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Posts posted by Duarack5

  1. While I do think that Lego doesn't like that these leaks have gotten out (if they are leaks. I'm still a little suspicious of them), I don't think it will change their overall plans for the future of Bionicle. In fact, these 'leaks' have gotten people excited for the line again. I've seen a few posts on here from members that state that they will buy the new Bionicle sets when they come out. Whether they will or not remains to be seen. (And it depends if the news sets are actually good or just look horrible. :P)


    So if Bionicle is indeed returning, these leaks aren't going to stop it. 


    I agree. And if it does come back, we have to remember to buy the sets and support the line.

    Generation 2 won't survive if the line doesn't make any money. Sure, all the kids will buy the sets because "zomg robot warriors!!" but an extra push from all us older fans will help.

  2. Reading through these posts brings back so many great memories!  ^_^ 


    But instead of dwelling on the past, why not look to the future? The so-called Golden Days are long gone, but the site is still kicking. These are another kind of golden days, one where the most steadfast of members, writers, comic-makers, contributors, etc., remain on the site and keep the Bionicle dream going for future fans. 


    We got a great community here and incredible talent and creativity around. We have the potential to keep improving the site, iterating on what has been done and keeping it around for future fans. To me, that is all that matters. 





    And if Bionicle really does return in 2015, we'll have a legion of new fans to welcome! So get ready for the second age

  3. Mask of Light. Sure, there were a few things in it that didn't add up (why is no one using their mask powers?!) and my favorite Toa's personality was completely changed, ("Ooh, Pohatu! Mining has never been betterrrr hehehehHUHUH!) but I feel that that movie captured the spirit of Bionicle better than the other two did.


    That fourth movie never happened. -_-

  4. There will always be evil for the Toa to defeat. Marendar, Makuta, Velika, and so on. The last few serials showed us that, and while I'd like to see a continuation of the previous story that tied up all the loose ends, I suspect that Lego will opt for a hard reboot instead, with nothing buta set of heroes, villans, and a mcguffin to find. The latter type of story would be easier for newer, younger fans to grasp, in addition to acting as a nostalgia bomb for the older fans

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  5. While I would like to see a continuation of the story (What's the deal with Marendar and Velika and and everything?!) A reboot would make it far easier for younger fans to get invested in the series.

    I'e heard Bionicle described as "too big for its own good" in reference to the series' later years, and while I have no problem with a complicated story, I do recognize that Lego has to cater, first and foremost, to the kids who are going to buy the sets, and starting off with a simple good-vs-evil story is a great way to ease them into a universe as vast as Bionicle's.

    A hard reboot would mean starting completely over at the Quest for the Masks story, and a soft one would simply involve fast-forwarding a few years from where the last story left off. The former seems like the safer option.

  6. Moments that stand out to me:


    Nothing in particular in 2001. It was all pretty cool, and as a kid I really enjoyed it. Looking back on the first flash-animation game, I can see just how much work was put into the story, and it shows, especially during the battle with Makuta.


    2002 Gave us an epic fight between Onua and Lewa...for the second time! First Onua beats him up while he's wearing an infected mask, and then we get to see it again!

    Also, the scene in which it's revealed that Lewa was wearing a krana BLEW. MY. MIND.


    2003: year of the movie! Hey kids, you get to see all of your favorite heroes TALK. It was amazing!

  7. Strakk, Tuma, and Nektann were all completely wasted, bereft of even a fitting and satisfying death and being reduced to wandering outcasts.Although, the Piraka were wasted even more. Things went downhill once they turned into snakes. That was when I really started finding problems with the BIONICLE story.

    I wouldn't say that Tuma was always wasted, in Empire of the Skrall we got to see quite a lot of him. Now in The Legend Reborn, he was completely wasted. Any development we got from him was thrown out the window in that movie, replaced by him just being another big, black-armored villain.I don't think the Piraka were wasted, especially not in the books. Sure, in the comics we didn't get much of their personality, but you only have so much room in those. In the 2006 books, we got to see them constantly, talking, fighting, or just being creepy. We even got a whole book dedicated to their back-story! I'd consider them some of the more enjoyable Bionicle villains.As to who I thin was wasted: the Hydruka. Think about it, we barely saw them in the comics, and were mentioned only a few times in the books. I don't recall Morak ever being mentioned. This was a shame, because the Hydruka looked so cool, and so much could be done with them! We could have seen them trained to defend Mahri Nui or attacking the Barakki in droves. We were given Rahkshi-headed-under-water-scorpion-creatures, and they ended up just skittering around and harvesting an air bubble or two.
  8. I don't think we represent the majority of fans everywhere. This site only has so many members active, certainly not every single Bionicle fan willing to discuss the franchise.I'd say that we represent some fraction of the "hardcore" Bionicle fans, those who have stuck around since 2001 and are still interested in the story.To quote another fan from years back, "we ARE the target audience!"

  9. I think Bionicle could pull off a serious movie that the older fans could enjoy. Look at the 201-2002 comics, you won't find any kiddie-ness there, just an epic story filled with beautiful or just plain cool images. If the movie was directed by someone who had experience with Bionicle, or who knew what tone to set for the 2001 story, it could turn out pretty well. And I'm sure that with today's level of animation, we won't have to worry about fake-looking charecters or clumsy fight scenes

  10. I've always laughed at the line, "A bunch of crusty relics aren't going to stop us!"Really, Vakama? Have you forgotten all the times you've faced Rahi in the past? Hasn't Whenua told you of all the times something broke out of the archives and almost ate him? Can't you see all of the giant and dangerous creatures roaming around your team? No wonder he was the first to get shot by the Visorak, his pride literally blinds him!

  11. Onua. From day 1, he has been my favorite Bionicle character and favorite Toa. He could pull off both looking heroic and scary. Looking at him, do you immediately think "hero", or instead "does it want to kill me or hug me...?"I love the look of him, the personality, and the fact that his mask gives him what is essentially super-strength. :pakari:

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