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Toa Nidhiki05

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Blog Entries posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Toa Nidhiki05
    Check out the NEW and IMPROVED Spartans club here.
    Takama: Pony Exterminator-Tyson515 on MLN Sparta Admin
    Toa Nidhiki05: Toa of Air-ToaNidhiki05on MLN Sparta Admin
    AnakinFan-toa-of-fire-jaller on MLN Sparta Moderator
    #1 bionicle fan 2008-exo-forcefan on MLN Sparta Moderator
    Toa of Comedies-MutranFan on MLN, Awaiting if he wants to be a Sparta Admin
    Bydi: Fallen Hero-Megacool850 on MLN, Awaiting if he wants to be a Sparta Moderator
    Gatanui-AdrianGeorg on MLN ,Awaitng if he wants to be a Sparta Mentor
    BioNewsObsessed-xtreme13 on MLN
    cyberleader p274: Paden274 on MLN
    Banned/Suspended Members:
    SPARTA points:
    Toa of Comedies: Infinite SPARTA points
    Takama: Pony Exterminator: Infinite SPARTA points
    Toa Nidhiki05: Toa of Air: Infinite SPARTA points
    Bydi: Fallen Hero: 10 SPARTA points
    *AnakinFan*: 6 SPARTA points
    BioNewsObsessed: 10 SPARTA points
    #1 bionicle fan 2008: 10 SPARTA points
    Gatanui: 10 SPARTA points
    BioNewsObsessed-xtreme13 on MLN: 10 SPARTA points
    cyberleader p274: Paden274 on MLN: 10 SPARTA points
    -TN05: Toa of Air
  2. Toa Nidhiki05
    This is a little club for my MLN friends to post in.
    Known BZPower member MLN Friends:
    Tyson515 BZPower name: Takama:Pony Exterminator
    toa-of-fire-jaller BZPower name: AnakinFan
    Bioran23 BZPower Name: Bioran23
    Unkown whether they are BZPower member friends:
    Pending Friends:
    Friends, feel free to post!
  3. Toa Nidhiki05
    Gathered friends, the worst has happened - Swert has replaced BIONICLESector01 with HEROSector01!
    We must resist and overthrow the tyrant before he can spread his evil to other forums - join the resistance to return BIONICLESector01 and respect the legacy of Crystal Matrix!
  4. Toa Nidhiki05
    Basically, this is a counterpart to the Full Bronie List. This list is for BZPers that do not consider themselves bronies (or pegasisters); casual MLP fans that do not consider themselves part of the bronie/pegasister community can be added as well if they desire. If you want to be included, either post here or PM me.
    This is not a club - this should simply be an informative list of those who do not identify as bronies. As such, all comments should directly pertain to the list, and not be aimed at either side.

    The List


    Toa Nidhiki05

  5. Toa Nidhiki05
    The club is for fans of BIONICLE. Now, some people think that they are a better fan then another person, and, to a certain extent, that can be considered (partially) correct. However, I believe the idea that some people are 'truer' fans then others is just plain wrong, and I'm quite confident that is hitting the nail on the head with this.
    A fan can choose to be 'blind', or they can choose to not be 'blind' (unless they, you know, actually are blind, in which case they really have no choice on the matter). A fan can think BIONICLE is absolutely perfect and worship it, or they can think it is flawed. A fan can hate Hero Factory with every ounce of their existence, or they can absolutely love it. A fan can try and revive BIONICLE, or he choose not to.
    A fan can do whatever he wants with his fandom, and it does not make him any more 'true' of a fan. A 'true' fan isn't unilaterally decided by some random person who thinks up a definition off the top of his head, and that label certainly does not give someone the right to demean others because they disagree; 'true' fans are no more or less 'true' than anyone else.
    In other words, to sum it up, any fan of BIONICLE is a 'true' fan, regardless of their viewpoint. A 'true' fan can worship BIONICLE and despise Hero Factory, or he can be glad BIONICLE ended.
    Does this mean we don't think there are varying 'degrees' of fandom? Of course not; some fans of BIONICLE may be casual fans, others may be hardcore fans who own every set. Is the 'hardcore' fan a bigger fan then the 'casual'? In terms of his activity, yes; however, the 'casual' fan is no less 'true' of a fan then the 'hardcore' one.
    Simply put, all fans are equal, none are more 'true' than others.
    That is what we, some of the fans of BIONICLE, believe. Doubtless some other fans of BIONICLE will disagree, but they have every right to.

    Members Toa Nidhiki05
    A Shattered Land

    -Toa Nidhiki05
  6. Toa Nidhiki05
    Welcome to the Vahki Club, a club responsible for reminding people of BIONICLE heroics. More will be posted later when I get info from Lego Transformers Guy. Post here ONLY if you have joined the club. Anybody can join, but I'll delete posts of non-members until they join.
    Seeing as our job is to remind people of BIONICLE heroics, any topics made by Vahki Club members that fit our purpose will be put here:
    Vahki Club Topics:
    Bionicle Quiz by me, Toa Nidhiki05
    Favorite Toa, favorite Element by me, Toa Nidhiki05
    Land of Vahki by Phillipnova789
    Lego Transformers Guy:
    Jobs: He has yet to tell me, but he probably founded this.
    Toa Nidhiki05:
    Jobs: Banner and Avatar maker, RPG maker, Games and Trivia guy, Newspaper guy, Theory writer, Story writer, Software guy, BBC builder spriter, and Vahki Club Blog entry guy.
    Toa Inika Nuparu Rules
    Kome the artist
    Chirox el Aereo Habinate
    The Notorious V
    Vamprah:Silent hunter
    Lego Transformers Guy
    Toa Nidhiki05
    Toa Inika Nuparu Rules
    Kome the artist
    Chirox el Aereo Habinate
    The Notorious V
    Vamprah:Silent hunter
    TAHNOK 502
    PM me or Lego Transformers Guy if you want to join.
  7. Toa Nidhiki05
    I know I've gotten involved in some testy situations on here, but I really get upset whenever something blows over on here. For a website that I've been on for over half a decade, it really disappoints me that we can be so disruptive to each other. It's always bothered me how people can be so vicious on the internet due to a disagreement on something, but in real life we're more willing to be nice and talk. I have an idea: let's treat our internet relations just like you would treat a relationship with a friend, a co-worker, a classmate, or a roommate. If you wouldn't say it to any of those people in real life, don't say it on here. Conversely, treat interactions like you would with them - if something concerns you, tell them up-front and in a way that won't make them ignore the message.
    Remember, we're all BIONICLE fans - can't we come together as a community and try and help understand each other, not tear each other down? If somebody says something that isn't right, there isn't a need to yell at them or say how terrible they are - explain what is wrong about it, and why it offends you personally. Understanding never hurt anyone, and that's all I am going to say.
  8. Toa Nidhiki05
    Anyone have an idea what people who hate MLP or Broniacs (credit to Zarayna for that term) should call ourselves? The other side has the advantage of unity, signified by their pony avs. What can we do to identify ourselves, fellow broniac haters (if you are out there)?
  9. Toa Nidhiki05
    Well, it appears I (thankfully) missed another blow-up on here. I have no clue what happened, but I assume someone made an insensitive or offensive comment and people took offense to it. If that's the case, (s)he probably deserved it... But that's not the biggest problem I see here.
    The community is split in half. One half has one view, one half the other. Most people are respectful, but a few on both sides can't stand everyone on the other. That is a major problem. A split of opinion is not a bad things - much good has come from people who have different views, but respect each other and try and get around those differences. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams are a good example, and in more recent times it would be George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. No good can come from people - regardless of which side they stand on, which beliefs they endorse, which religion they are - disrespecting huge chunks of society. People who think everyone that disagrees with them is a disgusting bigot who deserves to be belittled, ridiculed, and robbed of the respect that we all as human beings are entitled to are the problem in our society. Being a 'tolerant' person does not give you the excuse to treat others poorly, and being a 'righteous' person does not give you a right to treat others poorly... As a matter of fact, nothing gives you the right to treat others poorly.
    I can't speak for everyone who believes what I do, but I believe that everyone is equal and that, regardless of how you see someone else's beliefs or lifestyle, they are human and you are just as messed up as they are. I believe we share more in common than not, and I believe we would truly understand our neighbor more if we laid down the pitchforks and started talking about things. Does that mean that you can't disagree with someone, or view something they do as wrong? Of course it doesn't - we are given a moral compass for a reason, and calling out true evil deserves to be done. But it does mean you should treat them as you would treat yourself, your family, your friends, your beliefs, and your country. I'm not perfect, and I mess up on this a lot... But I want to strive to view things that way. And you know what? Nothing can excuse not reaching out to someone. If you disagree with them, guess what? That's life. Nobody is going to think exactly the way you do, and you are going to disagree with people. To me, I think if we could just sit down and talk, we'd find more in common than you might think. We are all human, and most all of us strive to do what is right by our beliefs and our country... Even if it is just that little, that's still a great thing we share. You might have to agree to disagree, but who knows - maybe that could help you, and your opposite, out a little bit. People are different - we're all different - but we are all people.
    But, it's a shame that such an event could likely never happen here. It pains me to see this community I've been a part of for a third of my life be torn apart by intolerance from people, and that's really all I'm getting at. Can't we just agree to disagree, get on with our lives, and get back to being the best LEGO community on the internet? I miss the days when I could truly say that about our community. I miss the days when, instead of yelling at each other and taking sides and names, we could just talk about our shared interest.
  10. Toa Nidhiki05
    I need to figure out which seat I am going to sit in by Friday.
    Any advice? I only have 4 more days until Friday (which is before Saturday, after Thursday, and a week before Friday) to decide so I can party and have funfunfunfun.
  11. Toa Nidhiki05
    So, I've pretty much set in mind I am going to get a 3DS in the next few weeks. I have more than enough money at the moment, but I think I'm only going to buy the console and one game at the moment. Now, the difficult thing is deciding which game to buy. I'm wavering between Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So, BZP, which would you recommend?
  12. Toa Nidhiki05
    I was initially skeptical about the 3DS but Paper Mario 3DS, Animal Crossing 3DS and a sequel to Luigi's Mansion are more than enough to warrant buying one, methinks.
  13. Toa Nidhiki05
    BS01 just got attacked by a vandal who shall not be named. He got dealt with within a matter of minutes. LET THAT BE A WARNING TO ANY POTENTIAL VANDALS.
  14. Toa Nidhiki05
    There is no question in modern society that people in general don't respect other people, especially in arguments. For some, it is because they don't feel like others deserve their respect due to some aspect of their person. For others, it is because the other person don't believe exactly what they believe. Both sides are wrong - respect is a two-way street.
    Calling people names or accusing them of being 'sexist', for example, is not acceptable in an argument. Take a look at this image:

    That is the argument pyramid. As you can see, calling someone a name like 'sexist' clearly falls all the way at the bottom of the pyramid. If you were in a real debate, you would be looked at as a fool for using any of the bottom four arguments even once. If one of the candidates called each other a nasty name in a Presidental debate, you would see his popularity fall because it simply isn't befitting of a leader to be name-calling. If you have the better stance, try to prove it through one of the top three - it does not reflect well on you or what you support to call people names instead of proving why they are wrong. Instead of insulting the other person, a cheap distractionary tactic in a debate that gives you little to no merit, try and use the top three - any of them are great ways to support your view. You are the representative of your stance in a debate - try to act like it.
    So in short:
    a) Respect other people even if they disagree with you or even if you don't feel like they deserve it
    b) Don't resort to the bottom four levels of the pyramid; use the top three and prove your point through logic and reason.
  15. Toa Nidhiki05
    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is fantastic. My town, Ericton (before you ask, yes, my name is Eric and yes, I named the town after myself), is growing quite rapidly and it's all thanks to my beetle farming hard work and determination! I've already got three bridges, a fountain, and a two-story house with a basement coming tomorrow.
    I just love the way this game works - it almost seems like a sequel to both the first one (one of my favorite games of all time) and City Folk, because all of the features in them are either here or heavily improved upon. Town modifications are a natural progression from the first game's signboards and random bridge creations, and the more functional island and Main Street (which is what the city should have been like) bring out the best of both games. I know some people are going gaga over the addition of shoes and pants/dresses, but it's not a big deal to me - I've never really cared about accessories (aside from the Link costume in City Folk. That was pretty cool.). There is one minor fault with this, though - my brother found a beard and kaffiyeh at Able Sisters and the natural reaction was 'I'm going to be Moses!', but having a toga with pants was just weird and trying the toga as a dress looked really, really weird. So yeah, you can't really make a convincing Moses in this game, which is a shame cause Moses is freaking awesome to have as a costume in AC.
    Moses aside, I really like this game. It's as close as Animal Crossing has ever gotten to recreating the feel and experience of the first one, and that is pretty freaking awesome. For the record, here are how I would rank all the Animal Crossing games:
    1. The original (the absolute best one, with so many features that it is just as fun to jump in today as it was in 2002)
    2. New Leaf
    3. City Folk (I know some people hate it, but I thought it was fun for a while)
    4. Wild World (If you have New Leaf, you don't ever need to buy this game. It isn't bad, but it ripped out a lot of what made the first one so great.)
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