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Posts posted by Vraiment

  1. 2 minutes ago, chuckschwa said:

    I had the same kinda vibes. Most prototypes come out of Europe and anyone could scribble autographs on old stuff. I haven't seen many prototypes up close, but these look more rough than any real ones ive seen come out of Lego.

    Besides there is no record of Rahkshi prototypes as far as I know

  2. I have a transparent hau from NYCC and a transparent skull scorpio SDCC both in their respective package and I haven't take them out because all the "i'm a collector and should be in their original package" stuff, but from what I see, both packages and be easily re-sealed with the masks inside... so... do the price drop if I take them out of the package and then put them inside again?



    Relisted the chrome gold Protector mask: http://www.ebay.com/itm/252023340715?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649


    And the chrome gold Jungle mask:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/252023341382?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649


    Due to popular demand I also listed a lot of 8 chrome gold masks for a slightly discounted price:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/252023348665?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649


    Do you make these yourself? 


    Um... the pieces are originally made by LEGO.  I specially coat them so that they come in a durable chrome gold color.



    I want them, but the dollar is so hight right now that it hurts my pocket to think about clicking the buy button :C


    I took a bunch of pictures of the new sets. The sets are definitely better than I had expected. Scorpio is an ok set and I actually kind of like Slicer. Basher is by far my favourite of the Skull figures though.

    Great photos! They definitely give a good look at the sets. Although I wish you had a couple more pictures of Skull Grinder!


    Not exactly good ones, but here you have them

    • Upvote 1




    I'm actually a little surprised by how that stand is made, considering I had thought it would be a much simpler construction using this piece. That's what I've been using for stands all this time, and personally I feel like it's much more effective.

    It's a shame, because it's kind of sad to need this kinds of workarounds to make it work.

    I'm confused? It's hardly "sad" how simple it is to create an effective stand for these masks. I've used the solution I posted for a full set of seven mask pedestals, which allow the masks to attach securely yet also be removed much more easily than a Technic cross axle would allow for. The solution this set uses seems much looser and less ideal, but what can you do? At least the new masks allow for multiple attachment options.

    It's kind of sad the solution doesn't come out of the box and therefor you requiere to use some extra pieces


    So, I also got the sets and I've been uploading photos to my blog.


    I've just noticed something in the background of the box of skull warrior: several skull warriors and skull slicer, my bet is that they are not "one of a kind" characters, they are a zombie-like army!

    I don't see Skull Slicer there. Did you mistake one of the Skull Warrior's bows for Slicer's extra arms?


    In any case, while the other Skull Warriors have been visible in that boxart for a while, I think Skull Slicer is likely to be a unique foe based on his description from Bestbuy.ca:



    Patrol the ruins of the ancient arena with the menacing LEGO BIONICLE Skull Slicer, an ancient champion animated by the dark magic of the Skull Spider Mask. Create fearsome combat poses and turn the wheel on Skull Slicer’s back to activate the 4 battle arms all at once. Use the hook blades to rip off masks and pick them up with the mask grabber.


    Mind you, it's unclear whether these descriptions are 100% finalized (as they refer to the single-headed combi model for Slicer, Basher, and Warrior as a multi-headed warrior), but if the information about Slicer is canon then it makes it sound like he, at the very least, is a unique foe generated from the remains of a unique character.


    I think you are right, now that I take a better look, every character that seems to have four arms is really the crossbow hanging in its back




    I contacted Red Quark and he hinted that there may be new videos in the future, for what it's worth.


    When was that?


    At around the beginning of the year, I'll check tomorrow.



    Wait you were in contact with the guy who currently owns a copy of this CD? And noone has thought to ask him to burn an ISO? I don't know about the rest of you lot but I'd pay for him to send me a copy burnt onto a CD without a moment's hesitation. Once he's made one copy we can make as many more as we like. I know a a few coders and small time devvy types who could take a look at the code and I bet other people do too. If this hasn't already been brought up then I'd suggest it needs doing, like now :P



    That's why I want a copy of the game




    Certain files from the CD (I believe it was the compressed data for Onua's level) have already been more or less released to the public, though if any of those formats have been identified/cracked is anyone's guess...


    onua.blk was cracked by myself some time ago, and with it any other .blk files the game may contain. It contains a bunch of old DirectX .x files and a bunch of other files, but further reversing of the files within will require a copy of the game to test with.


    If I ever get the game I'll contact you, if you ever get the executable contact me, I can help to crack the rest of the data files if required and try to mod the game.


    I agree that it's a little paranoid to be worrying about copyright on this game at this point, though we're not the ones to convince, it's Deep Brick/MarkofWherever if anything :P


    Ok, let's make this clear: as far as I know is illegal to copy software with copyright without permission. But also doing this not necessarily hinders the copyright owner (in some specific cases it even helps, some people say Microsoft was the biggest software company so much time because all the piracy helped their monopoly) and it might be costly to persecute and punish this (lawyers are costly and demands aren't free in the USA as far as I know plus I'm in Mexico and that adds another layer of complexity law-wise) all this for a product that didn't, doesn't and won't generate profit. Certainly some some copyright holders are very aggressive with this issue (ie: Metallica back in 2000 fought Napster fiercely for sharing their copyrighter material, winning some hate from their fans), but LEGO has proven to be "caring and understanding" of his fans (ie: MNOG Collector's Edition kickstarter) so I think we shouldn't worry for the legal issue just now, let's cross that bridge when is necessary, not before.


    Now I'm sick, sadly, and can't get to do more digging on the topic. Again, it'll have to wait till next weekend.

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