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Toa Nidhiki05

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Blog Entries posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Toa Nidhiki05
    So I watched the documentary today, and it was very impressive. It was extremely impartial, which makes it quite different than some of the more politically charged accounts, and Tom Hanks did a very good job narrating the whole thing. It was also very accurate to period, which led to the usual issues one might have with a period drama - mainly, the usage of what is now a racial slur. However that is obviously something that any accurate reproduction would take. If you want a good look at what happened before, during, and after the assassination, I'd highly recommend Killing Lincoln.
  2. Toa Nidhiki05
    It's a shame anyone has to hide who they are. I don't like that at all. Be it something important like your sexual orientation, religion, or relationship partner, or something trivial like your favorite hobby or band, nobody should have to hide who they are and what they believe. And that's why I talking here today.
    I don't think we'll ever truly get rid of the closet. Why? Because we can't talk to each other without getting into a fight. People with different views can't have a discussion without one of them lashing out in anger. People can't explain why they believe in something, because people don't want to hear it. This isn't just a left-right deal; it is internal, even inside movements that supposedly unite people. Our lack of ability to communicate is pulling all of us back. The fact is, there is more common ground between us than we all might think.
  3. Toa Nidhiki05
    DiGiorno's "Pizza & Cookies" may just be the best thing ever created. 1 full pizza + 12 chocolate chip cookies, and they are ALL MINE!
  4. Toa Nidhiki05
    I'm placing it here after mine got closed. I don't want my review to be crushed, buried, and smothered in the Review topic. It's just not my thing.
    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.
    The box is an average BIONICLE box, with Gali Mistika looking through her laser crosshair at you. On the back you see pictures of Tanma attaching to the back of Gali, the standard safety warnings, and pictures of the masks of all 6 canister sets. One thing to note is that the Kanohi Ignika is the lid, with one half being a normal Ignika, but the other being deformed and scratched. Possible storyline clue? Only time will tell...


    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?
    It took about 2-3 minutes to build Gali Nuva. Very quick, easy build. But the neat thing is the Nynrah Ghost Blaster does not come built. You have to build it yourself. That adds a little bit of fun to the set. The mask also needs to be assembled, adding the 'wings'.
    The Nynrah Ghost Blaster.

    Gali Nuva without Nynrah Ghost Blaster.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.
    As you can see, the new pieces include Gali's adapted Kaukau Nuva, the Crosshair thing, her shoulder armor, the jet packs, the 'wings' for her mask, the Nynrah Ghost Blaster pieces, and ammo. That is a pretty good chunk of new pieces.

    The shoulder armor is definately one of my favorites, and the Blaster is the best projectile launcher ever. The mask, however, is very odd-looking for a Toa of Water.
    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?
    The Nynrah Ghost Blaster fires pretty far, farther than the Midak Skyblaster. Sadly, one of the Nynrah ammo doesn't fire very far at all. The lack of a Toa Tool besides the blaster isn't at all good, but the scope attachment makes up for it.
    Gali Nuva with Gorast's wing for a sword

    Overall, Gali is a very good set in terms of playability.
    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?
    What's to like?
    *Nynrah Ghost Blaster
    *Laser Crosshair
    *Shoulder Armor
    Things you might like, might not, or might be indifferent to.
    *Tanma can attach to Gali Nuva.
    *New Kaukau Nuva mask
    *Jet Rockets on feet
    What's not to like?
    *The price-$13 U.S. dollars
    *No personal weapon
    All in all, Gali Nuva is a must-have set. I'd give it a 9/10.
    So that is the review for Gali Nuva. Hope it helps! Now, onto Gorast:
    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.
    Once again, this is an average BIONICLE containter. As with Gali, it has a picture of how Radiak can hook up to Makuta Gorast, pictures of all the canister set masks, and the safety warnings. In my opinion, Makuta Gorast's pose is much better than Gali's.


    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?
    It took me about 2 minutes to finish this set, as it has fewer pieces than Gali. One interesting thing to note is that Gorast has Matoran arms for her arms, so she cannot pose as well as Gali. Another is that Makuta Gorast's Kanohi Felnas slips on like a Toa Hordika mask, limiting MoCing possibilities.
    Completed Gorast

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.
    Makuta Gorast has a lot of new pieces. She has new wings (which are good swords too), two types of new claws, her Kanohi Felnas, and her Nynrah Ghost Blaster pieces. Also, her back has no armor.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?
    Sadly, because of her arms and legs being Matoran ones, she is not as playable as Gali. Her new Claws add playability to the set, as well as her awesome Nynrah Ghost Blaster. I tried attaching Radiak to her back, but he didn't fit very well. She is an O.K. set in terms of playability. Her Nynrah Ghost Blaster fires a little better than Gali's, and both Blaster ammos work.
    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?
    What's to like?
    *Nynrah Ghost Blaster
    *Two new Claws
    *Kanohi Felnas
    What's not to like?
    *The price-$13 U.S. dollars
    *Radiak dosn't attach to Gorast well
    *Matoran arms and legs
    *Armor-less back
    Gorast is an O.K. set, but I wouldn't recommend it as strongly as Gali Nuva. However, Mocists will like the new claws and sword-like wings, so it excells in that area. Overall, I give it a 7.8.
    Hope you enjoyed my reviews! I'll add more once I get more 2008 sets.
  5. Toa Nidhiki05
    OK, here are the results so far:
    The vast majority (74% or 90 votes) of BZPower members say they like Hero Factory. Only 12% (14 votes) dislike, and a slightly larger margin of 14% (14 votes) don't care either way.
    Also, the vast majority (62%, or 75 votes) of BZPower members like BIONICLE better than Hero Factory, and only around 2% (3 votes) of BZPower members like Hero Factory better; this is expected, as HF is much younger than BIONICLE. However, 36% of voters (43 votes) claim to like them both equally.
    Also, a plurality of voters (47%, or 57 votes) would have preferred LEGO have jointly sold BIONICLE and Hero Factory sets. An additional 17% (20 votes) would have liked LEGO to have continued BIONICLE and not released Hero Factory, meaning about 64% would have liked LEGO to continue releasing BIONICLE sets. 33% (41 votes) were content with what LEGO did, while only 1 voter would have liked LEGO to have cancelled BIONICLE and not released Hero Factory.
    Overall, the opinion I am getting from the poll is that most BZPower members like Hero Factory, but would have preferred LEGO have kept the sets going in some regard. Feel free to comment if you disagree.
  6. Toa Nidhiki05
    Here would be his moveset:
    B- Slingshot: Fires shots in air, similar to Bullet seed but slower, each does 3 damage
    Side B- Axe: Slices air, does 7 damage
    Down B- Pitfall: Takes shovel and burys pitfall, up to two on screen at once
    Up B- Fishing Rod: Takes out fishing rod for a tether recovery, does 2 damage
    Side Smash-Axe Charge: Does 20 damage when fully charged
    Up Smash- Slingshot Charge: Does 23 damage when fully charged:
    Down Smash- Axe Down Charge: Does 21 damage when fully charged
    Normal Attack: Punch combo: If it connects, unleashes punch combo, 3 damage each
    Slide Attack: Slide, does 6 damage
    Final Smash: Golden Axe: AC Charecter pulls out the legendary Golden Axe, and attacks 1 player for 57 damage, almost always KO.
    Also, like Wario's classic costume, AC charecter can have 4 male colors and 4 female colors.
  7. Toa Nidhiki05
    So the Rams tied the 49ers 24-24 after an overtime of missed opportunities; this is the first tie game since 2008. Americans pride ourselves in having next to no ties in our football (an aspect that makes football better than soccer IMO), but a tie was very much deserved here.
  8. Toa Nidhiki05
    So glad to see my Panthers annihilate a team for two weeks in a row. Too bad we couldn't play like this earlier in the year, but finishing on a strong note is great.
    On another more, how on earth did the Lions lose to the Cardinals? They lost 58-0 last week. I thought the Lions were better than this, honestly
  9. Toa Nidhiki05
    Apparently I missed this by about 6 months, but how in the heck did Bon Jovi get passed up in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame for ABBA? ABBA was a freaking pop group! Regardless of your opinion of Bon Jovi, you have to admit they have better 'rock' credentials to get in over a freaking POP GROUP!
  10. Toa Nidhiki05
    Hey everybody, I just wanted to give an update on my comics series and Treason.
    *First off, I'm going to be working on a reboot of my comics series with my brother, which some of you know on here as 'AnakinFan'. We'll try and get a script done for the first series in a couple weeks. Any PGS characters are free to reapply, but these comics won't be related very much to any of my old series.
    *Treason will be finished by the end of February, with a hopeful aim of 2 more chapters and an epilogue. I may or may not write a sequel/prequel if there is demand for one. Rest assured it won't have nearly as many main characters in it.
    That's all for now, but be on the lookout for these in the future. If you were a TN05's Comics PGS, I'll send a PM out soon asking if you want to stay on.
    -Toa Nidhiki05
  11. Toa Nidhiki05
    So I got the album and, after a week or so to listen, here are my thoughts:
    "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall", "Hurts Like Heaven", "Charlie Brown", and "Paradise" are all excellent. "Don't Let It Break Your Heart" and "Up In Flames" are both great. "U.F.O.", "Up With The Birds", and "Major Minus" are OK. "Us Against The World" and "Princess of China" are my least favorites on the album. The musical interludes are all good, but "Mylo Xyloto" is the best.
    Basically, "Mylo Xyloto" is a good album, but nowhere near as good as "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends" - there aren't any airy guitar-pop songs like "Strawberry Swing" or "Life in Technicolor", and not a single harder-edged song like "Violet Hill". It's a decent buy compared to other albums, but not as good as Coldplay's previous effort.
  12. Toa Nidhiki05
    Seeing as I haven't updated my comics in a while, I think I should give you all an update:
    The script is pretty much set so far (thanks to a good friend of mine who helped a bunch), but I am working on a whole slew of sprites I need for it, which is what is holding it up. As soon as I get those done, I can get to work on the comic.
    So no, I haven't given up on the comics; it is just taking much longer than I originally thought.
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