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Dark Assassin

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About Dark Assassin

  • Birthday 02/19/1993

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  • Location
    Your Mom's House
  • Interests
    Music.<br /><br />If I didn't have music, I would've gone completely insane by now or at least of killed some one. But only Rock. Christian rock, rolling rock, whatever. I have no passion for country or junk like that<br /><br />Writing.<br /><br />Not one of my biggest passions, but it's fun. I get all these ideas and since I have absolutely no skill at drawing, I write. I may not be very good at it, but I'm working on it.<br /><br />Comics.<br /><br />My favorite comic series are Ultimate Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Gotta give credit to my main man Nid for making me a major dork in that category. Well, dork is a bit harsh. More of a total fanatic. <br /><br />TV.<br /><br />I'll watch basically anything that's animated or that's been recommended to me by a friend (mainly Nid). <br /><br />Reading.<br /><br />Gotta love those paper cut giving books. I just can't get enough of them. The books, I mean, not the paper cuts. I have an irrational fear of those.

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  1. It's kinda funny, though. The only GR related things that got me hooked was the movies and one comic book. Oh, and Nid introduced me to him.

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