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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    Step 1- Emply out a 31oz bottle of gatorade
    Step 2- Put salt in it.
    Step 3-put sierra mist in it.
    Step 4- Put Two Poppers in there, with the cap screwed onto the bottle with the strings.
    Step 5-Shake up and throw high. (In street)
    Step 6-Run
  2. Rho
    A couple months ago, #1 on the Alltime Home run list, Barry Bonds, announced he will not be with the Giants in 08. To me, this is horrible. Where will he go? My theories are:
    -Red Sox
    Or somewhere else, but i think the Giants should resign him so he can end his career in SF. And so he might be able to hit #800 in SF. (He's close to 800 home runs..)
  3. Rho
    Apparently earlier at lunch a bunch of idiotic "jock" kids decided they were going to try to surround me.
    Pushed one of them into a wall, went along with my normal business.
    Pretty pathetic of him, all things considered.
  4. Rho
    Here's the band to end this whole thing off.
    On the drums... Chef Hatchet!

    On the piano... Dewey!

    On the guitar.. Kiva!

    And doing the vocals... Rick Astley!

    Don't forget our three backup dancers/singers... Jim, Spencer, and Jen!



    Just pretend they're singing... any song you'd like.
    Yes, I am crazy.
    And yes, I probably forgot some instrument players.
  5. Rho
    So, they're making a live action movie absed on 6teen.
    I say Erik Per Sullivan as Jude and Corbin Bleu as Wyatt.
    I drafted this due to the questionable acronym in comment 2. You're gonna have to edit that out, then you can re-publish this (though you may not see this until after the Perks are over, and if that's the case you can still re-publish this entry without bumping it via the "edit entry" screen). -Bfa]
  6. Rho
    My cereal was nice to me this morning.
    It gave me 6 Free Songs!
    -hugs Cinnamon toast Crunch Box-
    Listening to: Everybody's Fool- Evacscence

  7. Rho
    And someone else decided to then take it.
    I didn't even go get my stuff because I wouldn't have been able to without yelling at the person.
    It'd be considered "disrespect".
    Respect is a two-way street.
    And I checked the locker I had last year, nobody ever even cleaned it fully. A lot of tape is still stuck there, with some of the things I taped up there.
  8. Rho
    Most of us know how bad Cartoon Network USA is right now.
    We aren't alone, either.
    If you haven't been paying attention, what was once a channel intended for cartoons is now airing SIX live action shows, as well as live action movies such as Son of the Mask and Nacho Libre.
    These six shows are The Othersiders, Survive This, Dude, What would happen?, Bobb'e Says, Brainrush, and Destory Build Destroy.
    Other countries have their share of live action shows too. The French Cartoon Network airs What I like about you and the Spanish Cartoon Network airs Fresh Prince, for example.
    I dislike most of their currently-running shows, only liking TDI/A, Stoked, and 6teen. But as much as I dislike Chowder, i'd rather have it air 25 times a day than have any live action on CN.
    These live action shows have been doing miserably in the ratings, and they're trying to glorify it by comparing the ratings for the shows to ratings from a year ago.. that were for Chop Socky Chooks and George of the Jungle.
    The worst part is that they're not done. Some MORE live action has been ordered, one of them being an hour-long episode drama series called "Prepped". Leave that junk for channels like The N. Second seasons of Brainrush and DBD were also ordered.
    Survive This got renewed as well, but that's a Canadian production on YTV, so one can hope CN will not even touch it.
    They're balancing on the scale between "SUCK" and "IMPROVING" at this point. For example, they aired a PPG marathon on the 17th. Then a few days later... more live action plague.
  9. Rho
    i have that song stuck in my head, thanks to shine
    its cool..though. -shifty eyes-
    i was just watching the KH2FM+ secret enmding, kh1+h2 openings, and kh ending in fullscreen..in the dark
    it was awesome
    im attempting to see how long i can stay awake.. i think im running on pepsi
    anyways, comment.
  10. Rho
    Ciao gradico la torta e l'anello di formaggio è stato distruggere noi deve andare ai bordi di messaggio pieni di nuova gente e formarlo in modo da mangiano il cereale li ringraziano per il vostro tempo
  11. Rho
    I am possibly in one of the worst schools. I pay $5 for a Dance ticket, and the principal sees me and says i can't come, and its her fault she wasnt specific in an email to my mom. I couldnt go in because of grades. Because my current teachers are abnoxious and get me stressed so i cant focus, meaning bad grades. It's not as if the thing was free. It was a paid event. It's like saying someone cant go into a concert they paid for because they have a small minor criminal record. If i do not get my money back, i WILL contact the authorities. I am sick and tired of my district being like this to me. I should have been able to get in, no matter what my grades are. But no, I can't have a good time because my teachers are stressing me out and leading me to bad grades. I might need to have teachers switched, because both of my teachers are rude and annoying. I don't know how the expect me to suceed with that. I PAID for the ticket, I signed in. I should be in there right now. But NO. I have to have good grades AND 5 Bucks! I would understand is it was a free event. But it's not. I am a coustomer basically.
    They can expect me to show very low respect on Monday. I already have extremely low respect for my Math Teacher.
    I've been trying. The teachers stress me out, the math teacher's a premaddona (basically like celebrities who refuse to have brown M&Ms, etc.) I wish i had last year's teachers back, the Math teacher was better, if i did homework ona NAPKIN he probably would have accepted it. The English teacher was much kinder and less annoying.
    "I'm sorry, we want you to go have fun.."-Principal
    Then let me go. I paid for it already. Ditch the rule. If you want the rule so badly, make the dances free. They aren't even worth 5 bucks. They never play decent music.
    This whole thing changed my attitude. I have been calm with these people so far this year, but i think this set off my temper.
    They need to be reasonable. Every day, i await being able to come home and go on BZP, so i can be somewhere with intelligent staff.
    Sorry if this sounds flame-ish, please tell me and i'll tone it down when i calm down. I'm just very angry right now, and it was hard enough to keep this appropriate for BZP.
    I need a cheer-up..
  12. Rho
    I HATE dreams sometimes! I HATE THEM.
    So many times have i had great freams where great things happen, then wake up and see it isn't true.
    Like Getting a Wii, Inika (Back in early 06), Ipod ( I NEEEED ONE), etc.
    And i had one just last night where i had 08 sets..
    How do i prevent dreams!?!?!?
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