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Fivrik Toa of Building

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Status Updates posted by Fivrik Toa of Building

  1. Well, all that caffeine from that Mountain Dew is finally wearing off. I'm going to need a long nap later today so I can start my new job without feeling tired! I hate insomnia.

  2. Well, I finally found my old avatar. Too bad. I was looking forward to taking a new one with my new camera.

  3. Well, I guess my new computer will have to wait. I need to get all four of my car tires replaced first. Where is the cheapest I can get it done at? I've been told Discount Tire and Big-O.

  4. Well, I'm back to working on my novel again. Don't expect to see much of me here on Facebook for a while. It is just too distracting.I'm not going to let anything keep me from finishing what I began a decade ago! ;-)

  5. Well, I'm glad I decided to limit my social networking time. I feel the most alive writing my novel. :)I'm finishing it this year no doubt!

  6. Well, I'm on my way to getting a job at The Pasta Factory! I got my food handler's permit today, and I start work next Wednesday evening! Finally a REAL job! :D

  7. Well, off to bed. It is past midnight, and I'm going to miss an hour of sleep. Good thing church is at 1:00 pm! ;)

  8. What's wrong with me this week? On Saturday, I leave my GoSmart stylus at IHOP, and tonight I leave my phone at Apollo Burger! I am SO thankful people are honest in this city.

  9. Who's ready for April Fool's Day? I already found out what Google Maps is doing - Pokemon hunt!

  10. Why don't I have the new Facebook design yet? It looks a lot better than this one. #FacebookRedesign

  11. Wow! It's already been 3 years since I joined Twitter? #Twitterversary

  12. Wow. Amazing what staying away from Facebook for a few hours can do. I've already figured out how to fix a few problems I was having with book one in my series. I was working so hard, I had to take a break to see what everyone else was doing. Come to think of it, this actually gives me reason to post status updates instead of just sharing things. I'm improving my typing skills, too!

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