I can maybe go to bed at more logic time. We'll see how that goes, I guess.
    But anyway, to point of this entry, I want to reflect a little bit here about my seven years of BZPower. Of course, now that starting this, I am realizing that there is so much to reflect on. Seven years is a lot of time for things to go down and plenty has happened, that's for sure.
    I personally don't regret spent that time here because these forums will always hold a special placed in my mind and heart. After all, it was my first journey into the world of the internet and it is where I feel most at home. I guess that's not surprising since I have been here for seven years and all.
    I can remember a lot of things from my time on this site from SPIRIT's PSAs to International Tahu Day to Bionicle Kingdoms RPG and much more. I remember from myself writing a bunch of epics and short stories and being an Epic Critic for a time, which I got to say my reviews today compared to those of yesteryear has gotten a lot better.
    I guess that is not really surprising though as naturally you learn to get better with things over time. But still looking at my some old posts on forums, I kind can't help feeling a bit embarrass as I was such a noob back then. I imagine that it nature though.
    Of course, while I do think that I have change a lot since I first joined here, there are parts of me that remain the same. For example, I still have poor social skills and I am rather timid. lol Not that, I thought that being on BZPower was going to change that. But I do find it to be rather interesting to think about because as much as I think I have changed, there is still constant in my behavior. *shrugs* I guess I am just weird like that. Eh....But well, that's a topic for another day.
    Hm...Well, I am not sure where to go from here, so I guess I'll just end this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  12. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Sorry about not posting too much here lately, I been distract by Steam games a lot last weekend. So yeah, I am back and today is technically my 7th year of being on BZPower. Yay, right?
    But anyway, this entry is not going to be about my BZPower account turning 7 since I actually plan to have an entry for that late in the day. Rather instead, I am here to give ahead up to Janus and Ballom. Janus, I am going to see about getting a review up for you this week. Ballom, my review for you should be up the following week. Okay, you two?
    Well, that's all the time that I have for this entry. I am sorry that I can't write more, but I got to go to bed. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  13. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be a bit different from norm since I am mainly using this entry to help me brainstorm possibly gift ideas for my real life friend's birthday next month (He turns 21 on August 20th). And well, while I do have some ideas on what to get him, I would not mind getting some advice from you guys on whether or not you think it would be good birthday gift.
    But well, you guys don't really know him that well, so I guess I will have to give all some background information in addition to my gift ideas. So here is some background information on him and my possible gift ideas:
    - He is a Kingdom Hearts fan (Mostly because I loan him our PS2, so he could play first two games. And at this point, it is only thing that I was successful in making him a fan of.). Note: I actually was thinking of getting him Mark of Mastery edition. But judging from our conversation two days ago, he say he was pre-ordering it. So unless that does not pan out for him, it would probably not be a good idea. I could maybe get him Re:coded though since I know he does not have that game. Then again, it is not title that you necessarily needed to play considering only important detail of that game will probably be a point stated in the beginning of Dream Drop Distance. Yup, he preordered it.
    - He is a Nintendo fan like myself. Some of game series that I know he likes are: The Legend of Zelda, Mario & Luigi RPGs, Paper Mario, Kirby, Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros, and Metroid. I have been thinking about buying him Kid Icarus: Uprising since he did tell me that he had some interest in checking the game out. Alright, I am getting him Kid Icarus: Uprising!
    - He also like Avatar: The Last Airbender (He has yet to watch the Legend of Korra though, which I hopefully will fix in the future. Right now, I can't since there is no DVD of this season out currently.). I have been thinking of buying him all three seasons of original series since I know that the only way that he has been able to watch them lately is through Netflix.
    - Hm...I am pretty sure he does not have Steam, so we can crossed off PC games from the list. That and even if I were to convince him to try Steam out, I think his laptop might not be powerful enough to run most games there. *shrugs* I don't know the specs of his laptop. He has express an interest in playing Portal 2 though, so I could get him a copy for his PS3.
    - He is a Sonic fan. I am not entirely sure what to get him for this one if I went this route since I know very little of speedy hedgehog. As such, I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have.
    So yeah, those are my gift ideas that I have currently on my mind. Hm...I might update this list later as I am sure I'll think of more things to list here. Plus, I am not sure if I gave enough details here about him above.
    Basically though, he is the good friend that I mention here a lot. He is the guy that I got a job for at my work and one that say he would not mind going to BrickFair with me (Which considering his car issues lately, I am not going to press the matter about BrickFair too much as personally it makes me feel like I am using him rather than actually wanting to hang out with him there.).
    Alright, that's all for now, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you can maybe help me out a little with this. I'll see you all later, I guess.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  14. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Its me again. I am just popping in again just to give guys a life update. Apologizes in advance if this is boring to most of you guys. I am sorry about that.
    Hm...I am not sure how many of you read the previous entry, but I am back to work this week. Unfortunately for me, it is rather slow week since technically it is still shut down week for the company that I work for. The first two weeks of July are usually the weeks that my company has most of shop people off from work, so they clean the shop. So there generally not a lot people out in the shop during these weeks, nor much going on in Engineering department (Beside working on really hot jobs like FT Part Project, which is just about most bothersome project that I have seen us work on in my two years at this company.).
    I am mainly in because I am only entitled to one week's vacation from the place. That and if I were off this week too, I would just be spoiling my sleep schedule even more. lol Yeah, I really don't want to make my sleep schedule any worst than it is now. After all, I was just about to pass out yesterday when I got home from work. So folks, do not be surprise if I am not on BZPower much this week since I probably be heading to bed early a lot. lol
    But anyway, today was actually been bit better for me both energy wise and work wise since I did not feel very sluggish today and I had plenty of work to keep me busy. Those non-FT part details, that I mention in my previous entry, were not what was keeping me busy though since apparently we wisely decided to not press forward with those parts until we get the finalized models from Boeing (Those parts were still in-work much like the FT parts.). Instead what was keeping me busy was working on some old repeated jobs (Which basically means that I get the book from our library, look it over, check to see that it has the current drawing, add revisions to any sketches with mark ups, and print a new updated manufacturing plan with current job card numbers.).
    These repeated jobs were kind of special though since we actually have their books out in the shop already, so I had to spent sometime out in shop looking for them since I got to check them for mark ups and determine if I am to sleeve them or release an entire new book with mark ups included. Eventually I found them all and we determined that we were going to release a new book for the one out by the Fadal CNC machines.
    As for other two in deburring department, we will probably be sleeve-ing them since they are about done. *shrugs* I won't know until I pick them up tomorrow from there since I was mainly focusing on book from Fadal CNC Machines today. That and I was taking some set up pictures for a couple other parts.
    Alright, I think I did enough work talk. So let's talk about something else...How about the 3DS? Like did you know that I actually have it open right now with KH: 3D Demo on its title screen and I am just letting it sit there to listen to it repeat? Well, you do now. Yeah, I know that kind of weird, but I really like title screen music for the demo and I kind of afraid to look it up online because I might be tempt to spoiling other music from the title.
    Also am I only one that thinks that there should seriously be game music playing app for 3DS? I would seriously buy such an app from Nintendo eShop in a heart beat considering how much I love listening to video game music. Heck, that Legend of Zelda music CD from last year was first music I ever put on my iPod.
    *looks at clock* Well, I don't have much time left until Royal Pains is on, so I better wrapped this up. Oh, uh...My set review thing is probably not going to be up until like this weekend since my sleep schedule issues have kind of been keeping me from working on it. Sorry about that, guys.
    I also think I might be cutting down on entry posting here since I don't have much to talk about and in general, writing these eat up a lot of my free time from work. So yeah, there is not going be like daily entries. lol Not there ever was daily entries here, but you get what I mean.
    Alright, that's all I got for you today. I am sorry once again if this was not very interesting to read. Thank you though for at least reading some of it. I'll see you guys later.

    Listening to Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Demo Title Music
  15. Jedi Master J.
    Aww...Its so cute! *hugs*
    Oh, hi, folks. I didn't see you there. Um...Don't judge me, guys. I can't help it that I find Deerlings to be so cute. Beside, it is not like I am looking on Amazon now for plushes of Deerlings. *nervous laugh* Okay, I am doing that. But come on, they are so cute. I can't help it.
    But anyway, outside of embarrassing myself in this entry, I am just popping in to say that operation fix sleep schedule was a failure. Actually that's pretty obvious considering I am writing up this entry at like 2 AM in the morning. And well, I have no doubt that I will be kicking myself on Monday for making my sleep schedule get this bad since I have to get up at 6AM in morning then and leave for work around 7:15 AM. Although I guess if I passed out when I get home from work that day that I might fix my sleep schedule. *shrugs*
    Okay, seriously I am actually posting this entry to remind you all that I have open the floodgates for review requests. So if you have not read my previous entry, those floodgates will be open until midday Sunday and I am accepting request from following creative forums:
    - LEGO-Based Creations Forums
    - The Library Forums - Short Stories & Epics only! (Sorry to the Comedies folks, but I never been too interested in what the Comedies forum has to offer.)
    - General Art Forum
    You can make your request here or in that entry. Reviews will be dish out when I can manage them, so don't expect them to be up the next day or something.
    Oh, and here's a list of my current requests:
    - Janus | Brotherhood (Epic), Review Topic | Review should be post in a week or so*
    - Ballom | The Lone and Level Sands (Epic), Review Topic | Review should be post in a week or so*
    Alright, I think I have held you guys up for long enough. Apologizes once more for another rather boring entry from me. Thank you though for taking the time to at least read the entry. And well, I hope you take advantage of the review request gates being open.
    Okay, I guess I'll talk to all later. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
    *Be aware that reviews are post during my free time, so this should be taken as estimate at best.
  16. Jedi Master J.
    Oh, how I have miss you, Samurai Jack. Thank you, iTunes.
    Oh, hey, folks. I am just popping in again to give you all another update. I doubt you guys really needed. But considering I am staying up all night today to fix my sleep schedule, I might as well take this time to write an entry for guys in between watching the episodes of Samurai Jack, which I just brought off iTunes.
    And man, I really missed that show, so I can say without a doubt that buys these off iTunes has made me so happy. I am kind of sad though that we never got an ending for the show and I hope that planned movie for the show's conclusion does pull through. Although I can see why it wouldn't though since the original voice actor of Aku, Mako Iwamatsu, (Which some of you folks might know as the voice of Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender.) did passed away a few years back, so it is kind of hard picturing anyone voicing him just as well. *shrugs*
    But anyway, outside of telling you guys that I just brought Samurai Jack Season 1 from iTunes today, I want to let you all know that my review for Star Wars Mini Set with Tatooine Planet Ornament will probably be up this weekend, if I don't slack off.
    Oh, and does anyone want a never been open Matoro Mahri set? Just asking cause I have one and I don't have use for it since I have the set already. Hm...I guess I could use the pieces for something. Although I have never been very big MOCer, so I am not sure how useful this set's pieces are. *shrugs*
    Also guys, if you needed something review by someone, well, now's your chance to ask me. You have to at least midday Sunday to submit your request. It can be epics, short stories, art from General Art Forum, or MOCs. My personal prefer is short stories since they will get the quickest respond time out of me, but I am not going to restricted it since I know they are not the only ones in need of reviews. Keep in mind though that I am not expert on art, MOC-ing, and writing, so don't be expecting some top-notch front page worthy reviews from me.
    In addition to starting that up again, I think I might also be doing monthly spotlight entry for this blog since I think it would be nice to use my blog to help out some of our creative forum members get some more attention to their topics. I mean yeah, my blog is not really that popular, so it won't be attracting much attention for them, but it doesn't hurt doing that at the very least. So personally I don't think it would be bad feature for my blog. Feel free to leave your thoughts here on the possible feature.
    Speaking of blog features, I am going to try and get the Who's that Pokemon back on track after this week, so expect a new Pokemon to guess next week. I am going to be changing it up though for next week by not having a picture, but instead use a description to test people's knowledge of Pokemon itself. I might also be taking a different route with the reveal of who's that Pokemon by making my own custom Pokedex entries for the Pokemon. Please keep in my mind that it does very much depend on how much free time I have, so this feature is probably not going to be as weekly as I originally hoped.
    Alright, I think that's enough for this entry. I am sorry if it was not too interesting. I don't really know how I could of made it interesting. Because like I often say, I am a pretty dull guy, so most of what I say is probably boring. I am sorry for that. Thanks though for at least taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day.
    lol I know I will since I am watching Samurai Jack. =D Well, I'll talk to later, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  17. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just popping in because well, I kind want to see if anyone would be interest in maybe hanging out Animal Crossing: City Folks or Animal Crossing: Wild World. Is anyone interested? I am just asking because I been thinking lately about going back to that game for a bit and I thought it might be fun to go hang out with some online people there.
    That's all I really have to say for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all had a good July 4th, even if you aren't celebrating America's independence day. I'll see you all later, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  18. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping because well, I don't have anything better than 2 AM in morning to do. Beside sleep, of course; which I'll be doing after I get this up. But anyway, the point of this entry is more just mention some random things on my mind lately, so let's get to.
    First thing worth mentioning is I just played the demo for the new LEGO Batman game and I got to say guys I am rather tempted to buy this game for my 3DS now because it was pretty fun playing the demo.
    Of course, I don't mean that LEGO Games are not usually fun because let's be honest that is a lie. But I do think there is good chuck of them and don't break from form too much with the gameplay since they first start with LEGO Star Wars games (Which I can attest that I owned two of those games for our PS2 [i actually originally brought one of them for the PC. But like with most PC games, it did not work on my computer, so I rather embarrassingly cried to my parents about it and we trade it in for PS2 version.].).
    So yeah, I often weighted LEGO games (Especially for handhelds) as well not being worth it most of the time. This is not to say I would not like to have them though, but rather simply I don't have the cash to spent on them. lol Don't hate on me for that, guys. I am getting LEGO City: Undercover for Wii U after all, so don't think I have betray LEGO or anything (Yeah, I betray LEGO alright when technically I have spent more money on LEGO this year than I have in quite some time [R2D2 and Town Hall are not cheap, folks. =P ].).
    But anyway, back to my comments on the demo itself, I really like how they gave players the choice of whether they want to use the touch screen for controls or simply use the buttons because it allows the game to be flexibility enough for anyone pick it up and use. I mean yeah, I imagine most people will be using the buttons in the game. But hey, there could be someone that prefers use the touch screen and well, this game allows them to do so, if they so desired.
    Another thing that I like about it was the voice acting was not too jarring and did not feel out place to me. Not that, I thought it was going to be, but I did have minor worried that adding of voices might throw things off for me. It didn't and well, it felt kind of natural to me.
    I also really like that they got Clancy Brown from DC animated series to be the voice of Lex Luthor. I wish they could of got Mark Hamill for Joker and Kevin Conroy for Batman though. Not that the actors picked for the roles were bad though, but I do kind of unfortunately identity those characters with those actors' voices for them.
    Outside of those details, I guess only other comment about the demo that I have is I kind wish they could of given us the chance to try at least one of the other heroes out, beside Batman and Robin. I can understand though why they didn't, so it is not a deal breaker. I would love to have run around as Superman for a bit though since as much as I liked Batman's character, I always been a big fan of flying brick due to his purity and ideals (I kind wish we could get a good game like Arkham City for Superman, but I am not sure how such a game could work since there is very good reason why we don't get many good games with Superman as main character because he can be rather overpowered character.).
    So yeah, that's what I thought of LEGO Batman: DC Heroes demo. Moving on from that, I am also thinking about getting Pokemon Conquest maybe because it actually does look kind of interesting. I say maybe because I did buy Pokemon Rumble Blast awhile back and as interest as I thought that game was, I have barely played it. Plus, I already have tons of games as it is that need to play like Skyward Sword, which I have been not paying attention to since last semester started up. *shrugs* As such, I am probably not going to get it.
    In other video games news, I noticed in Minecraft today that I have about 88 oak saplings in my Misc chest, so I think I might be making a forest somewhere at some point in my world. Probably won't be while though since I am obsess with making this Sandstone Tower out to be the best structure that I can make. I also got a strange idea for that involving turning the walls around my tower into some sort of shell with hollow inside fill with nothing but water.
    In addition to that, I kind want to build another structure like my base to rig with explosives with the only part of structure surviving being the underwater chamber. lol I don't think that idea happening anytime soon considering the amount of resources that I would need to farm for it. I think it would be kind of cool to watch though. *shrugs*
    In other non-gaming news, I officially starting cleaning the basement. Yay, right? And guess what? I found some old school doodles that I think I might scan in to show you guys. There nothing too special, but I like how I kind of fill the whole page up with these sketches. That and some of doodles are BIONICLE related, so it is not like I am showing you guys my collection of childhood sketches like my Super John comics (I told you that I liked Superman, guys. The comics were more Captain Underpants inspired though.) or my strange Robot series or that one time comic that I made with a guy from a commercial that I named Angry Man and whom had a Tom and Jerry relationship with a squirrel.
    Oh, and for those wondering, I have not start my Kingdom Hearts I playthrough yet because I know that playing that game is going consume most of my time during the week, so I am trying to get as much cleaning done as I can before I start playing it. If everything goes well, I should start playing it on Monday.
    Alright, I think I say enough for this. Really I probably could of say more, but it is almost four o'clock in morning here and I really need to get to bed. So good night, BZPers. Thanks for taking the time to read my sleepy blog entry from "Saturday" night.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  19. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again really quick to share with you guys a project that I start today in Autodesk Inventor. What is that project? I am making a Minifigure sized Kingdom Keyblade.
    And well, to show that I mean business, I thought I should show you my work in progress model from today. So without further ado, here it is.
    Yeah, I know it is not overly impressive at the moment, which is not really surprising considering I made this in like fifteen minutes or so during commercials for new Burn Notice episode today. But well, it should look much better in a few days' time when I have more time to play with Inventor.
    Oh, and by the way, the LEGO House project is still ongoing thing. I just have had it on back burner for awhile now because I want to take a break from Inventor at end of this last semester. I should be getting back to it soon though, so expect news about that project again at some point here.
    In other news, there is just one more day of work and then I am vacation. I can't wait for it to start, especially considering it means that I can start playing through Kingdom Hearts I again (And hopefully beat it in time to also play Kingdom Hearts II during my vacation.).
    Alright, that's all folks. Thanks for taking to the time to read this all and I hope you all are having a good day. See ya, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  20. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, guys. I am just popping in to tell you guys that I have finally caught up on the Legend of Korra, so I now I don't feel like all you blog folks are tempering me to read spoilers since I know what happens now. Admittedly, someone did end up spoiling the twist in the last two episodes for me.
    But anyway, my overall opinion of season 1 of the Legend of Korra is that it is very good follow-up series to Avatar the Last Airbender. It is a little short though and feels kind of rush in places. I also have some mix feelings about the ending of this season, especially considering it wrap things up in such a way that I have to wonder what exactly season 2 will be about because there was absolutely no cliffhanger in it. It still a good show though and I most likely will be talk more about it here in depth when it been a few weeks since this week's episodes are still in spoiler territory. And well, I don't like to spoil stuff for people.
    In other news, I am kind of feeling a bit down on myself at the moment. I don't know sure why exactly; but for some reason, I am letting what a friend of my good friend, Steven, said to me once get to me. Basically what he say was that I would fade from existence in the future so to speak. That I would be nothing and easily forgotten by people. Admittedly I guess I shouldn't be taken that seriously because he was talking about fictional future, where Steven's Math class friend was a dictator or something.
    But I kind can't help feeling a little bug by what he say. Maybe I am nothing. I mean, after all, nothing that I doing in my life right now is really reaching people or affecting them. And well, I could probably be replace quite easily at my work. *shrugs* ... Oh, I am sorry guys for bring this depressing thought up. It just been bugging me is all and I think it at least helps to let it out somewhere...
    Uh...Let's move on to something less depressing...How about I give you guys another "Who's that Pokemon?" picture to guess who it is?
    Who that Pokemon?
    Do you know who this Pokemon is? If so, leave a comment with your guess and we will see if you were right next Sunday (I might do it sooner than this, but I am just going to say next Sunday to be safe as I could be busy with other things during the week.).
    Uh, that's all I got for you guys. Sorry for being kind depressing halfway through this, I try to keep these thoughts to myself next time. Well, thanks for reading this, folks. And I guess I'll see you all later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. Since I hadn't gotten around to cleaning the basement today, I thought I would just pop in and give you guys the entry that I been meaning to write since last Sunday, which was my Pokelog for that weekend.
    Oh, and before you post at me yelling clean the basement, I am going to get to doing that tomorrow. I probably won't be doing the PC disconnecting part of it this weekend though since it would just make a bigger mess to deal with and I am not on vacation until another week from today, so I don't have a lot time to fool around with my stuff.
    What I probably will be doing today is fixing up my book shelf by the staircase, so it can finally be used for what I brought for months ago (It supposed be my school textbook, BIONICLE book collection, and DVD bookcase, but right now it holding a bunch of random stuff.). With that say, I am probably not going to be showing you guys anything of it because there will be a bit of mess lying about, especially around the computer and weight bench.
    Oh, and speaking of my computer, while it is working pretty well right now, I would appreciate it if anyone of you tech experts could maybe suggest some new computers that I could check out. Wait...I probably should clarified that I am asking about retail desktop computers, not the ones you build yourself (Which personally I don't find too appealing because I have no idea how to do it and I don't think there are any insurance to cover yourself, if the computer ends up not functioning at all.).
    lol I just remember this is Pokelog. Sorry about that, guys. Speaking about this Pokelog itself, I do have tell you guys that since it been so long since I play the game, I am just going to be hitting the highlights of the gameplay that weekend and doing a Pro and Con list on the game itself.
    Highlights of the Gameplay last weekend:
    - I beat the Eighth Gym Leader > I can't say I can recall how difficult it was, but I pretty sure I did not get defeat by him. I think I was under-level though, when I beat him.
    - After training up my Pokemon team to level 50, I challenged the Elite Four and got owned twice.
    - During my third try, I was able to beat the Elite Four mostly due to using items since I was pretty under-leveled.
    - As I walked up to challenge the champion, I find N is there and he has already beaten the champion. Which I must say I really like how they tie in the "evil" team story this time around into the journey to Elite Four because it kind of gave our character much better source of motive for wanting to challenge them, beside wanting to be the best.
    I absolute loved descending through N's Castle and animation of it appearing was pretty cool. I also greatly appreciated that N does play fair and allows us to ready ourselves for battle. Heck, he even has a member that sends us back to the surface, if we so to desire to buy items or train our Pokemon up some. And even though N is my enemy, I really felt for the dude because his intentions were noble and good.
    But anyway, I get to top of castle to meet with N and I see pretty awesome cut-scene in which Reshiram appears. N tells to me challenge it to prove I am the other hero, so I do. And after the third try, I catch it successfully (Accidentally kill it during the first two tries.). It was in an Ultra Ball, by the way. Yeah, I know it was kind of lame way of doing it, but I did not have the patience to try the normal Pokeball route. Plus, I notice during my first try at it that he will actually confuse himself after awhile and ends up accidentally killing himself as a result.
    So with legendary Pokemon in tow, we challenge N and ultimately end up victorious. It does not end there though. Ghetsis arrives on scene and reveals to all his true colors, so now we have to challenge him to battle to protect the world from his evil plan. Once more, we succeed and Ghetsis is taken away by Champion and Cheren. And well, obviously after that was the credits.
    And starting the game up again after that, we find out our work is not done. The Seven Sages of Team Plasma are still at large and Looker, our favorite International Police Officer, has decided to in list our help in finding them. Of course, being the hero and all we were inclined to say yes. It also rather hilarious that he was one that gives us the fish rod (Which since we know surf is kind of useless.) and he does not even have good reason for doing it. lol
    After that, we leave our home only to be ambush by our two friends, Cheren and Bianca. They mention to me some of post game stuff such as the Black City that is open to us. The biggest news of all though is the fact that Ghetsis escaped them, which no doubt will play a factor in Black & White 2 (lol Who am I kidding? It is pretty much confirm that he will be in the next game, which I got to say I am kind of happy about as I like to explore more about his connection with N and in general, the Shadow Triad. Heck, I loved it if N returns as well.).
    So after I heard all this, I went off to travel to the Black City and much to my disappointment, the Black City was completely empty due to the fact that I took my time playing this game too much. As such, I ended up saving the game and calling it a night last Sunday.
    lol And now I want start playing it again. Argh...Time stopping powers would be great right now. But anyway, here is list of Pros and Cons of Pokemon Black. Don't be surprised, if it is mostly positive because I personally do think that it is one of best Pokemon title out at this point (No doubt Pokemon Black 2 will surpass it or at least I hope it will.).
    Pros of Pokemon Black:
    - THE STORY > I got say the story for this game has got to be most interesting part about it and I really love how they tie in with your goal of battling Elite Four. Not that, but characters like N and Alder had good enough depth to them and I really like that.
    - Gym Design > Like they been in Generation Four, the gym design was really neat in this game, especially like the eighth gym design with the dragon heads.
    - Less HM use > I got say that was rather nice as you did not have carry HM Slave much with you to use moves like cut or strength. It was kind of odd though not having strength puzzles to do in Pokemon game. Surf and Fly though are still pretty useful moves to have on your team obviously.
    - No limits on TM use > That was pretty awesome change because I tend to avoid using TM a lot due to the limit in the previous games.
    - Environments > They really went all out on the environments in this game, especially with the bridges. And this was all done on a DS graphic system! I can't wait to see what they cook up with 3DS because I have no doubts that it will be amazing.
    - Difficult > I got to say that this game felt to me like it was a lot more difficult to play than the previous titles and I actually rather like it because it helps me forge a more level balance team of six Pokemon.
    - Some neat Pokemon design > While I admit there are some bad ones in this generation such as Trubbish (I have warmed up to Trubbish though considering we did have Grimer in Generation 1 and all.), I really like a lot of Dragon type Pokemon from this generation (Axew Family, Druuddigon, Zekrom, Reshiram, and Deino Family [i really want to get a Deino.]). Starter Pokemon are pretty cool, I love the Blitzle Family, the trio of Elemental Monkeys are cool as well (I really want to get all of them.), I like the Sandile family, and fossil Pokemon from this generation are pretty cool looking (I especially like Tirtouga.). Oh, and I really need to find a Bisharp at some point because I really like his design.
    - Itemfinder > I really like the improvement they made on it. That and I like that we can assign more than one item to the Y button.
    - Post-Game Content > I really like that they gave us this mission to track down the Seven Sages. That and they left us plenty of places to explore.
    Cons of Pokemon Black:
    - No Walking Pokemon > I got to say that was a big disappoint for me after playing Pokemon Heartgold. At the same time though, I do like that it was not include because I think it would of conflict with N's goal in the game because if the Pokemon are allow to travel with you outside the Pokeball, it would probably be kind hard to argue we are forcing them to be with us as they could easily run away (Hm...You know they should put that mechanic in the game for those that cruel to their Pokemon. Actually no, probably would annoyed people. It would be interesting to see though.).
    - Xtransceiver is useless > It really is and personally I would like it better if it act like the Pokegear phone and allows you to add trainers to call for rematches. I also not sure why people would use it to communicate online with (I am especially against it using my 3DS's camera if I were to use it since I never been big fan of showing my face to people.). Although I kind appreciate that it does has this ability as a lot of cool things in this game tend to be local based (lol Of course, it makes sense that it is not local based considering the person will be sitting close enough to hear you.).
    - You can't play Entralink online > Again, as nice as local based stuff are, it is not very useful for someone like me (In their early 20s) with not many Pokemon fans to hang out with locally (Although technically I did notice there was some people playing latest Pokemon games on their 3DS at my college due to Miis they send me, but I think trying to track them down is weird and stalkish. There is also a Video Game and Anime club at my school, but they met on the days that I did not have class and was at work. ) I would of like it better if there was online mode for it.
    - Pokeballs don't have their own bag in the Item menu > That is rather annoying to me, especially considering you get a lot of items in this game.
    - Running Shoes lost its touch screen button and return to B button > Again, another thing that kind of annoyed me since I like that feature in Pokemon Heartgold.
    - Some of Pokemon design weren't the best > As many people have said, not all Pokemon designs in this game were the best we seen. The Trubbish Family and Woobat Family are ones that I really don't like.
    - Level Grinding can be difficult > This game seems to make level grinding without trainers rather difficult. Admittedly it might of always been like that. It has been awhile since I pick up Pokemon Heartgold.
    - No VS Seeker > Again, that's another thing that I found annoying because it would of been useful for training, especially post-game as it help with making more ideal online teams.
    - Black City Inhabitants are depend on how fast you beat the game > This annoying because it makes the place pretty much useless for me.
    And that's my pros and cons list. lol And apparently I have an equal amount of Pros and Cons for this game. I think the Pros outweigh the cons though. *shrugs*
    But anyway, I actually was going to talk about Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Demo here as well. However I think I have kept you guys long enough with this. Well, I guess I could say it here really quickly. I really liked the demo and I can't wait for the actual game to come out. The flowmotion stuff in the demo were quite fun. I do wish they could of demonstrate the Drop Gauge in it though. That and it would of been nice to see what playing as Riku is like.
    Alright, that's all for today's entry. I am sorry if I kept you guys too long. I hope though that the entry was to your liking. Thanks for taking the time to read this all. See ya, BZPers.
    Oh, and I was going to do a "Who's that Pokemon" part of this entry. But considering how long this entry is, I decided not to. I am sorry if any of you guys were looking forward to it. EDITED: Oh, and I just want to mention here that I just brought the Legend of Korra off Itunes, so I finally be able to catch up on the series. No spoilers, please.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  22. Jedi Master J.
    Argh...Why did I have to find out now when it is midnight that demo for Dream Drop Distance is available in 3DS shop? Well, I guess I know what I am doing tomorrow after work, guys. Hopefully I'll still get that Pokelog up for you guys.
    And that's all for this entry. Yeah, I know this kind of short, but I mainly just posting this entry to spread the word to those that miss the news like I did that Demo for Dream Drop Distance is available now. So go download it, if you hadn't already. Okay? Talk to you all later, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  23. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I am just coming online today to tell you all that my computer has made it through a day without bluescreening, so I think that might be good sign that my computer's issue has been resolve.
    Hopefully it will stay that way as I really do need to get my SSCC review up for this story and I don't want to end up typing up the review only to lose it by a crash (I don't know why, but computer crashes on this computer seem to know whenever I am doing something important. Maybe Skynet is real? Yeah, its cleverbot. ).
    But anyway, the point of this entry is to thank all of you that bother to help me with this issue, when I brought it up here. Seriously you guys are awesome for doing that and wish I could give you all something for it.
    Special thanks has to go to Avohkah Tamer, whom help me a great deal with troubleshooting the issue and he was the one that suggest the possible solution to the issue that appears to have fixed it. Also thank you to Sisen, GSR, and Pit: Arrow of Light for trying to help me as well. Again, like I said, I think you guys are all awesome for doing that.
    Well, that's all folks for this entry. No wait, I guess I could mention here that this Saturday, I might be disconnecting my computer to clean around my desk. It has nothing to do with the computer crash this week. I just been meaning to clean the basement up for awhile now and I know my desk needs to be clean. Plus, I will work a lot better if my computer is disconnected since it is one of my biggest distractions at the moment.
    I should be back on Sunday if I do end up doing this, so I might post my belated Pokelog this Friday with a Who's That Pokemon thing at the end of that entry and reveal who the Pokemon was on Sunday. I might post a picture of my desk here on Sunday, if I can get it to be more presentable looking by then.
    Okay, that's all I got for you today guys. Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all have a good day.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  24. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, folks. I actually was going to make a Pokelog today, but unfortunately my computer appears be having issues. So instead of Pokelog for today's entry, I am here inquire about an error that my computer just experience today, which cause my computer to like blue screen five times (It actually happened as soon as I made a comment on BZPower, but I don't think it is related. *shrugs*).
    Admittedly I am not sure if you guys can really help me with this problem, but I think it is at least worth trying to see if one of you computer experts can figure out what could of went wrong. Of course, you guys do need more information than just that it is blue screen, so I will elaborate further. The blue screen message that read each time my computer start up was telling me there was hardware issue causing the crashes. The text seem to subject to me that it thought I install like a graphics card or something to computer as it read like something tell you install the device not properly. *shrugs* And well, I have nothing installed in my computer like that. Everything in it came with the computer.
    We (my mother and I) think it might be a Window Vista issue since I did have Window Update recently and more often than not, I get most of my problems from Microsoft's Updates themselves. I don't think that makes much sense though. As wouldn't it have happen sooner than this? *shrugs*
    I am not computer expert, so I appreciate help that you could offer. I probably will be asking our IT guy, Kevin, at work tomorrow during lunch to see if he has any clue what could be the issue. In the meantime, I am going to be taking it easy with this computer and mostly just be scanning things and checking things to see if they are update to date since I did have use the time travel function to stop the crashes. Wish me luck with that, guys. And I guess I'll see you all later, if my computer does not have more problems.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  25. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Today's entry going be gaming related again since I had my first online match in Kid Icarus: Uprising today with JiMing, so I am kind of in gaming state of mind at the moment. And I must say that was fun a match and I would love to do that again with him and possibly other BZPers.
    But anyway, before I start on my general gaming talks here, I want to show you guys my pony-self (Which I made with General Zoi's pony creator).
    Oh, and before anyone asks, yeah, he does not have a cutie mark. :blush:
    Alright, back on topic, I would like to talk about a few things that I kind of would like see in the future with games. For starters, I would like to see with games that have Kid Icarus styled online play (Which I got say was very good for Nintendo standard considering there was pretty much no noticeable lag when I was playing it with JiMing. However I did notice something happen, while I was playing one time by myself. And that was my team was frozen in place and the clock wasn't counting down at start of a match. And yet the Dark Team was advancing toward us. It was weird and I kind of think it might of been hacked, but I soon was able to move again. *shrugs*) have the ability to communicate with your teammates because I think it would really help people to properly work together.
    I also would like to see possibility of having different weapon types in the new Super Smash Bros game, so that player can kind of custom their combat to their preferences. My reasoning for this is I think it would be kind of nice to allow the player to almost like personalize the character. At same time though, I can see why this wouldn't work because it would probably alienate the original players of the series and it could never be to degree of what Kid Icarus has done due to the home version being restrict to just the home obviously. Plus, it could cause some balance issues, I imagine. *shrugs*
    If anything, it makes me very curious how they will pull off handheld version of Super Smash Bros since the Streetpass stuff should not give anyone more advantage in the game than the console version. Then again, the streetpass stuff will probably just be Subspace related, so I guess there really will be no problem then. Plus, I have faith that Masahiro Sakurai will deliver us another good Super Smash Bros title.
    Another thing that I would like to see is a game centered around you be an animal of some sort (I don't mean humaniod animals, we got plenty of those or at least we have.), where you have to travel through a world like the Pride Lands from the Lion King films. Heck, if anything, I would love it if someone took what Kingdom Hearts 2 did with the Lion King world and build a game center around just that world. Man, that would fun. At least for me, it would be. *shrugs*
    In other gaming news, I am really getting in mood of playing TWENTY again, so hopefully I do play that next week. I also probably going to start Terra story in Birth by Sleep, if I don't get sidetrack with TWENTY and cleaning the basement up. Oh, by the way, guys, I might not be on much next week due to my brother graduation and the fact that I really do need to clean the basement up because it has gotten way out of hand, especially around my computer.
    Alright, that's all I got to talk about today for this entry. Apologizes if it wasn't too interesting to most of you. Thanks for taking the time to read it though and I hope you all have good night. Talk to later, BZPers.
    Oh, you thought I forgot, didn't you? No, folks, I didn't forget. Here is the Pokemon from last entry's Who's That Pokemon Challenge:

    Name: Zweilous
    Type: Dark / Dragon
    Gen: V
    Native Region: Unova
    Typical Height: 4' 8"
    Typical Weight: 110.2 lbs
    Pokedex Entry: After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along. (Black Ver.) Since their two heads do not get along and compete with each other for food, they always eat too much. (White Ver.)
    Correct Guesser: Pit: Arrow of Light

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
    What I listening to while writing this: "Calling" from TWENTY; Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor; Dearly Beloved (Days' Title Screen Version), by Yoko Shimomuro; Roxas Theme from KH Days; Night of Fate from Kingdom Hearts; It Ends Tonight, by The All American Rejects
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