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Fivrik Toa of Building

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Posts posted by Fivrik Toa of Building

  1. Hey there, I decided to stop by and post this, ending my BZP hiatus.
    Something just occurred to me about LEGO's licensing deals - they go both ways. Think about it. LEGO works with Nickelodeon, and Hero Factory happens on TV. They work with Warner Bros, and we get Ninjago
    and Chima on Cartoon Network, which they own, plus The LEGO Movie. I recently discovered something has been done with Disney - A LEGO Friends TV show on The Disney Channel. Now, with The Simpsons set, what is going on with Fox? :lookhere:


    - Fivrik

  2. I still think it is Trinuma for five reasons:
    • [*]
    He is a member of the OoMN - That means no time slip for him, plus he could have been anywhere in the MU.[*]We know pretty much nothing about him. Perfect for someone who will later be revealed as a Great Being.[*]His mask. Think about it. A mask of Charisma? That would be helpful to a Great Being. :lookhere:[*]Great buildings like to build? Why was he chosen to use the Staff of Artakha?[*]This is from BS01: "Trinuma revealed that Vezon was to betray the Order and the entire universe."


  3. Remember, there's no rule that you have to listen to the podcast in one go. I rarely ever do that when I listen to other podcasts.

    Problem being that once I start something, it slays me to have stop in the middle of it. :P
    :sigh: Me too. I listen to so many podcasts, I'm never listening to them when they come out.


  4. We also need to find out what happened to The Shadowed One, why the Mask of Time was taken and what it will be used for, etc. Man, there are a lot of mysteries that have to be wrapped up.

    I even forgot about that myself. Last I checked, he disappeared from Xia, after a huge explosion or something of the sort. As for the Vahi, I thought Voporak had stolen it, but he hasn't been seen in forever...wow....I forgot some of these mysteries. -Star
    And That is what Bionicle Sector 01 is for.
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