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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by HAZMAT

    *sigh* It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm already tired of school. I guess having a new, uber-computer doesn't help, either.
    Played some Burnout Paradise. It runs fine on all settings maxed, but I don't really find it fun anymore.
    I also played some more Arkham Asylum. Got a bunch of Riddler challenges. I also got a 39 hit combo in a Challenge Room. THERE IS AN ACHIEVEMENT FOR GETTING A 40 HIT COMBO. Stupid counter not working...
    Xbox360 Halo 4 Bundle
    Burnout Revenge
    Crackdown 2
    Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
    Gears of War Triple Pack
    Gears of War 3
    Halo CE Anniversary
    Halo 3
    Halo 3 ODST
    Halo Reach
    Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition
    Total price comes out to be somewhere around 650 USD. Not bad, not bad.
    So today during Assassin's Creed 2, I get to a part where I have to kill a guard captain.
    So I'm on the ground, he's on the roof with a bunch of guards. My objective is beat all the waves of guards and kill the guy. So I defeat one wave, and I think "screw this," so I climb the wall and go straight for the captain. He runs, but I manage to hit him so he fights back. And then over a dozen guards swarm me.
    So we're all fighting on a roof wide enough for 4, maybe 5 people. And the roof is slanted. So as I'm slaying all these punks, they go slip-sliding off the roof onto the poor citizens below.
    Take a look at the aftermath.
    and remember kids, don't try this at home!
    >wear Metallica t-shirt to work
    >say hello to the supervisor
    >"You're into Metallica?"
    >"Sweet, I used to be really into them when I was younger."
    I would've never guessed him for being a Metallica fan, even when he was younger. Then again, I guess I don't seem like a Metallica fan either.
    keeping with my theme of Killing Floor quotes for money-related entries
    Also I got paid today and got 308 dollars. B) (apparently I got a 50 cent raise and no one told me???)
    It's also dark out at 5 PM.
    But hey, that's okay, cuz snow is more beautiful when it's dark and you see it falling in the glow of streetlights.
    Is anyone else looking forward to this game? I've played the demo for at least 5 hours so far; I love it.
    The grappling hook is just so cool. It really adds a unique twist to what would otherwise be a generic shooter.
    I grappled two guys on motorcycles to each other. Which made them be pulled off their bikes and into each other, while their bikes kept going.
    obligatory pretty screenshot
    I took a break from Skyrim (don't worry, my adventures will resume later today) to try out the Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning demo. I'm sure most of you Mass Effect fans know it as the game that gives you sweet ME3 armor and a gun for playing the demo.
    I came for the ME3 unlocks, I stayed for the gameplay.
    It was genuinely enjoyable. $60 enjoyable? Ehhh, not really; but then again, I am really cheap. However, I will definitely be picking it up during a sale.
    Regardless of your interest in ME3 unlocks, you should definitely give the demo a go if you like action-RPGs.
    So Steam has been evil erasing L4D2 stats and achievements.
    So today I played and got most back, and some I didn't have before.
    They're ALL gone, AGAIN.
    I read about a possible fix I'll try tomorrow. Hopefully it will work.
    I'm so excited!
    But I'm worried that it'll end up being like the original: blah. I really hope it doesn't, but there just doesn't seem to be enough new stuff to make the game a lot better...
    I guess I'll find out tomorrow, won't I?
    I kinda don't want to go to school so I can play. Then again, I never want to go to school anymore. :/
    I feel as though there should some concluding sentence here but I can't think of one. Oh well.
  10. HAZMAT
    About a week ago, I got a normal magazine. I was disappointed, cuz I thought my mom didn't get me Brickmaster again.
    Today Brickmaster arrived, along with Click (who is currently staring at me).
    So two magazines...
    I have yet to read either.
  11. HAZMAT
    be warned i am not feeling like using shift
    back in the day, i would frequently spend time at my neighbor's house playing xbox. one of my favorite games was star wars battlefront ii. i loved it so much i bought it on pc. i was heartbroken when i find out its a dvd-rom and my pc only has a cd drive.
    fast forward several years to yesterday.
    i'm sitting around bored, tired of all my other games. i look to my right and see battlefront ii, just sitting there and think 'well i have nothing better to do.' so i install it, update it, yadda yadda and play it.
    and fall in love all over again.
    i've been playing it a lot yesterday and today, though technically 2 days ago and yesterday since it's past midnight, anyway, i'm really enjoying it, even though i played it so freakin much before. it's still a really fun game.
  12. HAZMAT
    I went and saw Phantom Menace in 3D with my friend Josh today
    Afterwards we stopped in Barnes and Noble so he could get someone a birthday gift.
    While there, I decided to look for Icarus Effect, a novel about some characters from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I was pretty indifferent about it; I mean, sure, I'd like to read it, but I wasn't going out of my way to do so. I figured if I saw it right in front of me, that would be incentive enough to buy it.
    After searching through the Sci-fi section, we came across some shelves that seemed dedicated to videogame-related books. They were organized by author, but I didn't know who it was, so we searched the old fashion way... and couldn't find it.
    I decided to text my mom and ask her to look it up. I was just about to hit "send" when Josh said something, I'm not sure what. He was kneeling and pulled a book from the bottom shelf.
    It wasn't Icarus Effect.
    But right next to his face, staring right back at me, was Icarus Effect.
    So I bought it.
  13. HAZMAT
    Microsoft finally gave us Games for Windows Live members the ability to make avatars online, like you 360 users have.
    well, here's me

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