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Blog Entries posted by Jacob83093

  1. Jacob83093
    Huh. Funny thing happened yesterday. I never got to write about it then, so... here it is!
    Okay, before you read the situation, you must know that I am a huge Spider-Man fan/geek, and have been following the progress of the third movie for a while. Anyway, so yesterday, I was checking for updates, since I hadn't for a few days. I went to Superherohype.com, and looked over the news. And, you know what I saw? The words FIRST VENOM PICTURE! Now, Venom is one of the coolest villains in Spider-Man. So, naturely, I clicked the link, while excitment was building up in my head. Then, it slowly started loading. Then, it loaded. And do you know what I saw? These words: THIS PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED. Hugly dispointed, I tried refreshing the page, but the same thing happened. So then, I went to the official Spider-Man 3 website. There, I saw a ton of links to new wallpapers. Instantly, I thought "Those links... I'm sure they link to a picture of Venom!" I was getting ready to click one of them... when the computer suddenly shut down. Now, this has only happened twice in my computers history. Naturally, I was enfuriated. Quickly, I grabbed a shot gun and blew up the monitor. Okay, I didn't do that, but I was still extremely angry. So then, I tried turing the computer back on. It wouldn't turn on. I was angry. Anyway, I had to wait over an hour to see that picture. It seems short now that I discuss it, but trust me. It wasn't. Finally, when the computer was working again, I saw the picture... and it was just a picture of Eddy Brock having the symbiote crawl on him! WHY?? Oh well.
    By the way, one day until I can get the Inika. And, as it turns out, I might be able to purchase three, not just two! Yay!
    Also, I'm adding an extra thing to this blog today... I'll edit this entry when it's up...
    EDIT: It's up! The "Epic Quote of the Day!" is now on my blog! It'll be updated every week with different quotes from all of my stories. Enjoy!

  2. Jacob83093
    Yay! Premier member abilities to me! Whoo hoo!
    Ah, so I just saw X2: X-Men United yesterday (yeah, I'm behind on the X-Men). I'd have to say it's one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. Better than X1, a million times better than the Fantastic 4, a billion times better than the Hulk, just as good as Spider-Man 2 and Batman Begins.
    Also, Friday, I was able to enjoy USA's 'Detective' Friday night. Namely, they show the detective shows Monk and Psych. Great shows, great shows. Now if only they had Columbo...
    Now, onto Bionicle. I finally have enough money to purchase Jaller and Nuparu, so I'll get them soon.
    And, to close this entry... Happy Late 5th Anivarsary, BZPower!

  3. Jacob83093
    Well, I've entacountered a lot of movie-video related things today. Now, too talk about them...
    Well, first off. Earlier this morning, I was watching Nickelodean, and guess what came up? The new Toa Inika commercials! I must say, these are really cool! The music gives it a dark, dramatic, feel, and it was true to the Bionicle 2006 feel. Didn't know the Piraka had so many Zamor Launchers guarding their Stronghold/Chain Link Fence, though.
    Also, I noticed that the "Last Action Hero" was on HBO Comedy today. Odd chanell to have it on, seeing as the movie (really good one, too), isn't just a comedy. It's an action movie, it's a comedy, it's... everything. It's easily the second-best movie of 1993 (the first being "Jurrasic Park").
    And, I'm currently watching Bionicle: Mask of Light while I type this. Unfortunetly, it's the only Bionicle movie that I own. It's not as good as the sequals, I decided that long ago, but it's still good.
    Anyway, enough talking about movies. So, as it turns out, I can't order the Inika until Wednesday. But oh well. Plus, I've got to keep in mind that I'll be vacationing in Orlando next month, and I'll be able to see the Lego Store they have in Downtown Disney. I'll have to save up for that, too. I want to get one or two sets for every Lego theme I enjoy (so far, I know I'll get a Bionicle, a KK2 set, and a Batman set).
    Anyway, quick question to all comic book fans- what's the most exspensive comic you've ever bought? Mine would have to be Superman V.S. Spider-Man. It was $25.00. Hmm... maybe I should make this a topic in the COT...

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