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Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie

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Blog Entries posted by Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie

  1. Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie
    Yestetrday was a weird day. First, in the afternoon, we had a looong power outage. I was ok [exept from the heat], but my little brother went crazy. Eventually Mom came in, and I had an idea: MOCing contest between me and my brother with Mom as a judge. It was a tie. He made a toa of Fire, stone and air with a scorpion tail coming out of it's back. [The color scheme was actually pretty good] And I made a snake with 3 piraka heads.
    Later we went to a party for one of dad's friends. It was fun, but there was CONSTANT lightning [but no rain]! But fortunately, no one had there eyebrows singed off.
  2. Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie
    Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Biiiiirthday to Meeee... Happy Brithday to okay, I'll stop.
    Haven't done anything to celebrate yet, but that's expected, it's not even noon yet. I'll update this entry later, though...
    And feel free to give me presents in your comments.
  3. Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie
    Constabulations, Tohu! Your [and those vaguely staff-related people's] amazing site has now reached 7 years! Here's a birthday present - this blog entry, complete with cake, constabulations, and blogginess.
    | |
    present below| V



    [this one has about 2 1/2 pounds of constabulations]
    Blogginess <-
    On a less BZP-related note, my Mom [who also likes Bionicle and Lego] is going Mistika hunting as we speak. Hopefully she'll find something...
    Waaait. Whenever I hope she'll find something, she doesn't find it, so maybe...
    I don't hope she'll find Mistika.
  4. Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie
    Forgot to update yesterday, but anyway, here's what came out of Mistika hunting -
    All the canister sets were gone, except for one. There might have been some boxed sets, but I wouldn't know.
    The canister Mistika I have....
    a set called...
    Personally, I was hoping for Krika or Tahu, but this works too. He's actually better than I expected.
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