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Blog Entries posted by Zeetsean

  1. Zeetsean
    I was born! Yep, today is my 19th birthday. The Keyblade Master of Light has brought it to my attention that I was born on Sputnik day.
    Also, two days ago was my two year anniversery of joining this fine site. I got my Avohkii, even though it was a day late.
    Add to that that I just passed my behind-the-wheel driving test less than an hour ago, and it makes for a pretty dang good day.
    Even if my AC 14 topic isn't doing too well... :/
  2. Zeetsean
    On my ding room table, I have constructed a stack of books that I intend to read/finish reading over the summer. I'm going to blog the list for no reason whatsoever. If you have read/enjoyed any of the books below, don't hesitate to tell me.

    Frankenstein Eragon The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King Unfinished Tales The Silmarillion Mr. Midshipman Hornblower Lieutenant Hornblower Hornblower and the "Hotspur" Hornblower During the Crisis The Book of Spies - An Anthology of Literary Espionage The Pirate Coast - Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 Genghis Khan - and the Making of the Modern World America - The Last Best Hope (Vol. 1) Dracula The Phantom of the Opera The Count of Monte Cristo Left Behind The Codex The Rule of Four The Historian I also intend to add The Europa Conspiracy and The Edge of Darkness.
    D'ya think I have enough to read?
    Also, I signed up for classes at college yesterday.
    Also, also, yesterday's contest is still in effect.
  3. Zeetsean
    Welcome! Welcome newcomers and hopeful returnees. Welcome to the fourth instalment of The Ultimate Blog Quote Contest Go!! Today we have a quote from a famous novel. Your task is to guess the title of the book from which it comes and the author of said book. Without further adieu, I present you with the quote.

    And today's prize is:

  4. Zeetsean
    What can I say? I haven't updated in almost a month. :annoyed2: Sorry everyone.
    I'm working on my AC13 entry; thus far I have my first draft mapped out. It should be finished this week because we have a minimum day. I plan on using the Prismacolor pencils I got
    I'm not sure if I blogged that I received City of the Lost. Well, I did. 'Tis an awesome book.
    I 'spose I should keep the Ultimate Blog Quote Contest Go! going, but not tonight. Perhaps tomorrow.
    'Night All.
  5. Zeetsean
    I have three orders of business today.
    1. My high school holds a dance called the Sadie Hawkins dance once a year. The only differing quality between this dance and all the others is that the gals are expected to as the guys. As you probably guessed from the fact that I am bringing this up, I got asked to go. The girl I am going with is a good friend of mine so it should be a lot of fun.
    2. My bros and I cleaned their room today and I have to say that it was long overdue.
    3. I realize that I need to clarify the rules to The Ultimate Blog Quote Contest GO!!. The object of the game is to guess the character/author/actor/person that said the given quote. The first person to guess correctly wins a prize.
    Since no one guessed the last quote I will give the answer and the Purple Ferret Award will become today's prize. The character that said the quote was...Artemis Fowl.
    Now for today's quote. It comes from a character in a popular book series.

    And the award is still the Purple Ferret. Good luck everyone!
  6. Zeetsean
    If you know who said this, you will win the coveted:

    Now that that's out of the way, I would like to talk about something that I enjoy immensely; listening to old time radio. It is more fun than watching most of the shows on TV these days. My favorite show to listen to is The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. Old Time Radio allows you to use your imagination to picture the events unfolding. It's kind of like having a book read to you by several people and a sound effects crew.
    So the moral of the story is, try new things...I guess...wait, what?
  7. Zeetsean
    After my spur-of-the-moment contest yesterday, I thought that it would fun to make it into a series of contests. The quotes could come from anywhere, but don't worry; they won't be too obscure. So hold on to your Hunas and prepare for The Ultimate Quote Contest Go!!!!!
    The Quote:

    And the prize for today is:

  8. Zeetsean
    Well the new new year has begun and it's time to say our fond farewells to the ever-grinning Piraka, the courageous Matoran Resistance, the vigilant guardians of the Kanohi Ignika, the revolutionary Toa Inika, and the inhospitable island of Voya Nui. In turn, let us welcome the new players of 2007: the Barraki, Matoran, Hydruka, Nocturn, Toa Mahri, and Mahri Nui. We have a lot to look forward to this year; the atlas will answer many questions, as will the encyclopedia, and the story looks promising.
    So, pop the cap of some sparkling cider and toast 2007 with me.
  9. Zeetsean
    Well, Christmas is over and done, but Christmas Break has just begun.
    Among several other things, I received ehlek and Takadox for Christmas! As usual, sets are much better in person than in the pictures. I'm quite happy with both of them.
    I also got From Russia With Love for Xbox; I have been wanting to buy it for some time now. Its awesome to hear Sean Connery voicing James Bond.
    I'm afraid that no work has been done on either my epic or our art project. It looks like we will have to push the relase date back until January (I'm really busy with AP English homework :annoyed2:)
    On a side note, I stayed up all night last night and played Lego Star Wars II (one of ~Po~'s presents), and got 54.4% of the way through it. Its an awesome game.
    I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and, if I don't blog within the next 4 days, happy New Years!
  10. Zeetsean
    Mayhaps Zeetsean found something first? Couldn't be. You be the judge. Atlas Cover Topic.
    I've had so many tests this week that it's not even funny. I had our final vocabulary test in Spanish 4 (on which I got the second highest score (second only to the native speaker in our class)) and Verbos Sabios #4 (with the present subjunctive this time) and Chapter 13 test in Accounting. Not to mention the Famous Paintings final in Art tomorrow and the Accounting final and final Gov/Econ essay on Monday. Then we have finals on Wednesday and Thursday. After that, my brothers and I are out of school for almost 2 and a half weeks.
    My epic is coming along well too
    11 days until Christmas!
  11. Zeetsean
    I heartily endorse this topic. I mean, how many times do you see a topic with two brothers' characters? And how many times are those siblings, well, you and your brother? Not much, is the point I'm trying to make.
    Today was very nice because I finally turned in my Senior Project product. I don't have to worry about it for a couple months now. What I do have to worry about are finals and AP English homework for next term.
    I wrote another page of my epic today. I love writing witty banter between my characters.
    Only 2 weeks until Christmas!
  12. Zeetsean
    I'm up early and posting before school! Huzzah!
    Today after school, I am making hot chocolate (and coffee for my mom) and my family is going to start decorating for Christmas! Yippeeeee!
    *Zeetsean starts singing random Christmas carols*
    Oh man, I've got a bad case of Holday Spirit.
    P.S. - I added a new content block chronicling the progress of my epic. I doubt I'll finish before next summer of course.
  13. Zeetsean
    I've finally posted the prologue to my first epic, Cloaked Past!
    I have had the almost finished prologue on my computer for several months now. I would have posted it, but I don't have any drivers for my computer's dvd or floppy drive. I can't download them because we don't have a cord that's long enough to reach the router. The drivers didn't come pre-installed because I bought the peices seperately and a friend help me put it together.
    This annoying circle of inability ended when I bought a flash drive last night. I finished the las couple of paragraphs and posted my epic. Huzzah!
    You can read my epic here and the review topic is here.
  14. Zeetsean
    Well, another school week has passed and I am finally over my cold.
    I am very excited about all of the new info about and pictures of the Barraki and Matoran/Hydruka that have come out this week. I took It upon myself to enlarge some of the pictures for better viewing. Pridak, Takadox, Kalmah, and Ehlek. Sorry about the blurryness, but I couldn't do anything about it.
    I am almost finished with the third chapter of my comedy. I have only been putting it off for, oh let's see, 3 months! It should be up within the hour here.
    Doodle Drawing - Freestyle drawing with ink. The colored picture in the middle is with colored pencils is from this picture.
    2nd Ribbon - Practice with ebony pencil and white charcoal on toned paper.
    Unfinished Skeleton - My first ever drawing of a skeleton. It was for an extension for Halloween, but I didn't have time to finish it.
  15. Zeetsean
    Well, Homecoming Week is over, and my class (the seniors) won the class competition. Yes, seniors usually do win, but last year, my class as juniors almost swept the whole competion. That was a big achievement.
    When my brothers and I found out that the small sets for next year were out, we asked our parents to take us to our local Toys R Us. Unfortunately, there weren't any new sets there. We'll just have to wait another couple weeks I guess.
    Sunflower Picture - A practice with contours and oil pastels on toned paper.
    Pen Tests - 2 more tests, this time with ink.
    Ribbons - Practice with drawing and shading folded ribbons.
    Project Update: TRoF colored 2 of his figures, but some of the background still needs to be added in. ~Po~ finished penciling in all of his figures, but he still needs to ink them.
  16. Zeetsean
    Blech, I'm sick. But other than that, Here is some art I drew at school.
    3 Objects - First drawing in that class. We had to draw three objects by only felling them inside paper bags.
    Same 3 Objects - This time we could see them and posistion them any way we wanted.
    Hand Drawing - A drawing we did to study contours.
    Value Study - We drew a black and white picture with careful attention to value.
    Creative Form Drawing - This was a culmination of our study of how to shade basic forms.
    2 exercises - Just exercises in 2-point pespective and color transition.
    I need to get to bed, but expect more art tomorrow or Friday.
  17. Zeetsean
    Orange font for Halloween.
    Halloween is Tuesday! Expect the first in a series of drawings from me; holiday-themed pictures. You guessed it; Halloween Bionicle style.
    I have been very busy this week. I had not one but two projects due this week and that took up 3 of my afternoons. Also, when I could get on BZP, the server was being annoying. As usual, I have good excuses for not being on.
    My Indiana Jones costume is almost done, though I doubt I will find a beat up flight jacket anywhere. Oh well.
    Project Update: Absolutely no progress. ~Po~ hasn't done any work for a week and he is the last one who has to pencil and ink figures. I warned him that TRoF and I will go on without him if he doesn't finsh by tonight, but so far all he has done all day is play video games and watch TV. He didn't even help me decorate for Halloween. Argh! So frusterating!
  18. Zeetsean
    I got my bullwhip and machete for my Halloween costume.
    I worked most of the day on a project for Spanish class. I didn't go to church because I was up way too late and my eyes really hurt when iI woke up. I've been feeling slightly feverish for a while as well. I hope I'm not getting sick.
    Project Update: As of today, I am officially finished with pencilling and inking for the first half of our project. I would have started coloring today, but ~Po~ still has 2 figures to ink and 1 to pencil. If you have a spare moment, it would be nice if you could send him a quick PM to needle him into working.
  19. Zeetsean
    I've been so inactive these last few weeks. Kinda sad.
    The main reason I haven't blogged much is that life is pretty normal right now. I still go to school 5 days a week, I still help out in my junior high group at church on Monday night, still go to the Tuesday morning youth Bible study, still attend youth group Wednesday nights, I still am working on the ongoing project, etc., etc., etc. Sounds boring right?
    Wrong! Life is awesome!
    I found out today that I have straight A's as of Midterm. My brothers and I are almost done with penciling and inking to hardest part of our project (not long now!). ~Po~ had a choir performance tonight; he rocked!
    Ever noticed how overbearing optimism is infectious?
    Zeetsean has left the building.
  20. Zeetsean
    It has been such a busy week. I literally haven't been on the computer for more than 10 minutes since Sunday morning. So, yes, I have an excuse for my absence.
    Well, I finally hit post #500 this morning. And, of course, my Kaukau has appeared in my rank picture.
    I'm kind of in an Artemis Fowl phase right now. I am rereading the Opal Deception and anxiously awaiting my chance to buy the latest book, the Lost Colony. Anyone else like Artemis Fowl?
    Project Update: I expect that we will finish penciling and inking all of the characters this weekend. It will probably take a week to color it all and put on the final touches. The projected time of completion has now been moved to the first week of November.
  21. Zeetsean
    Ack! I haven't updated in 2 days! I'm such a terrible person! (joking )
    Today was a bit hectic. My family (except for TRoF who is at a band competition) drove around looking for insects for my brother ~Po~'s school project, the one that was destroyed by one of our cats :annoyed2:. All together, we found twelve bugs. He still need 9 more though and the project is due on Friday next week.
    I changed my avatar to a section of the cover of Artemis Fowl. I was surfin' the net looking up information about the series and I found out that Europe has some new covers that look really cool. I'd link to my Maj, but I doubt it is public yet. Maybe I'll link to em later.
    Project Update: Not much work has been done on accout of our searching for bugs, but I did fix one of the figures that had bad proportions and I did basic sketches for my next 2 figures. ~Po~ half penciled his next figure. That puts us at about half way.
  22. Zeetsean
    Huzzah! It's my 18th birthday!
    Wait a second, I'm 18 already?
    I have a birthday topic! Thanks Turakii!
    So far I have gotten a card from my aunt and uncle, a nice birthday lunch, and perhaps some more presents later along with cake and ice cream. On Friday, my family and I are going to The Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. We usually go on the day of my birthday, but my brothers and I have youth group.
    Also, I originally had quite a bit of homework to do, but my Gov/Econ teacher postponed it until Friday. It seems like everything is going well today.
    Project Update: Nothing yet, but hopefully some work will be done later.
  23. Zeetsean
    I know I said I wouldn't have time to draw anything, but it turns out I made time.
    My celebration picture can be found here.
    Huzzah for being here one year!
    Project update: Another figure has been added to the drawing. We are almost halfway done with the 1st stage of the first part of the project. Luckily the 2nd part will be much easier.
  24. Zeetsean
    Credit for the font goes to Grayfire.
    The reason I have not blogged much in the past few days is because my little brothers and I have been working on the project that I mentioned in my last entry. The picture is a teaser for the project, so to speak. My brother ~Po~ drew it and we decided to post it here to give everyone an idea of what's to come. The projected completion date is sometime during the last week of October. I probably won't have time to work on a specific celebration picture for my one year Vahi, so the project will have to do.
    I have to get to bed so I won't be tired for church tomorrow. Goodnight all.
  25. Zeetsean
    Aaaaakk!! The not-blogging, it burns!
    Soory about the absence of blog entries for, has it already been 3 days?
    Well, my little brothers and I have an awesome project that we are working on now. I won't ruin the surprise, but I will say that it will have a little of all of our art styles in it. I know you're just dying of anticipation.
    Also, I am almost finished with the prologue of my first epic. It is proving to be more indepth than I first imagined.
    Speaking of epics, my brothers and I are planning on writing one that will feature our characters in conjuction. Hopefully we will start writing it sometime in the next few months.
    I will get my one year Vahi in 3 days and my birthday is in 5!
    And that ends our little road trip into my goals for the coming months on BZPower.
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