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Blog Entries posted by *DWAN*

  1. *DWAN*
    Sorry I haven't been updating at all the past few months. I've been busy with school, holidays, and making games over at Biotech. And i probably won't be on much until January but I wanted to post this while I could.
    My first commission which I ended up giving for free because it took me over a month to finish(when it shouldn't have)

    I'm never happy with my art but comments are appreciated.
  2. *DWAN*
    So I've spent the past month helping my sister get off to college and taking over her house chores, and as such, haven't been on bzp that much recently.
    Havoc won the contest(well was one of the four winners) and I'm real happy about that. If you haven't had a chance to play it, here's a link to download it. Let me know what you think of our work =)
    NEW ART!
    This self drawing doodle was made a couple days ago while I was very bored.

    Here's another recent drawing, this time it's of Zaras and 3186, the main characters in a graphic novel I'm working on. (I need a good scifi writer, i have a basic plot and key events i want to happen but I am no good at linking them together with a coherent script. If you're interested send me a message.

    I also have a fantasy/medieval comic about Dwan's story that I also need a writer for, so if you don't like scifi you can ask about this.
    I'm working on concepts for Biotech, and I'm planning on drawing some fan art of Lady K's Glitch in The System.
    That's all for now =)
  3. *DWAN*
    We've been working on a game for the FCG Contest #1 and it's almost done. So we decided to make a poster and I got the assignment to do so.

    Can't wait till we can show you the real game. =)
  4. *DWAN*
    Sometimes I wonder why I even post my art here because it seems as though noone sees it. I mean I'm not trying to be the center of attention or anything but a little recognition every now and then would be really motivating. This is partially another reason why I haven't been on bzp as much as I used to be. Give me some feedback, comments, and constructive criticism on some of my drawings. I post them here for that very reason. I'm trying to improve but I can't if I don't know what's wrong with my art.
    So anyway...here are some drawings I made a while ago but decided I could show them now.

    This is a stylized edit of a drawing I did for biotech that Iruini Nuva made. The image I drew of this is actually much more detailed(but I can't show the original to you)

    Hey look it's concept art of Zaras from that comic I made back in 2006. I've been thinking about remaking it but i don't think anyone's interested in an alien lizard lady going on adventures through space with her giant robotic friend trying to solve mysteries...
    Uh...yeah. So if you like my art/concept stories, let me know. Even if you DON'T like them let me hear your opinions on how i can improve them.
  5. *DWAN*
    You may have noticed i didn't post any art last month...The truth is i drew a bunch of finished artworks(full color) but I am not allowed to show them because they have to do with a Biotech project being worked on.
    I want to apologize that all I have to show right now is this little doodle...

    Also I will be gone a for a while(or just barely online) until the 14th.
    See you next entry.
  6. *DWAN*
    Yes i am actually drawing more and more this year. Maybe I'll have an art topic if I know I'll have enough fans to support it.

    This is a 100% tablet drawing I did of one of my friends. Took about 4 hours total, over a period of two days. I'll have to thank her for letting me post it here.
    I'm not too happy with the hair but it's good enough to pass I think.
  7. *DWAN*
    It's a new record!
    I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and hope you all have a wonderful next year.
    2008 went by faster than 07. It seems a lot happened this year for me, good and bad. I've been sick for the past three days and it doesn't look like I'll be better tomorrow either. Iruini nuva's been on my back to draw some concepts for our games but I haven't been able to find time really, with so many animals in the house I get tired out fairly quickly.
    My goals for next year are to get better grades in school, get back in shape, buy a better computer from my friend, Release a quality game for profit, find a job, and restart my art topic. And if I find time continue my comic book 3186.
    Here's to hope that next year's more productive than this one was.
  8. *DWAN*
    Well I got bionicle legends #10, Prince of Persia(ps3), and the gift I'm enjoying the most so far; Wacom bamboo tablet!
    I've been working tirelessly to try to learn how to maximize my use of tablet and I will have some art soon. Lately I've been working on concept art for Biotech's next game (I've said too much already =P).
    So soon I'll be back to bzp more, see you all then.
  9. *DWAN*
    So I never really asked you members out there whether I should do my comic book story of Dwan set in the bionicle universe or in his true, fantasy univrse. The stories are quite different, the fantasy one is much longer and ends with a sorta cliffhanger, and the bionicle ends with Dwan's death soon after he finished tellng his story to Lady Kaguya(Lady Kopaka). I thought about doing both for a time but decided it wasn't the best course of action. So you guys let me know...if anyone is reading this that is...
  10. *DWAN*
    So I've been trying to improve my art a lot more recently. Looking up books to buy, finding computer programs to try out in the future. And I found this great site that has tons of human anatomy reference pictures. It also has a section that lets you set the pictures to a random slideshow, and the time for how long a picture stays up can be set from 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and even 90 seconds.
    I wanted to try to see how fast I can get on gesture drawing so I set it for 60 seconds, opened up a blank canvas in my art program, and filled the page.
    Here are a few of my first attempts.


    and third

    Let me know what you think.
  11. *DWAN*
    As promised, here are some new character designs for my graphic novel. I'm just giving basic descriptions of the characters so not to spoil much, sorry =\.
    Gai is a traveling monster hunter and a genius inventor.

    Wraithe is a mystery ha ha. Her ancestors are based off a book my sister wrote when we were younger.

    Lady kaguya (aka lady k)who is one of the first characters seen in the story. She is the protector of a small settlement on a mountain.

    These are also some color and style tests(though I'll probably leave it in black and white in the final versions). Let me know if you like it.
    see you next entry.
  12. *DWAN*
    Well sorta, it's not done yet but here's a preview of another drawing of my friend. She's out of town and I'm making this as a welcome back present =)

    100% tablet drawing while looking at a picture. Hair is obviously not finished lol. Using a different style of shading than the previous drawings, and I think I'm improving with brush usage.
    Still working on some sketches of characters from my comic but I want to finish this before she get's back.
  13. *DWAN*
    Hi there folks.
    So I haven't been into Bionicle as much as I used to be. Mostly because of the way the story seemed to be headed into space. I haven't bought any of the sets this year and instead have been saving up for a new computer. But after looking at the sets a bit more they are looking pretty snazzy. I may buy them once I have my computer built.
    As some of you might know, I've been planning on making a graphic novel about my character Dwan's story. But I'm not a very good writer. I'm looking for someone who would like to write for my story based on some plots and themes I already have planned. I have someone in mind but if any of you have experience in writing for serious styled comics I'd be happy to consider you.
    I should have a sketch of some of the first major characters later this month to show you all. I can't get a good enough design of Kaguya(lady k) though, I'll have to consult her sometime soon.
    See you next entry.
  14. *DWAN*
    So very sorry that it's soo late but here are some new sketches for the next installment of The insurgent.

    Link here
    What would you like to see in the next concept art i make? Post your suggestion in this topic.
    Also I hear Ubisoft is coming out with another part of the new Prince of Persia called "epilogue" as a downloadable chapter. It will add more to the story and new abilities. I'm glad because it ended so suddenly.
  15. *DWAN*
    Things are going smoothly so far this year. I'm finally getting better from being sick and we're moving along swiftly with our games. Haven't played Prince of Persia since Christmas so I'm gonna play some tomorrow. And also, oh? what's this? Concept art for The Insurgent?

    Click to the image go to Biotech Game Production's topic. Or click here to download the latest Version of the game.
    And there you have it, first of many artworks to come this year. =)
    See you next update.
  16. *DWAN*
    Biotech game productions' game, The Insurgent, is almost done. We are having the beta tested by BZP members. The game will be at Brickfair for anyone to play it.
    With the game finished I will still not have much time to post new art here because we're going ahead and starting our next game(s).
    But I will try to get some new art up, last time I posted art on bzp (not including this blog) was September 2006.
    That's not good at all. So I'm aiming to have some bionicle art (and a new design of dwan) next month.
    Until then...
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