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Lara White

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Status Updates posted by Lara White

  1. "Ha, fool. A true tactician doesn't know WHAT the heck he's doing until he's halfway done with it."

  2. *drags squirrels into the argument*

  3. lol. Wysp, just look at my avvie.


  4. That megahgraybeardmonz or whatever it was.

  5. Look it up. Fire Emblem.

  6. ...

    Come again?

  7. Then he isn't a tactician.

  8. Not at the moment; I'm trying to think up something special for Nottori...

  9. Can't seem to find it. :P

  10. Now you're just teasing me. >=O

  11. TTGL is okay, but no giant mecha anime beats FMP. Heck, the only anime/manga I've ever seen that even equals it is RK.

  12. Return of the Jedi?

  13. I would, but I can't think up any snarky comments about watches. O_o

  14. And I'm in charge here, so you can't rebel if i don't want you to.


  15. Okay, now I'm confused as to which is which. And not because of the...French, is it?

  16. What if I want you to go to tomorrow...because there is a vacuum there?

    Since we all know that vacuum is nothingness. And if it's nothing, you can't destroy it.

  17. Friends came back from India and I found an art style that finally works, so I might start a webcomic soon, if anyone's interested in helping. Awesome idea.

  18. ROland Deschain from the Dark Tower series.

    And what's Operation Wysp?

  19. If you want the perfect blend of humor and action, go see Full Metal Panic.

  20. @Cap'n: Cool. I can send you a PM and as soon as I get some char designs finalized I can send them to you.

  21. @ Nihy: A professional thief in the underside of Brooklyn contracted to avenge some dude's relative and gets in WAY over his head. Also: A girl toting rocket launchers, a man with a duster coat and dual handguns, and a samurai who can cut bullets in half.

    In Brooklyn.

    Yeah. It should be one heck of a ride, if I can pull it off.

  22. And I use the art style you see in The World Ends With You.

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