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Toa Nidhiki05

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Blog Entries posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Toa Nidhiki05
    For years, Congress willfully ignored the fact that Mr. Snuffleupagus was growing too big to fail. No more! Join the 99% as we occupy the street of evil known as Sesame Street, to take the cookies out of the hands of the 1% and give them to the 99%!
  2. Toa Nidhiki05
    So, I've pretty much set in mind I am going to get a 3DS in the next few weeks. I have more than enough money at the moment, but I think I'm only going to buy the console and one game at the moment. Now, the difficult thing is deciding which game to buy. I'm wavering between Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So, BZP, which would you recommend?
  3. Toa Nidhiki05
    I was initially skeptical about the 3DS but Paper Mario 3DS, Animal Crossing 3DS and a sequel to Luigi's Mansion are more than enough to warrant buying one, methinks.
  4. Toa Nidhiki05
    I had a fun little mini-adventure for a 3DS today, and I've got to say I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
    So, to begin I decided to go to Best Buy to get a red, regular 3DS. They have them going for $154.99 online (a significant discount from the $169.99 MSRP), but the model is discontinued so there just aren't too many out there. By the time I got there, they had already sold it.
    At this point, I'm pretty bummed. I don't have enough to get the full-price ones. We spent a tittle longer out and finally get to Sam's Club. After enjoying a delicious pretzel with Cherry Coke, I decided to see their price for the heck of it. Turns out they have a ton of purple 3DSes going for $139.99 each. After confirming with a cashier that they are indeed that low (she was more shocked they had 23 of them in stock), I bought it and a full 1-year warranty that covers basically everything but intentionally destroying it, bringing the total to just under $160. So yeah, I get a new 3DS and full warranty for well under the MSRP.
    Oh, and we got Mexican Coke too. What better way is there to celebrate a great deal that imbibing in sugary soda?
  5. Toa Nidhiki05
    I've been enjoying my 3DS very much for the past few days, aside from one issue... Freezing. For some reason, Animal Crossing: New Leaf has frozen at least four times now. I have a physical copy, and am using the SD card that came with the system; when the game freezes, it returns me to the home screen. Most recently, the game froze while I was on the island (and after having earned well over 70,000 bells).
    Any advice, guys? I don't want to lose my town data, and I have no clue if this is a hardware issue with the 3DS or an issue with the game cartridge or SD card.
  6. Toa Nidhiki05
    Stop slandering everyone with autism, something you clearly know nothing about. If you had even the slightest grasp of what autism is you would realize that most people with autism aren't mentally capable enough to speak, let alone shoot people. And if you had the slightest grasp is Asperger Syndrome, you would realize we aren't "missing something in the brain", we aren't depressed, and we do have empathy, perhaps even more than you do; rather, many of us find it hard to recognize nonverbal speech.
    If you'd perform your 'journalistic duty' and study your topics before running your mouth, you'd stop slandering millions of people. Instead, I urge you to retract your false claims and clear up the misinformation that you irresponsibly spread.
  7. Toa Nidhiki05
    Ha ha, fooled you.
    Now that I have you're attention, I am discontinuing the daily strip as of April 1st, 2011. Why? I'm running out of jokes, first off, and it is just not that fun to make them.
    Second, the conclusion of the Bieber-Swift Saga will be the conclusion of Season 1. Rest assured, I will get at least one out weekly, and there will probably be at least 3-4 more comics.
    Third, Season 2 will be much more plot oriented, episodic, and serious in nature, as well as darker and I might accept co-authors. Season 2 will relate directly to the conclusion of Season 1.
    I am not going to reveal any Season 2 details to anyone until Season 1 is complete - you all will have to wait and find out.
    That is all; you may now return to your regularly scheduled April Fools Day.
  8. Toa Nidhiki05
    Here would be his moveset:
    B- Slingshot: Fires shots in air, similar to Bullet seed but slower, each does 3 damage
    Side B- Axe: Slices air, does 7 damage
    Down B- Pitfall: Takes shovel and burys pitfall, up to two on screen at once
    Up B- Fishing Rod: Takes out fishing rod for a tether recovery, does 2 damage
    Side Smash-Axe Charge: Does 20 damage when fully charged
    Up Smash- Slingshot Charge: Does 23 damage when fully charged:
    Down Smash- Axe Down Charge: Does 21 damage when fully charged
    Normal Attack: Punch combo: If it connects, unleashes punch combo, 3 damage each
    Slide Attack: Slide, does 6 damage
    Final Smash: Golden Axe: AC Charecter pulls out the legendary Golden Axe, and attacks 1 player for 57 damage, almost always KO.
    Also, like Wario's classic costume, AC charecter can have 4 male colors and 4 female colors.
  9. Toa Nidhiki05
    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is fantastic. My town, Ericton (before you ask, yes, my name is Eric and yes, I named the town after myself), is growing quite rapidly and it's all thanks to my beetle farming hard work and determination! I've already got three bridges, a fountain, and a two-story house with a basement coming tomorrow.
    I just love the way this game works - it almost seems like a sequel to both the first one (one of my favorite games of all time) and City Folk, because all of the features in them are either here or heavily improved upon. Town modifications are a natural progression from the first game's signboards and random bridge creations, and the more functional island and Main Street (which is what the city should have been like) bring out the best of both games. I know some people are going gaga over the addition of shoes and pants/dresses, but it's not a big deal to me - I've never really cared about accessories (aside from the Link costume in City Folk. That was pretty cool.). There is one minor fault with this, though - my brother found a beard and kaffiyeh at Able Sisters and the natural reaction was 'I'm going to be Moses!', but having a toga with pants was just weird and trying the toga as a dress looked really, really weird. So yeah, you can't really make a convincing Moses in this game, which is a shame cause Moses is freaking awesome to have as a costume in AC.
    Moses aside, I really like this game. It's as close as Animal Crossing has ever gotten to recreating the feel and experience of the first one, and that is pretty freaking awesome. For the record, here are how I would rank all the Animal Crossing games:
    1. The original (the absolute best one, with so many features that it is just as fun to jump in today as it was in 2002)
    2. New Leaf
    3. City Folk (I know some people hate it, but I thought it was fun for a while)
    4. Wild World (If you have New Leaf, you don't ever need to buy this game. It isn't bad, but it ripped out a lot of what made the first one so great.)
  10. Toa Nidhiki05
    For the record, I support the canonization of a Mask of Healing. For those who are against, I will explain my reasoning here, as well as what I believe the Mask should not be able to do.
    First off, here is what the proposed mask would be able to do:

    Now, this mask seems like a reasonable idea; it can heal physical ailments only, not insanity or mutations, and as such would be fairly limited it scope. When one further examines it, you can logically decipher several other limitations. For example, it probably would not be able to regenerate limbs or the like, and would most likely not be able to cure a mortal wound. Taking these limitations into account, it would fit quite nicely with the other Kanohi masks IMO, and would not be overpowered.
    Now, for those in favor of making it a Legendary mask, I oppose that idea. First off, what is the use of a Mask of Healing if nobody can use it? Second, Legendary masks control fundamental forces of nature (Life, Time, and Creation), not average powers. Healing is not a fundamental force of nature by any stretch of the imagination. Third, each Legendary Kanohi, when destroyed, would have massive repercussions to the Matoran Universe. For example, if the Mask of Time were destroyed, Time in the MU would collapse. If the Mask of Creation were destroyed, all beings in the MU would lose the ability to create new things. What would Healing do; make all wounds fatal? Clearly, making it Legendary would not be reasonable.
    So, there are my arguments. Not as long as a Bonesiii one, but I think it works for me.
  11. Toa Nidhiki05
    Alright, so I just played the best and most fun game of NCAA football 2005 (yes, it's that old but I plan on getting a new one when I get an Xbox 360) I have ever had today. In Dynasty mode, I was playing in the New Orleans Bowl with the Appalachian State Mountaineers (Sun Belt conference champs with a 9-3 record) versus the East Carolina Pirates (5th in C-USA with an 8-3 record), with five minute quarters. I got the ball on the kickoff and drove downfield. After a few drives, I managed to pin ECU back at their own four yard line off a great punt. For some reason, their coach decided a pitch was a great idea and I managed to tackle their back in the end zone for a safety (two points). Being the bizarre and/or rare football score nerd I am, I decided this was a great opportunity to make the game have an odd score of some sort, like 2-0 or 5-0. I very, very slowly drove the ball down the field, eating up the clock. Right at the end of the second quarter, I lost a fumble at the end zone, so the score was 2-0 at half.
    In the second half, I managed to stop ECU and force a punt on their first drive. I essentially went into keep-away mode from that point on, running out the clock with little to no passes and slowly forcing the ball downfield. By the fourth quarter, I had possessed the ball for the vast majority of the game and was stopping ECU from advancing each time. With about a minute left I managed to get a first down off of a third and ten, but my wide receiver fumbled at the fifty-yard line. ECU choked and threw three straight incomplete passes, but on fourth down they had a clear shot at what would have been a touchdown and made it at least 6-2, which would have ruined my plans. On some sort of miracle they dropped the pass, turning it over on downs and allowing me to hold on to win with a final score of 2-0.
    Just as a bit of historical perspective, a 2-0 score is extremely uncommon in real life football - the last such score occurred in 1938, when Green Bay beat Chicago 2-0.
  12. Toa Nidhiki05
    Here is what they would be like if I made SSBB have them in it.
    Tahu Nuva:
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Low
    B: Nynrah Ghost Blaster-Fires at enemy, wraps target in energy chains (does 2 damage every few seconds and paralyzes enemy, can be broken out of by pressing A alot)
    Side B: Rotating Blade-Tahu spins blades, deflecting projectiles and damaging enemy. Pressing A during the spinning launches a small fire blast into the air (doing 3 damage). Can be held by holding B.
    Down B: Flaming Soil-Flames go in front of Tahu, graduly getting smaller and weaker. Lasts longer on fire stages, and shorter on ice stages
    Up B: Jet Rockets-Tahu flies in the air, direction can be controlled.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast- A massive, expanding blast of fire is blasted around Tahu, burning and massively damaging all enemies. After using this, Tahu cannot use elemental powers for a short while.
    Onua Nuva:
    Speed: Below Average
    Power: Extremely Powerful
    Jump: Below Average
    Swim: Below Average
    B: Nynrah Ghost Blaster-Fires at enemy, creates a cube of energy around enemy, doing 3 damage.
    Side B: Pakari Nuva-Onua activates Pakari Nuva, and punches air in front of him. If the punch hits an enemy, it does 7 damage.
    Down B: Earthquake-Ground around Onua Nuva shakes, stunning enemies and doing 1 damage. More of a stun move than an attack move.
    Up B: Jet Rockets-Onua Nuva flies in the air, direction can be controlled.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast- All the earth on the stage shakes, and then launches enemies into the air, doing massive damage. After using this, Onua cannot use elemental powers for a short while.
    Gali Nuva:
    Speed: Above Average
    Power: Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Unlimited. Gali uses her Kaukau Nuva to swim forever
    B: Nynrah Ghost Blaster-Fires at enemy, creates energy pincers that do 3 damage. More accurate than other Blasters due to scope.
    Side B: Water Beam-Shoots a blast of water that causes 4 damage and knocks enemy backwards.
    Down B: Sinkhole-Shoots a beam of water at the ground, making it cause any enemies who walk there to get stuck.
    Up B: Jet Rockets-Gali Nuva flies in the air, direction can be controlled.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast- Gali Nuva draws all water from the enviroment, causing a massive wave to smash into enemies, causing damage and likely KOing them. After using it, Gali cannot use her elemental powers for a while.
    Lewa Nuva:
    Speed: About as fast as Fox in the air, above average on the ground
    Power: Below Average
    Jump: Very High jump, can jump twice and hover using Miru
    Swim: Extremely below average
    B: Midak Skyblaster- Fires at enemy, can be charged up to do up to 6 damage. Charge can be held while walking.
    Side B: Vaccum- Creates a vaccum in front of Lewa. Vaccum does 2 damge per second. Can be escaped by pressing A alot.
    Down B: Air Shield- Blocks projectiles by making a severe air current around Lewa's front, pushing projectiles away.
    Up B: Rockets- Lewa flies in the air. Can be controlled in air. After rockets stop letting him fly, he can Levitate to safety using his Miru Nuva.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast- Lewa Nuva uses his power over air to blow all enemies in front of him off the stage. Does no damage, but if it hits and there are no obstactles, there is a 100% chance of a K.O. After using it, Lewa cannot use elemental powers for a short time.
    Pohatu Nuva:
    Speed: Above Average in air and ground
    Power: Above average
    Jump: Below Average, can jump twice
    Swim: Slightly worse than Onua
    B: Midak Skyblaster- Fires at enemy, can be charged up to do up to 6 damage. Charge can be held while walking.
    Side B: Boulder- Pohatu Nuva throws a boulder at enemy for 6 damage, and possibly dazing enemy.
    Down B: Stone Shield- A giant wall of Stone appears arround Pohatu, protecting him from damage. It will break after too many attacks, or if Pohatu stays in too long.
    Up B: Twin Propellers-Pohatu Nuva flies in the air with his propellers. Can be controlled in air.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast- Large boulders fly through the air. Also, spikes of Stones appear at random spots on the stage. After using this, Pohatu cannot use his elemental powers for a short time.
    Kopaka Nuva:
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Above Average, can jump three times and glide
    Swim: Below Average
    B: Midak Skyblaster-Fires at enemy, and stabs enemy similar to Wolf's gun. Does 8 damage when stabbing.
    Side B: Freeze-Freezes enemies.
    Down B: Ice Floor-Makes the floor slippery to everyone exept Kopaka. Does 5 damage to anyone who is touching him when he activates it. When enemies slip, it does 1 damage.
    Up B: Glide-Does two different things. On the ground, he jumps, then flips in the air and then glides. In the air, he spins around while flies up, then glides down to the ground.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast-Kopaka freezes all enemies on screen, and inflicts 25 damage to each one frozen. Ice daggers appear all over the ground. After using this, Kopaka cannot use his elemental powers for a while.
    Mazeka on Swamp Strider:
    Speed: Below Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average, can jump twice
    Swim: Below Average
    B: Midak Skyblaster Rapid Fire-Fires at enemy rapid-fire Midaks, does 3 damage per hit.
    Side B: Charge-Mazeka charges up power and then the Swamp Strider pushes to the side, causing 6 damage
    Down B: Stomp-The Swamp Strider's leg pounds on the ground, doing 7 damage to anyone who gets hit by it.
    Up B: Jump Slam- The Swamp Strider jumps, then comes pounding on the ground.
    FINAL SMASH: Midak Storm-Balls of Super Charged Midaks fly out from the Strider. Mazeka can move around and attack during this. Midaks do 7 damage each hit. The last Midak to fly out does 50 damage and almost always knocks enemy out.
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Above Average, can jump twice and hover around in air like Peach
    Swim: Below Average
    B: Midak Skyblaster-Fires at enemy, can be charged to do 6 damage.
    Side B: Power Lance-Shoots Light (or Shadow) at enemy, can be charged to do 9 damage. Short range.
    Down B: Shadow Absorb-Takanuva shields himself with a shiel made of pure shadow, which absorbs attacks.
    Up B: Light Platform-Takanuva creates a solid Light (or Shadow) platform, which he can bounce off of.
    FINAL SMASH: Nova Blast-Takanuva blasts Light and Shadow at enemy, doing massive damage possibly knocking enemy out. After using this, Takanuva cannot use elemental powers for a while.
    Toa Ignika:
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average, can jump twice
    Swim: Average
    B: Midak Skyblaster-Fires at enemy, can be charged to do 6 damage.
    Side B: Life Beam-Launches a beam of pure Life a enemies that slows their life processes down so they cannot move for a second, and does 3 damage. Can be charged to make paralysing last longer.
    Down B: Life Absorb: Absorbs the health of enemies tounchign Toa Ignika, damaging the enemy and healing Toa Ignika. Does 1 damage for every half-second touching Toa Ignika
    Up B: Skyboard-Toa Ignika hops on his Skyboard and hovers around. Can be controlled in mid-air.
    FINAL SMASH: Life Blast-Toa Ignika launches a powerful beam of pure Life at an enemy, launching them off thje screen.
    Watch for the villains to be in one later.
  13. Toa Nidhiki05
    Continuing with my series of SSB movesets, here is what moves I would give the hero Stars if they were in Super Smash Brothers:
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Below Average
    B - Fire Ball; Creates a ball of fire that travels straight foward, causing medium damage. It can also be charged, but Tahu cannot move while doing such.
    Side B - Sword Slash; Tahu slashes his Fire Sword forward, causing high damage to enemies. Very limited range.
    Down B - Ground Fire; Tahu starts a fire on the ground, which travels along both sides of the platform he is on. The fire loses strength as it travels across the platform, and cannot spread to other platforms.
    Up B - Thermal Updraft - Tahu creates a thermal updraft, lifting him up into the air.
    Final Smash - Nova Blast - A massive, expanding blast of fire is around Tahu, burning and massively damaging all enemies. After using this attack, Tahu cannot use elemental powers for a short while (10-15 seconds).
    Notes: Tahu can shield longer than other characters, due to his Hau.
    Speed: Average Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Below Average
    B - Light Beam; Takanuva launches a thin beam of light forward, causing high damage to those hit by it.
    Side B - Lightspeed; Similar to Fox/Falco's side attacks.
    Down B - Light Projection; Creates a solid light projection around Takanuva that protects him from weak-medium strength attacks.
    Up B - Light Hook; Creates a hook of light that grabs onto nearby ledges. Also causes damage to enemies.
    Final Smash - Nova Blast (Shoop-da-whoop); Unleashes a Light/Lazer Nova Blast that is projected as a wide, moveable, beam, KOing enemies it hits.
    Notes: Takanuva can still use his Light Powers after a Nova Blast, due to his Avohkii.
    Speed: Average Average
    Power: Average
    Jump: Above Average
    Swim: Average
    B - Air Blast; Creates an Air blast that repels nearby enemies, but causes no damage. Similar to Mario's FLUDD attack, except it is created around Gresh.
    Side B - Blade Throw; Throws Gresh's blades, causing medium damage.
    Down B - Shield; Uses Gresh's blades a a shield, which reflects projectile attacks.
    Up B - Air Current; Creates a strong wind that blows Gresh upward, as well as slightly forward.
    Final Smash - Air Assault; Blasts an enemy near Gresh off the stage.
  14. Toa Nidhiki05
    Part two of the stars series, this one for the villains:
    Speed: Below Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Average
    B - Crescent Scythe; Nektann slams his scythe foward, causing heavy damage to enemies near him. Very short range.
    Side B - Water Blast; Shoots a blast of water from the scythe that causes medium damage to enemies. Can be charged up to become more powerful.
    Down B - Mud; Causes the ground beneath Nektann to become muddy, and enemies that walk over it become trapped. Similar to pitfall.
    Up B - Water Beam; Nektann shoots a beam of water beneath him, blasting him up into the air.
    Final Smash - Water Beam; Nektann launches a beam of water at an enemy by pressing the 'B' button while in front of an enemy, sending them spiraling backwards, and possibly off the stage. Does no damage.
    Rahkshi of Heat Vision:
    Speed: Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average, can glide
    Swim: Below Average
    B - Heat Vision; The RoHV launches a beam of heat vision at enemies, which does medium damage. Can be used multiple times in a row.
    Side B - Staff Twirl; The RoHV twirls its staff in front of it, damaging enemies. Similar to Pit's Side-B attack.
    Down B - Heat Vision Charge; Similar to Heat Vision, but creates one powerful blast by charging it. After use, it takes awhile to recharge.
    Up B - Flight; The RoHV soars into the sky, allowing for brief controlled flight.
    Final Smash - Heat Blast; The RoHV launches a blast of Heat Vision that causes extreme damage (70+) to any enemies it hits.
    Notes: RoHV can glide, similar to Pit and Charizard.
    Speed: Above Average
    Power: Above Average
    Jump: Average
    Swim: Below Average
    B - Sword Strike; The Skrall thrusts his sword foward, causing medium damage.
    Side B - Sword Strikes; Allows the Skrall to deliver multiple sword strikes in a row.
    Down B - Sword Counter; Parries direct attacks, causing damage to the attacking enemy.
    Up B - Skrall Sword Jump; The Skrall jumps into the air with his sword pointed up, causing damage. Also good for recoveries.
    Final Smash - Skrall Amry; Skrall calls in an army of Skrall and Rock Agori, which attack enemies.
  15. Toa Nidhiki05
    Apparently I missed this by about 6 months, but how in the heck did Bon Jovi get passed up in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame for ABBA? ABBA was a freaking pop group! Regardless of your opinion of Bon Jovi, you have to admit they have better 'rock' credentials to get in over a freaking POP GROUP!
  16. Toa Nidhiki05
    I think I'm switching my primary to Pokemon Trainer; he has some attacks that rack up tons of damage quickly, and then some very effective 'smash' attacks to finish the opponent off.
    The only real issues with him are his final smash, which is very easy to dodge on most levels due to relatively long start-up lag, and the whole stamina deal. Otherwise, he's a good character.
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